THE WEST SHORE. May, 1879. 148 tuuuoi oiiYom and oum In I'liwciia "Mnlontioa oi Ihe Uosortdo lUver l the WhI," OOOUI the following de al uplion ill the Terrace canyon, which are cut ihi. .u.i. tliriii gnat llOHif) plateaus: "Con reive ill three great geographic terraces, many hundred feet high, ami many mile, in width, I. .inn 1.,' a ,1.11 .tairway from tlm Poom .m fTwiK ""!'. Iw'I'iw, tn thn tlm valliy nf the I111U, above. Tlm lower step n( tin. tairway, the Orange cllHa, is mine than I, '.'(Ml !. . 1 I.., I.. ..i.l the at. ) it.. II ! two Of three score mile. III width. 'I In at-inlnl step, the llook chlla, ia '.'.(MR) Of more feet high, anil a HON nl I. in width, Tin' thud or iiiier tci, ta mure than '.',000 lent high. I'eaaing along thu ktep, lot two or three arnre mile., we reach the valley nl the 1'iiita, hut thu vallry in n. it (1,(100 or fl.lKKI feel higher than the 7'oom j.i.i D in. '.11 '...' . ;., lor the atairway in li.nd I, award. "('I1111I1 the Orange cliff. I, '.'00 (eel high, and go mirth Ui the (mil nl the ItiHik cliffs, and you have gradually descended ao that at the (mil of tin It... a chlla ..n are not more than 100 leet almvn the I.H.t ol I In' Orange ililTa In like ihm Mw foot 1.1 Hm Brawi iliA U bat 900 I eel higher than the toot of tho lliH.k cliff., and the valley i.l Ihe I'mta I. lint quite Mm (i i t higher than 111. Itluw n llllk. " I .. M by land In. in the valley nl the White lllirr to the '.."in fin Minimi' I'll 10001), VOQ mii.t gradually, aluuial inq.i i, . .til.l I liinh an mbj .... to llin ..nth, for 40 or .VI imlea, until ton attain an altitude nl UN M 1,000 m aUive the starting mint. Then )mt deat'eitd Imtn the dial terrace. In an aliriiit atep, in a I. Mt BltU ooOjlinniBi t.. the Kniitii yon gradually climb again, until Jim attain an alti til. I' .1 i than I, tall feat, when villi arrive at the brink nl aimlln i . I ill . and din en. 1 abruptly to the ..i nl tin I. .weal terrace. Still rileudiug your Iraveli in the aame directum, yuu climb gradually fur a third tin until MM tin lunik nl tin thud line id I'lihY or the edge of the eecatpliielit nl the Inwel terrace, and hem tnu .li.. i ml hi annllier kllddeli step tat the plaue n the river, the iiiNr terrace through the I'anynn ol I hnlatioii, Ihe middle terrace through lirat canyon, and the third lhiuih'h labyrinth canyon. "The l.ii.lkiii- ink. kiln Mil nil thlk iage, Ik intended It klu.o thoae lngraphif leatiirea The eei ai.n.. nt Mow in the Inregroiind, tmtmmDt Mm orange i lath, at the i..t ol i i. Minlh .in .11. U,e eeaMiid ce. arpmeiil , the Itooa olilta, at the font ol lirwv canyon; the third, away iii the di.tauce, the limwn ililla, at the lout nl till I alivnli nl I teenlallnll It will t aeon Dial Ihe three tahlra (in line to the north, and are aluiipUy terminated hy rlilla on the aonUi I' or wanl ol tia. e tin a In I.- i in i Hal. i I M . 111. K ik ahorUiie.1 In the three canyon, there are three dlkllll. I erllek nl lirdk, larlnnglllg to three distinct geological -nU In Ihe I anyoli nl Ikeaxilaltou we hate tertiary aandiUuieei in i .lav aiivii . let . soOatMO I. a'., and liniealoue . u lee. ii the head ..I Labyrinth .ant.. n ami th. f.. t ..I l mi .am ,,n, r. ka nl i rvtaveoui and jurwaatc aye ale Inund. hut ti n t are e.ll, and hate not wilhiUml the a Imn .i water t aa form a rany.ui Three lumi tionk diller nol .mlt in al tyre, hut alan a l i u. lure awt n4or." air. I'oweJI haa a Uvhniia) deaintition ol tlni I. it a. -a with thru gtidngn al uliaiiliea. atmeahal in detail I luetmoe are drawn frxxn their Uirmali.w ale., ht IVd U I'.mi. in hat rwat erurk on iJenhtgy, puhliahe.! hy AMdotM A IV, of New orh, in either of whi. li w.wka the mwUvi who u iiiUit lvl may i. ud I .ii tin i ilrUila HTKAW DYNAMITE. B kiil.iniii.iiig atrao u, boiliag ..