18 THE WEST SHORE. September, 1878. POM ASH ARn MAItlU.v.K. MM Mm a alia aaat llalana Wl. Kit MMI HIM " SI.. VUU .11 : -I- Ml aMI.-.d 71 j I a m44n4 mum' a II-Uutti At4 taaa'llM'al Imul ail .Ira,, M i.4 li'H Ul aha 'I . Mm rait Umm l.a la taaar Ala i"0 'I llltl!!. I" lit lata Ma a.ra -4 haatritlp ..I.e. We in jftti'ira. In linr a-4Uart Luna. "Ml lUiim la II lial f a mil. Ia.iii aha llaUaha f-ailat. ,ra. li i,. .-4.U-m avaa ml aOM .tat lllaw. ImiI ..-, ..lr fllra M'Ma 14.IU1 lliatiM'ifa Mm i.i .it al MM" ' l" 1 ' ,"' IUU Ami lain afa tualU.f alua . t.4 allli a atari llial atmla liar itiair llal.1 I -411.1 ... ami '"'. aWfJM I" IIm laiulm, ami a. Hi i4ia M4 al.ltll than an) Igla a Mm a. ,, Hi lathi.!.,., "Aatfaala.. la tiali, I. ..I. r ''ifjiMiAut ..no TIIK ITORV WR.Ta.lt I am all ralitif , all. I una liltlT cold morning, Ira ill) a Mgft I lirittuna, hi tlutyr.r I s I aal aa utual al in) .Irak tin- hop ' ntanuai ripL I . duly ui lli-l tu rominc, main ul llwm ilraullory unli.lv ami utiatit, hed, ilaliaiil mI a i 1 . . r . . ilivnraivg ul grammar, .ml ailhuiithrr la.'llililtlg, llililillnli.il mil, WaaiHir aiillr-n ,.u thr aolUaal MM HaU i n-ln l white MHMi iii i hilillah lady , hand, mi line, a lin h haul BOM atiltilly rraa.il allci wanla It a. a a lillli aUMv ul tin gn-.l liu-mry nn ril. hut tlurr aaa an u.iiiia ul youth ami tan tiu-aa in mn II i . TbM m piMMM "I H H llkn til)' lllit in Ida aa) Uli.fr I hi- auu had riavil oll.lllli' lay, mi imiimi, iitji.. nl aiinaliinr anil ai nilh, Iml nn muff I .ti t it .l-.au a il I hail lorn heal hr -ul ,, a rm, hrii. Itt.i atmittsl Itiitr laan.lt , iaf nm,,,., lull i, IU tali .. (li. . , ,Mt, r) m li it ...I a.. I I .. ,., a,,,,!,!,,,- ala.it II Ul aal.ll km II ,11. . ,i, atiill.in. I " 1 '" I" 1 1 ' I- M.I ..t It , a4 It ......II II, I, I ul I ., ll,, ,,.,,., l.,k.,,r ,, ' hill. i.ulMi) ,a,ai MM all MlUat. .Ma, a. , .aui hi MM tat mI li,.at ami aijjiialiirr. The 1 .1,11.' nl thr li. ,1. al a liai ua.l ....I I.. . iifiuiat tl.au UN tnat.ua. 1 1, .t li.. t Iharr a. tl. Wllr NtMMtH MM ynuili alaiut it I I" M II a liu Umr in tut lian.l I wn mi I.I mat a all tenia iuul.lt. ak-.i. .tlia.. MaMMagMM. bM Wy hrrt it MHUM than my aM.a.n.. I ,ttj, .ti.t.lUi,..,,. , WHr ( 11". It .in the tatt I I.. I.I t a a ailh nn MM ltllli(i nl intrrratt that I M tluatt mi. aiMl, nty Miaarrltt llir nut. I tvttimt.1 tha ititima rt,t, Ut I .mt. ,-.,!, M..I WtnMy g.,r H M M 1mm MM m I . that, ,,. , ,i, , . ,, iilv Jh. ).M.tl.l-,l .i., .M, ,,,, , ,U(XJ "p-tM.lt.. that ,.rnt .., nMi( .lma. Iml, rtVMd ,., , ,.rttr. m I .aula. ..., h. . ,t lu.jln I. ,r 4a I .Maaar.! Ih. a ... ,., f , M nktai My m.t, Th, .,,,1. .,., 1 U..MH.UJ... hfcU ujj l.J IfcMitJ.., fcMl.ta, I.. I ........ .,:,, ,, . MM.h..r,.B ,h.M. M..l.ir (a,.,, uUtr .-t.l .,.,., . ,., ,. ,.u lthxuFm Ul m L,1.? 1l,u,'" . t .1 ... I.h.1,1 bra, man .,, ' W.U. U.M. k.,. Ml On-Aahl. ,.( U.r l. MM) M) h.M.a. I,., U ''" .. MtMlM alUl.Mxl. ' rH"'! U' I bmnd Mad dMigfaUd, both at the an tii it...n ..I i.liMuri! U. irome, ainl f privation i .I,, Ural inn.- -I . uiKiilrralilf ircoiit annoy mic. I MMd BCt ay I a MM a l.achiilor. Wh. n it anil iii atair.-. aftrr ilmner, we louml tl..