120 THE WEST SHORE. April. g he mcst moxt, As I LLVtTKATED Paper, U SAMUEL, Publisher. BusiNKss Office, Morrison Street, Iwtween Fifth and Sixth, di rectly opposite Post Office, I'OK I 1 AM' I tkWJOS. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION, (Including Postage to I ny part of the United States:) One copy, one year, Monthly Edition, - - f i 50 One copy, one year, Weekly Edition. .... 300 Single K umbra. " ! t. Posture to foreign eotiiitrlt', 50 ci. additional HunlltMMM 0M l mndeby registered letler, poKioflk-e money order, or by order on any of the 1'ortliind 1niNlnenn bonne The West Shore has the largest circulation of any publication in Or egon or Washington Territory. TEMPORARY REMOVAL. From April 18th to May 25th the office of the rt Went Shore " will be temporarily located at No. 5, WaNhlngton St., near Front. After that, we Khali return to onr pres ent quarters. WANTED. Two honest and reliable traveling agents and correspondents, must be strictly temperate in all their habits, and able to furnish security to the amount of $2,000 each. Liberal salary and steady work, rlnqulre at this office. AN OREGON ENTERPRISE. WHAT A FEW LIVE MEN ARE DOING, fly special invitation we, a few days ago, visited the extensive manufacturing establishment of the Pacific Threshing Machine Company, located at the head of State street, just outside the limits if the city of Salem. The company here own six acres of land, on which their exteuBive workshops luuikd, Mill crunk, wmuli runs right, through the grounds, furnishes all the necessary power for the use of the works. This company have, at least, solved the problem that manufac turing can be made as profitable here as anywhere elso. The principal part of their business consists in constructing the " Pelton Six-Fold Horse Power," pateuted by 9. Pelton, in 1872. And in order that our readers may better understand what really is being done here, we also present an engraving of this power. The cut shows it with a hole broken in the casing, in order to give a view of the upper aud lower set of spur-wheels, which form the six-fold gear. Ite construction could hardly be described in a short newspaper article, but a descriptive pamphlet can be obtained free by addressing the company at Salem. We have read numerous testimonials of tome of the most reliable Oregon and California farmers who have given the machine a practical test in the har vest field for two or three years, and all combine in pronouncing it of light draft and the most dur able, safe and convenient power manufactured in the world ; and the price, when the superior work manship is taken into consideration, is so low that it is fait superseding all Eastern-made horse powers. Id its construction forty men are steadily employed, thus keeping a vast amount of money at home for labor alone ; but when we take into OUR WEEKLY. Preparations for Issuing the Weekly West Shorb tin being rapidly pushed ahe&d, and it' all our material arrives in timet the fr!,t number will make its ,ip pearance on the last Saturday in the month of May. We are determined to give out patrons a first-class news and literary paper, that shall be a State pride; and to secure this end, no effort or expense will be spared. Our friends can materially assist us by spreading the news among their neighbors, that the Weekly Witt Shore will be a handsome 12-page illustrated paper, furnished at $3 per year, and our Ki-page Monthly at $1.50 per year. Clubs of five can have the Weekly for 14 and the Monthly for $6.50. FOR ONE DOLLAR In silver, currency or postage stamps we will send ten numbers of the Wr.ST Siioiik, Including our mammoth nlv copy, being 672 columns of letter-press and illustrations, containing a vast amount of valuable information about the resources of the Pacific Northwest and numerous historical sketches, in eluding the complete series of HU- torlcal Adventures on the Pacific Coast," which alone are worth double the amount asked for the entire set Send your Orders early, as the supply is limited. W MVAWAI (in Whitman county, W T.) is located on the Snake river, eight miles above Alumla, ami is destined at no very diUnt duv to rank as one of the most important shipping points on the river. All of the Taradise vallev, (Jppei Union fiat, and adjacent coun try, find Wawawai the most convenient place to ship from. Messrs Hawley, ltdi! ,V Co., of this city, are erecting a warehouse there, and other parties