The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 01, 1877, Page 16, Image 16

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The Sfit cat Shotc,
A sixteen-page Illustrated Paper, issued monthly,
L SAMUEL, Publiiher.
Business Officr,
Morriion Street, between Fifth and Sixth, 'di
rectly opposite Post Office,
Portland, .... Oregon.
terms ok subscription,
(Including Postage loany part of the United Statu:)
On i copy, one year, f i jo
Single Number., -. 10 cent.
Pontage to furetftn coiintrle", 2fi ct. additional
V HubHcrlptloii iiiiiNt be pitld in advance, and
all paper will positively be itoppeO at the end
of the Mm trny r paid for.
Remittance ran be made by reghtcred letter,
noatodlee money order, or by onler on any of the
I'ortlaiid liUNlneHH houjiei
The Wcit Shore has the largest
circulation of any publication in Or
egon or Washington Territory.
Wc stjirt our third year with this
issue, with a circulation of 7,200 copies,
which is by far the largest subscription
list ever attained by an Oregon publica
tion. Wc intended to make a num
ber of changes this month, but our
clcctrotypcr disappointing us wc must
necessarily postpone those changes un
til next issue, when we can positively
promise to adorn The Wkst .Shore
with an elegant new heading, and make
other changes to improve its general
Wc present in this issue another one
of those matchless views of the far
famed Columbia river scenery. It
represents the grand and majestic
Columbia about .(o miles above the
mouth of Willamette river. In the dis
tance (nearly 15 miles) may be seen the
bold outlines of the beautiful "Castle
Rock." The view near Dayton, W. T.,
represents a pleasing contrast, the re
gion thereabout being unsurpassed as an
agricultural and stock-raising country,
"l'ilol Knob" is a pecniiur-shaped peak
ol the Siskiyou mountains, on the over
land stage route between Oregon and
California, and was so named on ac
count of the great distance it can be
seen from along the route, thus in the
early pioneer days piloting the daring
frontiersman over the then difficult and
dangerous trail.
For Tin Wiit Shore. In order to
increase our list to to,ooo subscribers,
we will, during the next 60 days, re
ceive subscriptions at the following
A club of 1 at $1.40 each.
A club of j at $1.15 each.
A club of 10 at $i..-o each.
A club of jo at flit each.
A club of JO at $1,10 each.
A club of 40 at $1,05 each.
A club of 50 at $1.00 each.
This a rare opportunity to obtain
excellent reading matter at low rates,
and these rates will positively cease
after the month of November. Names
for a club may come from any post
office, but in all cases the cash niu-t ac
company the names.
Frank HonoKlx, formerly of the
Ttltgram, is now city editor of the
Paily He: Mr. Uodgkin is .careful
ami pains taking writer, and although
the Btt lias always been a good neper,
its late growing popularity may he
reasonably set down to Mr. HodgUnV,
able Influence.
I think this tale would win my daughter loo.
Otiieu.0 Act I Scene 4.
You must prepare your bosom for his knife.
Merchant or Venice Act 4 Scene 1.
After the lapse of 31 years, (as there
has been no history of this circumstance
placed before the public), I propose to
give n plain statement of facts from
notes taken at the time and from mem
ory, giving motives that led to the en
terprise. Our immigration of 1843 be
ing the largest that had ever crossed
the plains, our progress was necessarily
slow, having to hunt out passes for our
wagons over rivers, creeks deep gul
lies, digging down the banks where
nothing but a pack trail had been be
fore, cutting our way through the dense
forests before wc could reach the valley
f the Columbia, and then it appeared
as though our greatest troubles had be
gun; for here wc had to encounter
cataracts and falls of the Columbia and
the broad nntl lofty Cascades, with their
heavy forests.
At Fort Walla Walla, on the banks
of the Columbia river, with our teams
about exhausted, wc were advised to
leave our wagons and animals over
winter at that place in the care of the
Hudson Bay Co. A portion of the im
migrants, including my two brothers'
families and my own accepted the prop
osition, providing we could procure
boats in which to descend the river, as
it was supposed we might procure them
from the Hudson Hay Company. Un-
Icr these considerations we made ar
rangements with the said Company for
the care of the latter through the win
ter. We failed in our efforts to obtain
boats; having a whip-saw and other
tools with us, we hunted logs from the
masses of drift wood lodged along the
river banks, hewed them out, sawed
them into lumber, and built boats, and
with our families and the contents of
our wagons, commenced the descent of
the river. Dr. Whitman procured us
the service of two Indians to act as pi
lots to The Dalles. From there wc
thought we WOtttd have but little troub
le by making a portage at the Cascades.
Wc did well till wc reached the Dalles,
a series of falls and cataracts. Just
above the Cascade mountains one of
our boats, containing six persona, was
caught in one of those terrible whirl.
xols and upset. My son. Warren, ten
years old, my brother Jesse's son, Ed
ward, same age. end a man by the name
of NLVlcllan, who was a member of
my family, were lost. The other three
who escaped, were left to struggle the
best they could until wc made the land
with the other Iniats. Leaving the
women and children on shore while wc
rushed to the rescue, it was onlv with
the greatest cil'ort that we were able to
keep our boats from sharing the same
fate. Win. Doake, a young man who
could not swim, held on to a feather
bed until overtaken ami rescued. W.
