The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, November 01, 1878, Page 83, Image 17

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    November, 1878.
The summer range of Wilson's snipe, or the
common American snipe, shown in the engrav
ing, extends northward far beyond the limits
of the United States. In the mountains of the
Carolinas, at all times, they may breed ; but it
is thought that this only occurs in the cases of
:j:..Mn.l. Hi.aMed tn flio-ht Tn Virmni". tind
Maryland, they sometimes breed, and in
Pennsylvania rather more frequently. In
Maine, they are abundant in the breeding
season, but are still more plentiful in Nova
Scotia, where they lay their eggs early in Juno.
The swampy parts of the extensive moss-oovered
marshes, in elevated situations, afford them
places of security and comfort.
A Modest Request Answered. The latest
The following recipes from an exohange may
be of use to some of our readers. Tho follow
ing is for jet-black stoel pen ink: "Rruised galls,
1 lb. : lonwond. n. : cloves. 1 Oft i pomegranate
rind, J lb. ; water, 8 It. Boil gently for throe
hours, stirring now and then ; strain off the de-
gredients. Simmer gently (or an hour, and
strain. Mix the strained liquids, which together
should wcinh 8 lbs. Allow the droits to suitsid,
and pour off clear. Dissolve in a portion of it
oommon gum, lb., sugar candy, I Qft and in
another portion sulphato of iron, 1 lb. Strain
both solutions, and mix the whole together.
Then add oalcined borax, I drm.i oroosote, 12
drops; dissolved in ox. of spirit of wine."
For blue-black ink the following is commended
by good authority: Alleppo galls, bruised, 9 os s
bruised doves, 2 drms. cold water, 80 Oft I HU
TU Win in Hopei Dwioisttio. It is eom
mendable in woman to desire to look well and
dress in the best taste ; ar.d hnw many anxious
days and even nights are given to the considera
tion of a new suit, in order to have every trille
enhance the beauty of the wearer ! Tho homo
surroundings may have evon more effeot to make
or msr tho attractiveness of the oocuiatits, aud
should command an amount of interest OMR.
mensurate with oreeter natflMMMNie MM v1n
I'he .Mrerliraimi is very apt to order a house
of his architect in the same way that he orders
a coat of his tailor, and his instructions are
more of the ualure of "glittering generalities
than they should Iw. The wife, on the other
hand, ought to know the ways of the home
establishment in every small item of daily lite
and, if not able to arrange to meet all wants,
she should lie competent to designate mini
clearly to the export who is Ml MOM to satisfy
as many of them as practicable. The home
department belongs essentially to woman, and
domestic architecture should early bo a part of
sentimental balled is entitled "(live me the
home of my childhood." Bless your soul, we'd
do it in a minute, but -why. haven't you
heard t Old Tadgers closed out three mortgages
on it in 1867 anf 1868, and the next yoar it was
old for taxes, it was seited for debt tho summer
following, then your oldest brother claimed
that it belonged to his wife, and brought suit in
her name to recover, and before that was through
u... i i . u riiw in the title and in trying
VHOV 1 1 J 11 1 1 ' uii " - .. .. w -
... :.,.:..i,i.. that nnt it tranamroil that your
graiidfatbcr had no Oovernment patent on ft at
all, but had stolen it bodily from the Indians
I l.islf l.rw1ai i.&VA
Mil UUW IWW M4i iv- - " wfs
recover the property as the heirs. The house
i i .i.. .l..,i in, vi-sra siin sml mm
neighbors have ojsed ths fenoM for kindling
wood j your wife's cousin is trying to get hold
of the lot ami your nannromer jump
property one night, put a little shanty on the
alley comer, and is now in poeeeeeion. There
doesn't seem to be much show for you, but vu
might Ala your papers, bay a lawyer and sail in.
-Burlington Havktyt.
phate of iron, I Oft i sulphuric acid, 70 ;
ndigo paste, 4 drms. Plaoa the galls with he
. " f II I... til. ,Ui, iitu.ii Ilium Die
cloves in s gmioii im r -r
water, and digest, shaking mien, lor a inmiigns.
ra . I ill..- ....... Il.f..llill IsaHMt. IlltO aWHltlHT
gallon Imttle. Next put ill ths sulphate of iron.
dissolve it, aim tne ecm, mm mi
l,aatly, aild the indigo, mis wen, aru ni.
rkil iHiltins. ins wriw.. , r ,,
iroen, but It soon lurm v wmmy j - V
9 ? , . ..... ..... I... till!
is not a copying ins, um
by the addition of sugar or glycerine.
Armi.LT MWEimi mosquito with s generally
discouraging sir hinging about him, can., .lowly
: jTL.?....! where in could llinl the
man who had charge of the scientific society s
TTTi TIm Iu, wiimm! the (rust oil the end
specimens. --i .
'. , .11 L In. uli WS SbuUl
oi nis urn, ssssssi - . - ... .
over now. and he thought be would mU
stuffed; and wearily uown.... .-.",
roughing hollowly, sml whipping his front legs
,,,, wsrnith. as 1- waal up Fairfield avenue in
I sank of the curater.
her education. Ilr titling awl dsatiued neon
iMtlou is the control .( a home, sml even though
years of life in boarding or hired bouses may
inlerveiie, she should look to a permanent MM
.. ..... ,.l ll, ur.atoat l.liiMllllia to strive for.
While the husband labors lor the needed money
to pay for lumber ami work, she should be busy
contriving how tn gel ine largees amount
convenience, comfort, and lu stily (or lbs mwwy
when it is esrnr.l
III rro Makinu. 1'iHcelaiu butteus, soma
time calletl again bullous, are rsaillly msde, on
Hie i.rnc iple of (ornnng mosaic) tMswrss, bv a
machins invrnted lor that purpiaM, and In 1737
llw first Ulloii was mm by It. The ImtUius
are mad" by wlial Is known as the " dry pro
oesa," I. ., by a pressure saftetawlly great to
wrmprese the dry por lain powdsr late a hard
ami emlunnu alia pa. They are mads by women.
who often turn out twenty. Ave button, la a
minuU, bat ta aaaal rate is frum twelve to
iKhtean a rnlnate Um yeaf roun.1. Tb prtc
paid is oaa twtit par gnaw, at win. h rate one
woman earns from H to H per aak.