The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1879, Image 1

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    J-HE ff EST HHORE.
vol. 5-N0. 5. iu:x,;!,;,,,:r'
Portland, Oregon, Mny, 1870.
lNt Annum. 1 hiukI.- . .(.!.
Our city dnds recently offered twenty
live dollars for the best design for a city
seal, and finally adopted one from a
number offered. We have since re
ceived an impression of it, and can but
say that as a comic caricature, it is a
grand success. In the foreground
stands a gigantic fishwoman grasping a
three-pronged salmon spear in her right
hand, whilst her left arm is of such im
mense size that four fir trees arc neces
sary to support it. Her peculiar shape
and figure would suggest that "crops
never fail in Oregon." Her rear is sup
ported by mountains, which is fortu
nate, indeed, for no actual being could
stand in such a peculiar position for any
great length of time unsupported. Her
feet and the star on her head, are simply
immense. The whole thing must be
seen to be fully appreciated. Hut what,
in the name of all that is ridiculous, has
all this to do wi'.h the city of Portland.
C. H. Miller, alias Joaquin, formerly
of Grant county, a man whom some of
our readers may remember as having
achieved some notoriety by wearing
long hair and writing verses with bad
meter, returned to Oregon and imiuedi
atejy proceeded to curse the editor of
the Oregonian. Coming from a long
hailed man, one would excct the curse
to have almost immediate effect, but .i
yet the Oregonian editor is evidently
losing no ilcsh.
Arthur, in a recent open letter,
endorses Chief of Police Mcsser as an
honest, capable official. Well! well!
It U rumored that wedding notices
arc now written up by our local press
at so milch per line.
The O. S. N. Co., as well a- the
Paget Sound S. N. Co. have taken a
step in the right direction by abolishing
the dram shos on all of their boafa.
The latest is n lottery swindle from
Arizona. Send no money to thotc
chaps; they do not fear their hereafter.
They arc fully acclimatized foi it by a
number of year residence in that bake
oven of a Territ..i.
Mat 'i I Santley ami troupe of female
mutslrsU have a novel wavof adver
tising. They hire one or two papers
in a town to caution eople against
their indecent performances (and they
are not), and this is sure to fill every
scat in the house. Clcvnh! Dcuccdly
Ol'K railroad proipectl are fine, in
fact very fine. They have leen so ever
since we first came to Oregon, eight
years ago. They are also like chills
and fever, now hot and then again ice
cold. If some company will lay down,
say only about twenty rods of railroad,
we'll feel much more grateful than for
all the columns of windy resolutions
and communications that were ever
printed. A pile of twenty-dollar gold
pieces in a broker's window is a line
sight, but affords us no real pleasure
unless we can have the handling of it.
Oi l or l'l i 11 A homed mwieal
performance in the neighborhood of the
post-nflicc on Sundays. Let the nui
sance be abated. Toot, if you must, to
get rid of your superabundance of wind,
on every other day in the week, but do
"give us a rest on Sunday."
Tin- grounds surrounding the post
office, which were at one time the
handsomest in the city, have hern sadly
neglected of late. Dandelions and
other weeds are fast crowding out what
little grass is yet left. There is a man
Ira Wring a salary of $;s pel month for
the care ol these grounds, but his time
is so much taken up with spying MO
the ost in aster's business, and keeping
the stone steps at the enttance of the I'.
S. Court warm, by ptflMtMtljf "set
ting," that the eradication of weeds
of necessity neglected. Shaking of
tin- poet office gnMUMH raiulpth uf
tin nice times in stole lot Us during lh
hot Summer months, when thai licauti-
fill (?) new walk turns into lar iniisli.a-
it already dot to a slight degree OK
warm days.
Phil Saunders, the faithful gllllilll
of the Custom House, has been 10)01 d
to make room for a Mr. Kyan. We
hivcn't the pleasure of Mr. Ryan's ai
quaintancc, but this much we do know
that he may poibly be as good a
guardian as Mr. Saunders ., but he
certainly can W no Utter, ami why a
trusty and tried official should be re
moved to make room fur a man to ev
pcrimcut with, is more than we can
understand. As a German friend of
ours remarks, "That wash always the
way of them boliticks fellers."
We caution our readers against one
r. I!. Thompson, at Hi idgwater, Conn.,
who offers to send a pair of pocket
scales I'm BHj cents. He is a fraud, and
anyone who may be verdant enough to
send the sum asked for after reading
this notice, deserves to lose it.
I', Gibson, Portland, Maine, offers
for two three cent stamps to tell how
to write without using cither cn or
ink. His Information comes on a postal
card ami is rather short. It says:
"I sr a lead pencil, you infernal fool."
Vet another "heat" kindly offers to
tell young ladies how to make an Im
pression. He only charges a quartet,
ami applicants, in it-tutu for their cash,
an (old lo "sit ilow n ill a pan of dough."
A short time ago we cxjMiscd that
king of "lieals," the Kcv. Joseph T-
Ionian, and now comes our religious
iii-si with a lot of silly twaddle about
another one of the retited missionary
new, one V. V. Sherar.of Uochcatcr,
New ork, who offers to .ml free, a
recipe lot a sine cure tin consumption,
This fellow, if possible, is a gi eater liar
than Iiiiiiuii, and In- rocipl a lot of silly
stuff' similai to tin one furnished by
Iiiiiiuii. He sends his rciijie free, ol
course, but advises you to have him
mis the stuff' for you, for which he
ch.itgcs only as it is a tacrrd
duty he is p. ttoi nnng. All these seal-
lawags have a sacred duly lo perform.
In mil. Ins! we will but mid thai
these fellows who advertise lo send
recipe free, ami pay unscrupulous rr
ligioiis ami ollit t p.iM is thousands nf
dollars annually for m erlUing tlino,
so as to enable tin in to mi folio these
sacred duties, air all, without any ex
motion, swindling shar, living upon
the money that they swindle out of tin
poor, sick, ami we may a. 1. 1, $llly
M-oplr, '.Mm believe all they read.
Garlic is said lo be a sovereign
remedy fm gout. There is m remedy
for gallic.