The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, November 01, 1878, Page 82, Image 16

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    November, 1878.
Itr. lirochard in a French medical journal lays
down four rulei to 1m obicrved in weaning in
fant, aa follows: (I.) It should never be done
suddenly, one regimen being gradually trans
. ir .... . 1 J 1.,
Th. eUctric ( tlrrtriria, is found
in th mtn of tropical America. It is in form
and shape similar to other eeies of the An-
yuMft't or eel family, hut from its great iA
sometime, allaiiiini sn fnt in length, and
alreiigth proportionate, and being oa'Md of progressively ireiarud for weaning,
internal euK'trir! app.rtus aa piwrrlul as the
.t f "O ' artlf if hi "" n formi'l-
aide opponent In 11 encountered hy man or an
imal in its element, the water.
Tha ! trie mI alwuiuU in the Orinoco and
the Amazon, hut the Idfre of the currant and
the depth of the water prevent theii being
oaught. though the nalivei nften fuel shiH'ks
from Uiein while bathing in those rivers.
I'aia or thk f.rjurit Mktaiji. Cadmium, employed fur the production of
formal into another, an that the child may he
I lie time
for it. aa Trousseau justly observe, cannot be
11 -limnae( but if must defend upon
dentition. As soon a tho teeth appear we
should commence our preparation. About the
fourth or lifth month we may accustom it to the
sucking Imttlc, substituting this for one of the
sucklings at night, and afterwards for another;
.m l ret) for a fortnight after weaning the child
should have nothing but milk. At a later period
farinai cous food and broth may be willed.
Many women begin to give their infant this I
kind of food far too soon, and at the time of i
or asthenic, generally subsides on the fourth or
fifth day of treatment. He usually presoribea
one grain of opium, with or without lead and
tannin, night and morning, in order to restrain
the bowels which the juice has a tendency to
relax. The effects of this treatment are, he
says, rapid diminution of joint swelling, di
minished perspiration, steady fall of pulse, which
often becomes quite slow, with a Blight tendency
to syncope, the majority of cases requiring qui.
nine Tint stinnortini' food about, the eift. A
Such vigorous treatment should evidently bo
undertaken only under the supervision of a
competent physician.
RrAiBio looke Wat-cii Covers. Some of
our watchmaking readers may get a hint of
value ill the following which w nnf f-
0 -- "U". IMMII
Art-lmuttry, a neat journal which has arisen
from the ashes of the Silverrmith and Watch-
(for: If the rim of bnntinor.nn.RAB 1m, ...
ery fuaible alh.ys, i. imi.ll obtained along with caning MlWOtget them to take the milk which I worn by tho friction of the springs that thev
I V.l.n , 1 ""V proK,-, ,v
,. -'3 - - " "miuie or in, kr ...
tZ . ZZ r A,,m,""u'"
S3 . 11... L. J, nT"""l
i.Uikw .!. "'''"If i'
ta. BM ,ZZTi . expound.
TllTlH Uwluewl I,, ESSE
Ht. hat kM mi tesU,hJlr whiUii. .1.1
.1 ui m re agent.
..... T ft I
rr v '".T '""'Hy l'ro, l,v .1, ,
only a, the We "'Z .-'."J,o.. . I?." 1.,1"r," V"Y hot
! ahould i,t I- - " . i . U,."mlr- (4 I It
) : lit .kali ' lj
to fin
elct m
'IT, Tt,L , , 1
ti ! T i t"96 t,gb' or not Bty closed at all,
uUi , ?iWe ca"ofteb' romclied by unde
mw th"" at 7C,h a" a"Iu th"he spring
U . t l i Te t'1,t' " difficult to do
,1,l l ,' .rrnn'a i. apt tooocur, 4 ) It'anl Vi, V a K'avcr or other hand tool,
T lw,,ll,,' d of ,, iT,,' 1':'ary, 81001 "tchet-wheel, Uken
I..'. , Th .. " "- ?'eh ,H,.r be. , ' 1,0 x and mounted on the
bowel, ui, I, Z'"A ,U' 1,10 C0,",ltin' n.k f ' "i0"1' u' 'WKh- SmuySTZ
l-ile-l I,. I-.,.,,. . rVVJ "ch con.ti-1 1 . .'K """H files
lUenf. U.,: I. .'.an' tnl U the eW !
I J 'lay ,he ainen : ,7 pf - .ec i plantc, about 0 e C?C'W tree, are to be
cuW mZZnZrtS "'r IM they wi '! ' ,'ty of Mwico, and it is ex-Irt-n'Urly
sthenic Ition f thoyiu .iv,PrB,tW modifier
mlaJ1 a,wt the Mexican capital