The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1879, Page 109, Image 14

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    April, 1879.
A Raoout. Take a neck or bruit-piece of
lamb or youngUh mutton ; out in piecea about
two inchea long and one broad : put in a sauoe
pan with a piece of butter the size of an egg ;
aet over the tire and cook until a little brown,
stirring all the while to keep from acorching.
Some like a seasoning of onion. Now cover
with water aay, for three pounda, a pint and
cIobc the kettle ao that the ateam will not es
cape ; boil alowly until two-thirds done, then
aalt and pepper ; peel and cut in thick piecea
the potatoea, putting in aa many piecea aa there
are of meat. When done, plaoe the meat in
the middle of the platter, laying the potatoea
around it. Now take the aauoe, add a cup of
soup broth, and thicken with a little flour; cut
in a pieoe or two of lemon, a amall aprig of par
aloy, and boil a moment. Turn over all thia
aeaaoned aauce, and keep hot until eaten. (7er-,
mantown Telegraph.
K mi.s ky Soup. Cut an ox kidney into thin
slioee. Season these with aalt and pepper,
dredge a little flour over them, and fry them in
butter until nioely browned. Pour over them
aa much boiling water aa will cover them, and
dimmer gently tor an honr. Take out the kid
ney, out it into amall piocca, and return it to
the saucepan, together with two quarts of atock,
two turnips, two carrots, one onion, three aticka
of celery, all cut amall, and a amall bunch of
savory herbs. Simmer alowly for an hour and
a hall, then take out the herba ; add a table
spoonful of mushroom ketchup, and a little aalt
and popper if required, and thicken the aoup
with a lump of butter rolled in flour.
Mashid Mutton. Fry an onion, chopped
small with aome butter till it ia browned, add a
a tableapoonful of flour, and one and a half or
two gills of atock with a few clovea, aome whole
pepper, aalt to taste, a teaspoonful of walnut
eat sup, half that quantity of Worcoater aauce,
and a tableapoonful of tomato aauce ; stir the
whole together, let it boil onoe or twice, and
atrain it into a aauoepan. When cold, lay the
piecea of mutton in it with aauce, and plaoe the
saucopan by the aide of the lire, ao that the oon
tenta are very gradually heated ; ahake the
saucepan occasionally, but nevor let the hash
boil. Serve with bread fried in butter.
COT Custard. For ten onpa, put into a
saucepan five ounces of chocolate, broken up,
pour upon it a pint and a half of milk, add
three tableapoonfula of sugar. Let it boil until
it thickena, then remove from the lire; break
into a basin the yolks of five egga and the whites
of two; beat them up, and pour them gently
into the cream, stirring all the time; atrain
through a piece of muslin and pour into cups;
place the cudb in a saucepan partially tilled with
cold water: nut it over the fire until the water
boila; let it boil until the cream thickena, then
remove and leave the onpa in the water until
l.i mon Jelly. One and three quarter ounce
of Russian isinglass, three and three quarter
pounda of loaf sugar and three lemons. Cut
ine lsingiaaa into email pieces, mm m
quart of cold water, and let it stand for half an
honr; then poor off the water; put the ieingls.
into a pitcher with the jnioe of two lemona and
one cat in alios; put in the sugar and a deeert
loonful of rose-water; over all pour three pints
of boiling water; oover it, and let it stand an
hour r so, until the isinglass is dissolved; strain
through a jelly-bag into your forma, and set in
a cold plaoe.
Oraroe Jelly. -Take aix Urge, juicy oran-
Gaud one lemon, one pound of loaf sugar and
( an on Dos of gelatin; dissolve the sugar 111
half a pint of watirr; poor half a pint of boiling
water over the gelatine; when dissolved, strain
it; pat the sugar snd water on ths fire; when it
Iwils sdd the gelatine, the juice of the oranges
and lemon, with a little of the peel; let It bod
op, and then atrain it in molds to 000L
Thia species of cuckoo (Cireulu Enthron-
thalna) is nearly aa numerous aa others, but
from its general resemblance haa lieen con
founded with the yellow ouokoo. Ita particular
markings, however, and aome of ita habita,
sufficiently characterize it as a diatinot species.
