1)2 THE WEST SHORE. July, THE METHUSELAH OF STEAMSHIPS. TVS HISTORY OK THE "UEAVEK," TUB rmsv BT8AMSHIP that BVBH CROBSSD THE PACIFIC. Forty-three years have passed, and a generation of men have come and gone since t!ic Hudson's Hay Company's steamer Heaver floated down the river Thame, through the British Channel, and went out Into the open, trackless sea, rounded Cape Horn, clove the placid waters of the Pacific Ocean, and anchored at length, after a 103 days' pastage( flt Astoria, then the chief town (?) on the Pacific Coast. IJuilt and equipped at a period when the problem of steam marine navigation was yet to he solved, is it any wonder that the tittle steamer which was des tined to traverse two oceans one of them scarcely known outside of hooks of travel waa an object of deep and engrossing interest from the day that her keel was first laid until the morning when she passed out of sight amidst the encouraging cheers of thousands gathered on cither shores and the answering salvoes of her own guns, on j iung voyage in an uiiKnown sea.' Titled men and women watched the progress of construction! A Duchess kroke the traditional bottle of cham pagne over the how and bestowed the Si. one she has ever since proudly worn. The engines and hoilers, built by Bob ton & Watt (Watt was a son of the Great Watt) were placed in their proper positions on board, hut it was Slot considered safe to work them on the passage; so she was rigged as a brig ami came out under sail. A hark accom panied her as convoy to assist in case of accident Hit the Heaver set all canvas, ran out of sight of her "protector," and reached the Columbia river 12 days ahead. Capt Home was the name ol the first commander of the Ueaver ho brought her out, and we can well Imagine the feeling of pride with which hfl bestrode (he deck of his brave little ship, which carried six guns nine pound orSi The Beaver, soon after aC ?fSK jfMsssBsflfc issBHoHfes. Mm HsWg'-" ' j, iljHjBRflHsHBsW BSBBHBLsnBSk MOUNT BAKER, FROM VICTORIA HARBOR light, io,7Hi feel Yesterday, through the courtesy of Cnpt Rudlln (one of her new owners and future commander) we visited the nlil ship. On board we met the vener able Capt. Win. Mitchell, who has had charge of the vessel for some years. He was busily engaged In packing his clothes into chests preparatory to going ashore. He remembers well the Bea ver in her early days, Every room, every plank possesses historic interest to him. He pointed out the Captain's room, "Just the same," said he, "as when I lirst saw it In '36, There's the chest of drawers, there's the hunk, and there's the hook where the Captain's pipe hung, and many's the smoke I've had in those cabins nearly forty years ago, Nothlngbclow has been changed," continued Capt. Mitchell, "except except the faces that used to people these rooms in the days long ago, and" reaching Astoria, got up steam, and pointing to his thin gray locks "I was a after having "astonished the natives" Meal younger then!" lie led the way with hei performances, sailed up to Nis.pi. illy, then the Hudson's Buy Co.'s chief station on the Pacific, Here Capt. McNeil took command of the Beaver, and Capt. I Ionic, retiring to one of the Company's forts on the Columbia river, pcrlshod iii 1S17 in Death's Rapids by the upsetting of boat. From that pe riod until the steamer passed into the hands -of the Imperial hydrographert, the history of the Beaver was that of t"it f the Company's trading vessels. She ran north and south, east anil west, collecting f ns ami carrying oimIs to mid from the stations for manv vears. into the engine-room, chatting pleas antly as he went, and relating incidents connected with the Beaver and her dead people. There are two engines, of 73 hone-power, as hrijrht and ap parently as little worn as when they first came from the shop of Bolton & W att. From some cuddy hole the Captain drew forth Ihe ship's hell, on which was Inscribed "Beaver iSis" then he showed us into the little fore castle, with the hammock-hooks still attached to the Umbels, from which had swung two generations of sailors. 1 nan me main-decK was regained, and A HIT HI- OREGON'S HISTORY. From the Salem Mercury of July 16th, we clip the following: We have just heard related the cir cumstances of the settlement of one of tlie oldest farms within the present boundaries of the State of Oregon, and which we deem worthy of putting on record. Somewhere about 1S12 a French mountaineer and trapper by the name of Montoure, who had drifted in to this, then wild l egion of country, con cluded to cease his wild rovlngs and stopped among the Indians of the Wil lamette Valley, Having appreciations of the value and importance of the cul tivation of the soil, he looked around him for a proper location, Hischolce fell upon the spot where Hon. Sam Brown now lives, on French Prai rie, in this, Marion county. Here he settled down and commenced iii a rude way. no doubt, the erection of his future home and the cultivation of the soil. Of his adventures among the wild Indians then Inhabiting this beautiful country, of his trials, adversities, hopes, fears, his sorrows or happiness, we, perhaps, may never know. Hut here he remained in peaceable possession of his home in the wilderness until i$6. The Hudson's Hay Company had gained a foothold in the country, and they sent one of their trusted French employes, Peter Depot, to the