The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1877, Page 209, Image 21

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There are more kinds of so-called vinegar in
the market than brands of family flour. The
New York Tribune thus alludes to one of them:
The Board of Health of the District of Colum
bia has condemned five car loads of vinegar
sent there from Chicago, on the ground that it
il not a genuine article, and is injurious to
health. An analysis of the so-called vinegar
has been made. It appears, according to the
report of the Hoard of Health, that the vinegar
..ontains f4 "4-IOO grains per gallon of anhy
drous sulphuric acid, combined with lime to
form a sulphate of lime equivalent to 117 36
100 grains of gypsum per gallon, ami Iwaides
that, live grains of free sulphuric acid per gal
lon. The Board also report that this sample
was taken from an invoice of more than 1,000
barrels brought there to be sold as vinegar, and
that it is likely to find a ready sale on account of
.W low price. 1 lie report concludes as follows:
"When We think that oil of vitro (sulphuric
acid) can be bought at live cents per pound,
and that a jiound of said acid would render a
barrel of fluid as acid as the strongest vinegar,
the wonder will cease that it is Bold cheap.
This, therefore, is a fraud upon commerce, and
a dangerous substitute for vinegar. " The fraud
and danger are more general than the great
mass of people will readily believe. It is as
serted that probably one-half the vinegar sold at
city groceries is a rank poison, with either sul
phuric or other objectionable acids for its base,
from which the acetic principle is evolved, the
ame as in the manufacture of aromatic vinegar
.r the acetates used in calico printing. Acetic
.acid is present in all vinegars, although they
seldom contain more than five percent, of the
absolute acid. Their color, flavor and value
depend materially upon the ingredients from
which they are ma le. In England, honest vin
egars are usually made of malt; in France, of
Trapes; in Germany, of grapes, beetroot or pota
toes; in this country, of apples and grapes.
There is a fiost of people who Bcem to have
little else to do but to consider their physical
condition and to administer doses for its im
provement; people who are positively dissipated
and intemperate in their use of medicines, anil
appear to think this world not so much a vale
"if tears as a vale of drugs; people to whom a
new prescription allbrds a delight only equaled
by that which a savant would experience from
the possession of a bone of the extinct megathe
rium. If they are in the least under the weather it
never occurs to them to allow Nature to work
out her own salvation, but they take her affaire
into their own hands, and having small acquaint
ance with her processes, the result resembles
that of a novice attempting the tasks of a superi
or, and making them more ditlicult for that su
perior to accomplish. One of thopoOuHar pleas
ures of such persons consists in persuading oth
ers to try tbeir methods of cure. The most deli
cate compliment you can pay them is to a wallow
eome nauseating mixture upon their recommend-
ation, which all the while lears a strong fami
ly likeness to that of those who, with bad com
plexions, assure you that snap is wholesome, for
the skin, or of bald people who extol the virtues
of certain washes they have employed.
This art of dosing does not Interfere, however,
with the usefulness of the family physician, but
rather supplies him with practice by laying the
loundation for positive disease. The stomach
which has lceu uu righteously corrected roliels at
length; the nerves that have been too often arti
ficially toothed finally refuse to acknowledge
the power of the charmer; the strength engen
dered by stimulants proves hut a broken reed;
appetites fortified by frequent tonics surrender
-onie day without reserve.
If the science of medicine itself is as yet only
experimental, must not amateur dosing, beyond
question, Itelong to the most objectionable elass
of empiricisms? Dr. Holbrook,
When a young man and woman marry, they
generally think they must take n wedding trip,
of greater or less extent, according as their
purses are long or short. The idea is well
enough in its place, if carried out in accordance
with the laws of hygiene ; hut this is not
always the case. We have just received a
notice of the death of a friend, a beautiful am)
noble young lady. The cause was a cold caught
on her wedding tour. Such case are not rare:
but even when death does not result, injuries
which last for life may l received. It would
be far licttor to give up the wedding trip than
to injure the constitution by it. There is never
a time more unsuitcd to journeys than just
after marriage. The feelings are then at their
highest pitch, and they advertise the fact by
every look and movement, so that they are
recognized wherever they go as a newly married
couple. There ought to be reform in this
matter of wedding tours. Physiologist and
hygienists should set the example. Let them
be conducted strictly "in accordance with the
laws of hygiene, or given up altogether. It ia
aid that the daughter of Dr. Hammond,
recently married to an Italian marquis, has set
a good example in this respect. The father, an
emiuent physician, stamped the idea of a wed
ding journey an something larharous and uti
physiological, and bo, after the marriage, by
his advice, the couple were left m quiet at their
own home. If this is so it is an example well
worth imitating. At any rate, let no newly
married conple violate every physiological law
by a wedding journey that may injure the
health past allreeovery. IlrraM of lltalth.
