io8 THE WEST SHORE. December, 1878. KKW NOT KM OS HTKiDL'LATK According to the Science Summary, Iwlrfmmlrml, some freeh uhee rveti"iia on the hutting of xu-xU have been made by J. Perez. Ilr believes that the cauae of Luuing certainly resides in the winga. Id tin Hymenoptera ami IhpUra the buuing UI doe to two ilutinct cauaee oue th vibration of which the artoiila Uun of the wing u the teal, ami which coneti UU true burling; tha other the friction of the wing, an effect which more or leu modifies the former. In mntha of etrong flight, audi aa the epbiugea, tha aoft anil full hutting which thuae loarala proluea ia only due to Die friction of the air by the winga. Thii Bound, which ii alwayi grata, ia alone produced. It ia not avaiiiipanied by the haaal beatinge, owing to a wruliar organitatlon, ami especially to the pmeeuoe of the a. alee. In the dragon-Hiea, alao, in which the heat of the wing ia furniahed with aoll flrahy arta, M true hutting occura; hul a annul rustling, due to the friction of the organa of flight M. Psjsj believes that th Maaage of air through the reaiiratory onHoea I,.. Li. .1.. mmI. ll. - I.. .4. f . . - mmm utuitn ih aomin, aa whan injured or olueed the butting go on. unen we auginale or air hole are atoniied her ineli.-ajly. u wae done ,y llarineiatcr, the hut ting ia only weakened, aa the meeut itnalf Ii l-ytially Mi.hynato! l.y the loss of freah air hen, aa I hM m did, Pent atuck together vne wuga mi a ny, the aoiin.l waa .1,11 lr, 1 aa Uta usee of the wing coutinuel to vibrate aim to uiuing eomid Ui In iroducel. Hut all lH""jf eto.l if, ,y holding the winga reaad together, over aa large an eitont aa 'l T ' ?5" ''"rUl" MMtaM upon ...aar ammm, ail mutemeiit of heae organa ia MevUra.1 impassible I whatever way the (! are ooaflned, provided Uieir immobility 11 I1MM,,.I.I. 11. 1 J 11.. . in. ouuing aioiuUily cnaaei nlrary to Hunter . eUtemenl. M. I'orei "'rr.u,Ki. can n. rvavlily related, if ,, '" "! I""" "dor. ,, ,, ,, ,.U,, I thai ud thu veied .nation be act Kmrriau a NtSAiiaoAT to Si tu Aamia . PMI aUamlioat waa almiue,! f,, tUrairg, Penney I van .a, in the 1 0th of October aaa. Bjr way of ,w Vara, to be d.livsrwd t. the Ifnitod Hut-a of Colombia. South Am.,,... It ea ahipfnl , aertnaaa, and will U ,,t Ul. . Mar alien .... i.- J . . ""Hiiaiion ly ,ei, w 'r,H " ittaiiurg for that our I " '"iT T'-. U'. ' feet It, nche. Tr."""-"' ". and mad, en..B. , iMuulti atrrnifth ,.f 70, (MX) ztt7 rM"uta lvi,,,h ,,y'0'1"'. - .. ,.wr. in I eel tan h..MM i. i . 1 cu"' 1 ""' . m katne .d the ilMial.i .l. Aa h niniv. Pliu a it- l '' ''" Hw Norths IVific ra,ln. & i. 3 5m et w.v. TtL . ""f""""".!! the ar way ,.f thju naptn., ... "aive ltr. ,j r, ' 1 "'' U to r-r ana,, af L11 2 ? A Honsu NpoHiilL Tic Mew York Auade iij of iScicnaeahaj had an lotcreatuig ipe- Oican of luarnie which came from a ship wrecked in 1871, off the south coast of Long 1-1. ui'!. Thu marble was perfectly honey - comlwil by aome mariiie-boring animal The Sfirnlijir A mrritaH says that Dr. Newberry be l.. .1... la .. 