Parker and my son Elishn, then twelve
years old, after drifting through whirl
pools among cragged rocks for more
than a mile, rescued themselves by
catching hold of a large rock a few
feet above water at the head of Rock
Island. At the time of the disaster it
was utterly impossible to render them
any assistance for it was only with the
greatest skill that we succeeded in sav
ing the women and children from shar
ing the same fate. It was a painful
scene beyond description. We dare
not go to their assistance without ex
posing the occupants of the other boats
to certain destruction, while those per
sons were struggling for life in the
surging waters. The whole scene was
witnessed by Gen. Fremont and his
company of explorers who were camp
ed immediately opposite,and were pow
erless to render us any assistance. The
bodies of the drowned were never re
covered, though we offered a reward to
the Indians who searched the river for
months. We reached the Cascades
without any other incidents worth relat
ing. We then made a portage arotind the
falls, packing the most of our effects on
our backs, dragging our boats over the
rocks, reloaded and proceeded on our
way to Vancouver, ascended the Wil
lamette river to the falls, there made an
other portage around the falls, re-load
ed again, ascended the river 25 miles,
coming to a place called Champocg,
where we finally left our boats and
made our way across the valley to Lee's
Old Mission, to miles below where Sa
lem now stands, and on the first day of
December entered one of the old build
ings to remain for the winter.
Previous to this, we had been in the
rain most of the time for twenty days.
Oh, how we could have enjoyed our
hospitable shelter if we could have
looked around the family circle and be
held the bright faces that accompanied
us on our toilsome journey almost to
the end! Alas, they were not there!
That long and dreary winter, with its
pelting rains and howling winds,
brought sadness t us. Under these
sad reflections, we resolved if wc re
mained in the country to find a better
way for others who might wish to
emigrate, as soon as we could pos
sibly afford the time. From what In.
I formation we could gather from old
pioneers and the Hudson's Hay Com
pany, the Cascade mountains to the
south became very low, or terminated
where the Klamath cut that chain; and
knowing that the Blue mountains lay
cast ami west, we came to the conclu.
sion there must be a belt of countrv ex
tending cast toward- the South Pass of
the Rocky mountains, where there
might be no very lofty ranges of moun
tain) to cross. So in 1 S46, after making
arrangements for the subsistence of our
families during our absence, we or
gnniied a company to undertake the
enterprise, composed as follows:
Levi Scott, John Scott, Hcnrv rW
, Lindsay Applegatc, Jesse Applcgate,
Benjamin Birch, John Owens MB
- - -1 JVHU
Jones, Robert Smith, Samuel Good-
nue, Moses 11 arris, uavid Goff, Benit
Osborn, William Sportsman, Wi!liln)
Parker. Each man had his pack-horse
and saddle-horse, making 30 animals to
guard and take care of.
To be Continued.
A correspondent of the Astoria
in speaking of this county, says: ft
contains some of the finest land in
the State, consisting of prairie, river
bottom and tide land ; the river bottom
being the most productive. Wheat
oats, barley, flax, potatoes, and vege'
tables of all kinds grow luxuriantly
apples, pears, plums, cherries, goose
berries, currants, strawberries, and in
fact all small fruits do well, but the
staple production of Tillamook county
is grass. Timothy, red top, orchard
grass, blue grass, and clovers of all
kinds grow to perfection, making it, u
it is, the finest dairy county in the State.
The butter made here is the best in the
Oregon market, and the amount nude
is steadily growing every year. In or
der to develop this branch of industry
and render it as it eventually will be
the main business of the' county, we
need the same plan and system as that
used so successfully in the State of New
York, namely the establishment of
cheese and butter factories at proper lo
cations; each factory to consume the
milk of 100 to 350 cows. Money used
in these factories would be a surer in
vestment than any other branch of bu
siness in the State, butter never failing
to bring from 20 to 30 cents per pounu
wholesale, and cheese from I2J4 to 25
cents per pound, according to quality,
too pound of butter to any common
cow is the average for the summer,
which, say, at 20 cents per pound would
amount to $2,000 for 100 cows; It is
calculated by experts that three poundi
of cheese can be made to one of butter,
we have the amount of 3,000 pounds
which, say at nj cents per pound
would amount to $3,350, to say nothing
of the pork made at the same time.
The Daily Standard. Since 'our
last issue this most excellent publication
has been changed to a morning paper,
and Mr. Noltner, the enterprising pub
lisher, made arrangements for tele
graphic dispatches, thereby placing the
Standard in the very front ranks of
Oregon newspapers. As a local paper,
thanks to the never-tiring efforts of its
city editor, Mr. Jno. Burnett, the
Standard has no equal, and it certainly
deserves, and from all appearances re
ceives, a liberal support.
A Fine Apple. Two years ago we
noticed at the Washington county Fair
a very fine apple, which at that time
attracted so much attention that Mr.
Walling, the Oswego nurseryman,
offered $;oo for the sole right of it,
which, however, wus promptly refused
by Mr. E. Barton, the owner. This
apple is known as "Barton's Favorite.
A few days ago wc had the pleasure of
sampling some of them, and must s)
they are just a little ahead in beauty
and taste of any apple that has ever
come under our notice.
The Mechanic's and Farmer's Stort,
under the able management of Mr. L
Prager, who, by the way, is well awl
favorably known here, is doing a very
flourishing business. Wc refer our
readers to his list of prices in anotbef
column of this issue, and can vouch w
Mr. Prager doing exactly os he
When you visit Portland, don't fofftt
to call on Himes the Printer, 5 WaW
ington Street.
Six millions of dollars worth ."fj
wax is annuaHv produced in the L'nitea :
Di Rtxo the past year the
States exported flour and grain to U.
value ol 100,000,000.