The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1879, Page 144, Image 16

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    May, 1879,
Now that the Territory of An un ia coming
into prominence u a lislil (or agricultural anil
minion infinitum, I g iiorool liy a railway
ami populated by many immigrants, it is timely
to I' ' hi lor a moment to the 1 who are
Imng supplanted, and whose wild life in ilaily
M curbed anil checked, tine of the Indian
tribe inhabiting AriMinaia tin Apaches, known
11 pr) where aa among tho wnrat, the tnimt
treacherous anil relenth'aa of the linlian rtOti
Thtir raiiU hare brought grief to mauy travel
era or settlers in their ilomain, ami their hail
name haa horn aioken w ith no ration in many
quiet neighborhood! at the Kaal, aa their mur
dare bae robbed i-a. eful llreniileaof thoae who
hava gona nut 011 ventures or in the service of
th oouiilry.
Our engravings show typical fonns uf the
Av he Indians as secured by Mr. K. Oooklia
lor hia "I'd tureaiiie Ariuina," and engraved by
the 1 'Mil on nt Nterenerniiiu Coniny of New
Vnrk. In connection with these engravings we
cannot do lielter than to compile a few interest
ing aUtementa concerning the traits of these
Indiana, aa they were gamed by Mr. I'oiiklin,
chiefly by Ins oon venations with K loivermn
Harford ol Ariuina, who waa a leader in the
early negotiations by which ieacc waa llnnl I
secured Utween the Aiachea and the people uf
th Terrtory.
The Aiaches are ol medium sue, physically
puck anil ' Im. and are capable M enduring liiii,Ulni. I heir muscles nf Incomiitinii
lave lieell developed tn the fullest cltolit. and
they are capable id moving with great
rapidity. Intellectually tin y are very ahrewd,
have good command ol language, are quite
witty and lond ol lokitig
(iovarnor Sflurd waa preaeul at the tirst at
tempt to make a general ieace lictwccu them,
and Uie whitaa, and the Iriemlly Indians. The
conference laated two days; and the chiefs who
spoke for the Indiana argued their point with
great ingenuity, and far duelled 111 shrewdness
th. tame Indians. The iiriiicil .p, kmnmi,
u that occasion, md who is now chief of the
Asrhe, is named Kakimeiuen. I shall never
lowet with what pride and pomp he rtMle down
to Uie pla. e of meeting on Ins noble charger,
with his favorite squaw seated hcliiiid him'
He was then el-out 3. years old. tall and
straight, and moved with the dignity and uide
pen.lrncr of a k ing.
t'.-hia the greatest war chief the
i 1 ...... 1.. 1 11 1 1
light, ami waa a natural U.rn chid lie was
kind Ui his men, and never tu-d foo4 until
they ware Ural supplied. Hut he I lasted m re
turn, Implicit obedience to his commands, ami s
very alight deviation cat the offender his hie
lie kail bo mar hesitation in plunging his p. sr
through the bcatt ' one of his own men, than
in killing an enemy ill Utile Ilr waa a man
ol great energy, of superior ability and limine.
IW-T"". "A M generallv faithful to his
premise. II. waa tall. Uaighl and , omman.l
H n nr. and hie features were regular
with a ida. id. though rather sail countenance
Me rarely er smiled, and was thoughtful and
etu.lie.1 m ail his rlpreaeliins ulked Ui bun
of lev MMrior aalvenlam of civilisation, but
he replied. "I ant too old t.. aopt ne , ,,,
taaav ' He had captive with him ho could
spaa ana rswl tn. p,iith laniruaire. and I..
waa well advieral ol everything the nr.,.,
l niea. lie riprcaaral a ileeirr that
his cMMivn should learn to read and write
twit nf ut old tnipl. he said, "you i-an mak.
nothing of us but wild mm ' He itie.1 a n.ini.l
death three pan ago iHirtnc uie last three
rears of ku lit be and his people bred at - . .
wiui in. ctuarns 01 Annua, Mil camel on a n
war against the Me v nans acme the
brought on the reservation, and have become
tame, and acquainted with civilization, they
have undergone a great change, mid appear like
a different people. They have commenced to
lalnir, and seem desirous many of them, to earn
their own living. They have accumulated some
projicrty, and it would now be difficult to drive a
large majority of them on the war path. They
have for several veara liecn self-governing; the
lice duties have Men entirely performed by
men lielonging to the tribe, and these police
men have 111 every instance been vigilant and
tme. In one instance an Indian attempted to
kill the 1'. S. Agent at the reservatimi, but was
almost instantly killed himself by his brother,
who waa acting aa a jHiliceman.
Ily Indian custom the woman is the property
of the man. hen an Indian desires to marry,
E00TI8TIO Talkkhs. Almost everv nirel.
blessed with the egotist, who exercises a kind
of dictatorship over it. Are yon in mistake as
to a matter of fact ? He cannot Buffer you to
proceed until you are corrected. Have you a
word on the end of your tongue ? He at onoe
comes to your relief. Do you talk bad gram
mar ? He quotes rules and gives examples like
a pedagogue. Does he discover there is a link
wanting in the chain of your argument? He
bids you stay till he has supplied it. Do you
drop a word to which he has devoted much re
search ? He inquires its primitive signification,
and directly inflicts upon the circle a long philo
logical disquisition. When you relate an inci
dent which you suppose new and affecting, your
friend listens without emotion. When vou
have done, he oliserves that he has heard the
he purchases his wife from tho father. A man 1 same long ago, and adds a very material circum-
'MawttyM aB Njt Mj llsssl
aaaW 1 BY ' ar avjawasaaaasn?
!. : V
.. .11 1 .
m mmn, c. a. many wive aa he ,. ,,U. to pur- 1 stance which vou omitted. II. is never taken
. 1 iv in oil 11 DTnmriv 1., .1,, 11 ,1 1, 1... 1 , . 1 . ... . . ,
11 ' "j ""I misc. aim 11 is imiHisaible tomve nini any
:'i -, . . .a tw- ..
i"i"iii..uion. Ami yet lie never take tlie lean
he pleaaca.
kill her if
Ktax Iht Apkbc Indians have be
He can lieat her at will, and even
lie BO 11 on.. II conrw !,. ia i a;. i:..l
anaaaaJ .,.,1 11. i ,T . " , ' " uuersvnin, nor anvanoes an origin-
V&mXJFJSZ rVi "",ul'nt.L l''l Pick up the word, which other, let .lip in
- liAbrt 1,'7""t''K in running talk, or to chek their imp.tU.ty,
t'n u than t T.u 1 Cl'"8 'T " U V" them their nuaskn..
... a. ian',rrev.,"::",.::V,'r. t ,l,I of.So.omon. hewouhl
anoth.r may r, ever
iwnwH-i her; ami the sentiment of a whole trilie
" mini m.n umtct against the efforts uf
egwU I,., hav. tried to correct the, abuaea.
A t ii.-i., , Kv.u. Mamma: "Now, Ar
thur, tw . g, u,y. ami uke your mclicine,
I mature deliWraUon): "I would rather mamma
was v rr) angry .
EJ" unjust or cruel : have flattcml the royal sage with an intimaUoo
thinks ,. interfering U. that some of hia proverb, were plagiariam. ; or
ha.1 he been a contemporary of Solomon 'a fatbef,
he would have felt himself bound to give lh
layer of tioliath aome lessons on the use of to.
shng, and hintexl tu the sweet ainger of Israel
hi. private opinion that the shepherd bard M
not jwrfectly uuderstand tbe use of the harp.
iiwui. Sittmi is living at Litii, Peon.,
comisaraUve poverty.