(. ....u... for I . or IS hOBTI in an alkaline oolathw (aalta of amla or of ...l .-I. -i a temperature: of - to .'I' llaume, the atraw ia then oaaily diaiul.yrat. .', and the fatty or other aoluhlu mattera which it contain) are diaaolved and carried oil hy the water, when the hitter in withdrawn. Tho lihera are then triturated, and a ierfect waahing nil. t. .l at the aame time hy miiana of cither a cylinder "full engine, aimilar to thimc lined in paper nulla, or hy ineauaof revolving niillatoiicii. 1 1. H in.' the trituration a current of water should ciuiitaiitly waah the liUm. It ia eaai utial that thin pulp doM not retain any alkaline reaction, which ia cuaiircd hy add- A nitrn-cclluloao of atraw ii, according to Mr. A. infroy, of I'hartres, Prance, thuu obtained uf it teiy cncicLio ..Ann piupurty, ...... al the same time of great stability, qualities which the nitrO'Cclluluae of cotton does not possess. Tho absolute stability of this nitro-celluloae. of such importance to explosive bodies, is thus ex ; plained. The libers of the straw are formed of i cellulose containing in the state of combination ' a considerable quantity of silica in tho form of silicates. This silica acts in straw nitro-cellu-I lose in tho same way as in dynamite, fixing the nitro glycerine, and giving a stability to this substance, which it does not possess when it is I alone. Kurthis reason ho profcia oat straws, which contain more silica than the other straws, al though they also give good products. The frag. MRD.KYH vikw k tkukackxcanyons. Itttf . 1 1 I I ' I i . B....I ... I l tl 1 I ... " I iitoni ciuoriile acnt ill aiif. Ini. nl .piantity th,t the waahin,! water haa klightly arid reaction. The litavrw thus tntur atetl and pr pan. I an-. alter haviuglenk.rie, tly dne.1. ratal t., lOOWIfi the roactioiu which ren.l. r lheinepl.,va. To lacillUU the nianii,. ulaUona. the i.uh. i. treated by the (taper ma chine, and ahould prtalu,, a sheet weighing kl. nl Ski grammes M the s.)uare meter The thu knew, may l w,n Thi, thu. I.,rtur.l ,. cut bto fragment, three or four mil iimter. k iuare. immerard in nitro subihuric a. ..I. ami well ..abed To tranafurm Ihe ma lenal. into ntln. eellul.aa, more et-ononncally the fra,nienu may W immeraed in a cmponpii ..I n.tiale of aU or ol ...UJi and wnoentrata.1 alurc k. the reaull Iwng the aame. menu of straw nitro-oelluloso thus neutralised and retaining a alight alkaline reaction, are put, after having been drained, into a nitric solution containing dextrin, and if required powdered charcoal in a state of suspension. These solu tion, vary with the uses to which the explosive is intended to In put. Tiix following conversation actually occurred at the recent l,oau exhibition at Albany: Young Isdy (earnestly looking at a picture across the alcove i ! wonder if these are Landaeer's." touug man (who happened to be near) "I thought they were dogs.-1 Y. L. (repressing a smile l ' e.. but are they lnd.eer'sr Y.M. (blushing, and suspecting a breed ol dogs un known to him) -"I thought they were pointers. "