210 THE WEST SHORE. July. "T UK NATION'S (JAUDENEIt." The American nation is Uku a vast garden; it l-i. a largi extent of land; it has had a vaiit deal of work expended on it, end it re- quifCO still an mr .M amount nf I i i . i to develop it resources. "The nation's gardener " lias no easy jxiHt to till, requiring to know, as lie does, that all tliu land in being utilized ami MOD omixed. He may well have the ootulderation and sympathy of every class and of every per 109 for whom lie in engaged to cater and to care; and one cannot lie surprised if his mind is troubled at times hy "liae,"und if lie longs for uii easier life, fur a freer, lighter air. It is a retponeiblfl and serious tiling merely to lime to "eppoint" tint a nder -garden era and secure tlieir fidelity to duty anil persevering diligence. I 'resident QllUt told Win friend, ( 'liarlcs f'ndley Warner, that bil was tJio Brit garden he hud been In wbere the talk wan not of "appoint incuts." When Warner offered him a cigur, lie declined, saying, ho "didn't like a weed in a garden." What a deal of hoeing President Hayes will have to do beore he gets all the weeds out of the national garden, tt appears that he and Mrs. Hayes are each willing, even somewhat defiroUl to go hoeing and weed out all the whisky drinkers, from the nation. Thin li undoubtedly a mighty tnd perplexing task. If the whisky drinkers gave their time to im prove thu garden, what an immense deal of irrigation might bo carried on this dry year, ana many maple might be upplled to hungry, vacuous stomachs. What a hungry void in felt thin year, an men are sighing tor next season, h Diekene taid the waiteti did at the leaiide hotels in the winter, "looking out of the windows fur next siamm." President Hayes is j "f the same mind an Warner, who says lie i "dis-siit like to be Men in a garden with the doad'beeta." Even these the Preeident de signs to utilize. It Menu to us that all the undergardenen may engage thetnoolvei from time to time hoeing Up the "weeds" and pre paring the ground for new ami nutritive pro ductions. Muoh space is required for the young shoots to he planted, and the rising gen eration undoubtedly dooerrei a fair chance for planting ami dovewtriiur, Preeident Havee cares greatly that thu young he carefully nur-j tared, educated and started in life. Vvarnerl tells us he would like to have a part of the "Toil Commandments " in large letters in In- garden ami some trape ahw, Thieves troubled film, and he could well sympathize with I'rcs Ident Hayes in till irrepressible desire to banish from or convert all thieves in thu national garden. It is to lie hoped that the President will be aide to refresh himself during thotfl hot slimmer das with fruit out of his garden. It should be the oare of every individual voter to send to (he national Congress such men as will be able to relieve the handi and the mind and Hie nerves tit tile President. Warner tells lis " by your faille you will know who your friends are," and we mint hope the ripe things the Preeident has to give away will go to true friends and lovers of their country. CkarU BtrwkJt in Rural I'rtA, A WAttNtso. lie who champions the cause of the WOrkingtlUUl, falls far short of his duty if he fails to warn him against one terrible com. moil enemy, the liquor unburn. If you are not a temperance man, there is nil the more reason why you should look this subject fair In the (ace. The saloon is not an industrial concern. It neither feeds nor clothes you. It adds neither to your oomforti nor enjoyments, It in a trap placed upon m arly every turner, to eaten your money without giving a profitable return, tt abeorbi a portion of your earnlngi, and leaves you none the better for it, hut rOT) likely mUOh the worse in morals, health, pocket and self resect. Von know that this is no if Von itoP to think. The seeds of iuuiiIhtIchs uvila and none whatever of good to mankind grow in these hot bcdl of corruption. We beg our frienda, the worklngmen, to avoid liquor saloons. If you can tind no other society uor dace of resort, you are Indeed unfortunate; but is'tter none than such as thus lowers your man hood and your pinsc, Co. Ayrtculturixt, Kashionaiuk Dixnur, There oan ! little doubt that the very late dinner hour patronized by modern society is highly unnatural, undesir able, and perineum, The fatigues undergone by fashionable 'oiks during the day do not tend to whet apiietitc rather they MTVe to htiiut its cravings besides, the stomach of such is untit led from procrly fultUling ita