French Prairie to establish a farm and raise grain, vegetables, etc., for the use of that company. Peter Depot, on ins arrival, purchased Montoure' nrlmt. An.,.,, -si the best known of h.r .,; , I . ,,r"'"" '"" ue" wc n"",c tm --"''I commenced in - 1 t V .101. IX 110 nil. during that period were Capt. Dodlls, Capt. llnichic, Capts. Scarborough, SangSter, and others, all of whom tiscd away long since, hut have left their names behind them. We believe we are cornet ill saying that not 11 single person who came out in the Ihmr in iSj is now alive; and nearly all the Company's officer, with a few exceptions, who received her on her arrival at Columbia river, arc gone loo. Our engraving, which Is most faith fully executed, represents the Bearer'; at onchot in ihe bsauttful harbor at Victoria, II. C. Although old, she i. yet staunch, and for the past two years has been successfully running as a tw . 1 r.at, in command of Capt, Rudlin, hei peculiar construction (as shown in our1 engraving) especially titling her fori that kind of steamboatlng, A Clemtot eejwrtcr went aboard the Beaver just i alter she was sold to h earnest the business of agriculture, crs, Sandei Hu.Hu tier present own- ' .V Co., I , . . - - Ili a sastasSjjL 1 as 'ssffWTlrslaey HKAVKR" (TUS MlTttUftlUAH Sruuoui Kkom hwro st Niu'i mu SND k rORIA I1ARH0R. When the restless American race pushed j their way into this ricli and fertile valley and began to erect their homes on its fine j agricultural and grazing lands, the Hud- son's Bay Company gave up their farm- ing enterprise, preferring to obtain their supplies derived from the soil, from the early pioneers, and turned their attention more exclusively to their legitimate busi ness of trapping and trading with the Indians. When this change occurred, Peter Depot, preferring to continue the peaceable occupation of a farmer to that of the roving trapper and hunter, wu left in peaceable possession of his home. Here he remained until 1S50, when Mr, Brown bought him out and took posses sion of the place. During all this time, nearly 65 years, this farm has been in continuous cultivation. It has never been manured, nor has it needed it, and during all that period the fields have re ceived no rest, except having been summer-fallowed three or four times. The crop growing upon it the present year is as fine as any in the State; the growth is luxuriant and the yield will be as great as any previous year, notwithstand ing its long and constant service. This farm and its present condition is a fair and practical illustration of the richness, productiveness and durability of the lands of the Willamette Valley. GUXDSTONK ON WEDGWOOD. Josiah Wedgwood, the great English potter, was quite nearly contemporary with Franklin, having been born in 1 730 and having died in 1 795, He was uneducated, except in his- trade, to which lie was brought up by his brother. In 1759 he began business for himself, and produced the cream colored "queen's ware." Subsequently he began to reproduce antique models of vases and pottery of all kinds and to introduce original designs, to which Plaxman, the artist, contributed. His factory was at Burslcm in Staffordshire, but in 1771 be removed it to a new vil lage called Etruria. He wrote some valuable papers on natural philosophy, and Mr. Gladstone lately said this of him : Perhaps I am a little given to hero worship, but Wedgwood is one of my heroes. I consider him to be, take him altogether, the most extraordinary man whose name is recorded in the history of the commercial world. (Cheers.) Putting together the whole of his quali ties and the whole of his performances, Wedgwood completely revolutionized the character of the fabrics of this coun try at his period. He recalled into existence the spirit of Greek art. Whatever we may say of the earthen ware or porcelain manufacture as he found it, it never had arisen to the lofti ness of the spirit of Greek art. The forms of Sevres porcelain or of Chelsea and How w ork were greatly inferior to Wedgwood's forms. He did not re vive Greek art in a servile spirit. His works were not mere reproductions. His style was strikingly original, and though he was most powerfully aided by such men as Bcntley, the same re mark applies to him as applies to Queen K1i7;d.tb. It ;C mniL. ..M th.K I too much credit is given to Queen Elisabeth, atul that the greatness as cribed to her belonged in a great measure to Burleigh and her other ministers. But how came she to have those great ministers? She had the judgment and discrimination which en abled her to bring them around her. Wedgwood not only completely revolu tionized the character of the fabrics of his day, but he carried the manufacture I of earthenware to by far the highest ; point it had ever attained in any coun ' try in the world. Before this time i England was not particularly distin 1 guished in the potter's art, for we were, ' upon the whole, importers and not ex porters of pottery. But from the hour ! edgwood came upon the scene all 1 this was altered, and we became great exporters of potterv, and from St. Pe- tcrsbur on the one" hand to the Mis I sissippi on the other the name and pro , ductions of Wedgwood became familiar, and were everywhere met with. But j his great triumph was the attempted I imitation at Sevres of his ware, which, j however, never reached the perfection ' of the genuine Wedgwood.