July. THE WEST SHORE. 211 THE WORLD'S FA IK OF 1S78. t m The latest notes of the progress of the Pari universal exposition of 187$ we find in the Polytechnic Review, translate.! from a French paper: While the East is aflame with the furies of war, France steadily continues in preparing the pacific work which is Intended to render illustrious the year IS7S. The work of the BX position advances with rapid strides. The Tro eadero, despite the delay caused by ton lightly conceived plans, has risen above the tirt story; in six weeks the general OOtnmitel Otter, whose energy has repaired the error of hii lieutenants, will have all the Hour timber and rafter in position; the inm framing has been accorded to the house of ,loly, of ArgenteulL In the Champ de Mare, the great work of the four pavilions at the angle is finished; the ante U true of the palace of Roe arte, which is to occupy the center position. The COntfttCt HOW OOFFKB IS ADULTBRATED. ProfeatOT S. P, Sharpies, the State Assayerof Massachusetts, is making nine analyses of arti cles of food, tthtoh are resulting in interesting disclosures. Package coffee has engaged his attention, hut lie has found very few tnuvs of the berry itsell. The follow ing are some of the results of his examination; "Ray ward and Co. French breakfast collce," the InM of which sets forth that only three quarter! as much of it need be used a" would he required if ordinary Coffee was employed, is found to contain no eotlee at all, but to be made of green ias, burned inolassts and "an occasional grain of rye." A package of "Pare rotated and ground t'ape coffee wai found to be made wholly of peae and nutsneu, toe latter Boating when the mixture wsj put into water. I A pMlugeof "KimhaU'aflntqotttity aloeb. the grains. lurc coffee will float and scarce! y color the w ater, lieans and chiecory sink to the bottom. Cbiooory colors the water at once. Wans more slowly. Test the part that Hosts ly chewing it- ( oltce will thus ne recognizee by its taste. Nut shells, which also Hoat, arc j hard and brittle. A species of nut which has ! lately come into use strongly resembles coffee I when ground up. by floating on the water as well as by its Idling between the teeth; bntthe difference can easily be detected, bocauae the adulterating ingredient is nearly tasteless. Af ter ubjecting UM suspected article to the above teat spread some of it on a sheet of iapcr and examine it carefully for grains of rye, oats and peas. The pea ingredient will frequently be found in pieces one-eighth the sie of a pea and I the rye in hall grains. I hiccory is tough when lakct'i Mweeli the teeth nnd has a bitter taste, different from the bitter i f coffee. ' Another article which has been looked into is THK NOKMAN H0B8K We give on this page a tine engraving of n imported Norman stallion. This valuable breed of heavy horses has bum Wfore our coast farmers for several years, and the result from breeding them upon the common stock has greatly improved the work horses in some parts of the State. The Norman horse is of noble origin, and in connection with the Clydesdale and English draft horse has ;ueomplished the improvement of itock to which we have alluded. The breeders of the Normans claim for their valuable animals a share in the success which the French armies won under Napoleon Nona- parte, We Rnd the following in a book upon the Norman hone; "Never in the world were horses called upon to endure such hanMiips a. were the horses in NajKileon's army. No other horses in the world but Norman French horses would have taken Napoleon's artillery and linn. gage across the Alps at the time that he iut. e ivo uhiihi il is auuuai iiicrcmoio to lK' lieve thai any of them could have ever cot Iwrk to French soil again. The faot that there can not Ik! found anywhere in the world another family of horses all hiscssing the same general form, w ith such great power of transmit t inn to tlieir iirogeu) all their characteristic, is proof enough that they arc a pure and distinct breed, the result of hundreds of years of careful breed ing, The native horses of every other country in the World except Normandy, so far an Wo have a knowledge of them, are universally small horses." ira 'chared with the metallic covering, the house of UaU. Oreutot, the factory of Fivus- Lillo, MM. Biffel et Cie. hare crated their trestle work and their rolling lOaffoldi. These four houses arc supjriutcn ling the oonttruotlon of the four great galleries which unite two and two the pavUlont at the angle) their framing and platform are mounted on woe ill and placed on car tracks so tint they can In readily moved alotis as the w rk progresses. Beside this work, all the underground water and ga pqwa, ventilating Huns, etc , are in poeltttttt, "The question of the bridge of Jena has been settled very simply by an enlargement obtained by the help of metallic brackets; the execution of this work is intrusted to the home of Joly, as is also the construction of the bridges at the iviliy ami wrsay w.iiirm.i. or; ri'v mimw tion reiirns in the timber yard, and it is well that it is so, for it is absolutely necessary that the work should be pushed forward as rapidly as possible, for it is already feared that the buildings now under way w ill In IntufAoMOt to accomm date all requirements. For group six (implements and products of the mechanic in dustries) a covered annex of 33,000 meters in length has been constructed on Boordonnall avenue on the tunk of the Seine, ami on the Billy wharf. These constructions should effect nally silence those who have be0 constantly predicting the 000 