The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1879, Page 118, Image 23

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April, 1879.
lit tin fiiftihtr Srirnfr Monthly Prof. J. S
Newberry told us lately that varum- faote
indicate lint lli mast of New Jersey and long
l.laml ia giulually uiikiu(. Krom th nianhea
.,1 N. Irl -. ai. tekl li thf tMI
i.i' h coold lint have grow n there . t wlii.11
it wu drier ground, and on the n atti ciiia
are atii now under weten nl In pa which Dliut
have grown mi lain!. So, tun, the tea threw a
j in Uiitna Mirtmna nl turly anil, nm-a enverrd
xiily I iv tha air, ami miliar nil ha been
reached below tha aea laval, in pita dug through
drifted aanil alung ite margin. Tha Inn. I bound-
,,, . have l"t n ' han; ! ami farilia illlnlllllllixl,
van wliara tha waah nl the almre waves prmluo
awl tin rfliM't Thr rate nl thu IllsriuSucc ia
vary alow otily a law- irichei in a century ami
it tnay at any tuna I" irritated ami revrned; lint
Inmlil it ri.iititiui', as it ma , ..r MMM tliniisands
nl years itwmil.l rtanll in a suhiiM-rgiuguf lami
now vaJuait at hundredi of inillmiia nl ilnllara ami
a ij.lfl. change "I pitalllim III till) Seals (if
OMUMIM ml industry, win. li tnnat slwaya
. i.i- ' aUmt tlna harlfr Thia hmuiIiIu cataa
tniiha ii, uncertain ami reunite,
that it anema hanlly aulln lent to iliaturli thu
equanimity nl at leaet Uia pun, ml generation nf
Df, .....N.i In a late latter tn thu UMskWJ
lianliigiral KiK'iaty, alluiling tn tin' mm claea J
phenomens, alatea that in V w llruiiawirk, at
t. John's, tha laml haa lasvn elevated, at tha
liraiM Maiian Island ami the Omat Tantalum
Matah, there haa U'cn autieiilaitoaj at llathurit,
ml mi tlm Dppatita '"ant "I Imwer I'anaala, tha
land acama Ui lt riaing; in Suva Montis, near
tha Hay n( Kumly ami Minn llaaln, thani ii
antiaiilriiif , lint, "it tha southern anlu, there are
igna nl rlrvitlnn, tha ai a alan rapidly on
1 ntochca nit Uiuiabcrg, in ( aia Itratnn, anil in
I'rnioe I li. lalaml, likewise suliiniirgenoe n(
tin- laml la Mi ll tn la- taking place at Nantucket,
Maltha lliryai l. ami I'nrtlaml, auliiiifrgfiico
nl tha Inn I ! jinawlmg, locally, at the rate,
probably, ul luur Icet lu InU yaara.
httrogu s.i ui. n I. ai pmhvm a im-
1,'iaii aclelillllt jnuliial d, a nltt a anil," interesting
Mia-rtmaiite lately' Ii) M. Spring, wlm haa
uii)iK'tel a lunula r ol lint It divided aubeteliooa
tn 1 1 1. ..hi. calculated lOM t-qiin alriil Id SO,
111 aUiimphaiva. I'l.taaaiiim nitrate ami
a.-liiiin nitrate wi ia giiii ia i nim rti-il intn a
liliili Ii. 'in. .K. insula maaa, which waa harder
ami ilanaar than the fined nil, ami waa tuna
lucent Ilka porcelain. Nawilual exhibited a
iat change ami hod 1 ilaniity innrv than
IfcrM Uinrelhit nl the MM 'nun wind, il waa
made 'Ilia eulliur iM.llita tn Ihear e I lirrillieliU
u hat nig catehliahed the staihllity "I canning
. "Inn. 11 i.l anlnl laalna l, (he aiilli atlou nl
,n.l j MRWtj uiiinnnllul nl the la. I that what
ai . ailed duatUloa ate lug. I) manufactured
I') Una t.i) method How. lar the .11,, u nl
aieinle I'ltaaiire are latin into t dciatim, ,v
god'tgiala in 11,,,, aiu.l) ,, thr mU layera ui
Uic earth a .mat la i.teii In qaeetlun
OHIMnU PPOLUt J'rol. I. K lli, ka haa
MH at ail a boulder nl hard, gritty uiaUlnne,
ten mt haa in tliami tei, in a aaain nl , ,1 at New
uaii.t .lit Ohii, Twtt 11. aimilai gaolngl
- ' ' - ... . 1. .. . .
mjMitaeTitimim,. I ml I. It AmllTW
MUoaa a nuaitjit bMtUat. win. I, h.,1 haei.
Um( i Irttwi the NeUt .11. aatan, at jaleakl.
