April, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. 99 less fretting and incessant scolding. I front parlors. Now these parlors arc Care-laden fathers return home at not to he lived in, they are solely for ni'ht, and, feeling that in some way "company." They may he sat in oc- thc whole world has gone wrong, they casionally and respectfully gazed at, hut Bcek relief for themselves by giving no familiarities may he taken with the harsh expression to their ill-natured im patience, and the little ones in the family circle arc the sufferers, Elder The chairs are always on dress parade brothers and sisters, too, visit their They never stray an inch from their furniture. Thev do not invite loung ing. 1 hey comer little sense 01 ease, troubles upon delenceless heads. At places. the hooks on the tahle are school it is too often the case, that likewise accurately and regimentally sick, overworked teachers make their disposed. Everything hears the im innocent little charges feel the heavy press of the last funeral. It is a sad, weight of their own physicial and men- solemn, and often gloomy place. The tal anguish. The fact, that all this Is I front blinds, with the exception of unintentional, does not diminish this "cleaning day," are never opened. A cloud in Fairy-land, nor does it leave dim, sepulchral light straggles through upon its darkness a single rainbow them. The sun is an unwelcome in tint. truder. If allowed to enter he would I have attempted to prove that there cheer up matters and disperse some of rn ,-l,wk in fairv-lif... If I have made tne poison 01 na.np.icss mm s... .y manifest the shadows of a few of these, gather day by day-hut he would fade I U,l,u, tlmt children, ns Well as the CWTWI , h.. .rnn,rS n bfi ri.rhted. even life, in the house-keeper's estima Wrongs, too, which "cannot be effaced triw whc" comwr"1 w',,h by the changing of a single clause in the Constitution, nor by the political carpet eternally sitting wrapped in sombre contemplation and meditating a dread ful judgment on somebody. I ompany can never warm up and be enlivened in such a place. The inlluence of days and days and weeks and week of .. sad, gloomy, brooding solitude is loo strong. Skeletons ami ghosts haunt the room. You cannot hcc, hut yon feci them. Jokes only weakly I1.I0 there, the pcrpctnity of the colors on her inlluence of the world's mightiest men. OUR FRONT PARLORS. These front parlors are costly shrines consecrated to gloom, silence, anil ol scurity. The family live, move and On a bright, sunshiny afternoon, we endure being in the kitchen The I....L-...I ...,r nir.p.ilnnr nm strn ed out "rme wuwm " 1 The chairs and tames . ... ,1 ...1. ... i : iU,. Mm Viim i ll. I hmvwkh - ..I'M II n. Ill nilVbli UIVIIVV . w .... 1 ... arc as origin aim suiuy as wncn mtj cr.mc from the upholsterers. They up Taylor, and so on, until we had 1 r.it-i.l.i.l n Almtmwum ff kivt v.nitrlit lilnrks. All of this part of l'ortland is used for have no character. In the compara residences, is thickly settled, and w average, with cross streets, which were constantly in our view, dwellings to the square block, making in all aboill -7- residences which came under our observation. Two were undergoing a process of calso- iniuing and painting, and one had a sign. "To let" on, and can therefore not be taken into consideration here. Out of the other 169, only eighteen, in cluding our own residence, had the ap pearance of being occupied that is, the shutten weft OMn and the blinds raised, to admit Cod's lirsl gift, " Light" The other two hundred and fifty-one res idences, many of them the homes of people who count their possessions by the thousands, were shut up light, and we should have believed the owners were away from town hail not our ring ing of door-bell! soqaaiated u with our mistake, for we were always promptly tivcly few parlors which arc lived in every household appliance develops ccr about four Ifatiirci, the result of use and use fulness. The arm-chair ol pater lamu ias has a dignity worn upon It the of these maternal rocking-chair looks tuty, gracious and accessible ; the tame co ered with opened looks and papers seems endowed with mental activity and rtgOT, t)M pictures mi the wall look as if Imbued with satisfaction as a ouree of constant pleasure n human eyest the remaining chain scattered about, even when not eeCUpleH on sociable Units with each other, and the oK-ned piano 11 ""I" tality of harmony. But for the perlOT which i not lived in, the shut piano suggests a screwed down cotlin. The ever empty arm- wclllricl fluff 1. 1 1 mourner, the other chairs arc pall liearcrs. The pictures are without heart or soul, ami the table might as it splutters and dies out, humor is frightened ami lives, because the room and its furniture have not been educated in their parts. It is but an upholsterer show. Hundreds of these domestic tombs are lurrepUtlouity kept up in our city. I'hev may be known at once by the Ioiil' rows of closely shut blinds on the niter walls. Occasionally they are lit up like the little tomb ehapell in Pcre la Chaise on All Souls Day. Men and women buy from lime to lime out if their hard earning some new orna ment and dedicate it to the fetich of the sad and gloomy front parlor. Hut they live in the kitchen. The kitchen is the stockholc in which much of the work is performed to man the dignity of the sepulchre. The family lives inthcalmosplictc ami rattle of stoves, Hkcra, scuttles, longs, pumps, suds, frying-pans, peeled pola Iocs and buckwheat halter. The eiw tiro family mind is ever crammed full of things. Hccausc even when away from the StOck boll for a limited pet iinl the stoves, pokers, tongs, scuttles, peeled poi.itors, miiK, trying pans ami inn k whe.it battel IN still in 1 emembi ante w i preeenl realltiet The ml use of a front parlor is that of n chCCrm ichigc and rest llom these things. Hut a prevail ol CUetom has loim iinl it into a tomb. These pat bus need only a gravestone crcitcd in the centre to make them consistently complete. On it should be Inscribed i "in memorj M l.iic, Light end Cheerful rate, who tfarrrd to death In this pi ice long ago, long s,o !" iiakaJ ' ' I'i.. nisliL'd laill- ly sepulchr... otherwise known a. j well be HP' Bwylhing seems (,. ildcnd.de, in Washington Terri tory, is growing rapidly. It has doub let 111 population within s year. The inhabitant of the town number Jjno. The farmers in thai section are putting in more wheat than heretofore, ami have an excellent season so far. Sim k buyers are driving oil a great deal of stock to market, and paslursge is green ml mvitniK lo iIk- many herd of tie abounding there.