November, 1878. THE WEST SHORE. 76 THK CAKT TltACK. nuk, name "J nvrnakad daan Hh baat, finju lb baa rat la, Ml taadlnf inward Tla II im farm ,ad, lanulh Ibafiea It dim Thm mmtl r r.ava on tk lb ff., graM ttmuud lit u, ai'.n lutun u U Ml! 'f "'. Ia. Una mkM, 1'-' nu .'.''' wnbaf iri.a 1 btlMi lW urniwd M Urn ,mlruui iuad. M nna.Ua I" ban dd Mil, llwti ' f T p-"" rti All IU 111 raalm III b,,wit,l,,l Nulla M Mtii, Wllk II.. end rut b.amnld In lha niMM 14 iluaUfll.f- vada, Uwn Uadm. ii tlx Wall Tkavt aawa ft aa.Hb ilftlft rkh 111 (Fan., I 'am fiw.ul ni.d 1 Juini- lii n.oftft lha i"-l la bif In UayjM Lbl.knta, ami cbaja ulliaad Iran A -' mi' lii uniiiiftr 0i bra,l Iftiit It aaaia.Hi ad ill' tTftftt 4 .rat dm, WMk inlal (mIMm ami al...n mbblad iftft,1, Wuaftft iwiu id ).lt.,ft bulUrSlat Imt Of 4ft)(. 4ftfi raia, fttt.l lawa ft.a iblatla luria, And In liftft MUM SMSS. U, Urn ! ! tiwmrftftH ft 11,. . !.. mdlaliad aklna llirn tnk Tka kriftl ItH IKftl wlnl In. iil allb.'liatual I l-. ni.taa fti..l artkl II. ft md ili j.4il On U Um him lrt7 (mill,, n.n lll I. inn WlUi bannii all, at Ihiaii ll, In.llabt track fraaa bba 44m ill it, t abaia, id l.,.lu Ink hi... k";bbfta in tl.. aart, .tl. bar ami Uiara i rum fa. d tVuublmm reailnc IlkrrUw duvn AM) Ik .l.ik fkaajU, idd Mau and hat mill, lilUlna aba Ufta aaanrln Run and Uftan Mnld Ambu townklrat hla atdr inrt I'mAnf lb aart. I i.i. a nanu, Uin ll.ftua. al Unikajgara klna, I'nmk lumblaa liirUi lata . abmlnln gnlb., rmmiil .l- i. knlngliaj baft Irunl, Iban I'.atb, I .una hla tdlarg 1 ..aai.l tba part mil Uial )arka Lit alandar haala, kkrtll nokfhli.a, abUa lha afatrtraJ dan atrlkaa .ml lla hn (( al il. I I .I. . ii, .. ii.,. i.i u ktaaai Ika mil fl . ft Uval all da; Irnif lial Uln I'faan l MfftMiira .. it KM atrftfamllu back Tu Ufta ftx.4! lana )id A ruda, ttaual aaana U Ilia, ami rt a i.lui. full I aaaa )..). aftftd riwlbful mii.rtaa .ii.,lifc i. ..,'..,, Tkf naif 1 1 mm htm. tmu kuajblna I.I ii. ftraa. Wllk knnda all U.UI.I.U, ku H.ftftu.c mud 4aa oak tin 11..1 vara hatliif. Than ibaaf I'll una, A buildllal " l""ifta And auaw baklia fT"ia Tk hmjm ad H.unftim Tka; Lnlbtad au tail, HaM in) iul kit ram dntr Wllk iraak ami a Ml Taan tiik nan j kvufk A ml a .l.i. .-I tl.. knad. T ilasad ibaii lallw, i... AM Uftatt raw a mM AM gail, al kftftlUlnaT, Again did lb., Amf nu..,. ui.wln. laid In Mm, mm m Mi .,.,1,1 k.a Mnrl; mm ark, Mkrkt ftaam rrva. I baa riitklraa A aaakiaaj M paaa AM akan baa In . dM IVjii bammbanian On atnifbla.t u Wlldllta r. I iinanlirn dlbftM It ,.,, A tikltnia Mill in Hi.. II.... a pnivlMl Dm kaUnnJ !au4l, indwrn. thl k Inai.l alnnil rai a, a l.l .. li tnirVat (.,,, oM ire Nfe lha ,,U .4 the ST " f""'. "i pwi Th M j" lornaml (.( Uraa) rtula Uuil (raJUI. th MUm ihiu.l u liirrnni in lika nuM ' kV, U UHWtt! 'v: , 'rmJ ol hoH .mM iftf rVUft, lajnl At th Btftftajf arj . I AM I. ..1-1 .U . halt ,u,r, , th, mimi ",'.'1'u7 ; iffi " i cx.j.b.u,,,, r C P mm Wm rk.v.,1. ly"" A aarh iUr whr lha grA.M4.ryw?rt Ci kj( 5f HS " .,BtotJ"J- krh l.i,.,t. U. thrw ..rfOb,cwUMr TTia mli un ' kajfnMrr tWo!lf 1 ": hm. PftiCmO coast ALGA The richne o( our cowt in klga'J i becoming geniTtlly known at the Hut, through the efforU of IiicaI kcientUU like Dr. Auilenion, of Santa Crui, anil othcra. Hit. Prof, (iunningdevoted much time during her recent vikit to thii coaat in makinir a collection of thine ilanta. anil her work