216 THE WEST SHORE July. PRIVATE RAILWAYS. A HW lino of railway to connect the seaside village of Felixstowe with the Orcat Eastern yte m has just leen njteiied to the public, hav ing been surveyed by Captain Tyler on the part of the Board of Trade. The new line dif fers from all others in England in being the property of a single owner, Col. Tomline, for merly If, P, for tirimsby, who ho notonly con structed it at bin Dole cost, but in ahto working it himself, with Inn own engines and rolling i-l. Thu line is II1 miles long, and joins the Oreat Eastern at Westertield, about 10 minutes' run from Ipswich. The line presents no en gineering dlfflonltiw, rowing ulmost on a level throughout, and on a dry ami easily-worked soil, so that it has bam completed within 20 nionins oi ii commencement. Until very recently it was intended to Imj worked by the (Ireat Eastern Company, but this arrangement could nut bti carried into effect, aud the new engines ami rolling stock have been built by the Yorkshire Engine (,'ompany, ami delivcrel in eight weeks from the receipt of the order. Tutting aside colliery lines, it is lielieved that the only other example in the United Kingdom of a line of railway owned by ft single proprie tor is furnished by one auction of the Highland railway, which belongs to the Duke of Suther land. Bat tliis niece, although it is his (trace's property, is worked by the Highland Company, and is continuous witli the other sections of their lines, in which its identity is merged, or almost lost. Col, Tomline standi alonu in hav ing a railroad which is not only his property, but also miller his control. Me has spent, it is said, a quarter of a million sterling in the umhrUkmg. Mr. J, BoblUgton Mncuiiluy, agent to Mr. Edward Crupper, writes to the Twice, " I 'crimps you will allow me a small comer of your inlliienti.il columns to correct the paragraph referring to ownership of passen ger railways by single proprietors. The Maocloebog railway, now working into the heart of North Pembrokeshire, and terminating at his slate ipiarrics, a lew miles from Fishguard, is the entire freehold property of Mr. Edward Cropper, ami worked entirely by his servants. engines and rolling stoek, for liotli passenger ami IRWdl purposes. As regards public spirit ami enterprise, there is strong affinity between the two oaaea in point) but where Col. Torn line's effort! have tea him through U miles of ttry ana eaiuy-woriteu toil to bit goal, those of the other gentleman were met by deep rook cuttings and valleys, mountain and moorland. river and foreeti In the onune of nine miles of railway, forming U variety of dlilloultlei and of si i ner in fiii'ii a lioi I ili-lan. aliuo; inih.ir- aUelwL" Mr. .1. Drover) M. but C. E.. alao writea from '.I, Victoria Ohumburn, S. VV.I "As you have drawn attention lately In yonreolammi to CaL Tomline ami the Duke of Sutherland aamatvmuaj propnatoraol railway, I take the opportunity oi rating that Col. VoUaod, the ROVernmoUt Inspector, has finally passed the lb in. I lieuiti-,teal rUUWaV. a line ulna mllns long, connecting the Midland and Northwestern lyetomi in Hertfordshire, nhloh has Ik..u oon tmotod by me for a ningl proprietor, Mr. .1, .1. Harrow. The line tuu ttofti heavy work) Upon il, mid will bo of ere..! Mtviea to the tils triol through liioh it pass. .; therefore 1 think the name el the gcu t Icniau at w hose cost such portant local undertaking lias Won carried out dooervei to Ik recorded among thoae to whom the public art Indebted for useful publto worn oi hi i i mitli A BrjRPMITt A surfeit in man is called foun der in a horse, and is over eating, eating more than the stomach OH pOOtibly convert into healthful blood Wise men and careful men will sometimes inadvertently eat ton much, known by a feeling of fullness, of unrest, of a discomfort which pervadea the whole man. Un der mii'li circumstances, we want to do some thing lor relief; aoOM eat a pickle, others wal low a little iucgar, a large number drink brandy. Wo have swallowed too much, the lyitem is oppressed, and nature rebela. Inatinoi to th. IBM and t :ik i I app. tit.'. t prevent our adding lo the burden I mnraal or a drop, The very anient surest, ami least hurtful remedy, Il to Walk briskly in the open air, rain or shuio, miii, hail, or hurricane, until them is very slight moisture on the skin, that) regulate the unit, no m to keep the pemilraUonj at that pnlnl nntd entire mini u attoidcd, indicated by a general abatement of the iliaconilorl; lint ns a violence has i ..it. i, -I to the stomach, and it leu. been wearied with the evtra burden ImpOOOll BpOU it, the naxl regular im al should be omitted altogether. Such a course will prevent many a sick hour, m mi v a cramp, colic, many a fatal diarrhea, IMfi enrwu Nku lt.Kis oron nil ru of BnuiL -Steam at ordinary niooonro. aanl into aallw an Intrant on whieu 11 bni no