TJDU. -Dr. Ixmly, of Philadelphia, at a
recent meeting of the Academy of Science, ex
hibited a specimen of tape-worm said to have
teen taken from the inside of a large encumber.
This was the tint time he hail heard of one of
theae worms having been found in a vegetable.
The specimen has all the characteristica of a
taps-worni, but belongs ,q i mnm ly to an un
known iptcica.
Now that the lines of progress on the Sand
wich islands are drawing them nearer to us in
trade and international comity, it is interesting
to take a look occasionally at their life, at their
industries and their amusements. They had
last month a sort of national holiday which they
call "Kamehamehft day," and they had differ
ways of celebrating it. The sports were chiefly
athletic, and in this way we must own were
vastly superior to Borne of the insane customs
we Americans have of observing our holidays.
The Hawaiian Ocuette sayst "The sports were
altogether native, and illustrated in a striking
manner to the observation of foreigners, the
ancient skill and prowess of Hawaiians."
Kamehameha day was celebrated on the 1 th
of J line last. Among the sjiorts were swim-
V.'!"' fwkS i''u mljina end sun riding.
We select the last for illustration on this page,
as it is something which does not come within
the list of our sports in the way the Saud
wich Islanders practice it. The Qaxttte
gives the following spirited description: "The
surf riding, the pre-eminent Hawaiian sort,
attracted an earnest attention, as the dignifled
Governor Moehonua had his chair planted, like
King Canute, in order to observe more closely
by the sea marge, where the far-lapping tide
came to wet his feet. I'oepoe, the champion
surc rider of Hawaii, took part in this contest,
and there was a murmur among the spectators
as this splendid athlete appeared on the beach
with his lioard that the judge of the games
might as well give him the prize at once. Hut
there was another, and very special mat
ter of interest in this contest; a woman was
to contend with men in this daring ami
dangerous pastime. Though past her vouth,
yet this woman was of comely form, "which
was but slightly concealed by the scant pa n.
Her Ion;: flowing hair, and well rounded limbs
glisteneu pleasingly through the green translu
cent white-crested combers, through which she
"Top-dust" can be washed off without great
labor. Have the water only moderately warm,
especially when the Boot is of soft wood,
because hot water sinks in so rapidly, anil occu
pies so much more time in drying, than cool
water upon wood. Drain the mop pretty well
before putting it upon the floor, thus wetting
the floor but little. The object is to wijie up
mm HHVI M MIlMUUgUl US pOSSIOie, HUSlUg it Otl
from the mop into the water, and changing the
v,l,,,lu ,t:'J ouch, it jou put much
.....v. n,.,.,. unsay uoor, you nave a uifl
troublesome mud-puddle to top up or rinse
away. Experiment has convinced me that a
floor of pme or bosswood looks beet after
cleaning. If a small amount of water baa been
Hilt Oil each nnrfelnn it .. n. I. . a
you please on the w hole floor, the more the
better, if you wash and wipe only a imall por
tion at a time, and then throw out the dirty
water, and begin the next division with clean
water Tha s., r mntt tl
better it looks. 1 have seen women work very
....... h, oiiuoit iniu or oisswoou iioor white
and the NM ill I hu 1...... A I.
They would put a great deal of water noon the
flour ii. ,1 tl.m, uiTnl. 1.- L-Cj ,
: v rr "" uiwnu nam ami
l.m... .ift..i. H, o .......1.1 .11 r ii. ii ..
