July. THE WEST SHORE. 219 Fun HAcaixir, K. w, STEME. HACHENEY & STEMME, Wholesale ud Retail Healers In First-Class GROCERIES AND DELICACIES, Also, Seeds, Plants and Bulbs, N. W. Cor. First and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. 'name primed on nil an n i xi- M MIXED CARDS, SO CENTS, CURRENCY or 1'OSTAuE STAMPS. Address, Enterprlie 0rd Co., P. o. Box, 651, PORTLAND) nriRooN. Established hi m. All Work and floods War ranted at represented. . J. B. MILDER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, tint Xlrrtl, CorbetC, hMb, ' lortlntiil. Oregon, Importer, MiimifiiciuriT fend MalflMa liii lurta, Clods, Jrwrlry. Silver Wire and Spwlitlts coiiKtiuitly on band, Walehei r Hip mo.i limU'i iiuiki'n, ,il Kun,. una Am!. s.Tn BHTOtlon lo inljusMiii; jitni r-'palrinn I'lim lersillnl blnv Wau-lii's. lilinimiul H,.lln,;iiml in anKllHI dune In tin' lulost styh'. CORllli'TTS Livery, Hack and Feed Stables, Fire Proof), Corner Second and Tuvlor streets RennonnblA CharrM tor Hire. Pwtlenliw 111! Ill li. llttiM -fH liorsrs. Observe prices In the Hack Department ; Riding, 1 On perlimir. I'aiUag. 1 (nmivi bmr.S0ewoh ftddltloul hour. l0b0nt,NI,T!,ts'!,ll,;lH.,l.iflT. KlllHTill, a IM-l- Hvk. Toandfr 1,11-;,ml I'.uti,.. 1 Nl ,.,,,,,,1,. ilrders U It at KT.t HI,K nr KJSJI KL i. (. IIKlV I'S, ,, Ilv itt.'ii.l. i i,, ;ii :inv mur. 1 1 1 VvvyU w nlinut miv.hm mil ! ti u ,, ix, DAYTON & HALL'S HAEDWAEE STOKE, Cor. First and Taylcr Sts., Portland, Oregon. Builder's, Carpenter's, Farmer's and Housekeepers' HARDWARE PISTOLS, PISEINa TACKLE AND CUTLEKY. Tox tfc Bro., Buyers, ITe w York City. W. B, 0 REGON TRANSFER CO. OPTICI AT and Mack Stables, Southwest corner Second and Slark slreeis All business entrusted lo us will he executed' with care und dispatch. Orders for J lacks promptly at tended to, Day or Night. S. O. SKID MORE. Druggist and Apothecary, 111 FIRST STREET, Portland, - - - Oregon. "THE GERMAN rilA-lMACY" OF WM. PFUNDER. Ankenv s New Tliealcr Block, Cor. Flint and Ash fit., Portland, Oregon. Is "The" Drug Store where Pure Mr, Hi Int end It j. - Chemicals Are dispensed. The oomponndlnft of Preioriptlont a specialty. Attendance Competent A full .fc)ck of Toilet Articles and Perfumery. T Polar s,l W tiler Pumitnhi with choice syrups and Mineral Waters In full operation. DR. J. B. PILKINGTON, OCULIST AND AURI8T. nlSEASEH of the EYE, BAR. THROAT and NOsE, particularly CI i runic Nasal Catarrh, treated as specialties. Prescriptions for the proper spectacles for relief of long, sliort or weak vision. A tine stock of artlllelal eyes kepi. Hmi-K-Dekiun'n Hulldlng.enr. Find and Wash ton sts., roriland, Oregon, The Singer Manf'g Company, S.W. cor. First & Yamhill Sts., I"M ( lnuil, . Oregon. SKWIJS MUllIMt 8LES FOIt 1SI6. Ilit Singer Kaafg Co, toll 262,316 Machines. he.dcr A VA iNon Manufacturing Co. lomcll.- s.