i attracting much attention at the Kant At a recent fair in BttttOB thi collection waa ahown, anil the note which the lioitmi Journal make of it will contain much news even to our own citiieiii who have never iitutlieil vege tahle life on our aouniling almre : In making th collection Mr, (iuiimng wa aiiletl liy resi lient hotaniit, eaiwcially hy Dr. Hemmick of Santa llarliara ami Mr. ('levclanil of San Diego. The entire onler of aea plant in of great general intoreal to the ImUniiit, ml of e)K'cial interoat to many other, liecaute of their uc in the art or adaptation for (imhI. The nereocyktia rcprc enteil on the Atlantic coaat hy the huge, Iwthery, homy lamiuariaa, ia to the Pacific water what the Sriuoui ij'ujnnlra in to the Sierra. ! rowing 111 ileep water, their huge length, aometimea of l,,VJ0feet reachea the aur face, when it i lloatoil hy meana of cysta or hlaililer, ami ofU'n iuterferea with the naviga tion of veaael. In evere atorma it ia uji rooteil ami driven on the ahoro in auch maaaea aa to form, with other aeaweed and aaud, ataunch hreakwater. In Mr, (iunning'a volume there ia a young plant, Srrreijtu Lulkruna, meaaur ing a few inchea, which aliowa the hold-faata hy which it anchora (having no root) and the cyat which give it it generic name. The plant at thia alag may lie looked for in July and Auguat. The MatrmUt I'yrtfrra i reireaented in the collection only hy a fragment of a frond, which ia auhVient, however, to ahow a very curioua mode of leaf or frond diaaeetiou. If one want to delve in the very jMirtala of the lotnical world, they may read MM leaona from thia I'avoific collection. The Atlantic coaat haa rich and lovely vanetie of algie, hut the Pacific ex cmiIi ,cr ,y far, if nno may judge hy the collec tion on eihihition, which claima to ahow nearly all the IfMitl that have yet Iwen diacovored on the Weateni eout 'ufit'c Uuml I'rtu. CoRmirrioN n BMI Hum Mr. Wendell lhillinj give utterance to another aentimeut that will fiud a repiiue in tho intelligence of that great middle . 1.,.. imw heing ground and crunheil hetween the upper and nether millatone, wealth at the top, vice, ignoranco, and idleneaa at the bottom. Mr. 1'hillip aaya: "If corrup UiMi Mnia rolling over ua like a flood, mark it ' It ia not the corruption of the humbler cluaet' It ia the millionaire who ateal bankt mill and railwava. It 1. the defaulter, who live in ualace and mak way with the million.. It ia th. tnoney king. who buy upCongrew. It i, th. demagiigura and eiliUir. in and fine bn.n who VQ .l,(IO0 for the l're.i,(ency iUelf It ., gre.. WMltl, whlch mvemU ju tLmmmn million, m rum to coin money out of the weak na. of ,u neighlair. Thre are the .,U h.ra ciirruptbin ncUc Ul, Kan(rono. 'thc mm, I f humble are corrupted, theae fur nuh overwhe U-rnpUtion.. t i not the T""1 ! ' he.tre,U, but the money. . hanger, who have mtru.led the e Ulhe hill, will ceM toM.,,1 ,own rotUnnel. ttmmZ on the ljMtitiitriVM wmm - t K Tk. vTT.' " !" ka.i wav. ., . iik I ! fv1"u, '" ..I i kmmbmZi u,uve. hr 0,14 Z SS 'lBV4,1 'y: Cylinder., ,1 '.jJ"V'n hwU 'luuneter 6 ft, U..Hb j uL. l ' . , ,nv,"ll m; diamel.r of Im.Ur I in !t 8 du,.Ur: ho,h. l mmZtZ ' J 10 ft IIU 1- " k. . c .D,"r' L uk hiw. ai,;w"n; w,lh bo,ler " DOMESTIC RECIPES. I.KMoi" Costabdb. One large lemon: one (inatt of new milk; quarter of a pound of white augar, and seven egg. Grate off the rind of the lemon; put