The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1879, Page 142, Image 14

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May, 1875.
HI'IUV oil si-ATI Kit WORK.
A great fforiotj ol hlHmhfllfl ninaintiuU of
spray or ntt work can Ih- made liy any MM,
ilh a little akill and iaIikiic. A tiily u( white
minim In lie decorated with a monogram or n
initial letter, sormuiided by fern leave, in one
of tin- iiiott 11. ful of those ornament. Tim
innnngraiiia mud ha cut nut lit car. I la.nrd or
heavy ier an I in illnl by pllia til til" 111 II nl I II,
w liii h it alroU'lied over a Iniard or 011 a Ualilff.
Dried li in leave ami graaie an- grouped around
Ilia molMigram, tlm lighter parti nl tlm duiign
made with tho graaan gotta 00 tlm niiUide.
I'hla group 01 pretty term la annily a OMtif
iiioee, ami lin n alioulil bt nuteulo Of It a wide
margin pfppoftioof) to tho otoo oj tho tidy, A
tinnier ef any deiirtd ilcaign may Ihi rut frnin
laper ainl failcm d to Mm edge of tin- tiily. I in
aateniug of everything that 1 a J m to make 11(1
tha deign alioulil Ihi piflo. art Hrieiidicularly
lit tho iMianl, ao that tin y ahall lint uliatruct tlm
fall of ink mi thn 11 11pm: ,-. ti . I part nf thn in in
111). The dmigu having Ihh-u prepared, thn limit
difficult wmk Unit of "ipottoriai poatly, bo
gnu Tho tooli impim-d are u uail liruih with
a atraight o.lgr, ami a hn. tia.lli i.nuih, or a pirer
of film win- gaur, thn material uidrlihlo ink fur
article that arn to he weahf.l Of tin. k luilian
ink for cii.l U.anl or paper OftM t. The
tip of the hruth fnrmiiig thn hruah an dJppd
111 the ink, ami tlm hriuh lieaten an ai to hiI
lb greater part of tlm ink taken up. Thn coin I.
Off wire gauge 11 then In I.I over the work anil
tin I. mil. drawn lights) m i l it. an that the ink
thua e lli i frnin the hruah will fall 111 a linn
pray OpOO the wmk. The mitral parte of the
design aie mule .Inker than tlm reat hy re
peat. I of (Oioff. Aftir tlm whnlo lie
aign hai r 1 . Ifod mm uniform (Ml of Ooloff, ami
tha ink haa duel, eaecnml may Ihi given, ami
then a thn. I. ali 1 la-ginning 111 tlm . i nter uml
moving with tin- ipiay "f ink towanli tlm outer
e Iga. Ai an ill ,t, rjrodttoiog a liuely ahaileil
vignette. .Iiaphrag nay Ih. ion) nomming of
pteeua of rii.ll. ni,l each wi.hh a circular or
oval (iieiiing in it eiiiing the ileiign. Thne
or (ntir nu ll with nH iinigi ..( 1I1II, rrnt
ilea ahoul.l lie Med, The DM with tlm large
hole la hut Nppofftod an in. h off two efaova the
whole w oik. ami the OBOttOfftOJ dlrrili.lala
lllghl a... I. unilir the r.lgei nf tho opening.
Kor the second coat, the 1I1 iphregin ..f tt ot
nae la used in the aamo way, ami en 011 until at
laat oulv the initial put nf the work receive a ..I ink ILlwr. n .a. I, . ! ol mk the outer
row nf graaaea ami I. a. . . ilmulil lie re ,..,,
rH.i,iig the lull,, rl.. pwOMtod parti ..! Ih. is
sign to one rmt ..I color. ly ilni luram the
.lenigo. M well ailin g.. .uml will lie shaded, ami
a Milteuod picture pn. In, ..I iiy the central
worn-ram will he w lute inlloiimlcd . k,
anil the .l.i gn will fade aaay into tha link
gmuml It M II I-' Ml lice .ttenng Mm,-
(ending mil. I. tune in I. lining rl.k.nt,. ,,.
signs, (or MM litis ikill i. nipnp.l Ui iln the
work mall) lamp il.i.iei ,,l ,ai.l ln ami
pepw, aerawnt f..r window . lamp mala, etc .
04ii Ik- deo..m..i Ih aame aa tnliea, hut the ma
Unali ali.wl.l lie rhangeil t mit tha puieiae for
arkich the wti. 1. 1 iffMMM aee Ui (4 n.
