130 THE WEST SHORE. May. st move, An Illustrated Papix. L. SAMUEL, Polisher. Business Oracfi, Monitor) Street) between Fifth end Sixth, di rectly opposite Post Office, PORTtAMDi .... Oregon. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (Including I'uMage to I ny part of ilie United Slates:) One copy, one year, Monthly Kdition, - - t.5 One copy, one year, Weekly Edition. - - 3 OB Single Number,, - - . - "S cenU, Fostagstn foreign oonntriee, N ete additional lU'iiiltlniiiTM run tye miulu ly rcglHlcretl letter, potiujilltu DMMCJ writer, or ly order on liny of the Port 1 hi ul biiNincHit houses The West Shore has the largest circulation of any publication in Or egon or Washington Territory. BEWARE ! Since our last caution against quacks a new lot of them have arrived amongst us, and still more are announced to come. We arc therefore compelled to again remind our readers that no reg ular or learned physician ever needs to roam from village to village soliciting patients. Ninety -nine out of every hundred of this ilk are ignorant, good-for-nothing scamps, who, too lazy to make an honest living, adopt the title of Doctor, in order to fleece the people more easily, and by giving up part of their ill-gotten gains to unprincipled newspaper publishers, get the use of their columns for the purpose of dis seminating lies about cures that never were performed. Do not be hum bugged by high-sounding titles of In stitutes, etc, and shun newspapers who will sell their columns to such fellows, who will rob you of health and life ItteY in order to obtain a few paltry dollars. YOUNG RIVER PALLS. Young River Falls are located but I few miles from Astoria, Oregon, and as their name Indicate, are formed by the Young river. It was here that Lewis and Clarke camped in iSofi,afte completing the survey of the Columbia river. The scene is at once wild and charming. The fall bounds suddenly from a mass of undergrowth and gaudy flowers, and tumbles down into a dark pool, In a white apron of water. These falls are tendered usually interest in by the large number of birds that t're qucnl their vicinity, the profusion of the Rom, and the lowering altitude of the fin that environ them. In fact, it is a most charming spot to pitch camp during the coining hot July days. A PKW STATISTICS. In this age of steam and hurry we frequently forget that we have yet in our midst common carriers, who, with horse-flesh to aid them are rendering, day liter day and month after month, valuable services to the country In the way of facilitating travel and earning the United States mails. Such a one is the Northwestern Stage Company, now the second largest in the world only the South Coast Stage Compain being larger, The latter, however, is made up of numerous short lines, whilst the Northwestern has the longest single line, the distance from The Dalles, in WttCO county, Oregon, to Winne mUCCJ, on the C, T. R. R., being (kSo mill. There is also a main branch from Boise City to Kelton, a distance of -' JO mills, atid two short lines con necting with the main lines, as from Walla Walla to CtyUSC, forty miles, and from Botie to Idaho City and Quartburg, forty miles, making the entire distance 1,010 miles. Over this long stretch of country, extending from Oregon and Washington, through Ida ho into Nevada and Utah, the com pany's stages run daily both way. making 2,020 mites to perform with horse-flesh every day, summer and win ter. Including stoppages, the speed attained can safely be set down at five miles an hour, night and day. To ac complish this the company keep up a band of 800 horses and sixty-four stages ind wagons. They have eighty barns md stations, forty-five drivers, eighty hostlers, twelve local agents, and four division agents. Mr. Wm. IJ. Morris, at Boise City, is the Superintendent, and he is ably assisted by Mr. A, II. Roomer, of Summit Station, Idaho. The mail service is usually performed on time, and prompt settlements made with all employes quarterly. The con sumption of hay and grain annually foots up to over 6,000,000 pounds. The company s shops tire located at Boise City, Idaho, and here they employ ten skilled mechanics. Theiroriginal work will compare very favorably with any done in the Eastern States. Besides those enumerated above, the company requlrei the services of bridge-keepers, ferry-men, road repairers, station keep ers, smiths, road-shoers, etc. In fact, it takes a small army of men to assist in performing the service on time. No efforts are spared to make the trip an agreeable one to passengers, to which end the drivers, who are usually care ful, gentlemanly, accommodating, and jolly fellows, contribute in no small de gree. An Enterprising Firm. Messrs. Rosenbaum & Einstein, wholesale ci gar manufacturers, southeast cor. Bat tery and