MO THE WEST SHORE. AN KAHTKIIN VIEW OF PACIFIC COAST I it will be mnoh shorter; and the absorbing power TIMUKU lKJiSKIlVATION. of ting gone, the volume of water passing through the rivers will In: greatly m- April, 1879, Prof. ('. S. Narirent. Director (if tlin Itntanir I. anion ol Harvard I nivcrsity, writes an articli- on forralry fur the A'tifion, in tho course of which he present hit views cm thu destruction ol limner on Una coast ami the iih aiih of rcstor ing depleted foroala. Me thinks at tint Kant tin restoration may Ixi loft to imliviilual ami Bono rat Intelligence and enterprises, ami then rim tinuea aa follows: Weal f tin Itoclcy mountains all is different Tim omintry 11 rut up by high niuuiilain chains overlooking narmw valleys. The rainfall in in pari, of tlu regnm ex. -r-. 1 1 rifcjl y small, ami everywhere very uuiipially dialrifiuted through out lb year; to that onto deatroyed it woulil l. jiaulii 1 1 1 1 1. I . . wMmn ur, hiuwui iiiiismaioie 11 main any loreau 01 una regnm neyomi uie immediate 111 IMMO of the Pacific OOMMI while it peeuliai tnHigreiliy ilemanila that the mountain rangca remain (..real .m end that the valleys may he habitable lrge portiona of this Western tur ntnry are atill la the lunula of the goiaral Qw raawat, mm! i (on it ia too uui, steps ihooid lie ink. i, 1.1 ai l aanlo ami ., ruplllollaiy preserve at leaal am h .nlii,us of forest -covered niullll tain ranges a. (jive nac to iuiortaiitatroama. It 11 ptnhahly already Uhi late M preserve any 000' lidonhll Dili ol the scanty foreaU ol the "lircal btaU ' I ho are everywhere faat melting away U. supply the enormous and often MUMO eaaary H lhW of the mining ontarpriai-a of that region. I MM forests, which are of imuicnac tfe. e d.alroyed, will never reapiear, ami the atreama which miw make agriculture .sai hie in the 1 alleys through irrigation will, at no distant .lay. In only dll io a ahort period of the year II any Hirtion of thla interior region is worth aanng for UtiooHoit, imuieiliate alois nmit M taken to preserve the remiiaula of ita fonwU, 1.1 it will not I,, iuiort , u. ,1, ytm. ent amall agrirultnial ffftrlUtlntl More important atill la the iiocoeaily for tiov nimriit 01 Stale preservation of aome iart of the nol.l iif.-r.iua forwal win,), urn,.,., t. weal .1 r. ..( the Sierra Nevada. The future of t 'alllonua llependa a the eliatcllce of thla loreal N hen. on the fare of the globe la the physical neoaeity for preserving the forests greater than in t alilorma : nowhere haa the world eeen ita forests a., rapidly ,n, aenaelry destroyed n will briefly examine what the danger. IN hi. h threaten California, ami what should l. undertaken ! . reveul r ,t .liuomah thrill All alonn the WeaU-rn oM 11.. Wowy wnoirlnii imi, vhioh Soviai W'ealwanl UimuvIi the n. h taowlUi .,,.1 ureal Wm M Otffmk fall into m ,Sa.r.tew a.l Ih. San .l.aanmn. the one DOwioi eolith ami uw. ,.r norm ., Ieiijh ,,,., Ih. bay of San Kraoeiaco. iNjl U,e. tnu.1 h. moi.tnre. not al.rie.t bf the m, wlo.h U.e hcrra. altra.t QXI thi DOOM ylti aU.i .1 their tawl. Tw annual i,rea,u WmM m..,.u,. , xUmt MUloioa, aithmuh alm.l .1. lu.nrl) r.,li th. ,,, r ,,, at aUll vwry Urire, a fall (rf 1.0 foot ol .,, ,r' ma- an eir.u.waall. atw iMM tMM rnrt in Ih. hmh Nierraa. It rraulu Ih.t , U eavly m.niha. when th. , 1. mellmn. thaw mountain .Imam. baOMM Urw with th. anow, Aa It, are , re,Wh S aamrnrr raina, the leiurlh of Uieir annual .lura tana wait .I.Mml . the alowna with .h., I, lw anow al their auna mlu. It , kneww fan thai anew meila aithh I .