November, THE WEST SHORE. 42 THE JACKAL IN JOURNALISM. Like the beast after which he is right ly named) nothing i sacred from his foul touch. The reputation of the liv ing and the graves of the dead are re viled and plundered; the hearthstones of home fouled and the coffin desecra ted, if it can in the slightest degree tend to his advancement, create a sensation that will cause the sale of even a hand ful more of papers, or produce another dollar to be spent in the gratification of a debased appetite. Tor truth, he cares absolutely noth in" If it chances to suit his purpose, well; If not, it will he tortured and twisted until it does, and the most pure and holy feelings of man or woman be violated, and a scandal sown broadcast that can never be fully denied a wrong inflicted that can never be atoned for, even were any disposition shown to do so. In no oilier land, in no other age, and under no other circumstances, could such monstrosity In journalism be a pos sibility. The great liberty in America Driven to the press has heretofore been unknown, and the literary beast is an outcropping thereof. Bui he did not arrive at his full stature and startling development of baseness at once. It took years to make him what he is, to give im the audacity he possesses, to make him a remorseless pirate of char acter, an instilter of fair fame, a detain er of virtue, a destroyer of credit in a word a notorious and infamous social bandit. Were he an open enemy it would not be one half so bad as it is. Then there might be some safeguard, now there is absolutely none. The sheet blackened by his insinuations and false hoods dressed up as truth, possess some Influence, is eagerly caught up by those of vitiated tastes, anil w ill, of course, shut out all in a rebuttal from its col umns. Hut others may be open. True; but they reach in only a limited meas ure the same class of readers. The law? Repeated eflbrti has proved the difficulty of obtaining redress. There are so many loop holes that escape is easy; and if there is any danger of con viction, an apology, alter the fashion of Midshipman. Kasy to the irate old boVwaiu, takes oil the edge of the ind-nnent. l'ersonal chastisement ? Ah! that is the very thing the jackal delights in. It creates sympathy, en ables him to cry martyr, and gives him the longed for opportunity to mulct in damages. A dangerous beast in the body politic in the literary jackal, lie prowls un seen and in the darkness, and his poi sonous bites are inflicted without warn ing. The rattlesnake, in this respect, is the most noble, is less treacherous, ami a much lalrcr enemy. Utten un der the guise of friendship, the jackal enters a home, prvs into its secrets, and then wantonly reveals them to the World. In cases like the Hcecher-Til-ton, he actually grows obese. A di vorce with sensuous surroundings, with tetters intended fr one eye only and filled with wouK ot burning love, is to him a feast; a ease of trim. Com, a ha? vest. His Inventive genius is large. It needs but a hint to enable him to write a page that w ill blacken the type far more than any ink. Give him a start ing point, and he will soon manufacture n whole; give but a handful of dollars, and he will besmirch the fairest name on the record of the world. Ami not alone is the head of the house attacked; wife ami daughters are dragged in with out sense or decency, aril the moulder ing bones of ancestry torn from their testing places and scattered before the eyes of a shuddering public. " Mm the taste that permits such reve iitloni has srown with the caterer therefor. The one could not exist moment without the other. They are ot necessity twin-mated. The appetite has frown by what it has fed on, and is leech-like in its cries for more. And more they will haw; and foal lc the abominations produced, as long as it pays, unless, indeed, the