ehtwiwl actum. gives a n of temperalure that seems at tirM sight parmlouc.il, the temperature produced Utng ftluays hulur than that of the steam. .V.iMrr eayi that M M.dicr, of the Berlin Chemical Ntciety. h. baM u atudviug the phe nonunion. CUofntt ul mdiom i one of the uha to tiu a aolntlon ofi U inlHtaanUj vm nut rat .h l to Itavo a boding - c.i of Igj mav Is- ranwsl to sinii.lv by sending itMin into It at I IX i Here, then, the iteam produces riv of i.'i above its own teiiiperatimv The moiv concent rate. I the solution the higher ii the rise. M Midler pofarui out, m explanation, that aline solution at Itkl atworb the steam at the same tempvntiir, and the nsult it a rin' ainlognna to that prodnend when a gas, Ulu ammonia, i iliaanrvjd in water. TltcM- vxH-n iinls throw n. w light on tin- n.iitrvertl .Uetion, hat U the temKratiira of the steam which escape- from a e..nceiitrat.sl and Unling solution! 1 it !--i or a temperature near that of U'diuy of the olutionT The new result seem to U- the latter and common view, Ui little be) p!u things and ipcak balpfnl wonli whenever t.ui can. I'liev are U'tter tiiaii Mtnaaf dfttnaaiMI lostrvw along the rodmdeof life. They will yield a far inorx- valuable bar vot, as you will lind after many days. HUNCH (JKA.SS OF MONTANA. The rTooTy Mountain Huthamlman, itian arti cle on bunch grass, says: There are aeveral dif ferent varieties of this grans, two of which are the most popular ami generally known; one with a blade that resembles blue grass and stems which nm up in a cluster and bear seed much in the same manner that blue grass does, except that it does not form a tuft but grows in bunches, and is found ustii the high, rolling bench lands, parks and mountains. The other kind grows more frequently upon thefiratlwnch. The blade is sharp, the beads all turn to one side, and from the broad boot on the seed stalk it is often called "Hag grass." As to quantity Hir acre, there is but little or no difference. The latter is usually preferable for cattle, but the former is thought to be best for sheep, yet either is very line. These grasses Btart forth in early spring and grow very rapidly. If there have been heavy siiowh during the winter and the ground is well saturated with water, if there are frequent rain or snow storms as the spring opens, the oron of the gram II headed out by the first of June, and our Tmuudlcas prairies and bills are l.cuit itnl as a waving licld of grain. The bight of the grass is usually from VZ to IS inches, with bladesfrom eight to 13 inches long, yet under very favor able circumstances it grows much taller. We have seen miles ami miles of liencli lnnds along our mountain sloiies which were one vast sea of bunch gross fully W inches high and thick enough to mow; in fact, we have seen large ricks of hay of this grass, but the grass is so line that the laW of making hay is too tedious for most persons to engage in. l!y the lost of June the beads ri!ii ami in ordinary seasons the blades are all cured by the middle of July, and the whole landscape is brown as a field of grain ready for the sickle and would bum If Mt on tire. In exceptional seasons, such as the last, the blades of the grass remain green and con tinue to grow until Septemlwr. There is, how ever, no mlvantugo in its remaining green, as then; seems to bo no perceptible dill'erence in the fattening of stock. In fact, we are inclined to the opinion that the carlv cured is the bent. There is no time of the year in which stock take on fat faster than in the latter part of summer ami early fall. The cured grass retains itu nutriment all win ter, from tlie fact that wo have no drenching rains in the fall to bleach it, the light snows which come in early winter and melt oil' soon only serving to moisten it and make it more palatable. When wo have latu summer rains, and the grass remains green until full, should frost come early it iH injured, and stock d t seem to keep in good condition during the win ter as when it dries up early, as is generally the man. DnrUlg the w inter the low lands and sharp foothills am for the most part free from snow. Usually the snow is chased away by the Mind, ec.pt that hieh is driven into the thick clusters of grasn and lies bedded OJltonif the old dead bladet of other yeam. In grazing, tin: stoek gather up more or less snow, which sencs in a great measure as a ubatitutoenr wnter. When the snow departs in the spring stock gu to the foothills, following up the receding smn, ; the grass which Ilea covered all wmlcr le rol- laheu beetf beaidee the young crop itarta Ural am! grows fastest among the sharp hills. In UieStaUs, gnin gras in early spring apMrs to have a weakening elici t Upon stock, but lu re it comes forth among the old crop, and is so well mixed that there is scarcely any diffareooe between it and dry feed. Bunch grass will not yield an acreage equal to other graaaoa, but it does not require near the quantity ol this to susUin stock and keep them in a Nourish inn oondition as is ranulmd of qamm- and 1c" nutrinoua food; it apnronohei nearer hi gnua man rajming or which we nave any knowledge. A poor home, turned out here, seems to thrive and get in serviceable condition quicker than if corn led in the stables. Dnr Bra Lira, The mvatcrv of daan .