Clay streets, San Francisco, may truly be classed amongst the en terprising firms of the Pacific Coast. Their elegant salesrooms and offices are 30 wide by 70 feet deep, and two stories in hight. Here we find th latest productions of their manufactory,! which is located on Clay street, right back of the salesroom-, and for which purpose they occupy two more lofts w he re t hey e mploy over 1 00 cigar makers. Their favorite brands at pres ent arc "Black Diamond," "Elaine," "Othello," " Crema de Cuban," and " Elpeiiou." They make all their pur chases of leaf tobacco direct in the East and Havana, ami personally su perintending the manufacturing de partment are enabled to produce a su perior article of cigars which consu mers will do well to remember. Mr. Rosenbaum did business in this city for fourteen years previous to his removal to San Francisco, and the repuation for honest dealing built up by him while here is well deserved. Such firms de serve to be, and usually are, well patronized. Meussdorffeh's. There is, per hans.no better known name on this Coast than the one which heads this article: and when speaking of Meuss- dorfler's, the second thought usually is, hats, for their numerous bl anches, scat tered In the different cities on the Coast, supply nearly one half of the popula tion with headgear. Mr. Metissdorffcr arrived on this Coast in 185 1, and has been established in San Francisco since iS;2. The principal store is located on the northeast cor. of Bush and Mont gomery, and is the largest hat store in that city. C. H. Meussdorffer, the Portland hatter, is too well known in this city to need any recommendation from us. They make a specialty of fine goods, and are the leaders of fash ion on this Coast. The best Photographs for the least money, at AbclPs Gallery, First street, between Morrison and Yamhill. JASON SPRINOER k CO. (Succetion to Simon, Springer A Co.) MANUfACTUHKlM BF Doors, Windows and Blinds IMPORTER OF Window Glass, 16, 21 and 26 oz. Mirror Plates, Weights, Cords and Pulleys. WHOLESALE AND KI'.TAIL, S Front atrret Portland, Oregon, Of kin for Foley's Bank Gold OlIIU fens, sold only at L. C. HENRICHSENS, lot rir.1 Mrrat, - Fortlnne. P PCX JE It S CEUUNUtTBD OREGON BI.OOI) Pi immit - V 1.11 M.V. Liver and Kidntw if. Purine the III Off. reifiilH'PK ri,. iii)w i md itreufftbeiH the Kldnen h can't he excited, ti it huetxua rr-u ci-milC "I'M HI I . Vtr, Prepared by WM. PFUNDER k Cc, Portland, Op S f LhRl D. W. PRENTICE & CO, U.neriil Agent for the Unrlvnlpd W BBBH PIANOS, And Celebrated Standard. Organs, AMer-sl. near Fit si Portland, Orcgm. HENRY FISHER, CALIFORNIA CANDY FACTORY, WMualt ami Rvtiiil Dtuler In Conjectioiwry. Foreign and Domestic Huts, 138 J ' T..SACHAMKNTO T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Portland, Albany and Salem, Oregon, GENERAL AGENTS FOR A Hi.azk op Diamonds. No trip to San Franeisco can he considered complete without a visit to Col. An drew's Diamond Palace at 221 Mont gomery street. The Colonel is a po lite, rather fine looking, polished gen tleman of the jo, sort, having been es tablished in business in San Francisco since that year. 11 ib establishment is, without a doubt, the niojt elegant o' the kind in the United States. The display of diamonds and jewelrv as it is reflected through the numerous mir rors on all sides of the salesrooms, is perfectly bew ildering. The Col. pos lesses most excellent taste which is tes tified to by the numerous articles of his own design and manufacture adorning his elegant plate glass windows. Gi'NS, Rn i ns AND Pistols. We hope that such of our subscribers as wish anything in that line will read on P:lSc U5 the immense reductions made by Heck A Son, of this citv. This firm has been established here since 1851 and will do just w hat they adver tise, so there is no necessity of sending East to unknown firms. The McConick Celebrated Self-Binder Hamsters, McCormick's Hand-Binder Harvesters; McCormick's Combined Reaper and Mowers; McCormick's Prize Mowers. J. I. Case's Threshers, six sizes, 24 to 40; J. I. Case's Horse Pow ers, o, 10 ana 12; j. 1. vase k Portable l-.ngines, 8 to 15 horse power; J. 1. Case's Iron Headers, 10, 12 and I4 feet. HAINE'S ILLINOIS HEADERS, TEN AND TWELVE FEET; FURST & BRADLEY SULKY RAKES; NEWTON WAGONS. HACKS AND CARRIAGES. We ki-rp a full line of Agricultural Good., and the lt assorted stock of i-.xiras ana KepMii t nv home in the Stain Hit- IM.I uf HtlVgnu rs 1 . T. CVNX1SGHAM. CO. a: . dtertpthm Mwaanl rttratiUMl. GMaJaM'iSRf IMUil IMII II i is;,?. SHINDLER & CHADBCURNE, V. CtIU.li')CW,B IMTl'VT si lliuti i.lul-ij ik . i .... ........ hvuk i i -i-. iron U It' Hllll MllL'lt'. Fl KMTt RK AND ill IHHM; of ererr deacrieti wm "y1 0w WffS, WALL MUM. m UntStmrt. tvm n Morr tm ami Yamhill, . . POBTLASP, OJUti