The general color is nearly that of a yellow
cuckoo; it ia almost an inch leas in length; the
tail ia of a uniform dark, ailky drab, except at
the tip, where a great many feathera are marked
with a spot of white, bordered above with a
alight touch of dull black; the bill is wholly
black, and much smaller than that of the yel
low, ami it wants the bright oinnamon on the
wings. But what constitutes ita moat distin
guishiug trait, is a bare, unwrinkled akin, of a
deep rod color that surrounds the eye. The
Live tor HoMfTIUNa Thousands of msn
breathe, move and live; pass off the stage of
life and are heart! of no more. Why! They
did not a particle of good in the world; and
none ware blest by thsm. none could point to
them aa the instrument of their redemption;
not a line they wrote, not a word thty apoke,
could lie 1.. ailed, and ao they pens bed thru
light went out in darkness, snd thsy were not
remembered more than the ineeote of yesterday.
Will you thua live and die, 0 man immortal
Live for aomething. I to good, and leave behind
you a monument of virtue that the storms of
time can never deatroy. Writ your nam by
kindness, love and mercy, on the hearts of ths
thousand you come in contact with, year by
year. And you will never b forgotten. No,
your name, your deeds, will bs aa legible on
the hearts you leave behind, as the start on the
. jtbje TsBsr nlfl ut JaW SBESP V
jfl BBEiBaSiSMlBEEU 'BV !r )enp',
female differa little in asternal anpearaooa from
the male. The black-billed cuokoo is particu
larly fund of the aide of creeks, feeding on
:i. 1 1. .......... 1... i..,,,., 1
man neii-iiRii, "), isn"-""'
broken piece of oysUr shells in its MM
The eggs of this cuckoo are mailer than that '
of others usually four or five in number and ;
of a rather deeper greenish blue.
IBI Irvlueei'E or the Family. Th II ret i
institution established by our haoevoleai Crea
tor was th family, and it haa ever been the !
chief school of human virtu. No
for good is so great From it hav emntl
th principles, piety and patriotism, on whkh
forevr ret the proeperity and strength of ,
nations The ties of kindred are th golden
link of that chain which bunla familus Hut
and nations lngtkr in 00 great MM ol hu
inanity F.verything, therefor, which pertain
U, th. hiatory of our families. should h eare
fully recorded snd preserved for to. boafit of
the who are to follow na. He who call:
nd ureesrv hi own family history I not only ,
It . ... . v I Mil will deaeft. SO I
a n.n.iac". 1 .
reossv the graWul thank. of U future pw
rataaRa, --non. mnritan 1. -wi.
brow of vning Uond d4a will .Inn. a.
Iirlght na the earth a th stars ol haavan.
( 'knlmfra.
Profanity, ore - when I we returning from
Ireland asys llnwland Hill 1 found ttajraalf
much annoyed by th reprobate conduct of the
captain awl mat, who wr both sadly given to
th. .eandslous habit of awaariag. First th
rsptain swore at th mat, then th mala swore
at th eaptain, than they awore at lae a lad,
when I celled to thm, with a strong vote, la
fair play. "Htop! Htopllfyan plaaaa gaatlsmsai
lata hare fair play. It's my tare sue," "At
what at It your tare,'' aid Um neptaha. "At
swearing,'' I replied. Wall, May weiUd and
waited, until their patl aa waa eshaustwd, and
then wanted ma to mak haat and Ink ay
tare. I told thsm, however, that I had a
right to lake my lima end swear at Bar owe
eoatefuaaa. Th eapteie replied with a Marry
laagb. "I'arhaia yoa don't masa to Ink. you,
tarn." "Paraon sta, laptola," I unwu, "I
in, ta agnaaa I ana nod lb gnad of data an."
My frwnd. I did not hear an other oath oa th.
voyage. a AWW Ml