- (iiIiIiiik tliM.ra ahull ilivideil the front from ilm WL lot.iu olMtd . Pbtn itm. opttwd ttUt kWhlM. I he I Mitt. MMbymM xt n- Ktngi Mtd a tree of the mott briUuvnt iplwidot w rtrMaUdj mi ItsbrMiobM am- Iiiiiik ijifta. Wiirketl anil MnbfoidMM ly tin' obildlW for their parent". The three little Kirla .ml their gnveriieaa hail .lone it all. Whilom; fnnd ami bit wit were embrao bafMid UMnking tin- ohUdrwi, I had time to totiM tin' lormuM Slje wu very young, ll mint ebUd h. rai lf. A M "f hrivjlit hair u (..tlii rt il up in (,'re.it waves at each ni.leof In r In ul. ami IMtld in a I (MM thick loop he bittd. The bright Otlril were no UlaUlgtd an to nu ll I lie car. The ear ami check were, I .1 hi rather any they are, like thOM Paintad bt I i.M'.ii in Ilia Piiottr'l lliiueynioon." Nn . I I m) mort "i tin ir ritriibuig IovUom! Hut tin- i.rt tty bhal IjrM lookad an if they cried .i h'ri-.t ileal, ami there hail heen recent team, tot the ytiidl were aumewhat iVolUn. iSho a.. DOt Had, however, for kIic jilayeil on the piMM fur the ohildrMI ami fur mi, their oltl tjoilf.lher, to ilance to, ami nhc jnineil with lot in a gMM of liliml man . bsK When thechihl m li Viii'il, "he ri tircil alao. " What ohMmina ptnoOi" I Mid. " Shr i in. 1. 1 evi i Hi nt, ' aanl my frieml. ' lUthowrh ahe . an yotirig, ,jih is the hrcail ir,ivnler tti lu r family. Her father ami in. it her li.iM-, KaMrdina tu the cant phrase, n n L iter oa"t hi f.ct, they are (uuiple of I birth, .ml DAM bad aunil fortune. Tlioy Inn. ..fun .ml DMUjbtaTI the .tin is a line fel Ml IMM, Itiith the too ami daughter givl the MMMM pMttd lluir caniiiia to Weir pure. its; hut thr MM haa iml bM very fnrttinate. My lit til ..i.iiii... ibe ii oaly if (mvohildranMeaa i "Mag tliey OB imt raqolri a prUB rt'Ki.lar Kuv Mill " iloM mora with her Mlirv madiiitwa in. il k tbu in i brotbor bm do with hit bud work. II' 11 oleri in a li.uk. "Ami "in' aal no hint J-... auppuac." I .lartt MM ahe dOM, Imt I bave never 111- 'I" I. ' -r alie ta full gj reticence ami reacrve ... tlieae ,a,i,,u. I only know .he mold M up .11 light, .ml work like a boM all ilav, to In lp IniUi her pan .... ami .r limtlu r. Shu i. ! '" m"rr..w; ami bo, f,.ar, VMtml allurtl the ,'....r ,. jiiurney. ril, .mnni ine mm iii MntUmL "OmM wo wot help bim f I .,,,1 bMbfolly, M J. I'"th brother ami a.atur MMI t hriatina. at I My Md (..rim,, thn w a OoddMjIW in. with m friend'i 0TeneM. Mwt I uy (j...,, that OUgMj m i wu Ut.M,r TV t..ll'.,nl(Ku.rwe wen- MMd, Mi ' "" 1 '""""AK .. wbiob 1..11..WC.I we MM .,,., VU H mm Mkd a Dope ,y lilf l.aa now MiU.rr.l ! 1 . h.ve . Iml,. .uhnrin !, e. ry niii,,u, ,,, ' Mt M 'HI l. . -v.,r a. ... '-At. MI.I thr I.,lr, t . " ii" ,., inv M..I., I luil l,.ppvlr In. 1 .11 """ ""' "Irtl nn thai. I.ii.tn,..,,,, Taourth,,,. v.J 'T ' "'1' ''avelwiiUUe. .net, MWrM el. .y. pi.,,,,,, , h "Urn put. hrr Irlnatv .lr,,.i:.M. "" I "'I Ul.. k' a (,.,, j , , " , " Wl... U. .tan.1 .... .. .. i" ' lU' Ull ami I leavr m) i tutorial ami, nullum I. Ilkr rtaa I. , j Ul , , t Ii tl,..,.. MMet white li.iult tilt ( -aVtt.nl. . A I kl up n, Immj the nun, . ., It iu .Ir.,.,. . '""'I'lni.' an. iU ., ..l ... I- . .art ieaa lar an.l .), l'.jt inv 1 1 ov