The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1879, Page 114, Image 19

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April, 1879.
Th.r. hu been to much loose Ulk about the
UiUl number i( i gga hen is apable of laying,
and har yearly yield under (irly good treat
ment, tint it it satisfaction to come acrou
something btyood gueu work or mere infer-
-n. . mi tin' mutter. The fimuiUtinn of science
it . mi it. olHuirvttion, unl whan a scientist
publishes .. .Utetiiniil, it ii presumable that it
u baud on Una loBIWIeiwii Ita accuracy, (00,
! KwUntH. ii it u iuoul with approval iy
other MM "I wuln tMtritttPJ and knowledge
H the aubiocl iitvolvexl in it. Now, Goyafin.
uya, Md Plot Mil' in hu excellent work on
tiH'k I ling, quota, h mi with approval; "It
hu lieeu ascertained that the ovarium of a fowl
la .mi I of MHO OraleS r !! therefore a
In n, 'luring the win. In of her life, cannot put
aihly lay M eggt than liOO, which, in a nat
ural MWM, are .Intnl. tiled over nine yuan in
the follow iiit( propm limi:
let mi .ii I'ltili MM
ti MO" l
m M " at
llli ion 111
Ml, 00 " 80
Mi m
H S4 " 40
Mi H " 10
Ml I " 10
liiaamuch u ririenence demonstrate that
aome lir.-e.U .f heiia are vanlly more prolific
than others, tlna Uteineut, of ciiurae, can he
Applicable only to the average ol jHiultry. -Hu-nil
.Vftc ItofaVr
OtPAID Klw OWMI or Invention. The
invenll'iiia ol the latt hundred yeara aumctimct
piNtr more gtaiul ami far reaching than any
uow lieing ilerloM-il or demanded. Hut it
muat lie ri'iiiemhereil that the ohl mventora had
a clear Bald. Kvcrythiug wa demanded an. I
Will wu ilune. The atealll engine, the cot
ton giu, the telegraph, ainelttug with pit coal,
the hot lilaat, UM rifled caiumn, ami all the
other glca.1 llivetitlnua which have ch.iigcd the
whole m. 1 o( hie, were then tiuaiu.wu, ami
evpit the moat bapiffaot ileveloiuient of them
waa more ink 1 1 v ami revolutionary than the
later ami 1. nil. mine valuahle rcliuemcnt. ol
the ante intention! Aim it doe. not follow
that lea. uaelul work 11 wanted .0 likely to In.
doles now 1 In Ihr contrary, the iiuirnvciucnU
in Wan. power, lor IliaUtiie, likely to lie .level
ojaal iliiriug Ihr null hundred yeara, will have
a criai. 10 value than all that hu pre-
.word i.rilrvt u the enmne ia today.
The oi l mm. lra were c.llcd Uhui Ui iliacovor
anil MM the door "I Nature a torrhoiitc ; the
later Inventor, are rallnl umn to bring out ami
el in onlrr hit wonderful Ml rU.
hiiirtn 11 iun.. U ma I'miii. UTATM The
bUtrta .tn. to. ii.. that tin- ibipbaildioj
mdutli) i not guile rttinct in thia country
Dining llie lix.I year rliillug June lltlth, IH7S,
Si! IIA.11 wrte Unit, ul, tonnage i
lUMLSttaaa Thia record ia .,il 1,, n,,,
ht the country hu yet ma.le, which
WU III I ?a ? 4 when II,,, .- - - ' ' -ii
. ,;H , "w a .m,
Wi loo... Hie m it Iwat recsml in toning wu
in h'X wh it aaaoiatad ui M SM ton. The
MBkM of 11. .11 vewl. I, mil during ,,. ,,
yw wugrmuruiui in an) ..thrr inr. the
IMU which niiwt ...rurra vith ,
leung IsT.t, when i!ii were huill Ol the nutria
Ion it .lining the iut yivu, B ,, ,,, ..
rilUre. iM-ying in MMfl froaa I.I.Vi ton. t.,
loevi, I waa a lake nroiirller ol t.
I wu a tt-rn wheel river Uwuin ,. l.trjStouaj
7 werr whel nver tUwnrra. rwnging frimi
l I.. I . t..n. Ill were .t. ui, luga, tin
Iwgeal ..! hnh meuure.1 Imi t..n., M thr
rwnumng v rue waa a ) alch. The current
vwar .i..iuiMt U aurtiua the lul oooenler
haly in ita auMitimu to oar mm ahi
Tn aovwrnmet J Muicu hu .Utinitaly
diacadwl lu buld an International eihiuiUua in
Dr. C. D. Hunter, of Santi Hobs, hu given
much attention to tho ttuily of utmosphoric and
climatic phenomena in different parU of tho
world. He write for a recent imuo of the Santa
llota DmOtrtU an article to ahow tho philos
ophy of en:nie from froeta at moderate ele
vationa, while valloyt holow are badly bitten.