- life lies in the tact that their an-' multitudes of repraeentattvea ol the animal world which, in virtue of their auimality, an. incapable of nour ishing themeelvaa Upon inorganic matter, yet which are living miles bolow the limit at which vegetable lite ceases. Some of the organisms foUJld Hi deep sea soundings are undoubtedly of a ei;etable nature; but these are surface-living diatoms, or other lorms, which sink when tiny lie. 'Ibis animal lite at the sea bottom is capable of appropriating as food the organic ni.iuci lo in nohe.l ill the OOean water, as well a the inorganic sulistancts necessary for "o "" " 'i "sen-ion aim me gases re- qnired tor reiptratton, For lite at the bottom ol the sea is oscutially like all other animal lit. ; it requires food to eat, air to breathe, and minerals from which to elals.rato its frame woik. Can-fill exH niiieiit has lalved the dif Acuity: the nrfaaVlivini nutriment dmassvls alter death; slowly and laboriously the hie-"H-t.o c .xvecn makes its wav fn'on tb -nr. lace to the d,i.tw when- aojd and darkness nigu, and as slowly tlto pohKHWttl carlH.uic a id th reault alika Of life and death makes its way to the surfaw. Thus, just such life u -mm exist under the diflonit conditions therv present, IfOM exist in enormous extent. Seriih 0TT01I Sun ta BOTLUn FvtnirC A Florida ls'r mentions a new use to which cotton seed has rwently Uing put that is of no little mi-I-it. It i- in the sham- ot a nouc.ii.lo.. (,.. oover for eteom boilara, and is deaoribed thua; It is tnw cortical jwirt ot the seed with the lit tle funa atUched that is Med, A layer of these cotton s.isl hulls is jnit arouad the boiler with the aid of slats, and then the whole is covere.1 with a layer of plMteriuv. VVrtb IB pounds of st.m on the surfaoe of this ca.ug it was Iwndv warm; and we an- assiind that lsth in the en- gilie aud tin' nv.ini the t em e rat lire has been greatly n-diiced, H as to be much less opprs sie, since the easing wm put on. This seeiiw to Is) something entirely new, and thougli in the present instaoiv it is highly satisfactory, the rty who tried it thinks he can suggrat some improvement to M wilder the tnui xMii- tuciing ot heat still more perfei-L OL'H COCNTRY'S ORIGIN. Our fathers came hither from a land to which they were never to return. Hither they had brought, and here they were to fix their hopes, their attachments and their objects. Some natural tears they shed as they left the pleasant alxslcs of their fathers, and some emntious they suppressed when the white clill's of their native country grew dim in their sight. A new existence awaited them here; ami when they saw these shores, rough, cold, bar barous and barren, as they then were, they be held their country. Before they reached the shore they had established the elements of a nocial system, and at a much earlier period had settled their fonnB of religious worship. At the moment of their landing, therefore, they jhis hcssciI institutions of government and institu tions of religion. The morning that beamed on the first night of their repose, saw the pilgrims already established in their country. There were political institutions, and civil liberty, and religious worship. Poetry has fancied nothing in iOfl wanaannai ot neroes nn nisrmer nnn eimr anteriatio. Here was man, itidecd, unprotected and unprovided for on thu shore of a rude and fearful wilderness; but it was politic, intelligent and educated man. Everything wob civilized hut the physical world. Institutions contain ing in substance all that ages had done for hu man government were established in a forest. Cultivated mind was to act on uncultivated nature; ami, more than all, a government and a country were to commence with the lirst foun dations laid under the divine light of the Chris tian religion. Happy auspices of a happy futu rity! Who would wish that his country's ex istence had otherwise begun? Who would de sire the jHiwer of going back to the ages of fable? ho would wish fur other emblazoning of his country's heraldry, or other ornamental of her genealogy, than to be able to say that her tirst existence was with intelligence; her Brit breath the inspirations of lilierty; her lirst principle the truth of divine religion. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF AMERICAN This lovely and this glorious lilierty, these benign institutions, the dear purchase of our fathers, are ours; ours to enjoy, ours to pre serve, ours to transmit. Generations' post and generations to come hold us responsible for this sacred tiust. Our fathers admonish us with their anxious jiatemal voices; posterity calls out io irs irom ine iiosom ot tne tUturej the world turns hither its solicitous eyes all conjure us to at U bjely and faithfully in the relation which We sustain. We can never, indeed, rtav thu debt which is upon us: but by virtue, by tnor- uii. ut nuupuu, uj me cultivation ol every Rood principle and every good habit, we may mme io enjoy the i.lessniy UtfOUgh our day, and to leave it unimpaired to our children, Let n feci du ply how much of what we are and of what wo posess wo owe to this liU'rty anil these institutions of government. Nature has, indeed, given us a soil which yields bounteously to the hands of industry: the mighty aud faith fuloeean bof ore us, and thu skies over our heads shed health and vigor. Hut what nre landl ami skiei ami seas to civilized man with outs.si. ty. without morals, without religious culture; ami how can these Ihj enjoyed in nil lin n extent and all their excellence "but Under tho protection of wise institutions and a free government ! There is not one of us who does Dotal this moment and at every moment, expe rience in his own oondition and' in the wudiuon of thoae moat near and dear to him, the innV enoeand benefit of thie liberty aud thoae iiisti tutlone. Let us then acknowledge the blessing; let us feel it deeply and pou crtully; let ns eher Uth a strong atlectioii for it. and resolve to main tain and perpetuate it. -Dankl If abater, i .... um Mi.-i.ip iimiscmmi is complete with out a sister. She jjivei the finish to the family. " "'oiii-m v; m un can i e inon-hallowed! A sister's watchful care; can swyMHiw nun icmter : , siter s kindness; mo worm snow us anything juirer! nrw n.oiei . n sisier IH a sort ot gWUtlian angel in the home circle. Her HUMS .ili.lxlliii. v..... BL. 1. 1 . Jl . j T. ' ' ",l quicM iicr oi yoo.1 raaolntlonei the sunshine in the path w.n of home. To every brother she is light ami life. Her heart is the treasure-bouse of eonlideiiee. In her he tun I rt safe adviser, a charitable, forgiving, tender, though often seven-friend. In her he finds a ready com. painon. Her sympathy is open as day and weel :i the fragranoe of fjowero. We pity the brother who has no sister. DO sister's love. We feel sorry for the home which is not enlivened by a sister'i presence. A sister's oltice is a noble and gentk one. It is hen to parauode to urtue. to win to wisdom's wavs; gently to h-ad where duty . alls; to mard thedmdel of home with the Uaepleei VIgUanOa of virtue; to gather araoai Ud itreW Sowen anuiml the home altar lo be a s.ster i to hold a sw.i t place in the Heart ot noma, It is to minister in a holy office, Loxotvrrr or mi Ishakutks, nr. H. w l.'lchardsou. of I.ndon. I. p... tin ;' catcd this subject. The result of Ins research has shown that, both on the continent and in Knylaml. Jews possess a higher vitality than do the poerol communitv bv whom they are st)r. reuude.1. Tracing Uie cauws for this greater longevity, lie says he cannot attiieh ts much ImjNHrtOMe to the sanitary laws that obtain jUtmng the Jews, instancing those in regard to diet nlnnNnne ami alwtmetuv fnmi stnun: dnnk In fact, the Heealogue fn-m WginninJ to end is one sanitary less,m. teaching them to siitslue the (ussions which torimnt the bram and distress the body. "Wg r 9mm after Tf said a school teacher to a small pupil who wa. learning the alphaU-t. ft.- h ii U i i t1w 1 u ' tl.l.iFti. i ..I- , .... nryi, loll .to- to see I. lie. .in th.,kt. ilk L i i .. toward men are little better Uian good dreams exwpt they be put iu act - fti-v. WOMEN'S INFLUENCE. There are many kinds of intluenm, and we do not believe that those which are most clearlj perceived and most loudly proclaimed are of necessity the most potent However, it j, interesting to read of the outer influence. We quote a few suggestive paragraphs from Mrs Livermore's recent address: "If therw is au thing which honorably distinguishes our age from the preceding ages, it is the numlier and magnitude of its philanthropies ; tho genius of modern civilization is humane. If disasters fall upon any portion uf the earth by fire, Hood or famine, the rest of the world rises up to send help as never before in its history. Nothing has been so marked in history as the change in the estimation in which woman is held and the advance in the advantages offered to her Thirty year ago we had iu nil New England for the higher education of woman only Mount Holyoke Seminary. Now we have Boston University, giving women superb advantages Then we have Smith College, with the very highest standard of scholarship, Wellesley Col. lege, and other institutions fur women only' But, outside of New England, we have the UuU varsity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Cornell, and in almost all the Western