The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, October 01, 1877, Page 29, Image 13

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n. Tauitha (irey had foot kittens, and was
reputed the ploasantest cat in C'atvillc. But
the best of tempers are tried, and
ie mornmg, .Mrs. Tabitha (irey, having been
" ") a ween 01 rani ana
in i In, , , , . V .1 J 1 1
, "c' oiiiuai, anil spit at
her youngest kitten, because they attempted to
play a game of "hop, skip and jump'r across
Nothing would have come of it, and this tale
would have been untold, had not Mrs. Tortoise
hell lopaz, Tabitha's most intimate friend
been present. .Mrs. Tortoise Shell Topaz, had
a kind heart, but she was very vain of her
story-tcliiug ability, and when she went home,
-and found .Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S.t sitting on
the doorstep, she could not refrain from de
ncribing what she lias just witnessed, and of
course she made the story as interesting as pos
sible. r
Mr. Joshua Spot was very much amused, and
Mrs. Spot, if the truth must bo told, was highly
gratified Li know that Mrs. Tatntlla tirey hail
actually lost her temper, and when they made
the next call, which was upon Mrs. Pinky
White, Mrs. Spot said, insinuatiugly:
"U, Mrs. Vinky White, you can never,
never guess what 1 heard this morning."
"Of course you wdl tell me," replied Mrs
Pinky White.
sw "Oh, I don't know as to that," said Mrs. Spot
ww mms ii was nun me in tin-st net
cats, supposed to be descendants of the cele
brated Kilkenny cats, tore their kittens in
pieces and then falling upon each other, they
scratched, tore, and bit, till the tips of their
tails and the end of their nails was all that was
left of them.
Bv a CUrinilM law .,.. T. 1 IIV. .
i , ; . , 7 I wniii! umm iox, iiirus
at a certain point and retraces its stepa. From
I atopolis the story rloatcl back to Catville, and
. one line mornim.' !.., Mm IVUtk. nZ i
her kittens, now grown to be sizeable cats, were
sunning themselves on the walk. Mrs. Satin
M auk told them a terrible story about 30 cats
who had baotHM stark mad through ugliness.
ailll toril t l..r liiH.t.,0 l a i ., '
. - , , ""' mm cacn otner,
1 11 only a few tufts of cat hair was loft to tell
the tale.
"Where did it happen!" cried Mrs. Tabitha
U"A topotia, Mr. Lowler told me," said
Mrs. .Satin Black.
"It is dreadful! very dreadful!" sighed Mis.
rabitha l.rcy. "Yon and I, Mrs. Black, know
verv litt h- ,,f fl.o inb ..... i 1 .,
est coniiilcuce by Mrs. Tortoise Shell Topaz."
iky White,
"TO. ,in ; .i,.,i i,- ....
w.. men. unni .uro. I UUfcJ n Illte,
trembling witli curiosity. "Vou and Mr. SKt
tell aBtory so delightfully, it will be more
T.IK Toaii in the Rock. -Of the manv ato-1
nes told of finding toads inclosed in tho 'solid I
rock, none have hitherto Wen authenticated to !
the satisfaction of seientilic men ; but Ad Xuttirr I
considers that the following case, rojiortcd by
one of its correspondents, is well vouched for-I
"In tho building of a new chateau in the de-'
nartment of Ai.iin nm, . .1.. f.. . ,. .11 I
chateau were used as much as possible. This j
building dated from the end of the 17th cen-
The Telephone fob Divers. A new sub
marine armor is exhibited in Cleveland. The
body, as described by the Iron Aft, consists of
Otis steel, while the limbs ami lielmet are of
beateu copper, operating on ball-ami -socket
joints, overlaid with a coating of heavy rubber.
The whole is, of course, water and air tight.
To the head piece are two lines of rubber hose.
One of these acts as an air supply pipe, and is
attached to an air force pomp, while the other
carries off the bad air and acta as a telegraph
wire connected with a telephone. There is a
glass window iu tho fall of the helmet. On
touching the water, although it took live men
to lift the armor, it contained so much air that
it almost floated. More weight was attached,
and itweut to the bottom nicely. Here the
diver could make himself plainly understood by
the telephone, but could not hear what was
said above. If this apparatus proves to. le
sutticiently convenient to allow a man to
work iu it, it will enable us to make a vast
increase in the scope of submarine work.
