The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1879, Page 105, Image 10

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    April, T1879.
THF P'WTPr pnpv of ARIZOW !
In "Picturesque Arizona," a new book by K.
1 '..11 klin, may be found an engraving showing
the Painted Hooks (Pttlraa Pintado)), curious
relics for earlier life in Arizona. Tho engraving
which we reproduce on this page, is from a
photograph by the Continent Stereoscopic Co.,
of New York, and is, we are told, the lirst
delineation ever madeof these historic ' 'remains. "
Mr. Couklin and the Stereoscopic company have
uIbo done many other valuable services in mak
ing known to outsiders the rare, curious and
beautiful phases of Pacilic coast scenery and
objects of nature, art and artitioo,
Mr. Conklin's account of his observation on
the painted rocks is as follows: Olio of tho lead
ing features of interest to the traveler in the
in. -.1 land of Arizona is the system of pre-his-toric
landmarks he is constantly coming in con
tact with, on all sides. Man has, as yet, how
ever, derived very little positive knowledge of
them from any research or investigation, and
they remain to this day a source of speculative
interest to the traveler, from the time hu leaves
the Colorado, at Yuma or Khrenbcrg, until he
completes his journey. It is in these features
th t Arizona presentx herself ss the land for
the archieologist, the psychologist, and all curi
ous minds. Among the foremost of these are
tho "Painted Rooks'' (Vrras l'inln,lo).
At... n t six miles from Oatman's Flat, on an
extensive plain, encircled by the famous Arizona
mountains, is to lie scon the largest and raoit
perfect specimens of these Painted Rooks ('
hi I'inlados). They are in tho (iila valley, I'JU
miles from Tucson, latitude, Xi", longitude,
113. To atop and examine these wonders of
the pre-historiu age, is only to enhance the great
enchantment that waylays the traveler in Ari
zona on every hand. They aro a mass of rocks,
evidently piled by some physical power, ages
ago. Thoy are massed together in a heap about
nil feet high, with a proportionate base ; and
while some aro of a Bize that may lie lifted by a
man, others might be ranked with boulders. On
these rooks or stoues, are various figures and
images. Figures, geometrical, comic, and ana
tomical. There aro squares, circles, triangle',
crosses, snakes, toads and vermin, men without
heads, and dogs without tails.
In comparing them with some sketohos I made
of the Aztec Calendar Stone in Mexioo, thoy
show some variations, though a similarity. The
figures are slightly indented in the rock ; and
whether it is tho result of force at the time of
application, or whether tho chemical effect of
the substance used, eating into the rook, aro
questions with me. I found it to lie a common
tradition with tho Indians that they were put
there in the time of Montezuma, to record
treaties with the different tribes. This would
make them 400 years old. Somo geologists
claim the inscriptions to be only 100 years old
'oinparing them again with my photographs of
the Axtoo Calendar Stone, the similarity would
seem to support the theory that they might
have been the chronicling of that age, and the
variations suggest, by perhaps different tribes or
sects of that age. This would seem to have
some weight, as the stones are of an indiscrimin
ate collection and the paintings aro as iiidiaeriiii
matcly distributed as regards the size of nick,
in proportion to the amount of chmnicling to be
done, I should imagine. Opinions, however,
are as varied as in other cases concerning the
archa-ology of this most wonderful country. In
regard to the rocks, it ha been suggested thai
they were monuments of boundary lines between
th. ,l,il..r..,,t tribes' lands. It is the reailcr s
turn to go forward and add his investigations
to the yet meager knowledge of the stone.
1 ...! fhamher of Commerce has
adopted a resolution in favor of an international
agreement for the remonetization of silver.
At thoir shops at Sacramento the railroad
company is at present engaged in fitting up 2ft
cars, which are to lie used for the tranaiiorta
tion of immigrants and emigrants to and fnun
tho East, and which are a great improvement
on those at present in use. The new cars are
being fitted with upiior aud lower berths, some
what after tho manner of caboose cars. The
upper berths swing froely on iron roils, and
when not in uao cau lie hung up on tho nmf of
tho car, where it is not in the way. The lower
hoi 1I1 are formed from the seats, whioh are
made up after the manner of the present sleep
ore, by turning down the backs, uto. Slats
aro then placed cmsswise, and when laid out
tho norths are exceedingly neat and coin
fortable. This will ho a groat convenience to
norniiiis travuliiiii third -class, as heretofore thuv
nave lioen comiiellod to sit up or mako shift the
best thoy could. Tho only difference lietwveii
these remodeled cars and the present sleoior
will lie that tho former will not he upholstered.
