The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1879, Page 119, Image 24

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    April, 1879.
irram th circular o( the Usasachtisetts Statu Board o(
In the fint place, as diphtheria is a conta
gion disease, and under certain circumstances
not entirely known, very highly o, it is import
ant that all practical meant ihould be taken to
separate the tick from the well. Ai it ii alio
infectious, woolen clothe, carpet, curtain,
hanging, etc., ihould be avoided in the lick
room, and only uch material used a can be
readily washed.
All clothe, when removed from the patient,
hould be at onoe plaoed iu hot water. Pocket
handkerchief ihould be laid aaide, and in their
tead oft piece of linen or cotton oloth ihould
be nied, and at onoe burned.
Diiinfectant ihould alwayi be placed in the
vessel containing the expectoration, and may be
uaed somewhat freely in the liok room ; thou
beiug especially useful whioh deatroy bad odor
without causing other (nitrate of lead, chloride
of line, eto.) In schools there ihould be
especial supervision, as the disease is often so
mild in it early stages as not to attract com
mon attentiou ; and no child should b allowed
to attend aohool from an infected house, until
allowed to do so by a competent physician. In
tho case of yoang children, all reasonable care
should be taken to prevent undue exposure to
ate Mai
Pure water for drinking should be used, avoid
ing contaminated sources of supply ; ventila
tion ihould be insisted on, and local drainage
must be carefully attended to. Privie and
cesspools, where they exist, (hould be fre-
auently emptied and disinfected ; slop water
onld not be allowed to soak into th aurfao
of the ground near dwelling-house, and the
cellar ihould bo kept dry and weet.
In all esse of diphtheria fully as great care
hould be taken in diainfeoting the sick room,
after use, as in scarlet fever. After a death
from diphtheria, the clothing disused should be
burned, or exposed to nearly or quite a heat of
boiling water. The body should be placed as
early as practicable in the oottin, with disin
fectants, snd the collin should lie tightly closed.
Children, at least, and better adult also in
most cases, should not attend a funeral from a
house in whiah a death from diphtheria has oc
curred. But with suitable precautions, it is not
necessary that the funeral should lie private,
provided the corpse be not in any way expoeed.
Although it is not at present possible to re
move at onoe ail sou roe of epidemic disuse,
yet the frequent visitation of iuch disease, anil
eepeeially ita oontinued prevalence, may be
taken a sufficient evidence of insanitary sur
roundings, and of source of sickness to a oar
tain extent preventable.
It should be distinctly understood that no
amount of artificial "disinfection" can overtake
the place of pure air, good water and proper
drainage, which cannot be gained without
prompt and efficient removal of all tilth,
whether from slaughter houses, etc, public
buildings, crowded tenements or private rest-dsaoaa.
llamixeors Hoi'ssa. House that have been
empty may become fever breeders when they
come to bis reoccupied. An Knglish sanitary
officer allege that ha has observed typhoid,
diphtheria, or other lymotic affections to rise
under them circumstance. Th cans is sup
posed to be in the disuse of cisterns, pipes and
drain, th proosesos of putrefaction going on
in the impure air in them, the unobstructed sc
ons of this air to th house, while the closure
of windows and door effectually shuts out fresh
sir. Parauus moving from the city to their
country homes for the summer, should see that
the drains and pipe an ia perfect order, that
the cellar and closets are free from rubbish, and
he whole house thoroughly aired before occupy -ing.
Carbolic arid used freely in the cellar Is a
cheap and good disinfectant
How to Burn Coau A very common mia
taao is mails ami miiuli luel was urn 111 uiu mau
ner of replenishing coal tiree, both in fur
naces and grates. They should be fed with a
little coal at a time, and often. But servants, to
save time and trouble, put on a great deal at
onoe, the first result beiug that almost all the
heat is absorbed by the newly put on coal,
which doea not give out heat until it has become
red-hot. Hence, for a while the room is cold,
but when it becomes fairly aglow the heat ia in
sufferable. The time to replenish a coal fire is
as soon as the coals begin to show aahea on
their surface; then put on merely enough to
show a layer of black onal covering the rod.
Thia will soon kindle, and aa there is uot much
of it, an excess of hsat will not be given out
Many also put out the tire by stirring the grate
as soon aa fresh ooal is put on, thusleaving all
heat in the ashes, when it should be eent to the
new supply of coal. The time to stir ths tire is
just when the new coal ou is prct 1 y well kindled.
This method of managing a ooal lire is trouble
some, but it saves fuel, gives a more uniform
heat and prevents the discomfort of alternations
of heat and oold, above referred to.
TvMriHATi'HK or Tin Hkaii. Some investi
gations hava recently bcou made by several
physiologists concerning the effect of mental
activity upon the temperature of the brain.
Several thermometers are placed on different
parts of the head and fastened there by means
of straps; then ths ierson subjects himself to
various intellectual processes, and ths result
shows a decided increase of temierature in
certain parts of ths brain. The teniierature uf
the brain of a professor waa elevated several
degreee while delivering a lecture. Kven the
slighteet intellectual effort raises the tempi 1 a
line of ths le ad above that which it reaoheo in
idls 1 on versa! It is interesting to ante that
ec 1 lain parte of ths brain show a greater increase
of teniiKirature than other Where the torn-
eratiire ot the neail la increastxi neyomi a
certain tmiut. intellectual effort take pises
with difficulty, or with pain. This is very apt
to lie the case with persons of s very nervous
temperament. It would therefore be prudent
(or such to ceaae intellectual effort liefore thi
temperature is reached, and devote thmaelvea
lo some physical eisroise which shall equalise
ths circulation and restore tho normal tempera-tun-
to the aitrsmities.