-wIuk MaehtiieCo , American II. H. Ac. s. M. t'o ... tt ce.l Sewing Machine Co. W llcox A (llblnjs. M. Co... lleinlngion (. M. Co ;o1.l M...:, scwhic M:.. Line Co..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.' htnrSfwIiia MachlncC Florence sewing Machine c... .1. E. Itraunsd-irtr A Co., (.Etna) McKays. M. A-iclation 100.2M SflLO? ,. 17.9SI - n.iy. .. V2.7.V .. 12,71 . T,lft .. .7f . J.H7S 7U7 UK Singer Machines sold on note and monthly installment plan and lib eral discount made for cash. Send for Circulars and Price List before purchasing elsewhere. Address all communications to The Singer Manfg. Co., S. V. cor. Fint ami Yamhill Sts., Portland. Box 854. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. Steinway Pianos. Burdett Organs. "THE WHITE HOUSE " LEWIS S STRAUSS, Dealers in Dry Goods and Millinery, 87 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. S" The only House in Oretfon. Ihnl mnkm , s,., ; .ii,. unu UOOds, JAMES LAIDLAW & CO., COMLIISSION MERCHANTS, GRAIN, WOOL, SALMON AND OTHFR nRFonu DRAnnc 7 kithi Ntrcet, Portland Ovoboii. fhi?..,,n;VNiT RP.EfrUi" "IfpttSl ami surest explosive known. M Perrlns' S-Wftrt!?.8;!? AinU tef 6u5JM Uni1" ,U"l,," M.u'"f"".u,s,und.),.x EtPOm" Balem Balceim At Manufacturers' Trices. tiiKl Hupeillnc Plonr PRINCE PATRONIZE OREGON MANUFACTURES! O U K ti O " V I TV'" "v A. H H I M It K . The Best and Cheapest Clothing on the Pacific Coast! JACOBS BROS. d. CO., Huh' Maiiurikelnrcrs mi,) Hm.iI.. No. :i mid n Front Htri'et, - PORTZ.AKI l, !'. 0EGAU0IlEG01T CAET "WAEEHOTJSE. OVlill 57,000 NOW IN t'HE! SEND FOR tl.l.rsTHATED PRICE I. WT OF till' III ILJhl I r. til lll-ll 11 Ills. Knu- I I I. some styles; mi luoderaie prices. These clear. voiced, sweet-toned OlfDI are the most duralile reed liislrumeni manufactured. Sole Anciil lor t In- I'acillc Xorthwesl, II SINs II KI M Kit, 111 First street 1'orttand. iri.ltienil discount to Dealers. Lodtftl and Churches. BARBER & NICKLIN, DENTISTS. Bucccsttore l(i Hatch A TluiiiMon, 109 Flnil-.l., l-urllunil, Ogn. 'ARRISII CORNKI.I., REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS, front Stfert, brtietm Alder and Atom ton. PORTI.AMK ohm.h v D. W. PRENTICE, (leneral AM for tlie Cnrivnted WB13F.H PIANOS, Ami (Vlehrtp,l Standard. Organs, Alder-it. ,-.; first Portland, Oregon. WALTER BllOS. Importer! ami Dealer! in Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, PAPER HANGINGS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, 21 a"d M rirst s(reH' - - I'orUand. Oregon Baslieu Directory of Snohomish City, W, T. jLDMDUE HOIME,I,iiwyi'r. E. The Colby Washer, liM itn rtf (t .rvt. nan M or. First and Alder Streets, I'ortlntld. Oregon' FOR SALE. I 30 ACHES OF I. AND TEN fctlUBI BOVTH L or Southeast of McM innv II l, live milt from mllj, five mile from Sheridan, In 11 good lo cality . too f 'M In cultivation; yuung orclianl set out this spring: 111111 houe, not finished: MMI ft ttream of water running through the i.