The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, October 01, 1878, Image 1

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The West Shoke.
VOL. 4 No. 2. ttgtfStt
Portland, Oregon, Octol)or, 1878.
' . --
frt Annum,
.1' .1 .
Hubert H. Bancroft, Esq., con
sidered one of the very best au
thorities on literary subjects in the
United States, says: "As an his
torical and practically scientific
periodical, I regard The West
Shore as by far the best published
on the Pacific Coast."
Dr. J. A. Richardson says:
"You deserve the endorsement
of every man who has the good
of his State at heart. Consider
me a perpetual subscriber."
Mention The West Shore
whenever you deal with any one
that advertises in our columns it
helps us amazingly.
We have a few complete sets
of The West Shore, com
mencing with the June number,
1 877. For $3 we will send our
paper from June, 1S77, to Sept.,
1879, 21 months in all, or
we will send 15 months'
back numbers for $1.50.
We club with all re
spectable periodicals in
tne world. Sec our price
list on the outside back
cover. You can save
money by letting all your
subscriptions for Eastern
papers and magazines
go through us.
Nohi.k Charity. i
Our charitably inclined
will no doubt be grati
fied to learn that the
money they bestowed on
the organ-grinder who jg
lately visited our city
will not be squandered
in revelry or drink. We
have known this man for
a number of years and
he may, by some people,
be considered a fit object
of charity, for the poor (?)
fellow has MM really
unfortunate of late. He
tells us he lost $3,000 In
stocks, and the failure of
a savings bank has re
duced his cash account.
He ttill owns a row of
buildings on Dupont at,
San Francisco. Since
late losses, lte may not
be worth over $ 25,000.
fif' fa? iiTj rrsil iH ak ti
JOHN W. ACKEEON.LTAf OMA. . T- See pajp J.
Here, Mr. Chief of Police,
where arc you ? Gnmbling is go
ing on in tliis city just the same
as if no law prohibiting it existed
in this State, and if you do not
know where these dens are loca
ted, we will say that they are suf
ficiently public so that most any
one will point them out to you,
and without any further parley
we want you to shut them up, A
case has comr under our notice
within the past few days where a
resectable gentleman from San
Francisco was enticed into one ol
these dens; there he was invited
to drink, and the supositioii is
that the liquor was drugged, for
in less than half an hour from the
time he entered he emerged in
company of a notoriously bad
character, ami although he bad
never before met this fellow, he
purchased for him, as a
present, a complete suit
of clothing, including
boots, silk hat, under
clothing, etc., etc. What
money remained in his
1 11 11 kri .ill 1 1 this purchase
was taken from him al
cards, he Itcing nearly
unconscious. After re
gaining his senses he re
fused to appeal aguinst
the gang simply because
he wms 1 in 11 1 1 that he
oliould have allowed Mm
ill to drift into such
(owpliiiie rountv I
improing fnt. Ivul
lent prospects have been
found on Kreinh Plat,
and quite a number of
miners will find MfpIO)
inrnt there urxt eason.
lb 1 1 iib mliu, gener
ally, are destined to lie
prominent features in
Southern Oregon' in
dustries, while its vege
tables arc superior to
any on the coast. J. S.
McKudden, of that coun
ty, took Ave potatoes and
twelve oaiont from hi
garden that weighed just
ill lbs. OneorfthopuU
toes weighed four lbs.