The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1877, Page 193, Image 5

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She m,ts jhwm,
A Sixteen Page Monthly Illustrated Paper, published at
Portland, Or icon, by
L. SAMUEL, s Washiiicton-U.
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Portland business houses
Silent and stern, thou mighty peak,
With snowy frosted crest,
Anions thy canyons eagles Bhrick,
Or soar from craft to uest.
Through thy lone wilds the panthers roam
In quest of sleeping prey,
Or noiseless steal hack to their home,
As morning heralds day.
Great Mount, I see thy towering crest,
By moonbeams straggling light,
Like some great guardian in the West
Who guards the world by night ;
Thy glist'uing sides like sparkling dew
My gaze un tired holds,
For beauteous sights, each fuir, each new,
Are in thy mantle folds.
Oh silent peak, I wondering gaze
Upon thy summit grand,
I see thee through the moonlit hut
As at thy foot I stand.
1 think upon the many tribes
Who've seen thy towering form,
Who oft have tempted thee with bribes
To stay the mountain's storm.
Hut now, though clouds below thee spread
A mantle dark at, night,
Thy snowy-white and glistening head
Is wreathed with purest light.
The stars seem nestliug iu thy breast,
Or gems in thy bright crown,
Thou like lomi great king, regally dressed -
Some monarch of renown.
We've seen the sun in beauty set
With brightest huaveuly glow,
And on thy aide he lingered yet
As if he would not go.
We've watched tho twilight chose his beams
Far up thy shining side,
From crag to crag, o'er frozen streams,
Till each fair riy has died.
Then, iu the quiet hush of day,
Again thy watch thou'dst keep,
Whilo twinkling stars around thee play,
And earth seems all asleep.
Oh silent one, like human grief,
Thou'rt present every hour,
Thou watchest on without relief,
Nor needs Time's changing jiower.
WatcbA'er Earth, thou mighty peak,
Though lightnings 'round thee play;
Or storm gods through thy caverns shriek
And clouds shut out tho day.
M.m sees thy feathery pine trees nod
lly winds thus wildly dmn,
And learns from thee, tint nature's Ood
Km- Earth as well as beavon. Leutto.
I,aud where the rays of the sunset
Hid adieu to a continent vast,
And the moon iu the silvery circuit
Sheds the sheen of her flood-light last,
Thou art dear to my heart, though I wander
Far away from thy golden shore,
And I turn with a gleam of pleasure
To glance back o'er the scenes of yore,
Land where the forests are grauder,
And tower the mountains more high ;
Where the limpid streams meander
'Neath a purer and brighter sky,
Thau that where the brave old Tiber
Kvflecl back the starlit dome.
Sweet laud of the West, I adore thee,
And dream of my dear old home.
My home, where the lake and the river
Commingle their waters in one,
' And the bright-hued myrtle leaves quiver
Iu the mys of the autumn sun.
There, the song of the spring bin! is sweeter,
And the air breathes a fragrant perfum",
Hichcr far than the zephyrs of Ceylon,
Waft seaward from orange-grove bloom.
White Columbia sweep on to the ocean,
And Willamrtte flows sparkting and bright
Through the valley ; in anient devotion
Will I treasure the glorious sight
Of meadow and brooklet and mountain :
Of river; e'en Pacific's blue wave
Titer music in charms without equal.
As the green shores its brif tit waters, lave.
Dear laud, thou art mine; 1 inherit
All the title to call thee mine own,
And to share with the friends of my childhood
Within thy wide limits 1 home.
And when the last mandate is given,
That bids me from labor to rest.
All 1 ask, save an entrance in heaven.
It to sleep on thy broad, peaceful breast
From Photo by A. H. Wno
lAkn, f Ormpltt
It has frequently been asserted that
in no portion of the plohc is there a
city more beautifully situated than that,
the name of which heads this article.
Reposing on a gentle declivity the city
presents to the traveler, as he ap
proaches it by water, a view at once
serene and grand. Immediately to the
right, but separated from British Col
umbia by the Straits of Fuca, rise the
towering heights of the Olympian
range, mingling their snow-capped
heads with hovering clouds, whilst on
the left the trappcan rocks of Vancou
ver Island, surmounted by the Sooke
Hills, lend to the scene an endless va
riety of rich colors and dense foliage,
The city, Itself, forms the background
to the picture, ami, although not possess
in; any unusual number of prominent
buildings, contains r sufficiency to ex
cite in the mind of the traveler a de
sire to be informed as to those which
at once catch his eye. Thai church,
standing out pre-eminently conspicuous
on the hill, L known as the Cathedral,
whiph was erected some six years ago,
on the site of a former edifice demol
ished by lire. The building with a
cupola surmounting its Mansard roof,
is the Drlard House, one of the best
hotels in the town, and from it an ex
cellent view of the country, for a great
distance around, is obtainable. As the
harbor is entered, the brick building,
which stands close to the waters edge.