Bl - v,,,a "vitm Biei mu Ol UW Ull'tV
water out, and rinse the floor with as many
wiwj wutu auom. nen at last the
weU-eoaked floor was dry. it was undoubtedly
clean, but it looked dark and somewhat weather
beaten, in consequence of remaining wet so
long. It fs a question of health with uu in
winter, to have a floor dry as soon as poisihk-.
A little lye in the water has an excellent effeot
uium iiuun, ii may ue poured uirccllv upon
decided greasy (quits, but the whole tloor is
jr" v' ii. mi mooing, ii a
small amount of lye is mixed with the water,
Too much makes the boards yellow. How
mueh should be used depeuda upon its strength,
Never put lye into the water with which you
wash a painted floor, else you gradually but
steadily remove the paint with each cleaning.
Tho only coal fleld in the State of California
which has hithorto been profitably mined,
is the Mount Diablo coal field, now, how
ever, nearly worked out, Tho mines in this
field have, according to Mr. Goodyear, in his
"Coal mines of the Western Coast," J ieldod since
1881, a total of 1,875,069 tons of coal, of 2,340
pounds to the ton. These mines are the priuci
pal ones in the State, as although it is easy to
lind coal in many localities on the Coast range
from one end of California to the other, as well
as at certain joints in the western foothills of
the Sierra Nevada, yet it generally happens
either that U quality is poor or its quantity
small, or else that it is situated in the heart of
the mountains, so far from market that the cost
of transportation alone w ould far exceed the
value of the coal.
Umoerninil the cost of HNutaaslnn f M.
Mount Diablo mines, Mr. Goodyoar, whose work
we noticed last week, has had excellent oppor
tnnitios of olwerving. and the following extract
will be found of value to those interested in this
kind of mining :
" The cost of mining and transporting the
Mount Diablo coal has varied verv tFinntlv nn
only between the different mines, but also at
auiereiu limes ana uu.ier varying circumstances
for the same mine. Tho differences in this
lied have been so on-ut m.l 1 ti.ut
single statement of the actual eost for any par
ticular mine at any definite time would 1h of no
value whatever as an index of the cost at the
same time for a different mine, or for the Hume
nunc at a diiicrent tune. This fact is well
illustrated by the history the Black Diamond
Coal Company. At their mines, the monthly
averages of the cost (ht ton for labor alone n
mining the coal and putting it into bunkers at
the mines, exclusive of the eost of tinilier and
all other supplies, have ranged at different
times since 867 from a minimum of ahiMift
12.874 to I maximum of very nearly )4; or say,
K ""IT1""' bhhihi pawofOffcout
or a little more, per ton. Within the same
tune, the monthly averages of the cost of the
railroad transportation from the mines to the
landing hare ranged from 86 or 80 oente to over
81.00 pet toni while the cost, also of the water
transportation from the landing to San Fran
cisco has varied between 87 cents and gl.ffi) per
ton. Scientific lre.
