Tftnr Cs 'f The West Shore. 4 No. 3. j1 Portland, Oregon, November, 1873. II I Mm,, St. i A nt, auuil" sea. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Tun Wkht Hhoue Iihh now reached natation In Jon ml tom never Mart, attained by any oilier luihlloatlon o.i the l'aclflo. OOMt I leal ring to keep It up to IU pnoent high Nliuulard of excel lence, the piibllalier llnda hlmae If I'l 1 1 1. . I I m, ! In mine the sulwerlptlnn price to two dollar! per annum. Not winning to make the change too audden, and dcHlrliiglo give all an opportunity to renew for the coming year nt the old prloe, wc ahall, until January 1,'ith, 1S7II, receive new nuh. aorlptioti or renewal lor 187V, M 11 50 per year. On January lilth and thereaiter, the price will he $'.' IK) per annum, or cent lor a sample copy. A VALUABLE RELIC. We have a few coplea of " Thr Ore,;.,n ttptiia Inr," bearing data Keliruaiy R, mill. It In the riml niimlH'ror the very first newspaper published in the I'aclllo Coaat. Theae papain are not orifa Inula, hut icprlntcd so exact Unit hut very few MUM tell the difference between the reprint and ALL hands 'ROUND. j Late development how, that a general denn ing out of that dan on the Northwest corner of Second and Oak atreela, wood result In general good lo tbe city. We do not mean the lower part j where the poor drunk or p. tit larceny thieve arc connneu, nut the upper lory, when-, In ele gantly furnished office, pnrtlea act an fenoca nr the thieve. Wr. Would hardly believe It when we lately beard that one of the police cnmuilaalnneri bribed n pollcnm to drug a oertiln parly, yet It la ou record wllhoul contradiction. Khjiit faro garni are In full h'nst In this city, In direct violation of our Hlate lawn, la our Chief of PoIlM rcuulvlng iwemy-flve per fleuj. o( the winning of Ihcnc Institutions III order to allow tbemtto run? a M. Chief of Police! Hare you arreal any nl the blackleg fraternity. all hnuuh voo k ..,, i )..,,,, I to be vlolatont of our lawn? Hare you arreal ear ' tain well-known Migrants? Hum yon iloM ' ueilulu opium duua ? 1 "'" I: PITCHERS HAVE BIO EARS. Our five-year old wan in Hacratuantn lat -pring when the Dime Saving. Hank collapaed. At the llblttMTw trial of th manager of that institu tion, tha eecretary testified that Mareuaa, the cahinr, frequently took two hundnd dollar nt a time front th safe, to play at card, alwayt dep.,. itmg a tag for that amount. Th tatf accumu lated, ami when the hubhlo hunt, tlia aaf waa so full of them that it dually became a general and much talked of joke a to how many tag each d pnattor wa entitled lo. Our neat door aiglit.i . laiy, named Numian, la our youugiier'a playmate; and a few day ago they M together, a luual. Norinnn had an Ktatnrn illuatrated catalogue ef toy, which tho hoys weia etamlnliig attentively, UltU they lighted on a page where icvoral stylia of toy aiug hank were ahuwa due that ni liculaily struck their fancy I designated a the "hoM the fort," and la in the shape of a mtnl.iliii.. fort, the coin la plan .1 in the lower, mid a bullet MINIATURE VIEW or WALLA WALLA! w T, Prom a D-Awim nv Kvam. . Alio. nrlglnnl. Wa will tend one r ip.v lo anyone, on receipt of ten cent" In oatag stamp, nr three .a for tweuly-flve centa. CHEAP READING M iTTER We have on hand a lot of hack iiumbei of Tiik Wt Hhokk, which, lo anyone that bM nol lead them yet, are fully a good aa If they had Juat been luued They will furnish whole omeand Inatructlva reading matter for theie long, winter nlghta.and to people abroad they win give reliable Information about the resour ce of the I'aclflc Northweat. We have iheae Miner In anllible uiekaget, no two number, he log alike In one package. For 2. rent we will aeml .'eoplea; for Wl cent. 1 enpira; for II. 12 cnpl.a; In anyone who wlilarnd 12 M, we will 'i. I Till. WT llloK for the en. i year of i-' 1 ami 11 month' beck number. Tula offer la on only until January IMh. fJlVI til Lack huiicat nod upright omVi r I .' i -pcua, ColMua. Itelcher and otbffl R4all whom on gambler or thlel dared In appnatch MMtOflkn a percentage of their HHMIau galua. IT iniiat 1n fun tolnilhe editor ol a party or gan, when you dare not denounce a ihlef aimply becnuae he la a good worker In the parly. Hrcroag the Chicago Kid " wauteil lo break Into I add A Tllton'a bank, and offered our (lr Iwenly-flv ier cent, of all hi winning-, would he refuse It T - II t KAfcLEI m ii'w i i . Formerly hi the employ of Koerltel tlrua.Haii Kranclani, and aflerwiinla .rrlt painter, In IMklaud, Cal , will commonkale with llila ofRia or Joha C. lohnalon. Pott Huron, Mich., be will hear of aninetblng bi hi advantage. Parllae knowing of hi wberealaiuta will oblige by In forming tbla nfflre. 'red Ir iir .,.-,.ii, rauae tha , I., drop into a fare), la. lo helnw A bright Ida I., dawn on our ronogeter'a mind nn U holding tlila new atyle of latnk, lor w shortly at ter heard him aay "lull y..u what, Nniuian. I'll get my papa to buy in a bank like this ami all the money you gel you ran put In th lowr. and then we'll Are at d and after it dMM In I'll glv.. you a lag fur It." I in BRAYING Of DONIEVfl W II M.w.ll, e.ltr ,.f h. Walla Walla i;t m.iu. i daad II. wa a good old man, an able writer and a thorough gentleman I the old eld. He ha.) bis faults, m.l win. of us, Inileed, IsfanlllM? Whilst the old In... w alls. Ilu me drd lo altaek him. and If by mistake tbey III. tl. net si triad a seeoiid time. He slway hail the laat aay and always eaaae out virion. .. the old lion ia dmul and axm every la sign i Hi-ant little donkey, thai owns a Aik sheet, la bisrn.g about .,, Newell laulta.