arc negotiating for ground to erect busi ness houses. Twenty-two miles north cast from WaWMWal, and in the midst of one of the very richest agricultural sections of the Pacific Northwest, we find Moscow, Idaho Territory. This village is pleasantly situated on the South Pilouifi has a post-otliec with a bi-weekly mail, two general merchan dise ettahlUhmeiH', (one of them branch of W. J. McConnell & Co. of North Yamhill) one blacksmith shop, one boot and shoe maker, and one hotel. As this is the inland trading point for the Palouse country, a great amount of business is transacted here. OCR EXCHANGE COLUMN. UI have a good buggy-horse which I wish to exchange for grain oats pre ferred. Pai l Boyce, M. D., New Era, Oregon." . I have birds and butterflies, as well as insects, of from 300 to 500 in a case, which I will exchange for garden seeds. Geo. S.Johns, Dillcy, Oregon. I want vegetable and flower seeds in exchange for a large skin of a fawn. Mrs. S. G. Sutton, Amity, Oregon. A Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, $12 copy of 1R7S edition, is offered for exchange for the best collection of Oregon and Washington Territory grapes and grains in the stalk. Must be dried, and delivered in good con dition in Portland. Address offers to KB" care this office. A $5 velocipede will be given to the boy who will deliver at this office within two months the" largest collec tion of Oregon woods, labeled with proper names. Pieces need not be over three inches in length, but must show the bark and grain. Lindsay DeLasiimutt, a brother of Van B. DcLashmutt of this city, was tried for robbing a safe in Yamhill county, and acquitted. Smart lawyer ! Good jury ! During a recent visit to Walla Walla our attention was called to a very ar tistically executed headstone, which is to mark the grave of a departed mem ber of the order of Knights of Pythias. THE PELTON SIX FOLD HORSE POWER-ManufaCturtd at Salem, Oregon.. consideration that Oswego (Oregon) iron and Ore gon woods are uted in constructing this power, it will be seen wlmt a thorough home enterprise this really is. Thoir foundry is a neat building, siity feet square, and is furnished with the largest and beet set of patterns of any foundry in this 8tate ; for, besides making all the castings for the horse powers, this company also manufacture parler, cook stove and hollow ware of a very superior quality. Immediately back of the foundry, but dbtached from it, are the finishing shops-2i a SO and about BO feet from that, the roomy and convenient offi ces aud store-rooms for fiuisbed work, in a sub stantial building AO 1 120. The company also own another shop, on the Oregon State Penitentiary U rounds, where they employ eighteen convicta in making the wood-work for the horse-power and putting the caatings together. The company's officers ere : O. I'. Ihjardsley, President and Heneral Super intendent Dr. J. Reynolds, Vice Presideut ; Pr. II. Carpenter, Secretary ; W. S. Oliphaut, Gen eral Traveling Agent ; It. Patterson, Superiu tundeut of Stove aud Hollow Wart Department Juhn Patterson, Foremau of the Foundry. Every man has been selected for his peculiar adaptability to the work assigned to him, both of the Pattersons haviug had charge of some of the largest foundries in the Eastern Bute ; whilst the President, Mr. Beardsley, is a practical business man, who came here four years ago from the State of New York and so successfully iutroduoed the Fruit Dryer into this Slate. Both Drt, Carpenter and Reynolds are thorough businea men, whilst air. Oliphant, as a Traveling Agent, has few equal. With such advantages, aud worthy of patronage as so eitensive a home enterprise, we anticipate a brilliant and profitable career for the Pacific Thmhing Machine Company. 1 sfa s ARTIFICIAL StOKB. Omaha is now being fleeced by the I.cathers-Thorp patent stone swindle. Query. Has Omaha any rascally 50 per cent, note shavers to assist in bilking the public a we bad here? It was designed and executed at the Marble Works of D. J. Coleman, 'at Walla Walla, and reflects credit on him as an artist. Messrs. Wrlnklo & Cn ... nnaJ out their Spring importations of Fash- luiiRoitj ury vjuoos, ana our may read ers will do well to give them a call. To people in the country, they will cheerfully send samples and fill orders with the same care as if the purchaser was here in person to make the selection. IMMENSE REDUCTION WEBHALL OFFER FOR THE Bat awL of the Benson ourEnilre NtoJkartH!B ingly low prices, and present the followtntfa? 