1 UIIMI ctuaaty lie attrtlnitra iU traiiaia'rU
Una irtam Uaa otartiu of the anrt nt aea in whn-h
tU ,1 waa t.xnml Vi the wHii it oocaptad
at tha Uma it waa einavate.1 Ui ItnaUag inv
ITW, I, Naabwry awtaklng til Uia teltxww
aiate 1 (taind tn a cnaj aaaun ia Wyoming
. "ii nl 1 Pa. , Uitakl il w aa l.ivugh t I h. it lay ha
in, itaten.le.1 in tka rtatl ul Uwea. and thui
laal an.l
(mi 1 a tlaavr, bnKW ,J Uaa 1 .enrtal. ,. ia
aahincvaa. (vvtially maalaa, and it a ultllal
THI I'KKskm IK OF tUtTALB in uitfcn.
At a recent meeting nf the I'hiladelphia
Academy ol Natural Scicncea, Plot (Jeorge A.
KiHinig, nf the I nivenity of Fenniylvania, ox
diluted hia receutly invented "chroinometer, "
an inatruinent ileiigni'il for the purpoee of uiak
inn aannlalkala- ileliciite iluterniiuationa of the
WmiKH nj nwtlln inetala inorea. It ia baaed
umii the optical lact that complimentary colon
will nitiniiiiih i-ai'li nther if iniiniled in tin.uer
pmpnrtiniia; for inatance, if to a green aolution a
rod anliitinii In- aililml. the Imiiiil. if the urouer
conditioua lie complied with, will become color-
leaa. The aiwakrr hail applied this principle to
tha coluri w hich certain mctalii.aa iron, luaniia-
ii"" . cowwr, cU-., protluce when fused with
lairat, which la the only cncmiciii uacn 111 una
method of analyiia. He prepare auch glaaaea
ir heaila 1 niitainiug kmiw n iuantitiea nt a metal
11 111111 hiiinlri'tl mrta. anil nliacrvca how thick
a glaaa of the complimentary color must be to
produce extinction. In accnmpiiin huh uic
luitruinciit ia fnriiiahed with a glaaa wetlgo nf a
VSM Of red color, cut at an angle of about one
leiree Mv limvitiu Lhia weilirit iMifnrt, the ilaaa
tt j pi n
1 .... 1 ,11, il,. i 1 , . ,.r . .,,11.1,1., , ,. 1. ,..,......t
a luale nmvua at tin aame time, and when the
minl ot oxtiuction ol color is arrived at, the
readiug of the acnle refera to a table ahowing
tha iMirettiitaini nf mnljtl niinlaiimil in ...
ainined ubatance. lly tbia method of analyiia
a correct tletermination of matigaueie in an iron
ore cnu lie made in l.pi miiiutea, which ia not
mar than une. third the tune required by tho
uaiial in, lli, "In nf analyiia.
PAfM va. Iron I'ak Wiikki.h. -According
to the Chirago litiUmiy Jtrvirw, the average
running capacity 01 an nniinary iron car wheel
li almut 7t(R milca; while that of a paper
w heel, with a iteel tiro, ii from 4n0,(ll)0 to JinO.-
(XK) milci. In nnler to get tbii wear, it ia nec
raaary tti give the tiro from three to four tuni
ngs. I ho tint coat ol tho paper wheel is (fin,
Mid of the beat quality f caat irun wheel SI4.
The mileage nf the latter is usually guaranteed
at .n.i mi. 1 miiea I ho cost of turning the steel
tire ii f.'l.t, which may safely be eatiinated aa
etiiial tn the cost of the more frequent renewals
of cast mm whiids with the attendant ex
pense! nf transKirlation in each caso. Tho pa
I " ' wheel cnals JI..1, ami rlllll l.'nl.UKI miles in
i.M yean. I'ur cunvenienco in reckoning, and
at a tliiadvantago tt tho pajn-r wheel, on ac
tOUt nf the intervat money, call thia poriial
three yeara. At the end of thia time the orig
inal coat, w ith 7 compound interest, amounts
to tint quite m). Hut during thii periml niue
caat iron wheels have been used, coating $14
each. Allowing a rebate of i,1 each for the
worn out wheels, all, I calculating on aiinplo iu
tereal at 7 , the coat of the wheeki for thia aer
vice aiuouuts tn tll..'iO, showing a aaviug iu tho
oaaa ol paer wheels of $11. SO, and wore com
l "in. I mi. n t computed, aa iu tho case of the
ter wheels, the aaviug indicated Would be a
much larger amount In computing the coat
l"r the aeceiml pen, -I of three yean a much
greater saving would be shown, ainoe a renewal
of the tire only, at a coat of $33 ia neoeaaary,
in. I, a, I id a lint coat of $05 for a new papi-r
wheel. The data from which thu concltiaion u
reached are vouched for by the Pullman I'om
pany The nVmVar addi that the etpertenoa of
the railway comuatuea which have used the pa
iter steel tired wheels bean out the
Urn Pullman I umpany. Aa engine truck wheels
Uir (taper w heela aeem to he especially lucoaaa-
lul, the etia-riruce on some wapintin.
the ooocluai.ui that the) will make oW.UU) miles
iwnirj tne tire requires renewal.
