The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1879, Page 104, Image 8

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    April, 1875.
MIA WE know.
mm raui ia,
Tim enterprising proprietor of tho North l'acillt
Mill'. ,i Wnlla Walla, in a nativa of Philadelphia,
Ml III IML At Ilia ana ! twenty-one lia alurted
111 Mm lUHotJ buameaa In lia native cit. nml
lt,ii'-)i i lti 1 moved In Two Haute, Ind. There
the general prevalence of ague proved too much
lii him ao tin removed to MimiaaoU. Tliu long
wlnt'ra, however, did not tally will. hit Idea of
1'iiiiifoit, ao In tli" year lH.'il ho ciiino to the Pa
till Coaal. Ilia Mr. I liii.iniiaa vendue wan at tia
lem wliara lie ettabllahod Ilia ' llnlllian House
111 remained three ycsit, unci then removed
to the Halloa, where ha engaged III general mer
t han-haing. In IHMl hnch.aed iMlnM and erected
a Hue llounnK mill at Fort Culvillu, aftur com
pleting which he Mi lor the Kaatern States with
Ihe intention of eetalillahllig litialnuaa relatlotia for
Ihe purKe of eatcliairaly engaging III the fur
hualbeee. Ihirtlig hia ehaoiico the lhnae nilliea
ware dlteovered, and 011 hia return he found that
the allurement! of the gold Held were too ureal
In litduoe any uuo to engage 111 the riak of hunting
tor fura in Indian territory. The fur huaiimaa wan
reluctantly aliendnnod and he wuiit to Walla Wallu
111 Ho. whrle he haa 11. idol ever aime, w ith the
rairptlon d two yiata, which he apelit at Unlet
t'tly, where ho elected two liuu lluurihg nulla in
loot) On hia Mttnl at Walla Walla, he limit the
Null I, IVlllc nulla, which, With the llnprovelnelita
alnra made, can lie aafely aald to be the hand
aouieat ni 11-Uuilil iakE 111 tht Nurthwctl. Near the
nulla, and immediately adj,'llillij Ilia Clly of Walla
Walla, la the beautiful icaldalice id Mr. Iiuiiik,
who Ii ha eir. d-d ill MM, at all iilpunseof Itl.tHII.
It la toaleftilly furniahed, adorned with choice
I ",''. raia tropical plnnta, ami continue the
lineal private hlnaiy eaat uf the Cascade Moun
talna Ilia gieuiids oailialat uf 1Q acrtia of Hue, a loam land, which, by arletitlllc fanning, hna
teu In.. iihl lu Ihe vary hi(heat atate of ulliva
tiun-Vo acre ol it la orvhnrd, ami all the treea
era now In lull beating The tlnwcr gardtu it
MWMto ami mutama the very brat rhiwauug
alirnU. In thtt, Mr I.eacV la a am lu the
full manning of the word That aama ml
not taato ti the rallued ami beautiful which Mr Itasca to auriound Ininaelf with 11
ere, pan, In, buuke, Ae , nlau rauaea him to de
l ie , ,,uanlciable ntlrnliou lu eluck raiaiug, anil
bla alud rompiiaee eutae of the lineal animal, in
the Northwest Ttitt haa boe-n of m, amall value
t., (he uppw country, at the late niaikod improve
Uinta III el.ik. w', level , niaand will, that uf Mr
lea. e. fully tMUj A. a buallieM men, h
ew equal 111 hia null., which hale a capacity
111 no hundred barrel! r day, a.u, the moat
impious tueim.1, nml wherb but I. w m,.:. m the
I lilted Mute, have aa yet been all, 1 i.,i
la. a he .Llted . p.,lk (Hliklllg eaUhli.