--; three-fourths of a mile lo a good school liottse. Terms. fiVuO pr acre, one-half ca-h down, the remainder on time, with Interest at ten percent, seen red by mortgage 00 the farm, or, I will trade the farm for a good dairy farm. SAKAH A. McKI NE, llellevue, Yamhill County, .- Sectional and County i n rr ii OMUlM itll Ijilf.l siint-v. tod vhIii utilf lufontiHIIon. I'rke, f ;.l A l)l)IIIH J. K. GILL & CO., ll.Hik-i lli'i. and Stationers, Cortland, 1 n. ' EIJJS G. HUGHES, Attorney at Law, ,",( ,. OEMMS. IUmhii I, Atiki-ny. Hull. In,. - WaALLEY FECHHEIMER. Auomeys at Iw, Roomi N ,-. T ttnii 4 In UIImo'm MullillnK. BOIMf Flr.1 hii I A.l, Mtrcetj, rortlaml. 1TEIKEYER, The well known Merchant Tailor, BlCims ST EVEET STEAKES, Sfdendid AuortmenU of Spring and Summer Goods. HEW STALES AH D HEW PATTERHS. 1'ifst St., bet Pine and Ash, Portland, XTOKTIIKK NTAR,An ell hi Mft Week ly paper-puhllshed by Eldrldgi Morse fa per .1 Him 111. Snohomish KZCHAJrOgWA flr-t class Hotel, kept Uy Isaac Calheart. A. II. JOHNNON, Ntock llroker, wholennle Niilrher nml I'neker, nntl dealer In nil kluila or Fresh and Cured Meats, Baoon, Hams and Lard. i pedal Attention given la supplying ships, taltl M, H MMl Mi Central Slarkel. Portland, Oregon MORSE'S PALACE, 121 First St., Portland, Oregon. The Celebrated EM MMSisi PRINCE OECaNS. A Complele Stock of Sheet Music ;iinl Musical Mi-rchati- dlse.also.I'letures, Frames A Moldings. Plcturt- hmn ffir to qrdcr. ' IKHIHK. ism TAKE NOTICE. Mr. Hr.-nrr Is In town and Is taking Pictures 111 an I- 01 mi- m, iiiiii uas an KM anvania- rat,t easy access to Ills Oallery and the In-nl it In the State, anil takes as good Pli-liirea as 1 any other man and at as reasonable iirlees, and is always ready and go-sl-natnre.1. ('lease call and I'M his ability. Hallery In the middle of the block. Flrml treet, between Morrison and ; Yamhill, Iortland, Oregon. 1 Cliurrli Pip- Organi k rUau f.n um- inuW- U. mAri l. 111. ill initio 11, 1 Piano Makrr and Orsan KullaYr, 1 Hint si , wi n.iuMii ami Tajlur. Porlland, Or. 3 CT" SH Work tunri!.r,l Hi br Kir.t AW PI riaaa kiun nuin h.h stin,K ii1Ht, i ks leiiiraiiniiiainmnm CHEAPEST! $7.00!! Warranted to Last Three Years, and Give Entire Satisfaction. Read the following: W.I.IImaw.s t ..r Nlr: Willi, ,ui tl,.- I, i.k. rnll. 11. I , 1. 1 ruly .ay )ur ,'.,ll,y WW., JfPPll- mor, wMi iim Dd w in St KllrlK h li.., w, ,litf fuiini i,. ,. '1, 11,,' I '"Tl. fill.. II. I,,r.,.,l,..,l.l I..... "I'1;"".". "!H "l'ill,.'l,.'l,i lal tat. SSiaoumlr. " ' '""""""i Mm. ,1. 1 . , IIAM,.:! 1,11.1 U wiling',,,, T,-rrll,,ry. '. ,,,,1 wllva iniltl inkliKf,,loiNM,r,ly. I .r i irr-ul.M,. tr,,, .ui , ...i.i, .... w. F. BRAYTON, (tenet h I Agent, i iregon CHj JOHN A. BECK, WATCHMAKER f JEWELER, Music Mtoi f. Hntpli Ml it Mlrerl, . I- ,.., ..,.... Klaa rt .rf WATt HEM, ( lM'KH, JKWELUV AND BW TACI.Km at law (irlees. Iti-palrltig a Hpes-lally. All work warrant!.