The Iravea of the oak. .( ny, of the nae ami
nullum ma U MJ hffM the ileaign. ami
altar the iiatk.img n AmK the forma of the
larger leal r. 111. 1 graiaaa ihouhl lie lightly veinnl
wiM man m in 11
Tlta lavtMiiK Ih. mvertor helpa (he
farmer, nl merrlv in otfM lime ami lojMff
aaving mram f..r gitimg in an.l harve.tms ul
crv.w; B"t men U II. l 'e. llllg n.rani ,. ,,
inn. 11 all. Mi hi I... I. the mi- .Inlant 1 . ki I.
are ma.U a.veanl.e. ami the cat ol InaMk
tMa an rnUoetl aa In givw value In the auiplui
nrwl9U of the annal lam; not ewwrely
in wall lifting an.l channg tha manforta
anil laauitew ol the fnrmnr'a h.mie. hut mil
mare ua home uukata for tha lanna
pnalw. in ni ami tl.ol prrvrnllng the
main uw u.r rrax.urvii ..I the ami im-olent ..
tne ritrUtion uf raw nxlncla. -Uerwaua
aaaaai aaagra a.
A gruat ileal ol aiiiuaoiiioul utu hu luaJo willi, ami with a little forethought, one can
proviile capital eutertaimneot for a holiday or
other winter evening party. Almout every one
II aware of the great variety of ahailow ri that
may he modi hy holding the lianila in diUcrcnt
pi.Mitimu. Vou have only to recollect that the
OMffaM in 1 ken the ihailuw, t ee at once how
droll ami striking thing can lie ahovui in thin
manner. Vuu w inh for example, to ahow a par
ticular bood'drOfO, It makca no dilTcrence
what the material, if it will coat a Hhadnw, or
what the reat of it ia, ao that the outline in aa
il.-nre.l. With a newapaier or two and a fow
piua, you can make any kind of boDDOt or head
dreai; atripi of paH-r drawn acroM a knife will
make curia, and a paper feather may hu clipped
III a few ndnOtOfl that will make aa line a
hailow ai the moat cnitly uatrich feather, 80
in dlo gulling or OOOtOOliog, paper, rugH, ahaula,
pillow 1, and the like, will allow comical or ele
gant ligurei to In- made at pleanuro and it any
one wiahi-N OffOWIIIj Rceptcra, keya, and other
tnbloBIO, hrow 11 paper 'I ill enough to hnhl ita
aha DO, or thin paHto-lHiard.old ribbOO anil other
DOM that may lie had at the aturea for the aak
tug, willauawur aa well aa the real thing. It
will Iki very 000 to make strangely aliaped
Inreheadi, comical noiiea and wnmferfiil china
out of paper, and tbooi may he held in place liy
OOtlM thread or -mall twine paaacil around the
head, an thin iIoch not allow. In allowing
ibadow picturea, aua'iid a aheet acroai a door,
all the ln.tter if a w ide or folding door. The
'. 1 in, are to lie on one aide and in the dark.
On thn other aide there ihouhl Ihi hut our very
troug light, and if will he hotter if thin haa a
reflector. II you have two lighta, the ahadowa
w ill Ihi donblt and apoil all. Thin light fcliould
ho lixed in aome aecure mnition at a liight
1 ' "it opmnite the porfoffffOOIt1 head; the heat
dlotMOO trun the aheet will he fnuiiil hy trial.
The Hirforniern aliuuld ntand clone to the nheet
to give a clear nhadnw, ami each one ihould
1.. ill. i t to hold whatever they may have, and
aim tn hold thitmndvea in junt HMitinn to make
the In-at ahailow. Then a atory or poem aliimhl
U aelecU .I which allow a of conniderahle move
ineiit, ami tlm character arranged Indorvhand
to ilhiitratn the atory w hile it ia heing read.
Some ol the w underfill Arahian Night' Tale
an- capital NUoott. Oomio piece like BolrOOO'
POOOfl, ' rim Tall Voung Oyaterman," will af
lonl much fun if illmtraled hy ridiculou ihail
ow . Of con ran inch thing go nIT better if a
ri luraal can lw had la fnrehaml.