lightly made her way seaward, along with three
stalwart male companions, till they readied the
outer line of surf swell. This s m l' is grand at
times at Lihaina; and the old gods wanted the
old capital to have a treat this day. The tow
ering, combing waves rushed and thundered
like an avalanche upon the beeoh. Then were
alternations of greater and lesser wavus. Now
those bold navigators on their tiny craft are
waiting for a great swell. Here it comes up
ward, the swelling long liquid ridge arises. It
towers aloft and rushes onward to engulf the
shore. And onward came the children of old
ocean coming sliding, and dancing on her
crests. Poepoe with outstretched anus like un
ancient warrior about to hurl a spear, comes
erect on his swift flying keel, but where is
Nukooko, the woman? Keeping her tiny eraft
well aslant the iusurging tide, she shoots like a
flying fish through the whitening foam, and fts
though Thetis would favor her daughter, she
jostles the champion on his wonted plank of
victory, and so the flowing hair and the rounded
form came in foremost amid the out-cries of a
delighted multitude glad that the woman had
Thi GuK.uKsr Wan Bran. RogUeb. ex
changes tell us that a bold advance in the
OOnetrUOtion of ironclad shiM has )een decided
upon by the Italian government in reiqiect to
the two vessels which are to exec) the Initio
and the Dandokx The new ships are how le
gun, hut it will probably lie six years before
they are complete. They are to lie unrigged
turret ships, projielled by twin screws. They
are to I"- much larger than the largest ships in
the British navy, and much faster, in addition
to which they will be much more costly. The
most Hwerful engines in her Majesty's fleet are
those of the InnrsitiU and the Drnuinon'ihl,
working up to between K.OOO and D.00U indi
cated horse-power. But this enormous amount
is to lie at least doubled by the engines of the
Italian war ships. According to thu present
conclusions, the armor will lie steel, preliahly a
meter thick, or fully half as thick again aa the
maximum armor of the InjirribU. What guns
these coloasal ships are to carry ia as yet unde
termined, but it is not unlikely that in ord
nance as well aa in other respects the forthcom
ing ahiM will trans. -end all predeceaaora.
The streets of Iodon, if placed in one line,
would form an avenue of 7,000 miles in length.
In the daily cleansing of the streets about U,
00O men find employment, and 6,000 hones
and 'J.4O0 carta. The engineer-in -chief has a
salary of 2,000. The work goes on ilay and
night but the actual sweeping doe nut com
mence until 8 t. h.
If you let an unexperienced hired girl have her
own way with a painted floor, she will probab
ly use her boiling suds upon it, and soon re
move nearly all ol tho liest paint. Clean warm
water is lust for painted Honrs. If you have
a nice hard-wood floor, be tlmuki'ul, esiecially
if it be of white ash, but never let its spotless.
Reel become dearer to your heart than the fami
ly pence. You team by experiment how much
nicer one of these hard floors looks, w hen wash
ed with clean suds, than when washed with the
boiling suds of Monday.
let those who like get down upon their knees,
and Bomb their floors with brushes and floor
cloths such work is not for me nor mine, and
1 consider it pitiful business for any one. I
hear of lnnu-handled scruhhim' hruslics. and
doubtless these are suitable for human beings
in the work of floor-cleaning. What I most
want is a cheap and easy map wringer, for I
dislike extremely to put my hand into the mop
ping water. Of men a wringer I have heard,
but have had no experience of its merits. A
ScTUbbtT in Ki fhmujf,
Grv CorrOK. -The following instnietions
i...... it..i.. i : i r u :?. .
iwiu ibhi; ul-vii wun i wi .... compressed
gun cotton: (1) When time jiermits, the sim
plest way of drying gun cotton is to eXVOH it
to tho air of a dry room until it ceases to lose
weight, or to place it in the open air during dry
weather in situations where it will be eXpoeed
to nn or wind. With a dry atmosphere gun
eotton may lie dried by exposure to open air,
even without sun, in alsmt five days. CJ)
When it is desired to dry gun cotton quickly
steam heat should be used, and a special appa
ratus has been constructed for use in the field
and at stations for carrying out this Operation
safely and exeditiously. This apjiaratus ODD'
sitts of a boiler and a drying-chamtM-r, w inch
are placed, when required for use, with an in
terval of about Ii feet lietween them, and are
connected by means of an imlia-nibl-er tube.
AuxutrAN AswociATlux Mkktini;.. .The 86th
meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science will lie held at Nah
villc, Tennessee, on August SStk Seniuous will
take place in the Capitol. Special arrange
ments are Wing made for decreased railroad
faros, etc., and for the accommodation of mem
bers in the city. The jwrmanent luloectiona
of chemistry, microscopy and anthropology are
to he continued, and the co-oncratiou ofitu-
denta of theae sciences is requested. The I n
tomological club will meet on the day preceding
the meeting of the association.
Nomx are too wise to lie mistaken, but few
are so wisely just aa to acknowledge and cor
rect their mistakes; and especially ths mistake
oi prejudice, - narrow.