-a. mUh a.l Ih.t Murh more of l( .ha,b ,n (h,' WHI Una 111 thr n.a n..., . .. a mounuia atr ocfera (raal m haaxial s .... - . P u , A j e-i-cally hy U,wr undergrowth f&llfM a., ak 7 a f 1 " "'' If lie kSTSi l 'M V deatn.yea. ih aaaaal enw fall .. -""-t m., it. mateoally tlimmiaheal Taa haicth af baa. h..wwv, r,aitI u. melt creaaeil. It ia iiotitillicult to loreuill the reaulta. Kvory aeaaon, oarliur at the south, later at the Hnll. ImmhL mmm kMrnlkl. ,,..1 imm. JmImil tive than the hiatory of the world records, will j i . i. .1 l i .1 i ttrrjr uui uaM a lew wue.a ucaui unti tiuttiiniLioo I- ,i :.l l . .1 IIOIO Hit" 1IIO II II 1 H I II Bit lt;M IIOWII 111 UI III. tiutlllll., ro -friiiK the plain with dchria ami holdiiw the i..:.... ..i Am i u.L. xi i ijnoK itiu tnr inn iiaiiivii.ii iiir miuci riven at tiieir mercy. And then, when this terrihlu ruah of a few days is over, it will lie found that th.t Iv of wntitp fur tho inmmat is exhausted. 'I he foothillH and the plain will no longer produce fruits or vegutahlus or any aumiuer cron for which irrigation is ea MStalL for no water to irrigate with will come down from thu iiiouulaiiis. " I'lauer mininu" u ill I ... . Ihlnn , . I.. ,., .,..1 11... iZ. ... . ft ... . ., ..... tion of the great rivers will lie cither interruiituiL ..-..i i i n i r 9 .'UllllK Ml W JUUIB IIIOIC Una one country in Kurope has been visitetl by i aimiuir in origin ami extent to those which now threaten California, hut in none of an am were ine physical reasons lor the danoar 'in.. f 1 n'l lit III. 1 III I MM irnll Mi, t ... .... atruciivo torrents ol Ciiropu have ipruag are nmer HUH) UI fMcrnis, less heavily lorest elad, ami ulliovilli a i. .nl . I nMjtnl..lAn ..I motrtON with a much smaller snowfall, and an leas ame to prnilucu suihleii ami disastrous tor-roiita. I'll. -ii ia hot naia 1..1....I , f... 11... Am - "'"'V ftt'1 waauMara we foretell, and on its mlontioii .i.. , tl... i..f.,... of .California. A strip or strips of forest must . n .. a,i.i i liim jierraa extainsivo enough to secure the natural lion id mi'M. nil Illtaiiai psflanni I Ann t I . . Rtrictlv iIIBt-il(Ml frnni lir tlx. l I .w : " -..a hvi .luti gsjiin ally from all browsing animals. It ih in lii 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' miuioni 01 h ii 10 1 1 1. int. 1 j, 1 . -a m- . " Lit' IL est danger now lies. These, with countless herds of other browsing animals, are driven up , " uvw ana piams into the nmiiii U1111 to feed during the drv season. The .1..... TO" W in iieting in the Smrra forests is aaarnoM aim inaaaontaahia ..... t ... - "w ... iu n,r 1 1 ia v . in n nanain ........... i. .1. .1 1 : 1 u in.' 1 n 1 . 1 1 1 1 ta ina ,,g the sheep. trail, without seeing out aule of the rant ram I, enclosures a single uuiu Mired shrub or a seedling tree of any sort Kverylhing the sheep ., n.ach is eat,.,, clean ins means mat them is nothing left f thu for- -..,.1 ,1. o,er trees, and that it has lost or is Inst loallli. it, ,,.,1 mlmmrn . . i .111 , " melted ,nw and it mcana, too, that there are ... .... 1,. wining on to take the place in their turn of their ii.reuU. As the nuinlwr of animal, driven u, t1(, ,lmUill, im.rB0 ,.. eat hrea imreui. .1... .... l... . . . .nl... . : 1 .1 ' "J 111,1 nopnOMI lire, on wh, ... . n.uuw7.w" , , ' " iwy making Iswribla, and , which young tmt. ar .1 -M Ut apringup. ,. , ' that of the surra., the nh,t f our cat. aLrjrrii '""!,,nK w,u 'un, her T ,1 " w,,'r" threaUn kreaieai mt of Amerioaii forestrv Th.. a lUOoaJl ,., ,ut it ,. eere OMOOha , SPiS. '? wat traatimnt U ...f.."i fomenUlloii the rJi f S iZB7. KR Wsa XL .' "therai. LIGHTENING THE BURDENS. " I wiah to goodness I had broken it I " and rising from the fall a careless step had caused' she examined the bruised and painful arm '. which now would prove only a new weariness' an added weight to the daily burden; while if she could only have broken it, the burden would havo been lifted for a brief season