function. Of ooune tempting rianda are pnaentod on the din ing table, prepared by praotieed and skillful cooks, while the pleasures .it hue, friendship, and siH-ial converse become added as incentives. All the more dengetnaa, we should pay, it ia iMWiible to cloy the stomach, and yet derive HQ benefit therefrom, hut contrariwise. Better Iki m (ho condition of the Cambridge students of yore, and "diet upon faeting every day " than cause tho human system to receive more than it can digest. " 1 restrained myself," olawrvca Bppob, "to so regular a diet a So eat Aeon but once a day. and a bttlo at a time, without tali or vinegar." Rupttmo Punt Tho fTmatti fforHcek p ttklirafm publishes some information respect ing a plant of the tamily of payfoeiotni, wulah grows in that OOtUtry ami which possesses electro magnetic properties. W hen a branch is cut oil, bo baud holding it experiences ail olivine aeuaatiou Muul.tr to that (rum a ituhm kurll Uttery. and tho electrical uttluenoe of tho plant haa u observed set end pacca from tho plant hy the dmiation of tho needle pfe small coimu. W ben tho i iihuw w aa nlaoo.1 he ll... penmen ter clow to the planta, tlio noodlo lUMod cuiilpletolv round. The soil la aaid lv tho VoHifmr lllnfl to contain no trac ,I irun or other magnetic moUl, au that the prop ortv is intierrut ut tho idant lUelf. Tin Pataa aity of tho phenomenon varies) with the hour o( tho day at night it ia lmot aW, and uiot tt-Uai' during the tmo luidilav hitiira nr i wind; during rain it was woak. No bmls or uaocU liavo toeii scu to Txmi upun tlio '-, i koi firrtneu. THE POPPY ANI THK BEE. A wild bee, which had flown far without hav ing hrcAkfaHtud, at length entered a garden, the flrit he had seen. "What a paradiae!"h cried. The in t thing that attracted In- attention wan a full-blown poppy but, accustomed only to mint, wild thyme and such like fare, he approached the gaudy beauty with diflidetice. "A little pollen, plcaae," he at length ven tured to say, in the humblest manner. "lie off! be oil!" wab the ill-tiAtured reply. The poor bee was almost fAinting with hun ger ami fatigue, and Asked leave to rest himself. "Be oil!" returned the haughty flower; "I don't encourage idle vagrants like you. StAy At home, And you will not liAve to complain of lieing tired; sit upon your own stalk, and you won t have to support yourself by begging. Be off. " Mid the "illv poppy imainne that WtcrhVs. bees ami such like creatures, were nothing PUB than wandering blossoms? However this may be, it was overheard one day talking to itself after this fashion: "What is a flower born for, I should like to know, but to see and be seen ami admired These pansies, with all their pretensions, are Hiieh a set t tlats! so low-born and ill-breil." With the Hardener, the great jmlge of pknts ami the arbiter of tlieir fortunes, the pansics were especial favorites; and he took great pains and no small pleasure in rearing thum, DISINFECTANTS. The commission appointed by the Academy of -Medicine of St. Petersburg, to study the effect of the dillerent antiseptic substances and disinfectants so-called, came to the following conclusions, which are printed in the AntuxltM iiu Omit Omt: 1. Carlouic acid is most efficacious in pre venting the formation of ammonia, and the de velopment of inferior organisms by the decom position of organic matter; it is, in consequence, the best antiseptic. 'J. Oil of vitriol, the salts of zinc, and char coal are the most active for neutralizing the foul odors originating from putrid matter. H. The powders of Prof. Kittary, together with the properties which they possess in com mon with other carbonated disinfectants, at tracted attention by reason of their isolating the phenol and the mtick-Hnie which enter into their composition. These absorb moisture, as well as the gases which are formed by decompo sition. 4. Chloride of lime and permanganate of r ' . i act promptly in destroying the inferior organisms found in putrid liquid. 