The West Shore. VOL 4 No 1 ! U ImmmI, ynWIilm, Portland, Oregon, Soptombor, 1878. I'or Amtmii, ) Shtil ruiilra, 1.80. 1 THE WEST SHORE. Willi this number we start our fourth year, and comparing the present issue with the first one published, even the most careless reader will admit that we have made immense improvements. The paper hereafter, Including cover and frontispiece, will he thirty-eight pages and will be sent out, as this time, neatly stitched and trimmed. Although the expense of producing Tine Wkst Shore in this form is greatly enlarged, we have decided not to increase the subscription price. We say it without fear of contradic tion, that there is not another publica tion on the Pacific Coast that is kepi as clean and pure as Tun VVus i Siiohk. Even our advertising columns are care fully guarded, so that nothing finds its way to our leaders that even the .most fastidious could possibly object to. In this age of corruption, when nearly all papen fairly bristle with sensational, nauseating reading matter, and adver tisements of quack doctors, swindling astrologists, and pretending spiritual istic mediums, what can lie more hon orable than to assist in increasing the circulation of a journal which carefully excludes everything of that kind. Nearly every one has it in their power to swell our list by at least one, and now, the commencement of our fourth volume, is a proper time for our friends to make an effort in our behalf, and In duce their neighbors and acquaintances to try our paper for one year. Birth, day present! of this kind are always appreciated. WHETHER ARE WE DRIf 1 1 i The blood spots from the hoy foteph aie still distinctly distinguishable on the Tlmd-strcct sidewalk, and a 1 read the blood of another victim is spilled, in broad daylight, on the most promi nent business coiner in this citv. The peaceable citizen naturally inquires, whither are we drifting ? Is it no longer safe to venture on our streets, even in business bouts.- ,re the live of our little ones to be jeopardised in going to or returning from school? And why' Simply because law ate not enforced and every cowardly hood lum is allowed to carry a pistol, which he docs not at all hesitate to use, know ing that we have in our midst a sickly set of sentimental milk-sops, who make it their business to get up sympathy, and pardons, if necessary, for every criminal who feels rcnimsc, (?) just after the crime is committed. We shall not en ter into the details ol this late diffi culty we have but the unfortunate re sult to deal with. A respected and honorable gentleman hurried to an un timely grave; a poor widow left without a protector, and a man, who had noth ing whatever to do with the dilliculty, wounded, so as to deprive him of earn ing his daily bread. I low much longer shall this last ? Is peace and order, or hoodlumism and crime, to hold sway in Portland? THE STATE As , ki msi i.l.i'.k. It is a pity that Oregon, wealthy a Statt' as she is, is unable to get along in the world without engaging in the whisky traffic. These are the relict -lions which, naturally suggest them selves to the isilor at the Capitol, in Salem. A saloon employing two bar- tenders is in full blast in the building. We do not know whether the State authorities are running this dramshop or renting iteut,butitiseertalnlyAper- tincnt question to ask, by what light such business is carried on in the Cap itol building. If our law-makers run not possibly stand a two or three hour session without whisky, then let tin in carry pocket-flasks ; but they base no light to disgrace the entire State by countenancing the conversion of our beautiful State-house into i whisky saloon. Let the nniaanee be al st I without further delay. Sim i- the above was plated in print, Mr. Joseph Acton, a member of the House from this county, has iutrodm ed s resolution to stop the whisky traffic in the capitol building, but so far noth ing definite has ln-en done about it. Aimht two hundred thousand feet of hardwood lumU-t go every month from White Hirer, W. T la Ban Francisco. THE INDIAN. Again by superior cunning has the Indian bamboozled the while man and Chief Moses undoubtedly laughed in his sleeve after leaving the grounds of the late pow wow with (ien. Howard, Strange as it may seem, the words uttered by Moses, such as, having a good heart toward the whiles, and numerous other lies, have already been used hundreds of times by every sneaking red cur w ho wanted a lot of (iovernment blankets and rations for approaching wittier. As long as the (iovernment Heals Indians lis tribes with chiefs, allowing litem to maintain a kingdom inside of a republic, just ,i , long will it he necessary to maintain expensive armies on the frontier, have annual fall treaties and distributions of free lunch and blankets towards winter. Why not maintain out great army of tramps 'al (iovernntenl espense just as well as to maintain hordes of lazy Indians ? This Moses, however, is cer tainly possessed of the greatest amount of metallic chuck of any Indian we ever heard of the very selection ol his reservation stamps him at ones to thi close observer as fully able (o cop with his white neighbors and all this slobbering sympathy for ihe pool .) Indian may us well be laid aside al otne. On these lauds which Moses wants for his kingdom several indus trious w bile settlers have years ago made, farms, arc cultivating them now, and we hope that the (Jovcrnnien! will pro. ted them ho that they shall not bo compelled to leave their little all, sini ply to gratify the peculiar whim ol handful oi Indians, li Moses and his band waul land let them dissolve their tribal i l.ilion , I , mi , ,1,, ,,,, tiikr up binds, obey lite laws of I he country, ami no while man will dare to molest them. Jt;sn I.. It. Ma goon, K(., who formerly drove hack for Corltt's Livery Stable, is now a partner in one of the largest tiicrchot dining establishments in Albany. W$ in pleased lo see Mr. Magoou pros permgi M Im- Was always noted for lieiin industriou , smnmjcil and 'Cotpmodatlngj