VOL. 3 No. 6. PORTLAND, OREGON, FEBRUARY, 1878. THE WEST SHORE A WEEKLY. We, last month, intimated, that if sufficient patronage was received, Tim West Shore would be published weekly. In response, quite a large number of our subscribers sent in the names of neighbors and friends, thus materially increasing our list. We j need 3,000 more subscribers before we : can issue weekly ; with the help of our present readers it can be done imme diately. Let every one who has not already done so, send us but one new name during the month of March, and The West Shore will appear ns a weekly at once. Our club rates will, for the present, remain unchanged: A club of three for - $ 00 A club of five for - -6 50 A club of ten for 12 00 Names for clubs may come from any postofticc, as each paper will be mailed in a separate wrapper. Write to Us. Brief and pointed communications are herby solicited from all our readers, on matters of general interest such ns the state of the weath cr, outlook of crops, condition of stock, health of the neighborhood, and in fact, anything of general interest, and noth ing of a personal nature. Mr. John Hriggs, of Albany, has over 150 varieties of roses. This is said to be the largest assortment in the pos session of any amateur tlorist on the const. A green countryman makes n fat faro bank NORTH FRONT STREET, BETWEEN A AND B, PORTLAND. Photo by K H. Wilton