1.. a,, a. . . : i.' .' .ii. ii ib viMiiuo i" tin laiacstu a njn i icn of aKing of the genus ('liomi, and this view lias been recently indorsed in a note on the sub ject puhliehed by I'rof. A. E. Verrill. who has I, ail 1U "j j ' 'i i " ii, i j in CAAIOIOIO BOOIC BWKI mena aei.l tt II,.. l'..,ll, 1 ..f V..1.. College. I'rof. Verrill states that the exposed rtiona of the alaba examined by him are thoroughly penetrated to the depth of one or mm . .. ..I l... .L. 1 i : i i : eel in. ii. n u aoo i iuiimh kjiu irregular uunugs or gallcrica of the sponge, Vliona mtlphurea, so mm vu in. in in u m 1 1 1 1 ' ii noncycomo, reailily crumblini. in the tinners. The marble ia (jerfectly aound and unaltered beyond the lainnga. no aaya unit ino rapid destruction of the hln Ik of ..I,. Ki, ill. L. . .J ll ii -jmmm, vim., uj 111.. UUI IllgS Ol Una apouge has long been familiar to him, but ... .m ... ii m ii i' ai'i'n eimniuiui or i n nniinti on marble orlimeatono: for calcareous rocks do not occur along those iNirtions of our coast in habited by the animal. He suggests that its oinvy vo rapmiy uesiroy audi rocks might have . Ill ii In :,1 luiarinn in ..I I - .1 1 "T" 01 euouianue siruc- ea looeaione or oiner similar materials. Spontaneous Combi htion.- Dr. Hoffman has called attention to some curious cases of snnn. . . . a tanooiia ignition of hydrogen in air. The nh.n omenon has been noticed in factories where large uanuiies ol line were lieing dissolved in hydro i hloric acid for th nana..y.. ..i ci . ... . , , 1 r.'u ui uuu cuionae. lolent expl.enona l,.k place when no flame waa near: and j . 1 , . weuui wHueu mat the gaa took hro spontaneously. It appears to wi; I i S3T" ve,T Porous rinc, which, when ifu . ...... ii... ...I--- 1 l: ii i , . .uuaw 01 LI"' liipiid dunng the violent evolution f tk and bo brouirht in ... n i ... -t u ii, L. J M ! ....... 1.1V11 iiaunwen and ,Zt Z . - t",e ul"ur "flMllllll tho DSftomaBaa of aiiek : .t Sa ,7T - a iiauaaej in ine open air. The ignition can be shown by treating a few kilogrammes of linelv .lii.l..C -:TS ,eW The "line i-lvLT 71" with waUr ' " 'mM "y 1ounii ai. The Polutrrhni.- i Ik. . . . ' nia ....-uun a private etter fr n. t Hunt tk.t k. " i iwigreasat Paris was Kreat success. There were -XVI m.k. preaent : anil varii.i.a :.i it., work of .h, : ,r T.!m and ufuL AmZ lZ?Lm "PrUt will la. ,u,re.u.l , . 0,Le """-"ho levote hirnlf o m.K,rta sci'n , 10 Uona. IWf,ir- laavataS SliLfSTr "'vcettga. ""utio,, u.i.ii. i. "f Tut Sun or IIalbTItv. t-n -1 "toa may.,. 3.. :,U:,DKPr4Ct'- . , -".el ny tnoae whose Mhsj i, ik. i . ! wnose ktltJ rare 7 7T ttoo oaiea ary frt,m A to A i . . a lO . mrh JJ.L .... .. weigh, eafrl'C' dimena.ona are dilT. .. j- .- The Prt thu. lJtCZ-rJ," WPHM ' .-!.... bale. .l.i,,,k7",U:.,.';-W.V. ; if oncoa-nu. "r"?.h ll- Bale. !'Mdwh4ll0r r,5f"tb3rS'tby: WaSHINH OUT B0ILEB8 WITH HOT WatKE. A letter from John E. Martin to the Railroad QautU contains the following: I notice in the discussion on boilers at the last convention of master mechanics, that Mr. Hudson recom mends washing ont locomotive boilers with hot water. I have used the injector for that pur. pose lately and with great success. We conn uie boilers to be washed ont with the injector of another