States colleges, pro feetional schools are opened. Theologians still call woman'l presence m the pulpit a sacrilege hut in every ohureh we already lind great bands of women stimulating the church societies to action. The Methodist Women's Board of Mis sions sends missionaries to the remotest comers of the earth. Women are carrying on these conservative movements on a scale exceedingly grand. ''Temperance women are already widely organ ized outside of politics, yet in direct contact The Woman's Temperance Union, in this city numbering 12,(100 members, is one of l!" in the Union, all of which are handed touetker in great National Teniiicrance Union, whose mem bership in the aggregate is 200,000. The amount of mental training, of political informa tion, oi social training, is immense. These Women are students of lecislatioii. interest. -il ... tho success or defeat of public measures, ami all this is the grow th of a doeu years. The DOWor ... irwwu, m lou i iioutimcie, is au illus tration of the work women can do. "Yea, woman has Income a power! Ixok at our grand w omen in such varied Held of useful ness; Marin Mitchell, of Vussar College, wel comed by the leading astronomers all over the world as a peer in science, w ields her inrluence iu behalf of woman BUffrage. Look at Anna V. Brackett. the principal of the tirst school for ladies in New York city, who openly Ipeakl of the old prejudices us nonsense; a Dr. Mary Putnam Jaeobi, who won the Boyleton prize from Harvard physicians fur the best treatise on ir. E. H. Clarke's own ipecialty. 'These physicians did not in their invitation to com petitors exclude women, and when they had unanimously awarded the prize, ignorant of its authorship, and the envelope was opened, which revealed the name of the author, to! it was a WQman. In the law, Miss Alto Hulett, of GhJoogO; The legal profession of that city pasted a resolution mm of eulogy upon her character and can er, which was no empty com plin., lit. but only a recognition of ability and worth which, while she lived, they hail laien (dad to harp and .enoourage. doing west from ti e Missouri river, the traveler sees little nidi cation of any Sunday, in the New England sens... Iu San Francisco you know it only by the louder noise of revelry, tho larger attend ance at public amusements. But at Uramie City they have a New England Sunday, and it is almost the only place in the far West of which tliis can lie said. The right to vote was foroed upon the women of Wyoming, precisely iw it was foroed upon the negroea of. the South. There they were at once dratted upon the grand jury. They said. 'Our city is cursed with liquor ealooua, which make even the Sabbath, hideous. Then is a Sunday law, which orders them closed. Let us enforce it' Tho 'gentle men t the jury' said, 'U tter not, the men will diefranoblee you if you do.' They replied: 'We never aiked for the ballot, and we will do our duty. An oidinance has been paned by the men compelling the liquor suloons to close on Sunday. W'e will enforce it.' They did to, and the women stand by it still. 'l et me say before I close that if every ad vance made by woman is a gain for man BTery thing we can do for the elevation of wo man reaota for that of man with tenfold force. like the divine bird in the Persian fable, which was oviriimllv male ami 1. mule tin. tu.i nt..r..a separated, it cannot lly; combine the two and they become one; together they cleave the B.ky and soar united to the sun. flint bird is humanity." Till! Till rU-TOLLKB. It U. uortl, Mrltlla .mw- and then to have what li called the truth told you about yourself. There are times when such truth-telling is of great and immediate service. -I nt 1 have noticed that iiersons who plume themselves upon speaking the truth to their ncighUirs are persons who really have no ape- BUU devotion to truth, but wkn tMsiva Ml thu other hand, a passion for making people uncom fortable. They do not love their neighbor! ; they hate them. With them so-called trutli MUmj is merely a fonq of self-indulgence. How WOUldtt do, tho next time the village truth teller comes around, for you to tell the truth to t aim ! "Kind Mend, I thank thee for telling me that my daughter e mannere are rude, and that uty undo, the parson, should lie spoken to about his method of public prayer, and that my Sunday-U'st-go-to-niectingstove-i.ipe hat is two si.iM.ii8 behind the times ; but let me recipro cal thy kindness by informing thee that thou art a aeltisli old gossip, without enough brains to perceive the whole truth als.ut any situation, but only a Billy half-truth, or a miserable dis torted truth, which, from the beat of motivea, I advise thee to keep to thyself. "W-wr for Joajj Brunos says "The niew 1 is a larger 01 than the guse or turkey. It has two leg" to walk with and two more to kick with, and wears ita winga on the aide of iu hed." -