The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1878, Image 1

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    i u KAtiiuei. imtillMit-r,
1 1 H3MtimiiiSt.
VOL. a-No. 11
The eastern half of the county may
be termed a natural park of exceeding
beauty, made up of snow-peaks, tower
ing verdure-clothed hills, mountain
gorges, precipitous cliffs, primeval
forests, crystal lakes, foaming cataracts,
limpid streams and charming land
scapes. The lover of Nature in her un
tamed glory may revel in- sights and
scenes of unsurpassed grandeur for
weeks and months, and at every turn
in the line of travel, new pictures
Vt Ami intuulr nsilta,
thence look out through the silvery
mist and behold all the varied beauties
of the rainbow, mingling and re-mingling
until the heavens seem one glad
bow of promise. The scene is one of
exceeding beauty. There is a narrow
valley of good land for some miles
above the falls, and several families
have taken claims and are making homes
amidst the mountain grandeur that
spreads in loving folds around them.
The approach to the falls is by a good
wagon road, and just now there are
many visitors there.
Washington territory.
For one dollar, we will send a com
plete file of one year's hack numbers of
Tub Wkst Short1, including our
mammoth July number, being 6J
columns of letter press and illustra
tions, containing more valuable Infor.
mflfrah about the resources of the l'a
citic .Northwest than could possibly be
obtained from any other source. "His
torical Adventures on the l'acilic
(.'ohm," also, "Reminiscences and Notes
of Laying Out the Old Immigrant
Fishing at Whatcom Lake, What
com county, W. T., is most excellent
just now. A pleasure p.utv, comnoscd
of four ladies and three gentlemen, ic
eently caught seventy-live line trout in
two hours.
A partial " clear up" at Hamilton
& ChappcPs, on the Applcgalc, (Jack
son countv) yielded one pint of gold
DouoLAI county claims the honor of
raising the largest ox in the Slate. It
1 11 1 illl!f'uli& ''1
spread before hi, astonished gaze, like
the dissolving views off kaleidoscope.
Silver Creek Falls i- (he most noted
point of attraction to those Keeking a
few tiays of recreation within this coun
ty. They arc situated twenty-two
miles east ol Salem, on Silver Creek.
The stream is about thirty feet wide,
and drops off an overhanging shelf of
rock for a distance of 1S0 feet. The
water leaps a limpid, sparkling stream,
and falls a cloud of spray. Behind this
wall of spray, the adventurer may find
his way for seventy-five feet, and
Two and a half miles north of cat
from the main falls arc the North Sil
ver Falls, very similar to thow abot'c
named, save that the volume of water
is much less. There is a trail leading
from one fall to the other, hut no road.
Good pasture land for summer range
in the vicinity.
The Santiam river from Smith's fer
ry up into the mountains is an attract
ive place for summer tourists, as it
supplies abundance of trout and plenty
of game, with cool zephyrs from the
snow-clad hills 1-eyond.
Route Into Southern Oregon tn 1846,
are complete in these numbers. Hound
in book form, they make a valuable ad
dition to any library as well as a hand
some present to friend in (he Kaslern
Joaquin Miller, as a dramatist, U .1
miserable failure. I lis " Danites " w as
snubbed by the entire California press,
and his latest production, " Vig
ilantes," has been rejected by the Williamsons.
is Hftj hands high, ami is owned by
Clark & Mdiregor, of Korlmrg.
ElOItT canning e-t.iblishitieuU, on
Fnuer river, 11. C, will export ibool
$8x,uoo wor;h of salmon this year.
Tin season's exports of salmon from
the Columbia river, up to the preset. I
writing, amounts to oi one million
of dollat-.
NIlW thousand gallons of oil for ex
port will be extracted fiom mlmtn
Aemfj, in Wahkiakum nmuly, V. T.,
this letMOft.