I'LOSK Woi;k,
It is well uii.lerst I that in maltln i
fining gold and silver bullion in the process of
coiumn iii mid minis, mere is usual Ij eonsutura
hie. loss incident to tho handling in tho dillerent
processes. The percentage of loss is pretty well
known, and the Government allows a legal limit
for such loss, of course the officials, if bonesi
and capable, can come within this limit, hut the
closeness with which the work lias been done
this year at the branch mint in this city, accord
ing to a statement furnished by the i lo'v'ornmeiit
officials, is somewhat remarkable. The flgures
speak for themselves.
The whole mount of gold bullion delivered
tp and charged Frank .1. Cicott. coiner, during
the fiscal year S7li 77 was as follows: Standard
ounces, 8.407808,8P0l value, & i.'),07S,-lS7.os
The whole amount returned and credited him
during the same period Ii 8,487(884,80(1 ounces
value, ftir,07lt,l7S..".'-. Loss, i4,01 ounces
value, !,H0N.7li. Legal limit of loss, l,74S!)SI
ounoeej value. 888,83(1.88.
The Whole Amount of (lver bullion delivered
to and charged him during the same period is
82fi87i38L88 standard OUnoMl value, 18,077.
480.80, Tile whole 111 it returned and cred
ited him during the same period jj 838, 80s 080
,21 ounces; value, 28,070;087.8l1 Loss, 8,178
.:u ounce-.; value, 80,488 DO. Legd UmltofloM
83.887.89 ounces; value, 838,077,43
Tho whole amount of gold bullion delivered
to and charged Alex. Martin, inciter and re
liner, during the necal year IS7fl 77 was :i,filS,.
318,800 sUndard ounces; value, i7,;i."i,(i01f.7i
The whole amount returned and credited him',
during the same period was :t,lilS, 174, 7lHstand
ard ounces, value, li7,:il4,H7H.47. Is)ss. 44,-
148 ees; value, 8831,28. Legal limit of loss,
:t,fiS,'HI ounces; value, 887,818,70,
Thu whole amount of silver bullion delivered
to and charged him during the same period as
above was 881888118,8 standard ounces; value.
888,407,205.68, The whole amount returuisl
ami eredlted him during the same period was
88,681,878.08 odhohj value, fM.HiijiH.M.
Leas, 4,440.83 ounceei value, 88,888,18 Ugnl
limit of loss, 86,464,17 MUKWei value, 944,-
MO.m. .S', Minhnj mui Seirnlitie I'rtM.
To OoDMTBSUtTr THI Iiimim ., tViifa
The Ihirrrhr-lifatt (as traiisUle.l by the poly,
trchnir BtvitvA gives a recijio for a solution
whiiwii RWUI ailllospliere
upon walls. A wall exmed to cold ami moist-
, "" w iwi a uf impound
of three quarters of a pound of soap dissolved
in ton iMiunda of lioiliiig water, care being taken
in applying it to avoid the formation of bub,
hies. A little alcohol assists in dissolving the
froth, and causes the solution to imnetrato
uwn iiimj ir,.- waii. t second , waling isull
cd efter twentV'foni hours. ,i t . .i
tioii of siilphatc of aluuiiiin, alHiut half ,. naatxl
in :) D0KH of water. The coating obtained
is, it u added, lmpewMante If the first coat
is not dry and hard in twenty-four hours it
must lie left a lonyer tune, The anUmi .til
npOO here is the formation of an insoluble alu
mina soap.
Tn Aeon. M -. .
- ' rnwJiiJfl. - ii you WISH to
sleep well, eat sparingly of Uto supiera. Avoid
a II irinmi.-iita ,.r i-. ... I... , ... I ...11 15 .
o mmmimm uiiiuciw near nigni,
as theae are likely to have a had effect upon MM
who is troubled with aleeplflwneu ,.t ekhl
Avimf havm., .......k ft
7 , , SrSBBI BJH IIIMllllg Ol
friends that sleep doirU for a time. There u
r ... ui.-f, ,,, f cultivating s
tranouil mind, than esereiae in tho open air.
By observing theae simple rules, sleeplessness,
in the majority of instances, may be cured.