Tiiaaa is now Marly $1,000,01)0 in ailvrr
eta us suirnl away in the vaults of the I' 8.
Mint IB '.l.i, ('lly
Tut t anadiaa government (aron rwdprocity
tj Unff and trade with the United Mate.
Pit.irt tiarrv haa signed a decree pardon
tag Ml ctuniuuuiala.
M. Senlecq, of Ardrea, has recently mbmitted
to the examination of M. Da Monosl and Hal
lex d'Arroa a plan of an apparatus intended to
reproduce telegraphically at a distance the im
age! obtained in the camera obacura. This ap
paratus will be baaed on the property poaaeaaed
by aclenium of offering a variable and very een-
sitive electrical resistance according to tha dif
ferent gradations of light The apparatus will
consist of an on 1 1 nary camera obacura, containing
at the focus an unpolished glass, and any iviteni
of autographic telegraphic transmission; the trac
ing mi nt of the transmitter intended to traverse
the surface of the unpolished glass will be
formed of a imall piece of selenium held bv two
springs acting as pincen, insulated and con
nected, one with a pile, the other with tha line.
The point of lelenium will form the circuit. In
gliding over the circuit, more or less lightened
up, of the unpolished glass, this point will com
municate, in dilierent degrees and with great
eniitiveness, the vibrations of the light. The
receiver will also be a tracing point of black
lead or pencil for drawing very finely, connected
with a very thin plate of soft iron, held almost
as in the hell telephone, and vibrating befort
an electro-magnet, governed by the irregular
current emitted in the line. This pencil, tap-
porting a sheet of paper so as to receive the im
pression of the image produced in the camera
oUcura, will translate the vibrations of the ma-
tallic plate by a more or leas pronounced pres
sure on that sheet of paper. Should the selen
ium tracing point run over a light surface, the
current will increase iu intensity, the electro
magnet of tho receiver will attract to it with
greater force the vibrating plate, and the pencil
win exert, less pressure on tho paper. The line
thus formed will lie scarcely, if at all visible:
the contrary will lie the case if the surfaoe be
obt.cure, for the resistance of the ourrant increas
ing, the attraction of the magnet will diminish,
and the pencil, pressing more on the paper, will
leave upon n a uaraer line. M. nemecq thinks
he will aucceed in simplifying this anuaratus bv
suppressing the electro-n.agnet, and collecting
directly on the Paper by means of a particular
composition the dilterout gradations 61 tints Dro-
portional to the intensity of the electric enr-
rent lAimion Timtt,
Motivk PowM ritoM ru Conuknbation or
Straw. The water from a lodse is. accordinu
to the invention of Mr. Hubert Wortley, of
mi i nam, r.ngiaiiu, conveyed by pipes into a
well about 120 feet below the level of the lodge,
into which is inserted the lower end of a pipe
icct nign, equal to the pressure ot one atmos
phere, the upper end of which pipe is placed ia
a , litem, i. in ... i.... I i. ... -I -
and below by pipes and valves with a second
cittern, in which is a float Tha lid of the
second cistern la in communication with the
cvlinder of a at earn engine. The lower and of
till. Second ,'latern ia in mmmiiaiMbM 11. mmi I.
a valve with the hot well and with the lodge.
tt uen tne water i nun the tint cistern enten
the KK-OIld ciltem the n.... ami tl,A Hah.
from the lodge keeps the well at the same level.
When the steam from the cylinder of tha
t . t - . - i, . i ' . i.
li auaam me second ciacein it lowers
tho float and drives the water into the hot wall
and back into tha lodge; the steam from the
ai-cond cistern than paasea through the top
valve into the lint eta tern and at there ooa
tleoaed; the partial vacuum thus formed then
mors more water from the well, and the opera
terns ar. repeated aa before. In the lid of the
tint c intern is a pump to draw oil the air, and
this pump is used to till both the cisterns frith
water on commencing work. Between the
lodge and the wall ia a t urbm, or a water wheal,
or other hydraulio engine, to make use of the
fall of water between the two levels.
Thr German Tariff Commission has deter
mined to shut out of the Empire Am -n cat.
tie and Britiah coat