from the tired shoulders, and, conscience qaieted by the inevitable necessity, she would willingly have purchased the rent that it would bring with the suffering that must follow. Then gathering up tho wood oiioe more she passed in, leaving us a lesson in the oxclamation worth oonsidering. Must life, indeed, be only a hardship ? surely not j if those who have tho power, have also the will to make it something else. Tho first step is tho determination that a ohange shall be made the wish for improvement and ,.,.i a " u.u.v lead to a resolution that the oup of life shall not contain altmrnther . I. in.... j a. l... shall lie sweetened 1y love, enoouragement and such uiil I . ... ... I ...I. .It. ...... ..I ? . . ..i i ...ii I j progress, as honest and faithful endeavor can render. Those three sweet comforters oan do more toward reooncil- mi. . n ......... '.. I......I ... il... .1 b - ""-.... ..t io vim aosenoe ol wealth that can furniBh ease and luxury, and fill it with llllfAf pnlitantiHfla.t ll ' mi biii.ii riuneB aione can do. . omeuiuer, always, that happy results follow the smallest beginnings (Int. .'I..I...I ... ..I .. ,. t .1 . . ... ,. y,rtU onange in lite or nature, liy ever so firm a resolve to walk another r.m. I I. Ill flint' mat. ..... . .. i , "I1"" n na " Ptient- Iv am aarnaat v In nw.,1 ii. :n . ., . ,,, uVuler tint roses and find many a dear delight avroii u nie naiidB are full of care, and till' ihlVH seem nil t.... .I...i I l. V... v .....I,, i uiie many uuties, plan for a moment in which to look over a oaner or macaine t.h.f vmi ....... ?. r F . -a , - . jm ,,., KBIU miiiu. uem ot information or a noble thought, that shall lead vour own uhovn ft.. t m. , , ,,,,., y0Ur me. ll you can make this a daily habit (and many can do so much more), it will create an atmosphere 111 Wlurh vonr min.l ...... -.... A j - t n . . Mwa eaiianu, wnne your hands aro busy. It is said that the consUnt contemplation of snial things narrows a woman's mind, and so 1 feel that we must contemplate jost as many great things as our circumstances will allow. I erhapa you think that such do not come with in your horizon ; but the habit of looking for them, and ..I ,,!.,.,,.... I .. . . 7 . ,, uuiu i oe minus, books ami lives about us, the best that they possess, will Mire V etirir.1, ... Al. ... 1 V, V pre"", maaing us more I'.HUlll I'. rilllll..l.l.,.,..l.l.. 1 im.m W. . , ,..... ,,- ,,,, nueresting. l ou know we are Iwloveil, not in tho proportion duty dictates, but simply in tho degree in which we render ourselves lovable; and will we not III,. i, i . -, .1 ... 1. 1 . , 1- a .1 ... i"""oiy accomplish that result by striv- "g imticntly amid many discouragements, to cultivate on. ....... i., X i . ........ ,,,, Kusro. our temissrs, esping not the refining infiuenoe of neat, be- "Hi. II,' .111.1 HI.-tt, . i l 7lu ' i.uiri loan oy y e a. ing un all Blieh nklai . .l.i ' ' .. ... i ; "..".uuiia io auai inexorame task -master " L- ill .aa .. . - -., win, win nusoro ail our inergies strength and thought, unless wo are waUhful d guard a portion of all for higher purposes ? la the fiehf we have just been glanc mgovor, the IfuiuL I'HtsH haa Isaan doing a noblo work, am I ,.i. . .T?.j ..... . , - w .. litres my true ami ta nest appreciation of it befora closing tin. little visit with ..... ...! ... i , " "3 wiua among its rsaaera, m I ante Rural Prtu. TRKATMKNT Of IIipht...... n- D.-L-IJ ... i . i. "".lit. ir. oawnaiuvi, in an Australian i.......i ... , . ceat k i y : I wouia aug u uZ lhy,l,";ln. " treating diphtheria, to aTf w"k SttoSol oarbolic hv In. hi th or fauoeo a solution of a Ir vi ""C C'?' bout the of strong eeaafulli"'''''' i treated every oaao sue fuly, , f,r , mmAlm.. or use a gargle ore,n f P00'