Although all of n know practically that such ia
the fact, not all are conversant with the reasons
therefor, and u the subject is of interest to
many who arc intending fruit growing and the
like, we shall present in condensed form the
atmospheric performances outlined by Dr. Hun
ter. It tooeins that tho first clear demonstration
that the valleys were more subject to frost than
the hillsides, resulted from the establishment of
meteorological stations in Switzerland. There
the great hight of the mountains and the nar
rowness of the valleys allow their difference
much more markedly, and to as great a hight as
.1,00(1 feet. Santa Hosa valley is so large and
w ide in comparison to tho hight of its surround
ing hills, that the difference is neither so mark
ed, nor can it extend to so great a hight. Prob
ably in our smaller valleys, and the great Sac
ramento valley noar the foot of the higher
Sierru, will lie found many low-lying grounds
subject to night frosts oven late in the spring
I'he main ciuso of this peculiarity in tho dis
tribution of low temperatures is to lie found ill
the but slight heating effect of the sun's rays on
the atmosphere. I hu sun must first heat the
toil, and then the soil heats the air. Con
versely the cooling of the air is also effected hy
the anil; and hence tho air nearest the soil is
always the hottest when the sun is shining, and
the cnhiest when the sun is absent, ror the
same reuon the surface air experiences the
gmatent changes of temperature. So it comes
that the air of the valleys lieing hedged in by
a turf nee of soil on every side goto rapidly heated
when the nun sliiuei, whereat that of tho hills
hu not only lets surface for an equal quantity
of air, but it it almost constantly in motion,
and each new supply keeps down the tempera
tun. o( the turlace soil anil air. The glaoiors of
the SierrM and the UMW-Oappad peaks of high
mnimUitia even in the tropics, boar witness to
the fact that tho direct rays of tho sun have
but little MWM to heat the atmoonhoro ; for
otherwise the higher we Mcended the warmer
it should be.
Few have any idea of tho extreme changes
of heat cxiwrioncod by the surface soil. When
the maximum thermometer in tho air will regis
ter 70 or SO , one on the anil may roach 1 10 to
l.'ki. Hut even More the sun sets and as its
rays ceue In heat the soil, the surface rapidly
MOM down, and after a calm, clear night it will
lie MOM, u a rule, from 4" to 8' colder at sun
n.e than the air (our feet alxive it. Now, u
every one knows, cold air ia heavier than iiot
air. hataM what forms m the valley remains
there. Hut what ol that on the hill' A. .k.
sir on the hill cools, it Iwgina, like water, to
era. iia lowest level, and u the cooling process
MM on, every watercourse, ditch and hollow
MMMM a channel dowu which the cold air
flows just u if it wu so much water. Conae
'luently near the foot of the hill every little
a ley and ilttmain of the surface Womes a
7 '" " ""MX ""''I- Here it accumu
laU. in pmportion to the stillneu of the nieht
.l -venty of the frt At the urn. time
lh. lull mtM M it I..... it. MM .,r get
a new -upply. aW of cnurM ,
from aim,, hrr tho r of y,, '
"I he MM of My Kllll hod J
lo-t only a ,nrlll,n , iu nML . 1
wwl of ,n, lull. ,. MiniUllUy UthK, yjJ
valley. receive f Mil (armor than their share.
That salt will curdle new milk; hence, in
preparing milk-porridge, gravies, etc., the salt
should not be added until the dish ia prepared.
That fresh meat, after beginning to sour, will
sweeten if placed out of doors in the cool air
That clear, boiling water will remove tea
stains and many fruit stains. Pour the water
through the stain, and thus prevent it from
spreading over the fabric
That ripe tomatoea will remove ink and other
stains from white cloth, also from the hands.
That a tablespoonful of turpentine boiled
with your white clothes will greatly aid tho
whitening process.
That boiled starch is much improved by the
addition of a little sperm, or a little salt, or
both, or a little gum arabic dissolved.
That beeswax and salt will make your rusty mms as clean and smooth as glass. Tie a
lump of wax in a rag, and keep it lor the nor
lose. When the irons are hot, rub them first
with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or
cloth sprinkled with salt. .
That blue ointment and kerosene mixed in
equal proportions and applied to bedsteads is
an unfailing bedbug remedy, and that a coat of
whitewash is ditto for the walls of a log-house.
That kerosene oil will soften boots or shoes
which have been hardened by water, and ren
der them as pliable as new.
That kerosene will make your tin kettle as
bright as new. Saturate a woolen rag and rub
with it. It will also remove stains from, and
clean, varnished furniture.
That cold rain-water and soap will remove
machine groase from washable fabrics.
Coating Metals With Tin. The process
of coating metals with tin promises to extend
its use for culinary and other uses. Its
elo 'tin deposition is proposed by means of a
zinc and carbon battery. The inner cell con
taining tho lino is tilled with dilute sulphuric
acid. The articles to be coated with tin art
put into a bath composed of 8 parte of proto
chloride of tin, Hi of cream of tartar, and 2 of the
chloride if the latter is used. When it is pres
ent the tin coating is effected more rapidly,
whereas, when the bath ia composed of proto
chloride of tin and cream of tartar only, the till
coating is very white, but ia not produced so
rapidly as when the chloride is used. These in
gredients should be dissolved in about 100 gal
ons of distilled water. The black plates art
first "pickled" in any suitable manner, and
then immersed in the above deaoribed bath or
solution, and are allowed to remain in the tame
for a longer or shorter time, according to the
thickness of the deposit or coating of tin re
quired on the plates. While in this bath the
plates or other pieces to be coated are connected
by a wire with the positive end of the battery,
while the negative end of the battery is con
nected with a piece of tin hung in the same
bath. When the plates or other pieces or arti
cles have been sufficiently coated with tin, they
are held over a fire in order to give the tin a
rous appoarance.
CoMrRxjwiNii Bran. Wo recently referred to
j some successful experiments in compressing
flour. We now learn that tome Minneapolis
miller, are experimenting with machinery for
comirouing bran, for the purpose of shipment
I to Kurupe. It is believed that it can be to
compressed at to get aa much weight into a
given package aa the same would hold of floor.
l'litMrHiui or oau'ICM on becoming wet will
give off spontaneously combustible PBror7
ed hydrogen, thus emitting light This it th
principal ingredient used in tho distress and
guiding tignala thrown into tho water from a
sinking ship, principally to guide those ia M
water to the boat.