""""i mm nuns and now avck. ahvui
I, Mai koara per eeam WklUt livtn. gnuetvuely,
Mi l.aare nlkiwa nu waate in any department ,,
kit eitatoelve l.u.m.s. Everything kna lit pUie
ao.i nan, and (hi. wilm ul adunbt ia the principal
eaarrel of kM asocvata
on. w. rtuu,
Ma) 01 of Aetona, u n native ot Central Vermont
lie received kit education at Norwich t'niventty
lltnsry. arwaUBc and military nrkoul of roneid
rimble n4 in tknt aocttua wad at iknt time Ir
the truing of I at? ke left k, ne under appoint
Ml ni mining enginrei io ihe Uk Superim
t'otapet Mtnmg l oan pan v where ke aland U.ul
Asm year, returning u New York la Seylembae,
ltV The tlonatakip Calitvruu m (ken juat
advcrtiaud to leave for Panama via Capo Horn, falo, New York, finally, and in April, 18o4Janded
from whence ihe was to eall for Astoria, Oregon,
forming one of tho regular monthly line of steam-
hiiis which woro to commouco their trips January
Int. 1411 from Panama to Astoria, touching at
Mnzatliiu, Han Diego, San Kraucisco, etc. Al
though the nuwa of tlio wonderful rich gold dis
coveriea in California had not as yet roacliod the
Atlantic aide, Mr. l'arkor was the vory first per
son to engage passage on tho California. By
neea ho iniasod In- paasngo around Capo Horn,
ut made hia way to Panama via Santa Murtlia,
Chagrcs, etc., arriving at Panama, scvoral weeks
head of the steamer. In the meantime the Cali
fornia gold fever had spread and more than one
hundred pasaeiigora were taken on at Valparaiso
and Callon. So great was the rush that, although
11 Decumber, iHIS, Mr. Parker could not find a
ingle American 111 Clmgros or Panama, over 2,000
hud nrrlved thuro by the timo the California
sailed, February lit, 1S4U. On the 28th of Feb.
ruary of that year Mr. Parker lauded at tho then
embryo city of San Francisco, and immediately
theiiiafter, with his company formed on board the
ateamer during her trip, built a scow boat of two
ns burthen, On the 1 1th of March, loaded with
a lull supply uf provisions, he started for the
ulherii uiiiiea, via Stockton and the Tuolumne
iver. Ho mined a few weeks and returned to
Sun Fiaiicincn, where ho built a hotel on ground
uaaed at lil'J ,10 per month. Hero he met with
ucceas. The second great tire of June 11th, lSoO,
however, took nearly till Mr. Parker's earnings,
liout f'JO.OOO. Ho finally engaged in merchiin
litnig with It. Wheeler A Co., and was elected to
the Hoard of Atatat.m' Aldurmen in May,
lho Iward of which Mr. Parker was a member
was the In ! to institute a general system of city
taxation. It waa afterwards known as the
hiiiiotl" Common Council and succeeded the one
which voted t,000 per year salary for oach of lta
siitoon memliora. In February, IS.VJ, Mr. Parkor
arrived at Astoria fur the purpoau of ciuniiuiug
ta lumliering futilities, and ao well ploaaud was
he that ho hiu remained thuro over since, alwav
taking an MtiTC interoat in all important matters
from IS.i'J to 1W0 ho carried on the nulling nml
lumbering business, with profits ou the debit aide
uf the ledger. Ill lS.iH ho waa elected and ..l
reilitably aa an Dregou legialator. In 181.1 lie
recoived the apiointuieiit of deputy collector of
MOM at Aaturia, and tervod in that poaition
.i.unuouaty ir twelve yeura, thlougll tho UTmt
of W. U Adams and A. Ilinman. Iu Hocomlwr
I HTT l. ... . . 1 y ......
naiian mayor 01 ABIoria lor two
years. Mr. Parkor is a consistent, atriugent te
ft'nwes an 1 u nan, ia a good buaim,a man mid is
generou, to n fault in aasitting all benevolent an
e.fialmg enlerpriaos of hia locality.
line of the moat eiilortiriaing merchant of V
i.iuver, v.. r., it a uative of Canton (
Swilarrlaiid, where he waa in 1HW. When
uui twelve yean of ago young Wintlor went to
work In a pnutworka. and by the time he waa
eventeen year, old had a. red up tufflciently to
.""-I 'ismin aamng ,k,p u Am,,,i,.,
..ef ,wu ,,,. ,l7Ke h irr.feJ
. . , .( . iniier u oue
.. cam 01 men k eommene. u,,
...Ml ,...,..1 ..I I. I , 1 . ..
v. ,,. ,,., 1U(1 Ulrnugh lMt om
etertlon rea,h the
ji.. ,. imme-
on mtM ln N .. . .
work at the humid
in a hot.1, but bavi
o.-c,im of washing dtaho
ng 0110 ni,iAt..r.i 11.. v tti.
sMMJI U,..t, 1 I .ti ,Ukulj
made H a ruU g do and thoroughly JSS
" "J'rtk-- yr, k, r-idod at Huf.