it with the augar in the milk, and boil quarter ot an nour; strain, and let it remain till cool; then atir in the eggs, well beat en and strained, leaving out three whites: nonr it into cups with hail a teaapoonful of fresh butter, melted, in each oup; set them in water, and bake in a moderate oven; oolor them when done, by holding a hot salamander over, and serve cold, with sugar sifted on the top. Haklkv Soui1. Three ounces of barley, one and a half ounces of stale bread crumbs, one ounce of butter, quarter of an ounce of ohopped iMi-lev. anil halt an ounce 01 salt. Wash, ami steep the barley for twelve hours in half a pint 01 water, to which a piece ot soda, the size of a pen, has been added; pour off the water that is not absorbed; add the bread crumbs, three quart of boiling water, and the salt; boil slowly ... a well-tinned covered pan tor tour or live hours, and add the parsley and butter about hall an hour before the soup is ready to be served. Hi: k a I Mi H-.s-i. Take four slices of baker't bttad, and cut off the crust. Lay them in a pan, and pour boiling water over them, only juat sufficient to soak them well. Cover the vessel with a cloth, and when it has stood an hour draw of the water, and stir the soaked bread till the mass is quite smooth, then mix in two tablespoonfuls of sifted flour and half a Kint of milk, and stir in, gradually, two well eaten eggs. Butter some muffin rings, set them in a buttered bake-pan, and fill each two thirds full. Bake brown, and send to the table hut Spinach with Eogs. Wash the spinach leaves in several waters, and keep in oold water until time to cook it Then put in boiling wa ter enough to cover it, and add a little salt Cover the pan, and boil the spinach briskly until the leaves are tender; they will sink when done. Then press the water out, out the spin ach fine, put it in the pan, season with butter, and serve hot Have the eggs ready poached, lay them on the spinach, and mix well with it 1 his is a delicious dish, and seasonable in the spring of the year. Corn Mal Breakfast Cake. For two bak ing tins take one and a half pints of coarsely ground com meal. Add water nearly boiling, but not enough to wet quite all of the corn meal; add cold water, a little at a time, stir ring thoroughly between whiles, until you have it so thin that it lias a tendency to settle as you pour it into your pie tins. It should not be more than half an inch deep in the tins, and it should bake quickly in a hot oven. Ht'SK.-Beat three eggs thoroughly, then beat in a cupful of sugar, and a little flavoring, .n 1 V , Tor nutme8- Add tnn-Wer "d a half of rich cream whioh has first bee,, mbted with a little flour; use no more flour smU , 1,K.Vt' ''."oMwtency enough to be tj''f'i' upon tin. to riae again mmute g' m ' ''uick oven 16 r 20 .,urt!!,,t'Rit,ORNM1-. p"wo. -Stir into a quart of boiling milk tho yolks of two eggs, he l.eap,ng sinful, of mej and a halT. n nuL ag,ar,W!llbt,nt0ether- Coo ami n?."8 fMUny; "move from the hrt, a ., add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth. IZEZt "X " one hour in moderate oven. Serve with cream and sugar. GsUHAatOtTF i"!..T. rt-u-ii-j . . .iinful.: bnt, ;ib "W ". ttU butter .... CUP; awl. k-.l. . ' Ol teaspoonfuL auce of ,b, SaS m " m'rror y the assiat mL2 a! ' orothercuk. sitv of ted without the uy of removing their heads. nioh a cup: cults, two: Bake half an hour.