TairMNi or Ki.kitrh ai. s. i .. r In ths
oabla news of a few days since, it waa stated
that the Krench Atlantic cable waa "hrnksn
llil miles from St. Pierre Miiueln, in A00
fathoms of water." Thsas few words show 00s
of the many triumphs of inodorn electrical
sen ni. Here is wire cord buried under
three-fifths uf a mile uf the water of the ocean,
and UNI milea from land and yet the people on
shore can exactly locate the points at which It is
broken. Strange as that seems, it is actually
-lone, and has laseu time and again. The reiair.
ing vessels will go out to tbs indicated point,
throw over their grappling hooka, and within a
few hundred yards will find the broken ends
and splice them. Thu wonder la accomplished,
fust, by siact knowledge of the laws uf ales
tricity, which maks known what amount l
currents a wire of a given dimension will carry,
and ths resistance it muat overcome in going to
a given distance, and, aait, by the instruments
masls by ths mechanicians of our day, which
will maks ths operation of both laws visible to
th experienced observer, svsa if ths break in
the calde I a thousand mil" away awl two
miles under ths sea. - 'AiWWti Mftt.
Know me the fashion pistes of any age,"
said Talmage, "and I will tail you the type of
morals or Imssorals of that age or that year "
"All right. Brother TaJ usage, says the Boston
'eat: 'Mrs suggest th age of Adam and Kvs.
W's havu't the plates handy, but doubtless you
rHsH that.
lUarrraaK Pl'DDlKo,-Tak two pounds of
round steak (cottit) cents), w pmto km
of summer savory, celery salt, and one small
onion chopped very lias, a sprig of partlsy,
salt and white popper, cost altogether three
cents. I 'lit th steak Oil Info small pieces, and
place a layer of it in a fluttered dish, th aide
uf which you hav lined with paste. Spnukls
ovsr the steak some of thsonion, oalery.salt, etc. ,
add another layer of steak and seasoning until
all ia used, then pour over it a little water and
cover with paste. Place on the top of it a but
tered paper, and ataud it in a haeia of boiling
water, oover it tight, and let it boil twu hnure
and a half. To make ths paste, tak one tea
cup and a hall of Hour, a half tesspnouful of
salt, and two teblespiKinsfuls of roast heal
dripping, and wt it up with a half toacupful
water; ooit nf all four ont. Total expense,
.13 coats. This quantity will maks a dish iuf
ficieul for five prisons, with the customary vsg
tables. M 1 mm. in v 1 '11 1.1 !. The l-uidnil inns
mnit gives the following directions for making
this variety of cheese, which is In great repute
in Kngland: Take a quart nf cream, and U not
desired to be very rich, add thsrsto one pint of
new milk 1 warm it in hot water till It ia about
ths hsat of milk from ths cow, add a table
spoonful ul rennet, let it stand till thick then
break elightly with a spoon, and plaee it la th
frame in whioh you hava pravioualy pat a tin
canvaa cloth 1 press It lightly with a weight 1 let
It stand a few hour, then put a liner cloth In
the frame, and ahift the oheeae into It Sprinkle
a little salt over tho cloth. It will b At for
use In a day or two. To make a rich cream
cheese without rennet, take any quantity of
oream and put it into a wet cloth, lie it up and
hang it In a cool place for svsn or eight days.
Then lake it from ths cloth, snd put it late a
mold in another cloth, with a weight upon it,
for two or three days longer. Tarn twice a day,
and it will las tit for use.
To Sanaa Hams. -A writer In the 1 1 mho ml
mils gives this - b-r smoking haoon: "Taks
a tin pan or kettle ol corn cobs and set them on
lire .. as to maks tlism smokei then turn bot
tom side up uver the smoking cobs, thai barrel,
or whatever vou wish to pickle or salt you' bacon
In, an as to thoroughly amoks ths inside af It
Burn at least two pans uf colas under It, an a to
smoke it wall. Then pack ths harna, ehooldsre,
or other meat that you wish to malt bneoa at
In the cask, aad after preparing your ptekls
heal it nearly latiliag hot, ami laiur It oa th
moat and let th meat stay until It is ptekled.
when It is mads into bacon, ready for as, snd
wsll smoked. I emoted my I avion by thai pro
cess last fall, and II waa well don. The bacon
can remain in the ptrale until ussd, ami you
oaa watch the pics Is, and should It Isrmsnt,
scald it ovsr.
Htswiii 1.1 van. Two pounds f salf'a liver
carefully washed In cold water, then eat Into
etrips three laehe long, uus inub thick, ami
one inch wide 1 season with a taaspooalal of
salt ami a saltspoonfu! ot white pepper;
d n-dge lightly with Hour, fry a light browa ia
butting but drippings, turn uflea to prevent
bur long, put in the bottom uf a slew pan two
thin slices of salt pork, the fried liver uu tep uf
it. with a large 00100 steak with sis eluvs, a
mall liuiM.ii uf mlisd herbs tied together, and
a half a plat of good (took or grs v y stew slowly
for aa hoar, tak nut th oama, herbs end
pork, thicken the gravy with s tahlaapmaalal of
Sour, rubbed esnoolh 1 s lahleepieMifal uf butler .
let the stew stay oa Ihe an 10 mlaatea Laager
Coot, 20 ess I Will serve sis per ass, with
Potato Hai ID, Boll Ihe urtatoeo with the
shine ua till they are Jael done, not till lasry
fall to pteee. Peel off the skin while hot sad
alto tnem thin, for vry qeart of sliced
t state allow oa taUeepounfut ul oil or melted
liter aad two of viisgar, salt and pepper to
taste, a small oaten chopped very Has, aad a
good sited apple chopped flae.