THE WEST SHORE. April, 1879. XfJLOf UXXCilXXlJD L ESTABLISHED J I8bb ri IM PIANOS MAM IA Tl IIKIW OK r.9..RA,SiUARE AND UPRIGHTS. riiKw PI IMc ,, n v.l. ,iu. .1 Mini- lienor In Time nuiI lalelile. . k , "Jeelianlan. i-.-i nti KM in i mv hi tk Kut where ""I .IlilVl' hi- KN IllllCfil IM I'llUliL'TITlMK "'"."Ji' '.yJiilf M" vl KAIB OF THE nHRKHMH I " I I I I IK IN J N . J SEND rOH ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE ' 1 1. 1. AMI AM .l.l,VA-a fit 11 'MM BMAMONABLM. Wartmmn, Mm, uu I'lrai mi.. Hi i 1.1 1 im s .I Bank, imkti.and, 011., 11. NiwNiii:ini:M, I(.h (l,r Ore,.,,, .1111 mmtlilfllll Trr Il, i( ir Coo. A. Princo & Co.'s CELEBRATED ORGANS. JOHN II. MILLER, ID iiilitiliHrW Notwllhalauiling thu ibort ' 1 in . Una wii are ealahliahcd, rur tiiiMiin'MM iiiut ho inoraiMd that we have foiintl It neeeitMary to huvn a llealdent BSJTtl In New York, ami e are happy to ho, .mi the Piibllr, tliiil wo liiivn mnveileil In flunking Iho neeeiiiary arrangement!, with our brother. Mr William Pngtr,o( New York I lly, whereby Our Stock of Goods for the yoar 1879, will bo gnatar than ever before. Wn are de'ermlned lo oflerun ukuhI InilucenieniH, ami curry a Hue of Goods suitable to meet the demands of the Poor est and Wealthiest. We Khali earry a line of the Fluent ((imiii, Uootla u be found In any btoiu In iheeity, At Moderate Price I Thanking the Farmer" and Me rhanlos, Laborers anu Working men, aa well aa the public In general, for the liberal patronage of the pust, we beg leave to enre all our eimtomera that the reputation which the No. 120 FIRST ST., (OMteU'i 11 1 1 lint POKTLAKD, . . OMtnON. . W I l.wil ya. 00. in S$i S3 1 1 s FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE ! BMCMOlrad tin tht ipait will lie ear-fully maintained in the future, ui it OM -l-iti . i.MTi T 1 V.n'i".?'. "an8re lo- All gooda are p aln'y marked with lllfl l I.I l , P 11 I ' . U.H hW H l,.Ml !!,,:, I,. , .,-,11 I. Customers will Always bo Given the Advantage of Depreciation in Goods, MM won hnuihi a now nmaine.i, will lie enabled to undersell ANY HOUSE IN OREGON, liivlting an liikpeetlon, FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE,. IK.1 Flr.t Street, near Yamhill Portland, Oregon, (I.KttlNoLER, F.R.rAnnolIKIlI, l'oitlund. 8. F. EiitaM I uliril 18,19. Nhimller & Chadbourno, Wholesale A Itelnll doalera In Furniture and Bedding, of every deaerlptlon, CAKI'KTN, OIL I LOTUS. MIKHOHN, WALL I'AI'KR. Kle ., W1 First St., bet. Morrison & Yamhill, 1'ORTI.AKD, OR. Ml lH I lr ttlrrt-t, 5 la 1 1. w. Premier A IV1 Mum. more. H A IM, M.i I , V,,, ,H SKW "lrr, uflei. how I. , MftollMnl "' i IU llli Nils ,,5 HlMMfel AKIl AMXail A ? Willi lira, llliiimtiifl., .,n,.B,, M t lr, t liifltK mill o IM.Hnl Ware. 1 '7 '" no. !... i,i.h .ill be 1. .. . '", ".""' '"" Kpx i at- i'iV. i'S'",'." '" "" "- ".in- lir Rtrmrati 1...11 I IM MM I nniiim MVS. HIHSTKI, .v CO., lMtfw 1. 1 . i lr 5(9h Stationery, NdTliiNS, Tins, Kir., "Wii MM l7 I ,.. itirrrl, 'mi 1 1. it. tm 1 1 ma imii J.ihn I olay'. 1 ,... , 1 ,.,, (N "'. l rnl.olM,'. I . I. 1,, .,, 1 llr. 1 W,Mil..iiuU lo,. ...... rTrHiai " I' M. Ka.i,. CONE & McKERCHER, knM "! Il-lad dealria la IlooliN and Sta(incrv. V l ! r.u ad ' LAOISQ HtKHM AJTD UMiAKIXMK, fiRWta tnttej Ml Tut!aM ttrtiri ut iMiirt.AWO, . . iMutooM, ,RA,K ifc KPOBTBM OF Dry Goods, Men's Piiniishiiig Goods, NOVELTIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hi nt St., bet. Alder ami Washington, PORTLAND, Off. ' 105 FRONT STREET, W. H. WATKINDS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Established in 1855. Mnnnuroolim r and Importer ol "adillerv Hardware. Madallea, Hrldlea and Harneaa, WhlM and nllnra -WhoiiBHle and lOunl. AH wura hand made and of Ihe lieat Call Imnla lulhor. Hill ,..,(. in , ;,, rArafvr Mi. 111 " " ' Jfoiiar north of Suit ir,,,,M,, Harness from $15 lo $30. Saddles frcm 5 to 25- ! rocrcss of 0rcm hnd IWld froni i86 to i8?8. 1 y WILLIAM RE1D. Esq., Secretary L,, L. , ......v wwaaiu VI I laUUi er., an j I. , 1Mh r .ul-l.oi,. .' "vrfir'T," "f 'b S '" '"r 1-ltlJ.N. VOX- I lor the laal u n . i'n. 11 ury orwon inr. "hi. N.. , ..hlnraairwl lirtiajij '"' J,w-uul o l"tve imleia Ko'anle l our - M. WliAHNH fc CO.