; erected on a very substantial stone
foundation, is the new Custom Mouse,
constructed by the I lovcrnmeftt of
i Canada at a cost of some $35,000, and fur
I nished in every department with fire
1 proof vaults anil all appliances calcula
1 ted to preserve the many valuable docn
, ments which naturally come, from time
; to time, within its walls. The long, red,
I brick building, also fronting the water,
1 with the slate roof, is the main store of
the Hudson's May Company, who trans
act a very considerable retail and whole
sale business in almost every article re
quired, both in the city iind mini dis
tricts. On the left hand side of the liar-
bor, standing on the sligfitiy elevated
rocks, is the Marine Hospital a new
and excellent building just completed,
at an expense of about l 8,000, Its In
terior is finished in the most approved
manner, whilst the various large and
airy wards are well lighted and venti
lated. As yet, the number of inmates
of the institution has not been very
numerous, but the accommodation for
the unfortunate marine is ample, both
in point of medical attendance ami ail
other requirements, The somewhat
dilapidated looking structure iu the im
mediate vicinity of this commodious
building, is the Provincial Lunatic Asy
lum; it has been occupied fot a number
of years by the insane, but a new and
expensive building has just been erect
ed on the mainland of Britth Colum
bia, near to the city of New West mi niter,
and iu a very short time the unhappy
inmates of the present institution will
be transferred to this more Rtting abode.
The group of red brick buildings,
standing a few hundred yards back
from the water, on James1 Hay side of
the city, are the head offices of the
local government Most of them were
erected in the year 1858, during the ad
ministration of Sir James Douglas,
Governor of the then Crown Colony,
In point of architecture they me most
unique, presenting to the eye a similari
ty to the paintings which one sees on
the exterior of Japanese lea Cdddios,
and, at the same time, calling to the
mind a memory of something Sw,lss
The largest of the group is occupied
by the Provincial Secretary ami Minis
ter of Finance and Agriculture, and,
in one of its rooms, the meetings of
the minlstr) are held and matters of a
governmental nature determined. On
one side of this, the main building,
stands the government printing tlice,
from which, issues every week the offi
cial GatettCy and in which the various
acts passed by the Legislature ami a
vast amount of tabulated work, statis
tics, etc., are printed by steam power,
at a considerable public expense. Tito
tWO buildings at the rear of ihc centre
one are the Legislative hall and Su
preme Court house, respectively, whilst
the remaining one is the Lands and
W orks office and Register Gencrali
quarters, The grounds surrounding
the peculiar, hut, nevertheless) pretty
buildings, have been very nicely laid out,
and the trimly kept grass plot, which
slopes down to the road skirting the
harbor, affords an agreeable contrast to
the bright, red brickwork of the sev
eral structures.
Hut whilst the traveler lias been Cast
ing Ins eyes on the various Qbjcctl Of
interest which have been briefly at
tended to, the steamer, on which he is
supposed to be, has, by this time, landed
alongside one of the wharves which
extends from end to end of the city
front. After the usual ordeal of the
hotel-runner nuisance has beta safjtly
survived, he lands, and, in all probabili
ty, will walk to his destination in the
city. If SO, one of the fust things
which will strike him, is the "regular
Irregularity" which chjuewterises build
inj;s on the lower portion pf Yates1
street. They are all old in appearance,
many of them in a state of decay, and
others, not only unoccupied, bill threat
ening to fall from tdicer weakness.
Wharf skeet, however, which tuns nt
right angles to Yates, contains a series
of warehouses and offices of a most
substantial character, and it is Of) this
street that almost all the wholesale bus
inesa houses of the city arc situated
Continuing up Yatea1 street for a dis
tance of two blocks, Government street
the main thoroughfare of the city
is reached, and many new stoies at once
present themselves to the eye. The
pOtt-Oflice, an excellent mgrawug of
which appears unionist other views of