5, These disinfectants retard, in a measure, the development id putrefaction in organic mat ter, but tlieir influence is but momentary. As regards the purification of apartments, their iu tluencc is but feeble, if not totally ineffectual, by reason of the small degree of concentration TREATMENT FOR LEAD AND MEItCliuv Our workers in lead and quicksilver will v interested iu the following, from Iron- T Belgian professor, M. Melsens, the Paris Acll emy of hciences awariled, last April th of 100 founded by M. Anget de MontyJ! Z eotoiuuyu hiv iii.tun-'ii ui processes for dimit, Jung the risks nf unwholesome trades. ThL' " - whmsisj ior ma method of curing and presenting lead aud niercuruj appointed to examine into M. Mcldeus ' pJ Thirty years ago Prof. Melsens pointed ont iodide of potassium as a means for successful! combating the ill etlects of lead or mercury !2 the human body, Experiments undertaken in wuiuuuuvu ' "lu"Ml continued l. results tirst obtained by M. McWr,, v(,0 i since tor a long period Iwen pursuing his invlt tigations and experiments. Considering saturnine or mercurial affection as being due to the presence of metal in ta? organs which are the seats of those affection? M. Melsens administers graduated doses ot Iodide of poteeeium, The noxious metals are. by the action nf this drug, carried away in the urine in the form of double soluble iodides M Melsens also advises the use of the iodide of potassium as a preventive in eases where men are exposed to the ell'ects of lead-dust or mer curial emananpne. Numerous experiments in the course of years have proved the practical value of tj system of treatment. Workmen affected with lead paralysis have been cured; others who were unable to fellow their calling from' their liability to saturnine colic, have been enabled to take it up again, lortilied by a regimen of which a dose of iodide of potassium funned part. The result of the observations made at Brussels and Lille, and the letters and certili cates sent to the Academy, leave no doubt on the (Hunt. VJ ith regard to mercurial affections the obser ration made by M. Melsens m person have been continued by those made at the mercury mines at drift. The workmen engaged in the . ......,,...., W W luwuiir anu mercurial pro ducts at the Idria mines have been made the subject of various methods id treatment cur ative or preventive, and the good effects of the Iodide are no longer doubted of. At a social hospital in Vienna, ample occa sion has been furnished to watch the action of the iodide in freeing the body from the presence of fixed mercury and preventing its fixation. It lias been found that iu presence of the drug the symptoniH characteristic of the mercury are removed or diminished, or prevented from de claring themselves. The action of the iodide of itotaHsium, accord nig to M. Melsens's idea, is a purely chciuioal one. It consists in determining the metal rendered Imolublo by tho formation of some ;ilhiitiiiiiiiix ii 1 fn i .1 .. .... . .l-i.i. i r v..nu uu a DtllUMie lUnil by the creation of a double iodide removable r.,r- nrmurwm, i neiiier tins is the caw or whether its notion consists iu determining by destruction the evacuation of the morbid til sues containing the tixed nietal.it is not the part of the committee to determine. It is suf- Rnlimft tl,..t t1. k. i ,.,v ,v ,, u, , . Mli- muy euooeeded in diminishing the danger of certain miiiitur anil iii-Mmt'.,..i1iri.,, .,! THE RED HEADED WOOD-PECKKB. It so happened that he peeped just as the poppy was exclaiming her last "Be off!" end scornfully shaking her glowing petals after the retreating bee, Looking angrily at the flower, ho aaid: "What is sweeter than boneyr and how should we have honey without Ikvb? and how should Uva live if all the flowers were as vain and enijity beaded aa you!" So saying, lie pwked it up by the root and threw it over the garden wall. The bee cheerfully resumed ita (light and soon alighted in the midst of a pot of mig nonette, where it waa regaled with the sweetest nectar. A Mother's S utum e. 1 do not think the community knows how really good and atdf-aac. nliciug the majority of our public enhnot teeuli era ai-. How, m winter, they gather clothing and sho's tor liiauv of the inmriT pupils. ,iW often they feed and help them, and visit them in eickltcM. at their homes. Often but loorlv taid themselves, they share the little that they have with those s,, much worn- off After all. how touchiiigly sad rv the struggleaof the pm.r for education! What aacritici-s a destitute Widow will make to iend her little OMH to ahooll 0m day a wnmau who wpched for PM caino without her shoe. aakisl her when' they aero, She told me that " h.huuv haul none to g to actioo! iu, and aa she did not like to have him M l-.u. u-:, .1, she gave him here." Oh. bnya, will you cxer rvalue what women have done for youT How. at pvejy sm you haxe beapj uourishiHl on their teaja, (n thrir life? How, from the cradle to Uie grave, wo man haa beep yourtwat dependence, your moat faithful fnetid? Thiuk of it, and uuc-ver vour heails with revereiuv, even when the oldeat Ui HHnat and uglieat of the aei paatby.