The West Shoee. VOL. 5-No. 4. Portlnnd, Orogon, April, 1879. Per Annum, f Htnt cnulee . .mi I els. POT-POURRI. Our exchange! are oautioned agaiust per petrating any puns which the proximity of the two buildings on the opposite page might give riae to. We shall take the earliest opportunity to copyright everything in that line. The " big cheek " of the proverbial government mule sirks into lilliputiau insiguiflcanoe, when compared with the brobdignsgian proportions of the facial plumpness of our Chief of Folioe. He lias actually sued members of our City Council for daring to say: "The Chief it not what he ought to be." Now these same oity dads persist in ssying that there is enough in those sixty-two pages of testimony on tile with the Auditor, to send tome one to the penitentiary. We never go much into the prophecying business, but will risk the pre diction that Mr. Beeser will not hurry that suit much before the June election, and as he still al lows the running of opium and gambling dens, in direct violation of our Statu laws, we say : "Lay ou, Macduff," etc, etc. The Marion and Linn county farmers, huving l victimised by a so-called atlas company, we taku occasion to caution our readers of Washing ton, Yamhill, Denton, Folk and Lauo counties, where this company is said, to be oieratmg at present. The farmers of Marion and Linn eouu ties paid pretty dear for their whistle, as these atlas folks are said to have taken 124,000 out of those two countios, and yet people wondor that tinios are hard. A goneral dissatisfaction exists in Marion and Linn counties, at the inaccuracy of the atlas just published. The lithographing of farms for which farmers have paid as high as (150 per page, is of the very poorest and cheapest kind. The atlas, if reliable, could be sold for V per copy, and a very good profit made at that. Hut this great (P) atlas company, which claims to have a big establishment at Han Francisco, and whose namo does not even appear in the last City I broctory, charges tlio mo lost sum of fifteen dol lara per copy for tuch a publication, too. If the press of the counties meutioued kuow their duty to their subscribers, they will investigate this mat ter, even if it does lose them a little advertising. With the advent of spring, tree frauds are around as usual. We are getting tired of diug donging into people's ears the same old story, and unless they are more careful, shall be compelled to leave them at the mercy f these sharks. F.uca lyptns or Blue Uum traee cannot be grown suc cessfully in this part of Oregon. It is simply throwing money away to purchaso them. Japanese Persimmon csn be had of almost any Oregon or Washington Torrltnry nurseryman, guaranteed fresh, for a less price than these Itinerant tree merchants furnish them. Their stork is nut to h relied on, aud their guarantees are worthless, tor should their troos not turn out as represented, the purchaser would have a fine time hunting up the salesmen. The farmer, however, Is not the ouly one who is victimized 'I Ins season of the year usually brings a lot of adventurers to our snores who term themselves) advertising agents and who hare all sorts of scheme with which to Beeoe our mer chants. These schemes, even poor as they are, are rarely if ever carried ont, for the advertusrr does not take U trouWe V sumI l aWwat tinea, and usually pays his money on the exhibition of a mere sample that, in many oases, is the only copy issued. This irregular way of advertising, even if carried out, it rarely beneficial, and experienced advertisers an never caught by such chaff. If any one is going to a place to buy, whethei he be a trader or buying for his own use, and has to seek dealers through advertisements, where will he look for them : To registers, almanacs, thea tre-bill frames, iu railway stations, occasional ml vortising sheet or circular ' On the contrary, he looks to the most reputable paper of the plnce, ami he thinks that advertising in these gives an assur ance of the good standing of the advortiser ami his business enterprise, and of the sufficiency ef his work. Cut this out and stick it over your desk. It never pays to advortise in anything but a reputable paper. The "Great Ilepulillc," whilst on her way to Portland, and having nearly 1200 eoplc aboard, attempted to enter the Columbia river during the dark night of April 10th and run ou to " Hand Is land," where she broke up. The passengers were all saved, 13 of the crew were, however, drowned whilst attempting to land in a sms II boat. The loss of this steamer is unfortunate, happening m I. i'ii it did, just as our spring immigration Is commencing. Unscrupulous persons will un doubtedly use this disaster to revive the old hug hes r about the Columbia river liar. The pilot and the captain are tho only ones to hlsme. They had no right to enter the Columbia