completion of the buildings in time for the opening of the exhibition. The eople have responded most enthusiastically to the apical of the government. The demand for ipace, in the French section, not comprising the fine arts and agriculture, exceeds .'li.iKNl, and in group before referred to, exceeds ll'J,000 meters, of which the administration can supply but 8&000, which w ill he tilled w ith the moat choice of the national industries. MERINO ISAM. and -lava coffee" also contained no coffee at all but was made of peas and rye. "tJlinee'a extra quality French coffc " was almost destitute of any foreign subst nice, peas and rye predominating, With a tew nits, 'Vhase's RnglUh breakfast coffee " is u large ooosumer of pea, th traoee of ooffea ix-ing no slight that the ass iyer pronounces thim acci dental. Happily the analyses have not disclos ed the presence of any positively injurious aub stance, and if people who can uvsiiy liinl out the cost of a pound of green coffee, exited to buy a like quantity ntasto 1 ami ground for half the price, they deserve to drink weak pea soup. Fof detecting a Alterations the following rules are given: Take s i in cold water in a glass and throw upon it about half a tea sp mii'iil of the coffee to be tested, stirring it around so as to wet oream of tartar in package. Much of it con tain no cream of tartar at all, but is OOtnpoeod of acid," phoshiite of lime, standi and gypsum. As to the roasted peal and rye which an s -Id instcadjof coffee, it is pretty certain that they are mora wttoJeeoma than the fruit of the coffee plant, being destitute of any narcotic quality) hot the thing is a fraud, and it would DO better for families cheaper at least tnroast their own pea ami make their own weak ea soup. As to chiecory, it is well known that at the raetanrant in Paris and other French towns all tin- Ooffee served to customers is largely adulterated Mith the ' roasted root of that plant, w hich is cultivated for that purpoae. Till loe In the valuation of real estate mid peraoual property in Huston, compared with lad year, will reach WHUKIO.OOO. MKIUN0 BHKKP. There are two breeds of line WttOt that stand "head ami bonis" over nil others. These are the Merino and the Saxmiy. The former are undoubtedly the beat hived of Hnewooled sheep in the world. For many years they have uBWtira wrunw uraou among new i.ngiaml growers ol tine wools, and, taking into cons. der ation the sie of the annual, weight and pialitv of the fleece, and value tor mutton, there is no other that can compare with it for the Pacific coast grower. The Saxony produces a liner WOO, but it in not in such general demand, and the animal is diminutive in lite, and where prneiQll w ith the pure Merino has invariably prated detrimental to tlie latter. It might succeed better hen than in the more rigorous F.ustcrn climate, but they ore nowhere so rigoroui a the Merino, either with reference to vicissitude of climate or oapaoity to travel or work for a living. A Lwat QrjRanoH. A rather complicated ca-se is alsuit to come Ik-fore the courts at Frankfort on the-Oder. A lively young lioar was recently sent there by mil from Custriu, carefully shut up in a Wooden cage. On the journey, however, be managed to break his prison, and devoured no less than 8fj poiimli of iierman yeast, Wliieli happened to lie in the same carriage. The condition of the misguided pig, when the yeast Ik-gun to rise, may Ik imagined. He was quite unable to Utar bis Buddenly-acipiired greatness, and gave up the ghost ina multitude of sighs, which is quite explicable under the ol rim instances. Put now the qUaetion is, w ho ia to pay the damage for that; The railway company repudiate all re ponitbUity. is the owner of the enreuss to pro ceed against the owner of the yeust for the loss of his 00401 or is the ex-proprietor of the yeast to priH'eed against the owner of the pig for the loss of bis merchandise? Eminent counsel hold that the olaim of both parties lies ngainst the constructor of the cage; hut the hud lor con tends that the cage was never calculated to w ithstand the fraulie efforts of a pig stung into frenay by the temptation of 'l't pOttOdl of yeast placed under his nose. Tests fob Heeswax. At a recent mcctiiig of a Herman chemical society, Herr ('. Schmidt, after having called the attention of the 8ciuty to the frequent aiiultcratiiui of lieeswax with resin, descrilwd a modification of the so-called Danath's method of detecting the l.reseuee of such adulterating OOtOpOUnd, rill Five grams ofthcbceswai to lw examine.! is placed ma vessel with live times its bulk of nitric acid isp. gr. LM t) L83) and heated to a boiling iKiint, and permitted to remain at this tenqn r atore for moment; an equal volume of cold water and BuUicicnt ammonia to give it a marked animouiaeal odor is then aowd. If this alkaline solution contain but pure wax, it will be of a yellow cdor; while if ream be pres ent it will, on aeoouut of the nitrogen 00 fonned, Iw of a more or loss intense reditish-browu color. Since this test is a eolorometric one, it ia well to prelre a solution with chemically pure wax to be kept as a standard. Sugar Baars ix mi Ewt. -There is just now renewed interest in the question of N et sugar production in the East The subject M twing agiUto.1 in MassaehustU, and we learn from a iwreonal letter that a company U being - : . ll. .1 ,.!.', .1 i . organ izeu nir eiperniicm u Tn. tmmimm diatnrt in Hritiih India ia daily dmnii better. Bala has fallen plentifully and owing ha begun. The osition in Madras is till grave, and oxer 1 ,000,000 persona are fed by he raCM worKs