The depth at which work .an be jx.foiuud in
an armor of this kind would only W limited
by the strength of the material, while at pres.
ent, witli the armor in use, the depth is limited
by the pressure which a man can sustain. It is
possible that with the improved armor the
length of time which a man can work under
water will bo greatly increased. In some situa
tions it certainly will be.
The picture we present on this page will
suggest to the minds of our readers the Tines of
advancement and the obstacles the American
people have overcome during the first 100 years
of their existence. The leading figure has id
her right baud the secret of our advancement;
the hook Wing a fitting symbol of intelligence,
civilization and education, From her left hand
fall tho wires over which thought Hashes from
oce:m to ocean. Beneath her in spread the
material struggles in which we have triumphed,
and the foes of civilization which have been put
to Bight Upon the right of the picture the
light of a good day of enlightment shines upon
our favored coast The light which we now
To us in this day tho glorious facts which are
suggested by this engraving seem grand accom
plishments. But there is a future still beyond,
and those who, iu that day of oven greater
things, aball look upon these marks of iiroirress
USiodaluihUtu thought, nt) ilJl!L.
small indeed. But thus it is ever-onward.
ltEKRiiiERAToit Car Ftut Kxruwi vies. Mr.
Mowbray, of North Adams, Mass., says the
Iron Ayr, has just shipied in a refrigerator Oaf
10 tons of mica powder to Fort Francis, i!00
A Hoy a 1. Cab. From tho Wellington Rtpub
torn we take the following: Tho Jackson k
Sharp Company, have just finished a narrow
gauge railroad car for King Oscar of Norway
ami Sweden, which for beauty and convenience
is uneipialed oven by tho one recently built by
the same linn for Don Pedro of Brazil, and ox
hihitcd at tho Centennial. Tho enr is built
low to suit tho nttnUtOUl tunnels which occur
among tho mountain cliffs for which that
country is noted, and is divided into three com
partnients. Tho smaller compartmont U used
amusing to hear it from you than any one else.
! tell me about it, that's a dear!"
"Well," said flattered -Mrs. (foot, "Mrs.
Tortoise -Shell Topaz called uin Mrs. Tabitha
Jrey this morning, and while she was there,
Tabitha, you know what a uame lor amiability
she has, scratched her oldest kitten 'till he bled
profusely. I think Mrs. Tortoise Shell Toaz
said she saw hair tly; indeed, I'm MtN she
said so. And her youngest kitten, little Malta,
she frightened into fits, ly spitting and scolding
at her. And what do you think was the oc
casion of it all? The poor, little, darling dears
were playing over their mothers back!''
"Ihd anv body ever hear anything so shock
ing!" exclaimed Mrs. Pinky White.
"I'm sure I never, never did!" Said Mr.
.loehua Spot, in a very base voice.
"It is really no more than I have suspected
this longtime," said Mrs. Spot.
"I have always thought her an artful piece,"
said Mrs. Pinky White.
"Please don't lisp a word of this to any one,"
said Mrs. Spot, as she rose to take her Iravc.
"Not for the world," said Mrs. Pinky White,
impatient for her visitor to so, that she might
scamper to Mrs, Satin Black with the news.
"I consider it quite confidential."
From cat to cat the tory went, and at last it
was whispered that Mrs. Tabitha (irey hail, in
a fit of rage, torn in pieces her oldest, and eaten
up her youngest kitten.
As the story gained in proportions it lost in
dethutenees. AtCaUcrateh.atovm lOmilesfrom
OatviUe, it was said that a cat at Catvillt be
came angry and tore her kittens in pieces and
then ate tnem op At Catawamkeag it was
said that two cats of Catville devoured their
kittens while in a fit of rage; and when the
story reached Catopolis, it was said that ten
tury. One piece of stone had in the middle of
one side a large moist portion; it seemed other
wise sound. The stone was sawn to remove
the moist uxtcrior (the moisture was attributed
to a flow of water into the stone iu the old
building), and was put in Nksitiou in a window.
Time went on, and the stone (much to the
builder's disappointment) did not dry, hut pre
sented a villiauoui contrast to its surroundings.
It was at length decided to remove and sacrifice
it, in order to find out the cause. On sawing
right through the moist itart, a large, irregular
cavity (about 0. Ifim. in all directions) was found
in the center, and in this cavity an euonnous
live toad, which bv souattina escaped the
I law!"