..: , . .uuvuu. aiio uiuoao ai mat time did
not as yet monopolize the laundry business, nml
Mr. Wintlor started a laundry on a small scale,
which he successfully earned on for eighteen
months. He was finally induced to take a clerk-
hip in a wholesale grocery store. In 1857 he
wont to Clarke county, W. T., and etarted farm
ing, and still owns four farms of about 1,000 acres.
The wish to give his children a good education
induced Mr. Wintler to remove to Vancouver in
September, 18G4, and to koep himself employed he
started general merchandising, and now does an
immense business in that line. Mr. Wintler is
managing proprietor of the Vancouver water
works, in which bo owns very nearly all the
stock. Ho is also tho owner of G2 acres of city
lots, and haB 109 acres of line laud adjoining the
town, besides tho farms above mentioned. Mr.
Wintler has acceptably served both his town and
county, having held the office of ohief engineer
of the Vancouver fire department for six years;
was a member of the Common Council for eight
yoars, and county treaaurer for two year.
h. t. OABTSK,
Surveyor-Uoueral of Idaho Territory, was bom in
1823, at Ithica, New York. Hi education wu
finished by a five years course at St. John's Col-
lego, Cincinnati, Ohio. Iu 1840 Mr. Cartes came
to the Pacific Coast and tho following year opened
an office at Oregon City aa surveyor and genoral
engiiieor. Ho romaiued there for twelve years,
when ho took charge, aa superintendent and en
gineer, of the construction of both railroads which
tho Ororou Steam Navigation Company built in
IHO'2. In I80I Mr. Cnrtee surveyed and laid out
Couch's addition to the city of Portland, In
1854-66 ho was a member of the Oregon Legis
lature, and wa chiof clerk to the Surveyor-Oen-eral
of Oregon during Mr. Zieber' term. Imme
diately after finishing the construction of the
railroads for the 0. 8. N. Co. above mentioned, he
in 1803 removed to Idaho Territory, and at Rooky
liar erected tho first sawmill and first quart mill
iu the territory. In 18IIU ho settled down at Unite
City, whore he is the ownor of the handsomest
rosidenco in Idaho, au illustration of which ap
peared in our October number. It wa completed
in 1874 and coat over 20,000. Outoide of his
official duties, which Oon. Cartee haa acceptably
attended to for twelve years, he devote oonidr
able attentiun to the growing and importing of
new and choice varieties of fruit tree and flower
ing ahrubs, and to tint end he ha spared ao
cipcnae and boon of immenae value to Idaho, by
introducing valuable fruita which otherwt would
not have been grown there for year to come.
is also ongaged in ruining cattle on au extensive
aciilo, lieing the owner of a very large band.
Senior partner of tho extensive book and itation
ery houae of Jumo A. Piuney 4 Co. at Boite City,
Idaho, wa born in ISM, and when but MM
yoar of age came to the Pacific Coast I" 15
he came to Southern Oregon and at onoe engved
in packing between Jacksonville, Oregon, and
Creaotot City, Cal. At this h staid for nin
years, and in 1862 he went to Idaho and engaged
at packing between Lewiston and the ''lurn"
digging. The following year he went to ldabo
City aud engaged in general merchandising ami
alto served a postmaster duri g hit eutire rest
denre there. In May, 1866, and again in I".
Mr. Piuney had the misfortune of being bornei
,,..1 . 1.. a .,.w....i im, hoth d waiter
ami removed to Boian City in 187, m jSfJ
done a lucrative buimeas ever sinoa. In
purchased bi handsome reaidenee, an illuat ration
of which appeared in our Oolober number, aw.
llnnoy i a valuable citiaen to Do ova City, s he"
ever 111 the lead where the Interest of his locJ
i concerned.
(Continued on page Ul)