-' I'hiUutrlfAM i.'i.i,i, 'inwa. of their elements, and are also little employed on account of their influeooe on the health of the occupants. ti. For buildings not inhabited, chlorine and Wtroui aoid are the beet disinfectanU that can be employed. XriiAwiiKituv BhoPTOAKI. To a .mart of Dour (enough for tWO Oakee put three heapinji sisM.ifuU of baking-powder (Tavlor's). Sift to gdlier OorOtmlif and nib in one ounce of but ter. Wet With a iut of sweet milk, using a Ipoon, Hie mixture will be somewhat softer than common pie-crust. Do not try to mold roil OUt the dough. Spread it on tin pic p ate by patting with the hand, It should bo Uottl an inch in thickness. Itake slowly at hrst till the cakes have had time to rise; then increase the heat, and exioet them to W done withm twenty-tive liiinutra. Siilit the cake hot from the oven; spread the halves with but ter (UppfUly if giHtil), ami cover them with the fruit previously sweetened. Place one ppj the other (the upper half is rvvemil of conrae), or PPPh on a plate hy ttpplt It ia a good nile to V -' "o.re yiu U gin to make your cake, ami if they are large, r not ripe, it is beat to cut them m tws lH-maah them a little. Doal calculate for theae cakea sUnding ou the stove hearth a minute They should be served like gnddle-eakei no time MPt between the oven and the table. Observe these rules and you will have a dish as dainty aa It Uv ior any but very honeat i.ple, " W hen atrawbemj-s ar gone, rl raapuVriea 12? hlUletPh"t very nkplu their lUk-e. W lute curranU arv ala,. van much liked aa a institute, and peach .hortc-a'ke is harvlly liquated hy theitrawU.m' itat lf, ,( the wachea are tirat-rate. Theae fruiU should l pK-parl by sweetening an hour or two before wanted. UED-IIEADED WOOD-PKOKKR, The red healeil wood-pecker, shown in our illustration, is well-known thnmghout the United States. They prcmire their nests, in the large limbs of trees, adding no material to the cavity which they smooth out for the found in the same tree; but living trees are Wl" occupieu ny mem. me same tree li these buds. The eggs, usually six in number, riiiw) ui.tiivi-o m iue largest eim W1H red dish sds, iu which lost particular they differ from all others of the genus. TitK pRXKOI! Pot-av-Pkl'. The ;w(-iiu is tho most iinportiuit featuro of tho atuine of the common people of V ranee, and is remarkable for its economy and its nutritive value. The following reeijH: is interesting aa coming from Oaretne, one of the most celebrated of French cooks: The good housewife puts her meat iuto in earthen pot, and Hurs cold water on it, in the proportion of two quarts to three pounds of the beef, She sets it at the sido of the tire. The pot grow s gradually hot, and as the w ater heato it dilates the nniHcular fibers of the flesh by du solving the gelatinous matter which covers them, ami allows the albumen to detach itself easily and rise to the surface id the water in light foam or scum, w hile the savory juice of the meat, dissolving little hy little, adds riavor te the broth. By this simple proceeding of alow cook ing, the housew ife obtains a savory and nourish ing broth, and tender boiled meat with a good tlavor. But by placing the ot-iu-jtu on too hot a fire it Kills too soon; the albumen coagu lates ami the BbeT hardens: the sad result B that you have onlv a hard tslaaa nf tailed meat and a broth without tlavor or goodness. AUttk fresh water poured into the pot at interrahv oviiw hn souiu to rise more abundantly. A Nkw IIvlk Oovonmma Pardons. -Few jieoplc have the hanbheartedneas to withhold their signatures from a petition for a iiardon, IKirticularlv when it ia preaeuted by inttuensud peraoiiN who at the same time maie plauaibk excuses for nie unfortnnato condemned man. 1 hey often aign agaiuat their conviction! of Hgnl but aa there has lieen no publicity girii to their names, they avoid public responsibility lor the act. tiovernor Cullom, of lUinoia, weD aware of the "dodge" practiced in many cat ia determined not to be misled. He has, there fore . adopted the rule of publishing the nam of all signers to these wtitiona before exerciauw clemency, an that those who might be inclined afterwards to aaaert that they signed from imaappreheoaion of the facto, will have oppor tunity to make explanationa. It ia obeerred that aioce this rule went into operation, the ap plications for pardon are not near so numeroPJ aa formerly, nor the liat of aiimaturea attached ao lengthy by une-half.