uly. THE W EST SHORE. 217 TABLE ROCK. Table Rock, an engraving of which WO present In this number, is one of the prominent natural land-marks In Southern Oregon. It is situated on the north bank of Rogue river, in lackson county, and about twelve miles from the town of Jacksonville. For many miles along the Oregon and California stage road it is plainly visible, and is an object of admiration to all who appre ciate the grand and picturesque in na ture's panorama. Viewed from a dis tance, on the southern and southeastern sides, it resembles a vast fortress with frowning battlements and insurmount able walls. Its top has the appearance of a level surface, which is more strik ing because it is seen without back ground, except the clear sky, at this season of the year. Upon close in spection, all ideas formed from a dis tant view vanish. Its symmetrical pro portions are lost and it is found to be the molten lava. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that on the outside, and at the base of the eastern wall, a small stream of asphaltum issues forth and congeals into flinty hard ness after being exposed a short time to atmospheric influences. The high est point of the wall is on the east side. Here there is a perpendicular precipice of three hundred feet, and for more then two miles the height varies from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet. The rock is basalt, and it rests upon a gray sandstone base, which seems to dip from the outer edge of the wall, inward. The upper two-thirds of the basalt has a smooth surface, anil the lower third is crystalline, or, rather, composed of groups of Doric columns, cemented together. Table Rock is an object of historic as well as geologic interest. In a mili tary view it is one of the most easilv fortified strongholds in the world. This The Umatilla river, on account of its valley, is one of the most important streams of Eastern Oregon. The Umatilla valley, together with the bot tom lands of several tributary creeks, furnishes a fine tract of rich alluvial land, having a high reputation for its agricultural capacity. Large sections are open for settlement, ranging from mountainousandwoodedtracts to rolling prairies covered with bunch grass, and lastly, the narrow but rich bottoms of streams, rendering it an easy matter to select a farm or timber claim as may be preferred. Should the Indian reserva tion be thrown open for settlement, Which will undoubtedly bo done at the expiration of the present treaty within two years, it w ill make Umatilla the richest comity in Oregon. A Xkw Way of Washino Clothes. This process comes from France, sav es labor and money, lives clothes a superior whiteness, am! re- A NEWSPAPER'S FUNCTION. In a recent speech of an attorney in a libel suit, the following language oc curs: There has grown up a sort of common law of obligation, recognized mutually by the pros ami the people, by which the people expect that the press, a.- distributors of useful intelli gence, shall inform them, as well what is to he avoided us what is to he sought, as well who is to be suspected as who is to he confided in. And a newspaper, as a garnerer and distributor of news, is a public monitor, and it is its duty to admonish the people against frauds and shams, and Impostures and dishonesties. It is to be a beacon as well as a guide; and whenever a public newspaper, through its diversified Appliances for the collection and distribution of infor mation, disco ers anywhere in public life ami in public nvocations, whether it he a lawyer, or a clergyman, or a physician, a man who, instead of secur ing the public welfare by honorable methods ami practices, limply prowls about in the back yard of Ins profession, and uses the means and instrumentalities which honorable title gives him to pan- jBj. Bray? moui TKjfitfBEHjBflB ' " HKtifc A- HtMSlSpSmjfcv vr&V TABLE ROCK, SOUTHERN OREGON. From Pho Pari i iik mi, Ja two walls of crescent form, inclosing a miniature valley, through which a small stream courses down into Rogue river, with the two southwest points of the crescent walls near each other. This stream was once rich in gold, but, like the many placer deposits in Southern Oregon, it was long since worked out and deserted. The area inclosed within the walls, is, in extent, about half a mile from one extremity to the other, and is nearly round. At the northeast points of the crescents there is an ojening through which a bridle trail Icadsdown ;i gentle declivity into the broad valley below From the formation of the whole geological structure, known as Table Rock, it is reasonable to believe that the walls were once complete, and inclosed the crater of a volcano. The waste of time, through the lapse of ages, wore through the stonv inclosure; the fire sretrcated back to their subterra neous home, and a cold stream of wa ter trickles down where once flowed fact was well understood hv the Indians during their war with the settlers in 1S55-6. On the 14th of October, 1S55, when one of the famous Rogue river chiefs was hard pressed by the volun teers, he took refuge 011 Table Rock and kept his enemies at bay during the whole day. At night, he escaped with his hand, after having killed and wounded several of the attacking par ty, without losing a man. Fort Lane, named for Gen. Joseph Lane, was sit uated a shtirt distance to the southwest of Table Rock, and the soldiers, while stationed there, by frequent excursions, made themselves acquainted with all the intricate fastnesses of the grand nat ural fortification. Hut the incidents we here relate have passed into history, and the herdsman's Hock now wanders in security around the rocky fortress which once echoed back the w ild warw hoop and the sharp ring of the frontiersman's rifle. Pros)critv does lst discover vice, but adversity doM lt discover virtue. lieves them from the destructive beat ing or rubbing, but we cannot say that it does not rot them: One kilo (fU pounds) of soap is reduced with a little water to a sort of pap, which, having been slightly Warmed, is cooled in 4s, liters (10 gallons) of water, to which is added one spoonful of turpentine oil and two spoonfuls of ammonia; then the mixture is agitated, The water is kept at a temperature which may le borne by the hand. In this solution are introduced the white cUlhcs, and they are left there two hours before washing them in soap, taking care in the meantime to cover the tub. The soapy water may be warmed again and le used OOOe more, hut it will be neces sary to add half 1 spoonful of turpentine and another spoonful of ammonia. Once washed in soap, the clothes are put in warm water and the blue i applied. Life in itself is neither good nor evil; it is the scene of good or cil as you make it; and, if you have lived a long day, you have seen all. It is not enough to have great quail' ties; we should also have the manage ment of them. der to his own lust or ivnrice, or any other vile passion, and that paper fails to send out some admonitory voice, and sound some signal of warning, it is re creant to every principle of duty and responslbl lily, and should be stigmatized by the public it pretends to represent and to serve. As a 41 rustler," Samuel, of the Wkst Shork, has no equal. He came to town last Weelt Stayed with us one day soliciting suliscribers to his paper, ami then bade us good bye with his pockets so full that then- has been a stringency in the money market ever since. The Wkst Simm , however, is a good pa per, and we do not feel inclined to grumble la-cause it is so liberally pat ronized. Rottkurg Independent. Crops throughout this State are look Ing exceedingly well, and as the gene ral prospect at present is that prices for grain will rule high, w e may expect an extraordinarily prosjerous vear, com mencing with the present harvest. A kiss ought to le a mark of honest affection, not a WMpOfl of hypocrisy.