1 rente It MfffmlU for the Inspection ot Uie lS' 000 pieces handsomest Print In the -ttv ia yards for- u . lft eases Lonsdale nml White Hock MiMr"iit iS ,'0 pieces Burnsl.y Table Damask 1 30 pieces Shaker Flannel at.. . . - ? Bleached Canton Flannel at H DRESS GOODS. IftO pieces new 3tyle Dress Goods tig iu pieces extra fine Drews Linen 800 pieces Linen Embroidery to match 'uS6 50 pieces Elegant Spring Malalasse.. "'iffj1 Black and Colored Alpacas Look nt ThiH. Everv T.mlv nnw.t.1?! IS Dollars worth of Dress Goods will . resen t with any of Madame Demoresf Latest Fasliinn sdtle Patterns. '"nni BLACK S1LHH. Heavy Black 811k reduced to lleuvy Gros brain Silk reduced to,.., .15 Extra Quality " " 'fS BaMrrlor qatlrtT ftdnood from 13 to " 1 Sublime M MSo'to" a Art Colored Trimming Silks reduced to ? 2; Iriininjfed iooda-..l.-jOdoz. Towels, sllahU ly damaged, worth 8;i. reduced to. . . mm 100 Bed Comforters, rctlnwd ir. .w 20 pes. 8-4 Hl'hed Sheeting. Blljchtly d'u'miiged' 20c ltHnt'h, Jl Mi IB-inch, $1 Bi 20-lneh, si ja 382 Twilled NUk, Extra Oiialiiy 10-Inch, 2 M: 18-inch, 82 75; 20-lneh, 13 . neh Sun Umbrellas: 24-1 m-1 1 Onn aLff J4 00; Gingham Parasols from 50c to 75c, Hands-lea-. -100 dos:. Men's British Socks. 19V 100 dpi LadlM' atrtped Cotton Bom ."iSS jii pieces .Mosquito .et lOOdojj Napkins 50 doz Napkins, superior quality.... 1'ansy Corsets, reduced to i.mnnnam i.ace Hift Honeycomb Quilts 1000 Initial Handkerchiefs loihluuT- Men's Union Cass. Sulu re- .'0 Men's Hummer Cass. Suits rcdticod'ti""" iu GO ' Heavy ' ..'iooo :(0 " best fine " " " 15 m, " Eng. Worsted " " .. l)m ' Eng. Worsted, fine sulls " BB Hoys' Clothlne- at crcatlv reduce.! mim 100 Men's Union Cass. Pants reduced to 1 75 20 " I fine Diagonal Cout and Vest .10m thoeB-120prs Kid Fox Shoes 1 120 prs Kid frox Shoes, full scolloped 2 (,, The well known reputation of our House makes It almost unnccessarv to state Oiai Rvorv 4rtiu in the foregoing list will be furnished at prices quoted, and every article warranted as repre sented, Respectfully, r. si 1 1 Cor. First nnd Yamhill Sis., Portland, Oregon, Oregon Transfer Company. teal Forwarding ui Consiisioa, Freiftht and Bsgge Forwarded and Dellverwl with Dlspath. Pianos and Fnrniture Moved. Orders for HACKS promptly at tended to, Day or Nlht. Uffl.-Southwe.t comer St-toml and stark Ht.. M-.rk -.Hr,- o. T. ... JOIiy It. MILLER And working away at Watrhmakini; ana impairing of Jewelry, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 93 r irst St., Portland, Or. lit long pxprrlrno. tn thin line rnablA, htm to ttmtrnnlo. poro-cl -nt i-r :. . ti to all hi. riw toiorr". 111. -i.-.-k ol ImUri Hllrrrware and .... . . ....- w, wimiim, ,mm HM , r -r Kaatrrn and Kuroin-an manufai'torte.. A poo.) article of co.tl has been ilis. covered on Norrit.' creek, l.ane county. inr.'rivT Hi v jbir, The well known Merchant Tailor, SIOTTIS BT XTIIT STtAHXS, Bpl.ndld Awonm.DUor Spring and Summer Goods. II 10 -18 - 10O . S Id) Ml Hrondwuy, .Vrif York. m Kearny St., Ban Prantitcct. H. Ackerman & Co., IUPOBTP.HS Of Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, Clocks and Bronzes, Wood and Willow Ware, Oils, Lamps, and Lamp Stock, No. 6 and 8 North Front St., Portland, Ortgm. H, Cone. I). C. McKmkr. Cone & McKercher, Wholesale and Retail Deulerr la J Wonerg NO. 40 Pint Street. Opposite Oregon and Washlnnton Mortgage Sa ving liana, t'onianti, urcon. Immense Stock! PRICES REDUCED! The attention of country mer chants is called to our immense stock of ('ROOKERY, (1I.ASSWARE, FRENCH CHINA and PLATED (iOOBS, of recent Importations now unpacking at our Commodious Wnrcrooms, No. 65 FroMt and 64 First Streets. Havlnir pitrohaaed theie (looda on Extraordinary Favorable Terras, we are ready to dispose of them on like favorable terms to our patrons. M. SELLER & CO., PorllaD.1, Oreg." Fo r Sale. Three hundred and twenty acres of land (black loam) on the famed IMM tilla meadows, 11 miles southeast of Umatilla Citv. It is well watered and tiinltcred and all under fence; So acre of it broken up, balance in pasture. This is in a very healthy locality and within of a mile from a good schoo and church. The land will raise all kinds of grains and the numerous stag line., and freighting teams for Eastern Oregon and Idaho furnish a good home market for all surplus. For terms, en quire on the premises, or address, David Copfmax, Pendleton, Or.