Another beuelit which the Cnmiany will derive
from this improvement is that they will he en
abled to carry more passongers in a oar, fnun
Mr. .lohn Napier of Kdinburg, Scotland, pro
Hises the following mechanical device for the
prevention of boiler explosions: The dtvtoe
consists in the attachment to tho holler of a
plate of copper or other metal of similar quale
tiea and ductility, which plate is (Irmly secured
between two ierfnratod plates of iron or other
metal, aud is covered by them 011 its upper and
lower sides, except at the places of perforation,
those places corresponding to each other in the
upper and lower plates. The Mrforationa art
greater or less in diameter, according to the
size of the boiler. Direct communication it
established lietween the apiaratua aud th la
tcrmr of the boiler, and aoounllng at tht thick
ness of the intermediate pinto is varied with
reference to the strength of the boiler, it 1
a greater or less pressure hen this praaturt
is exceeded, the stAm causes the intermedia:.-.
plate to give way at one or n points littwteii
the 1 tin.- iierforalinus of tht upper and
under plates, anil liy the steam thus escaping
from tho boiler sn explosion is prevented. The
sppsratns, which is intended to be accessory to
the ontinary sslety valve, may lie either si-
THE PAINTKH 100X8 Of AltI.lNA. l'edrat Pintados.
the fact that heretofore only one passenger
could be placed in a seat, so that hs could ha..
an opportunity to lie down, but now tho uppor
berths will make sleeping room for an extra
number and more can be accommodated. It is
a merciful act on the part of the Company, as
heretofore the immigrants and emigrants have
been very uncomfortable while traveling Sev
eral of the altered cars are already completed.
Sni-mmtiiln II".
Maumktimm uk lAjAiwroxa ahu or Html
Dr. A. L. Holz, a French scientists has investi
gated the comparative inlluenoea of equal
amounts of magnetism upon tho IneiUl and
upon glass hanlened steal. He has reached
some novel conclusions, aiming which art tht
following: I. The masimum of iwrtnsneiit
magnetism in the loadstone, for equal volumes,
almut the tame at that in the hard steal. 2.
The specific magnetism of the loadstone la the
greatest of all magnetic hodiee ytt Investigated.
1 The permanent magnetism of the loadstone
1. sooner reached than that of steel. 4. Tht
nusntity of temfKirary magnetism which disap
pears, after the magnetizing 'ores is removed, is
less in the loadstone thsn in steel.
.. .L- - J Ut.l. Khimsis Court lit.
rMHiT wit 1 nil" ttt ' .
eision in the Reynolds cats, It i telirruited thai
200 polygamous marnaftt havt taken plans in
naii isia in" At
tached to the holler or lilted te a tube or otek
secured In the boiler. In order te give addi
tional security, the apparatus may he fitted 111
two or more places ou the holler subjected to
pressure. The tilate art so alts. In. I to the
boiler and to each other that the intermadUte
plate may lie readily removed and replaces! by a
Tub Mikkkai. CsaiTa. Although It was
known for some time that cerium aniline black
was a valuable color, it was not used la calico
printing because It was thought that the cerium
salts were loo eiiieneive, and no attrmpta te
Iimduo thtm oheaply were made. Recently,
inwever, the manufacture of cerium aniline
Mack has hewn Uitrodaoad by Jacob l.ytaehe, f
Ml Petersburg, Itusaia, with mark weasssa ll
waa found that etrtam salts sufficiently Irte
from any injurious suhttanosa eould be menu
factored from the mlatraj cetite by a simple sad
cheap proctta which 'ery otluo pi inter eoald
easily carry oat. At Ml Petertburg Ike as tear,
al which Is derived fnmi deposit la gntttt, Mar
Klddarhytla, Wsatmannhuvl, Mwedta, It naely
powdered, then trtalasl rape lastly with sal
phun. as-til, and finally extracted with cold
Ur Th .enom aniline black thus mad It
tald In l cheaper and more Rsctits lhaa the
vooadiura aniline black.
Tni Rhode
suffrage to wo
Man. I legislator, hat refets.1