taste he fireside, But the public, id est. the public that is worth cultivating, turns a dear ear 10 sucn imngs, aim wuuiu gladly lend a helping hand to destroy cry press and type that give tnem permanency. And yet it is trom this same nutinc, the one irom wmcn me jackal knows he is entitled to nothing but kicks, that in many cases tie gams a reward for his misdeeds. Many a man aye, woman has silenced his yelping by bribery. Many an honest heart, shrinking from the publication of some gross calumny, paid liberally for peace, and the jackal slunk away to seek new victims and desecrate new shrines. JJay is the motive in a great majuiity of cases, and shows to what a low ebb newspaper morality has sunk in some instances. Heavens be praised! there are others who would not soil their pens with such themes. And why should it not be so with all? Is news paperdom confined within so narrow a limit that it must pig the graves of rep utation, and make light of virtue and honesty, and the purity of womanhood and the holiness of religion? Cannot the columns be filled without such de grading topics? Are papers only pub- ished in the interest of the dcmi-momu and to be read in a brothel? Has the ickal become King of Literature? Is "THE WHITE HOUSE.' lewis fc strauss. Dealers in Dry Goods and Millinery, 8 F1MMK.I, POBTlAKD.OBEUOJf. .MIt.I.INF.KS' and MERCHANTS' attention are ipecUlly directed to our Jobbing Department I the tinil to run not over tlie tail. WIGANDIA. W K AT A B R KOKb'H preparation of Mm'x tain Halm, will cure i ri iiieov for Ttiroal l I.umk vour m r-i-ii;un ior u or huhu io WEATHERFORD & CO.. HAI.KM, OREGON McNAUGHT & LEARY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Hetiltle, W km 111 u tl ton Territory. Auk your (Jrooer for Hoaps man u fact u red at the I PORTLAND, OttKUON, RVINU WEBB, Proprietor, PHI Olive, Extra ('Inimical Olive, Excenli r tine i - .i-i w, i hi hoi itia uy, r.xini r tunny lt-d Glycerine, Knicllnh Crown. P, H, CHADBOUItNE, Han Francisco. ESTABLISHED, 1117. FURNITURE, BEDDING, Carpets, Oil Cloths-, Mirrors, Wall Paper, Hair, Mobs, Pulu anil Excelsior and Upltolntery Goods, lilts X JsXlt Ilctween Morrison anil Yamhill PORTLAND, oit M.o v ESTABLISHED 1351. IIAIHWAH13, IRON ai hti;j;i 4'i.mbrrland Coal, BlarksraltlVft Material, Axle, Bolt. Ivttl KnU, WMhfn. Borax, Hon M and Sails, Wrought and Malleable Iron. ur Mule bj I HARDWOOD LUMDElt, IH lis SI s Mill IMS. 1 lfirkorj Axles, Plow Handles and Beams, Tar, Pitch, Oahnm and Oars, Tar'd and Manila Cordage, Anchors and 4'l.alllH, Cut anil Wrought Nails, Nplkes, ,ir. NORTHRUP & THOMPSON, 1S1 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. OLUEBT EBTAJILIMIMENT IN OHKGON. J. C. CARSON, Manufacturer of DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF FRAMES, Etc., Etc. Seasoned Finishing Lumber for Sale. Wood Turning of all kinds , done to Order. Stair Material. I.l 11 n HAHH AI.Ii NIXED ON HAND AND HADE TO ORDER. Office and Wnrerooms North Front Street, near the Depot, and oppo site ft, R. office. Factory At Wcidlcr's Mill, Portland, Oregon. AL1SKTT ,o. 105 First Street, 6s HEGELE, Between wilder and Morrison. The Retail Department NEW STORE. Lower Prices than ever be fore offered in Portland. IliVTON IIAI.I,, I'or. Klrst ami Taylor 81 rvi'ts- it i - w a a i JardwarJ( L. K. C. SMITH , Cor. Front and Murk Hta., Or IfannftuitllMn of nil kind! of i WI'll Ami W I -hi.. Ilealern In NUTS of all klnua. I Is " S"!'!!'' "labll.hmenl of the kind MmhMU WW find It to Iholr a.lvan- ,,, ,,, ,, (I) cull Oil 11". I wpl as Ii.mor.iMl trpnrh r-nluii... ' In our LUNCH ROOMS and OYSTER SALOON, all the seasonable delicacies are served up in neat style and at all hours. ESTABLISHED 18S2. $POSTSWW'a ElYtrOJUtrivST William Beek fe son, Iniliortcr ami Wholenli dealer In ('liturx him! Tobacco, smoker' Artlrlfn 1'luyliig l'urdt ('uilery, etc. i tn i .lU-'-t and Klnettt Ixt of Me. i h ni ii. and Anther goods In the clly. .'articular attention paid to indent (rum the country hlcu urt mpaQHUliy aonciiou. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS READ AND PROFIT. 1 have JunI made arrangement with till th MtHicru iiiiniKiii'iK wnn i i khi r to tur nout mi prkm ,tlhhr,; Aly i'ric, 'rior. New York Pally liniphle, ilhe only .hilly llliiHlniN'tl puper In the world, .. 112 00 110 00 amerlMii uw Ttnsi and nipotl . uo . Amerwatl ml iiihiriiU.i. 1 Mi I m Arm hikI Nhvv Juriinl 00 5 oQ fintirhNin t'nioii 2q I M Allaiulc Monlhly 4 iW S : AliK tlt-itn : ... ...i of RdUOaUOD 1 A I 3D Aini-ilcaii NaliiralUl - IW .') Poultry Journal - I ft l io HariH'i'o, illassar. Wcrklyor Mo'l i MI 3 60 Krmik lnll'ii Wfsly, I'ltlmnry Corn tf i or Ijmi' JoiithhI ui s 5n i : ... k i 1 1. - Hiimtay Mglitf . t lit Kraitk UHc' I'ni'iilur Mimlhly .... 2 .Hi 2 IA Frank InIIi'i lJillr' MHKadur It . 3 IA IViui.ivM'm MaifMthtv 1 IW 2 o(l I". iW I IS thai)' 3 UI i FrlfvtlC h A 0 ' hlMtlal laiwnili Mitothly A HO 4 hi v I 1.1MT . . ...... . !' Ualasy :i.V) i n . I in in UaniptiMoultalj a Hortlrulturkd 2 u 14 W.-i,rn -aitit.lolirnil I IV i in .-i.ii I'nlou - 1 W Hrlm-w trailer ... .. A Op Krtt iti l'luiitilHcal Jouiiial A S Wawrly MairaliM 5 00 I in. Itftf 1 .toiirnal a S n) . 1 -. . . I.ivh Af h "0 1 I hlniit.i .iDiirual : i "inlin-ur ,1 lu ;i ClilKaio liilTr-H-an Iil , Kuittiii-vrinitaiitl Mninw Journal 4 0V I' rnuailfpliia riioiogmpricr . Vounit Urucl anl l.ilwnuu Ml Mcholat - 3 Nurwry ...... 1 10 ll -i aiii. i ami tttrsant i UU IMPORTKBS and DEALER IN Cartridges, Braes Paper. RIFLES PISTOLS ...I All other BasnrBi 1bs4mUbI all the Sun Fran Will ' cloco iv ' ' at a pmrMirt Innately low pric Wtirrviao ur iiutrm ititterfiit pubilc.itiont ar taken at MM Hni, the rtHlnction will lvf atlll greater. Kit Inmancr, you divide to lake liar- 1 . i .1. .i i 1 Ih-i'b Wei'klv.ScrUuiei V, IVimlar Scletici" Moutti- COilHs uailaUHl, MM lw tiling works j t 'and chrlatlan rnlon-tnf imhlUhirt prl iu Ul 1n lis: iMHtlAite aii'i niKiiev onit-r io mm woulil Kweil ll to . imj uoiiiini aiHiui nu ll-, own cure. 1 he aeltDCe t:-. ' oy UK IKUUiIIUIl tlmflakrnup in w riling four Irllrra. KINDH. Remington, Sharp's, Ballard's and Winchester RIFLES, J. P. Clabrough's, W. C. Scott & Son, Parker's and Remington's Double and Single Breech-Loading Shot Guns, B&ZABD'S 8P0RTLYQ H.VD BLASTING POWDER, -Fislilng Tacfele, -FarLcy G-ood.s ZZL OT7TLBB.Tr, Pocket Knivc, Razors, Scissors, , TOYS, BIRD CAGES, BEADS, Hoys' WagOtU, lting (ilovcs, SpccUdek, Ctttquct I lames Hase halls. Skates, Vdodpedil, Fool Halls. Itaskels. fcc OPEEA, FIELD nd KABKI OLASSES. NEW STYLE REVERSIQLE BABY WAGONS; Corner Front Ind Aider Streets, PoKTI.AND, OkEUON. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING GO. SALES ROOMS, far. Tim anl Yamhill Hta. Steam Factory, PUKTI.AND, it. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, Curtains, Wall Paper, Spring Beds If AIM M ITTUaVuCu - r ' the public demand uich tmngttw It ln xTiliiiig thntugh nif in i.i 'ii - as his career, ami false upon its Tmk 't hiioks in addition io thnu for $iV yon i gfli ny an meant urop ua a ki m wiiai iwipcra you wouiu fiicc. The ihiI'Ik- doei nothlni of rtiffJB52, kind. Hut if it did, m one lin. "yllHJ"-M1' rieht to iwinoer to neh iUl;isin tastes; ,,Ur estimate tor u, no no one Iws nnv rijilit to sow tliseonl, or; Uo""" icatttr fcandafi im bring ihwM to the. 1. MsMfr.l. lobtt.litrWntT sburi, rxnlanO,oregsju F.WTl.lH;i) IN 1MI1, T. A. Davis & Co., Impoitera and Jobbrnof DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, AND rmi-GLiisTs' SUNDRIES, Our facilities for business arc unequalled, and no Druggist or Dealer in Ore gon or Washington Territory need boy liooda in San Francisco after consult ing our Prices.