anil... .. . script from the youthful writer who had sent me no more, was recalled to me. Unconsciously the manuscript I held laded from my mind, ad the other was present with me. Wondered what had become of her; had she written any more, where and how was she! Every moment 1 became more and more pos sessed with the memory. I was so happy my self that I felt for all who seemed to have care and straggle in their lives, I looked out the ad dress to which I had written before, and wrote to the unknown a few lines. I said that timo had passed, that the youthful inexperience which had prevented the paper she had sent (rom lx:inj! accepted, must now be corrected, ami that I should be "lad and willing to see enything else she had written, if she had writ ten anything since then. Within a few days I had an answer. The writing was in u feigned haml, quite unlike tho round, hesitating, girlish haml I remembered. The words were, however, as sweet and inno cent as the lirst had been. The noto ran as follows: "It is gootl of you to remember me, hut I do nut write any more. I am so happy. I have a go .1, noble husband. Oh, these womanly ex aggerations, 1 thought, as 1 Bat in my editorial chair. Ami such darling babies! I wrote, for I wanted to help my dear ones, but they bave been better helped by others than I could ever have hoped to help them, (iod has given them a li.ti.-r friend than I could be. If you seek to know me, you shall do so. If when you go home you see a woman with a rose in her hand, bold out yours. You will know me." I smiled at the romantic fervor of this reply, and a faint desire arose that my wife and the writer of the letters should know each other, and then I went on with my sttipifying avoca tions. As I went home, I confess I looked about for a woman with a rose in her hand, but, as Blight naturally be supposed, neither in cabs pot omuibuea did such an apparition manifest itself. As I entered my own door I gave an impa tient shrug at the idea nf having been the sub )eot of a loutish jest. Hut whom did 1 see standing within the threshold of my home? My darBng, with her fair, child-like faco and bright hair; love, ami joy, and youth crowning her with a triple crown, ami in her hand was a rose ! "I'tar husband," ho said, as I kissed her, 1 think I loved you from the moment I had o..r kind, indulgent, thoughtful note. 1 had written that ebenrd little try for 1 sadly MMted a Utile money to pay for Herald's re urn ho. at Christmas, to lie with papa and nd I had a foolish notion f could w nlv. "And yon were disappointed my pet. What aange 1 must have seemed I" "N0 I f, It how foolish I had been, and I al I n sai ' V'1,', t",,,!ht"" K..l and kind w lT "' Qjeld got home, too, and "cl uda lmppyi hnstmas after all " I KlHHIll irf. ins'! "" "lv,'r,K"'K to write a etory for iu uia-'a o. a., -ui, J 'Mean- I do ,,t know," she uirl amM. ours, il y,u lilt.:. " tiny. while, ynu can write Mat 'ilirr. fharS I v wich7r"f0rw Crti,i 't'latiiin. TheUstiuitni.l n"gl 6t ''mplimenUrv tha T Pf"Vl" 10 bo moro lift w. y L ,'" ' expected. nU&k. astonish- Ph M IMMthlrtl to do viinl ii ', ,WT 4 yU MAdatkmr )"urself on Mat recom- 'uZtllM '"".ggexl to -.UMoptW,.,, u,. Zn.