locomotive by means of wrought-iron piping and a flexible hose pipe that will srju,d, good pressure. A nozzle of five-sixteenths of an inch is used on the hose. With snch nozzle and with a boiler pressure of about 130 pounds we throw a stream of hot water of 140' Fahr. temperature into the boiler to be washed out. A gauge on the hose pipe showed a prei sure of 1 10 pounds, equal to a vertical weight of nearly 250 feet The hot water loosens th. scale more effectually than cold water, and the force of the stream is all that can be desired A stream of water can be thrown a distance of 60 feet and could be used aa a fire extinguisher. Population of Sohr o the Great Crnn of the World. The Registrar General of London, in one of his weekly reports, gives the population of the cities of the world having over a quarter of a million of inhabitants, as follows : r irat COIIloa TjinHnn milk ii. Q KTf OA1 i ' . ... , ,, ,,ov people : next is Pans, with its 1,988,800; New York, with it 1,084,528, and its olose neiahborn. partner Brooklyn, with 549,438 ; and then Ber lin, with 1,019,620 inhabitants lhiU,l..l,,i,;. has its 876. 1 If) 707071 . o. 1. f . ' ' i oia reiers. T8' Bombay, 644,405; Glasgow, 566.940 : .iverimo MO Kfil . VI.-k.-i.- Salfor, 530,765 people. All these are above the half mil ion. Then ,.,,.,. v 1 m. ... 1KT Jv. ri . . v""'DO i.-uica, iriun "JiW ; Calcutta, with 429,535; Madras, 397- ""- , 1 1 inn 11 11 1' II. Mini Aiir. 111.1 . in : h.. .. . . - . ' --W, .V , llll III 111.' am, 883. 17 : Ka timne- 9RR nnn . n..j. n Ic Old i. ' ! " VW , UIIUl-I BBIU, .tl,.50; Dublin, 314,666; Leeds, 304,948; Amsterdam. :K 9111! . k.ffi.u nan o- . -HA -'14, and Breslau, with 267,000 population. niu great tninese and Jspan- eaui nitma 1 ThOUIIHTS FOR WlNTR weilur t. Ik. New York Jmlrpendent sayi : Typhus, typhoid fever, and diphtheria are more abundant in winter than in summer; while, if the apecifio ntectlve IMBA-ju.. .i ..... t .l.u ; ,1 r 11 ik 7" 6"' ""j luumoiu in me tan, uiey are apt to linger wjth continuous pertina city until the Into spring. It is quite apparent too that our population suffer, from the winter confinement amid impure air, even where do special distemner ia i,-,i.,.,.i n l- 1 "iwu. hub rvaeuu wiij t seems so necessary for our urban population w spend the summer on the seashore or in the mou.,U.nsi.Ju.tkttMtherehM , . uctionof v,ul forc8 by surroundings, which Ze m (t',u,,r,Pirel- These heated chamber. ,0.1.1, bMement do not send into these heaven. Nature struggle, on, witfc her com- Pensatlnna ami ... ... ln-.; 1 j"vmenia, until .nein.tituMS ance it lf . 88' "lld """" . 'IlllUlgf. Prize Cattle Cam Tk. t 1 oi-a a-. .1 a. " -a.uvau oQcieay io the I revontionof a..-i. ,, a. l v auiiuais 1 rjigianoh having offered 400 i n. ... ! ' a ii . . f."ai iur improvea obm -iyu-tlfT Md ,elected 'our, whiob .la. iiTlk '""'tor. to build of full Ub, r canal T." P il tnT ?hU9t mi1ht Three of mvTto? lZ 'kT D0,W oompIecaMl. and on. uXZrV '"rther time The pr. aa.Ml tk2. j J""rys companies ex- saf. .ml -T-TT. ""Pt simpja. light cheap. d transit if 1 "",thod of hithlrtofani lL the.; f-ture. HSJSBJaS-BB-Bl