Doll, depieanng, dingy day produce dupirit
mg 1. lle.-tiou and gloomy thimghU, and amall
won.l.r when we reiiminlKT that the mind u
not only a motive, hut a receptive organ, and
that all the improaiiiiu it receive from with
out rea. h it through the media of UU which
are ditcctly dOBOOdoOl on tlm comlttmui of
light ami atinmphere fur their action, and
iMrolori ituinialiately lolmrjod hy the sur
rounding cmi.lition ' It i a i-omtnnn aenae in
MIOaVM that it the impreaaioiii roaO without
ira. h t he 11. in. I through imperfectly acting or gam
ol imm. ami liuum impreaainn ihem..lvea are
art in a minor a-itfietlc key nf color,
general iiialitin, the mind mint he what ia
MM "mo-Hly." It ia not the nf even
aemil.le s.ple to make nilhcient allowance for
a i, of dullmai and luhjective weak
mil Some perenmi are more dependent on
Inial Bn-umatancr. ami cudiUon f.,r their
mrrgy or the .lunula. U,.t conVerU potja
lial into kmelu forx-e- than olhen; hut all
leel the ii,ilucno- of the world without, and to
mm ...tlueuoi tho ffJofe ami the weak are c
. tally,ve. Hence the vaning tempera,
n.enu ,. min.1 changing with tho' weather. tL
outlook and Ui. ittd.-W,f.
Some now optical deluaiom have been de
ncrilied by Dr. L. P. Thompoon. Tho ooa
uected with tho railroad may servo to relieve
the tedium of travel by affording an agreeable
exercise to the mind in endeavoring to explain
thorn. When a landscape ia observed from a
moving train, all objects to the remot horizon
appear to be passing in the contrary direotioo,
those nearest having the greatest velocity. Coo
scipiently, if the attention be lixed upon any
object at some distance from the line, all ob
jecta beyond will rolativoly appear to be mor
log fowartl with the train, while objects nearer
appear to be moving backward!. The combined
elFttct is to make the landscape appear to be ra
vnlving centrally round whatever point wa 6x
our attention upttn. Rain aoen from a moving
train always seema to be falling obliquely (ex
cept in a very strong gale io the direction of tho
train's motion) iu a direction opposite to that of
thn motion of the train. But it another train
happens to pass in the opposite direction, and
we look out at this and follow it with our eyes,
raitidrops falling between the two trains will
seem to lie Hying forward with ourctlvea, II
wo stand upon a platform of a station ami
watch a train approach, the end of the engine
appears to enlarge or swell aa it apiiroaunea, and
occupies a larger area of the held of vmion.
Conversely the end of tho last car on a return
ing train appears to shrink down and contract
a it diminishes in apparent magnitude, Aa
observer at somo slight elevation above a rail,
road, seeing two trains paaa along simultaneous
ly in opposite directions, will receive the ia
prunsiou of oue lung train moving round a
Th Shut or (iniL to Get The true girl
ha to hu sought for. She doea not parade her
self as show goods. She ia not fashionable.
Generally alio is not rich. Rut obi what a
heart aim haa when you tind her I so large and
pun and womanly. When you see it ye
wonder if thoso showy things outside ww
women. If you gain her love your two tboo
naud aro millions. She'll not ask vou for a car
rtage or a lirst claaa house. She'll wear simple
dresses, and turn them when necessary, with 00
vulgar magnificat to frown upon her economy.
She'll keep everything neat and nice iu your
sky parlor, and give you euch a welcome when
vou oomo linine that you'll think your parlor
higher than ever. She'll entertain true friends
on a dollar, ami astonish you with the new
thought bow little bappineas depends on money.
She'll make you love home (if you don't voo'n
a brute), and teach you how to pity, while you
scorn, a poor, faahionable society that thinks
itaelf rich, and vainly triei to think itself happy.
Now, do not, I pray you, say any more, "I coot
afford to marry." Go, tind the true woman,
and you can. Throw away that cigar, bum up
that switch cano, be aenaiblo youself, and owl
your wife in a sensible way.
" I '11 a 1 1 r-vr 1'n lor a, " wrote an amorous yootk
who is smitten with the ph. .net 1 . craae. 'Tho?
ever diamias your phear and phly with 000
whose phervent phoney ia phixetl on you alooa.
Hbrieoda, phamily, phather phorget them, ood
think only of the phelicity of the phutor!
I'hew phellows are 00 phaatidioui as yoor
I'lierdinaml; so iiheign not phondneos, if TOO
pheel it not I'hotego phmlio ood enw
phiually. l'hloro." "Oh! Pherdioaod, yoo
phooll' waaphair Phlora's curt reply.
An Orihinal Explanation. Did yoo erot
notice the ixxir chap that atanda in the tint
Picture nf the almanac with the Mali ami hP
and sooriiion ami bulla and twrina etc. arouat
him? Did you ever notice that he was naked
ami had notbiug io In atomaeht Well, that
poor fellow used to edit 0 paper ood take Jul
Py in "III pay my subscription next week.