THE WEST SHORE. January, 1879. 2 1 II 1 1. OOVI RNOR'H RK8IDKNCB Victoria, H. C, PUBLIC SCHOOL Victoma, B. C. II rORIA. BRI1 Ml COl ' MBIA, Excepting Portland, Victoria is the largest .mil handtometl city in the Pa cific Northwest, and is so thoroughly Illustrated in iliis Issue, thai bul little re malna to be told in letter-press, li is the sc-.ii hi govemmenl of British Co lumbia, luis ., population of about seven thrtyeandiand oontaina many handsome bulldhafB besides those Illustrated, The pieturMquc scenery in iis Immediate Miiniiy, tin- most superb, natural roads brawchiajg In all directions, and the coollai sesVbreoaes prevailing there during the rammei months, combine l make (lir oity a desirable place of reekUflce. Prom Portland it can lc irathrd m two day by rail and sir. mm IhwI, al an i-xpriiM- of twenty jfor an excursion ticket for the round trip, and we pity the taste of our "sea sides" who will persist in being nearly devoured by fleas every summer, "down 011 the sands," when so pleasant a sum mering place as Victoria lies at our very doors. From a commercial point, the city is in a prosperous condition, supplying the mines ami agricultural districts on the mainland, and enjoying the distinction of being the chief port for ships plying between the province and England. Besides hnving a reg ular connecting line of cant and steam boats to Portland, it also enjoys the ad vantage of a line of ocean steamers to San Francisco, Beacon Hill, which lies aluiiit a mile from I In- center of the city, is a natural park of unsurpassed loveliness, and in no put of the ,iuhe can be found a place of jesort adjacent lo an important business community, at once so charmingly rural and so easy , of access to those who toil for their living in the heart of the city. From the summit of the hill, at early dawn, a most magnificent view may be be held. Facing the spectator who is looking south, the stately chiefs of the Olympic range rise in their grandeur; away to the left, Mount Haker and the Cascades cleave the air for thousands of feet upwards, and 011 the right the lovely foliage of the opposing Vun comer hills and the placid entrance to Fsquimalt harbor, render the scene superoly grand. Refreshed, as it were, with the gentle breeze which reaches him from the Straits of Fuca, the spec tator lurns his face northward, or nearly -- c CUSTOM HOUSI Victowa, li ( POSTOFFICE VicTowa, ft. fc