Coirr of BlSll. Hails. The lowest uricea for
steel rails, says the Hailroad Uavttr, are those
bid at the letting of a contract in Belgium,
Sept Mh. A I 3,000 tons were wanted and
the lowest bid for the contract was a price
equivalent to I28..t, per ten at the works in
tiennany (Iluhrort) being about $30 delivered
at Malines in Belgium. The lowest price bid
by a Belgian works was $33. At the same time
bids were received for the iron substructure of 30
miles of road of the Hilf system (inlntitute for
wooden ties), and the lowest bid of 27.I0 per
ton was nearly tr a ton lower than the price
asked by the same works a year ago for a similar
quantity of the same materials. By the way
the quantity required for this sabstrnctnre was
96 tons per mile.
To Dehtrot Viuktable (Jkowtiis oh
Walls. To clear a wall of mosses, lichens,
and fungi, apply with a brush an aqueous solu
tion of one per cent carbolic acid. After an
hour or two the dead vegetation may be
washed off with clean water.
miles east of Winning, a part to bl used on the
Fraueis canal and a jrtion on the Northern
Pacific railroad of Canada, at Keewatin. The
rock is so hard at Ixith these Mints as to require
an explosive of greater disruptive power than
gunpowder, and this mica jxiwder apjteani to
answer the purje exactly. The car used has
teeu built for this articular purpose, it being
necessary to maintain a temperature Udow JV)
or no . 1 at- iiii-niKiim UT in tins car lias regis
tered from :i!l to 4V on the whole trip. This
mica jHiwdcr consists of tri nitro glycerine and
si-ales of mica, or Muscovy talc, in nearly equal
proportions, and the object of a low tetuerature
a ta congeal me in-nuro glycerine, wiucti in
thitffcondition is absolutely mm -ex plosive, and
may 1 transported as safely as a Ixix of soap.
Two messengers, necessarily experienced in
handling this powder, always accompany the
car, in which a comfortable aiwrtiuent has Wen
provided for thcru. Their duty is simply to
watch the temperature. In case of a smash-up,
even, the cellular construction of the car renders
explosion impossible, and if thrown on thi fire
of a locomotive there could W nothing more
esrious than a rapid burning of the powder.
A Niw Usi for Oli Corks. - A patent re
cently issued in France gives the fullowing
prtceas for manufacturing cork jiastehoard:
"(ironnd fork is thoroughly incorporated in
ier pulp by means of miring machines and
very powerful presses. The board so formed
has all the water pressed out and is dried like
common paper. Old bottle corks, sole clip
pings, and crk io other forms can thus be util
ised. The pasteWrd is springy, light poor
conductor of heat and sound, ss well as I m
ing other properties given it by the oorL"
I 'or toilot room and also contains tho heating
apparatus. It is elsWrately finished, and fur
uudied with every convenience which would
contribute to the hygienic requirements and
comfort of the royal family.
I At the opposite end of the car is a large com-
t partmeiit for the kiug and his suite, ft is In.
ished iu princely style with chairs upholstered
1 with plush. Tho middle and largo comiart-
tmnt is the iiarlor and royal rooms, furnished
with sofas, chairs, lounges and very liuely fin
ished tables. The upholstery is of sage green
silk tajieslry, aud is undoubtedly among the
finest M.-cim'us of workmanship ever sent out
from this city. The woods of which th inte
rior is finished are maple, walnut and satiuwootl
veneering, to which a very brilliant polish is
imparted by the most skillful artiaans. The
violet predomi nates in the various shades in
which the ceiling is finished, and is in perfect
harmony with the velvety bmssels which
c tvera the floor.
SriORINo. Most of us have at om ILm
other, if not oftener, been annoyed by anorera
and we are rejoiced at being able to give our
readers a method of preventing it lr. John
A vrtMiia f 1I1.1 1. .L ,1 t
r f ..... wncii mh in., inn is
hut a person can't snore and all that is nee led
is an elastic band passing under the chin and
faatenini tn n , . . i 1 1
mouth closed.
A HtIMI'LAKT ImIiMumim. BSSn A t
horticultural society recommends a novol mode
of insuring a luiumnt irn.vth f mmi.!i..
and pelargoniums. It ia simply to water the
plants oner a week with a solution of ISO grain
of glue to about two gallons of water