river during the night. Shift iiic tho blame from one shoulder It the other will not lighten the load any. Were we captain of a ship, no pilot should take her over the Columbia river bar on a dark night without our consent, which consent We should certainly not give so long as we remained sober. The fortunate part of the disaster, barring the loss of the thirteeu lives and ths Immense loss of merchandise and baggage of tho Hwseiigrs, Is that the old hulk is dually out of the way and we breathe easier, knowing that she did not hurry more people to an untimely end, which she cer- talnly Would have done had she ever encountered a heavy storm at sea. Iluil the "Oregon" or "Klder" struck where the "Republic" did, on a soft, sandy bottuni, they could have been lightered and got off at high tide; but the " Republic," being such a rotten old tub, could not stand the strain of her heavy machinery, which broke her in two. The public are some what to blame that such floating coffins are put ou. They are foiever clamoring for low rates of freight and passage and forget that a ship like the "Oreat Republic," which was condemned in N7A anil sold for I-' -s.isno. can afford to carry isiaarngers at lower rales than a line vessel like ties "Oregon," iu which 1320,000 are Invested Just now It wutt'd bo in order for the Inspectors at Kan Fran Cisco to rise and explain by what hocus poees the "Republic" was granted license to carry pissia gets. Ill the meantime, a strict investigation should Uks place and every person who wee at fault in causing this dlsasU r In mad to feel the heavy an of ths law. e lav rupaatadly cautioned In public against dosing itself on Lb recmnnssu'Utloa of (i lends or chsnos acquaintance. It does not follow tfcst because a men is a preacher he must also b a J good aoelor i yet th people of Tabs Ruck, la Southern Oregon, must have thought so, for on the recoinniendatlou of a traveling preacher they took carbolic acid internally as a tort em for pulmonary affections, and but for the prompt and energetic action of a regular physician would hav goua tu the place where pulmonary affections an unkuown and itinerant preachers uever proeoMb. The days of quacks an numbered Iu this locality, They will soon have to leave or take to the morn honest occupation of wood-chopping. As a drop of water will by constant drippiug wear oi! the hatdnst rock, so have our reHatd attacks on these vampires lieeu the means of arousing the honest press and the public against Ikem. A number of our country exchanges have rid their columns of all iuaok advertisements. The lie of this city now excludes all local quacks, hut still prints dangerous advertlaenieiite from abroad, amongst others one of the notorious lUv. Jo. T Ionian, whom we exposed Iu our March number, Try again, Mr. lire, eiclude trerymt of them, fumigate your column rules and see how much happier you will feel. Wo an sorry to see that so uewsy a aper as th Slanilanl should so far forget itself at to b. corns the special champion of quacks. Wen II not that the earmarks In Its recent defense of that fnternity wen so plainly visible as hi stamp II at once as the production of one of our inoel un scrupulous local quacks, ws should have a few words to say In anawsr to II as II Is, however, w paas it with the contempt It merit. An ignnnnt quack whom we have mentioned in anything but complimentary terms In thee columns, but whom ths (,. ., , stttll advartl as "a colehraUxl physician," receives the following free notice from th Olympl Mnmur' recently i " A celebrated physloian mining " Is the way an itinerant healer of the s ck proclsims his move ment through the country. Now w iwvar In ml of a celebrated physician who was obliged to travsl about to fiud buslnsa. IJuaoka travel through sheer nereealty the necessity nf getting away from the people they hat swindled. We Impo our readers will not be deceived by bigli-smiiidltig titles of snruicu tHttilultt. The head of such an Institute Is usually a firm-..,, nsver loaves his comfortable quarters in Han Francisco, but sends bis epprentlree to butcher the iwople of th Pacific Northwest. Whom have theee fellow, ever curad F " Nay, I'at, did you mm Omnia t" mm ' Who's i num. r " why, liium. Ksarasy " " And who Is iHnnl Kearney V "Why, IMnnle Kearney doa'l you know lun ula Kearney V " So. wSat doe he do V " I-.. 1 1, be dont't do nothing lev's a workln' man " I I.I l"s nl s' I I Al Kat I'lifllnml frank, May Jil ami i.l. At H.iktt ( in, flu inlays of tm inn will COmiMOCt July til. Al W .ill. i VhIIii, Ihrco tiny of rating, cum mcnc'iM); July yf; alto, five tiays of racing, .minimi inn Hcptrmlwr loth. The Stale Fair rare will continue fur '.i ii 'In, the tlalc liavc not l-i i. .leflnitclv tlci iilcil on a yet, tiut llit-y will likely lake .lii.T early in Scleti. Ier, hcing n month earlier than usual,