The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1877, Page 207, Image 19

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It has been of late proposed to raise by pablic
subscription enough do enable Mr. Kvarts to
hold the office of Secretary of State without
damage to his private interest. One of the best
features in any such measure would be to abo'.
iah his Vermont farm, which is said to exhaust
the best put of his income. Me has 70 heed of
cattle, '200 sheep, Iff horses and -J"i swine. The
extent of land is 800 acres. l,ast year 200 tons
of hay were cut, costing the proprietor not
much more than doable the market price.
More than 2.000 boiheli of corn were raised at
ail estimated loss of SO cents a bushel, and there
fore ought to be of good quality. His pork is
estimated at '20 cent a pound, and i liickens (M
a pair. As long as he ha to support this estab
lishment Mr. Kvarts will not be able to serve
the nation as Secretary of State without a liberal
Beecner lost year raised about 16,000 bushels
of onions on his PeoiukiU farm. Tliey cost him
$1.50 a bushel, according to estiniate.'aud lithe
market in the city was fl, any one con see how
much he made. Ilcecher can send beef to New
York market at SO cents a pound, and can raise
oats at as Iowa market as J9 a bushel. His
liutter is reckoned at 1,2S l pound ami Ids eggs
at 76 oents a dozen. Beecher wilt not libel his
animals. He cleared 40,000 by lecturing last
winter, and if he maintains Biich an income he
will be able to continue farming.
(iough lectured live tiniesi. week, his fee being
f!MX). He has a farm at Worcester, which at
one time contained 17.") acres. He has no child
ren, but lus expenses are very heavy, and to
bring matters m snug shape ho sold a part of
hid luiu reouceu uie larm to rM acres,
which is as extensive as his income will admit
A few years ago his wife, who was a Yankee
girl, undertook to raise fancy fowls, which some
say are very profitable, Klie not no a verv nice
variety, mid at a rattier reasonable "expense, for
Young (.'barley Overblower married about a
month ago, .and when he came home from Ids
welding tour, he and Ids pretty little wife
Kama took pomeion of a charming llat up
town. Early one evening, alter they were
fairly settled, and the last of Kiuina's sisters
had been Induced to conclude tier visit, Charley
proposed to Knnna that they should go to the
theater. The woman assented, and both Wgan
tti amend their toilets. In a few moments
Charley nidi "Darling, I am sorry to trouble
you: but realty I think I shall be oblige,!
to have to ask you to sew a button on
this shirt."
"Of course; why not!" said Knnna. de
lighted at a chance to show tier skill. She
took the garment, seated herself, and said: "1
can't remember for the life of me where I put
uini' nmnn, iifiTlPV. looic in tnnt sn
B if you can find one.f'
Charley looked in the bo, whloh ni uaaa
of perfume bottles, and not finding the desired
article, coneiiuieu ne WOUM not not her Mil ma 1
for further information, so he pulled a button
from another shirt.
"Now, Charley," said Emma, "look in tin
top bureau-drawer ami get me a paper of
needles and a spool of white cotton--be sure to
get the white cotton."
I harloy found in the top bureau-drawer a
copy of Tennyson be remembered it well, and
picked it UD and looked at the inarmim) marks
and comments, dear affectionate little girl that
she was! -and more perfume bottles, and a
pattern of Plot de Funier overskirt, ami the
beginning of a sofa-cushion ami various other
things, hut no needle or cotton. Then he re
membered that ho had a fancy "housewife''
that he had bought from a girl at a fair, ami he
got needles and cotton out of that.
"Thank you, dear,"' said Kmma, and she
began to stitch vigorously, humming a dreamy
tanan air. Presently she said: "On, Charley,
The quick ami keen sense of self interest that
gives such sagacity and energy to the business
operation of this country, is equally propitious
to the success of every art. every discovery, in
vention, undertaking and science, that involves
in it any amount of practical Improvement or
power. Hence whatever of theoretical science,
inventive skill, ingenious speculation or reason
ing eloquence can be made to tell upon any of
the multitudinous affair! making up the busi
ness of life, or to minister in any way to the
increased power ami enjoyment of man, will
Boon find ready attention for their claims.
Here uo prejudices in favor of timc-houored
USagei are strong enough long to resist tho ad
vance of scientilic improvement or wise innova
tion. Society u not divided into omUh, each
one of them watching with jealous vigilance
against any euoroachment Of their several ex
clusive walks by any rude intruder from another
class, themselves clinging to the settled usages
and old forms of their own clan, with the
steady pertinacity of men whose unexamined
I prejudices are interwoven with their earliest
I habits and their most valuable nersoual interest.
If science, descending from her starry shrine In
the Heavens, light the student to any discovery
or invention in any manner niilicahle u, the
wants of his fellow creatures, it genius prompt
tho lofty thought, if love ol (bid or of man in
spire the generous design, uo matter how the
novelty may astonish for the moment, no mat'
ter what prejudices may be shocked, no mattci
what interests may be alarmed and baud them
selves against the innovator, let him go on uu
dismayed; he advances to certain victory.
WomM in Is m a. Lady Anna Gore-Leng
ton, who had recently returned from India.
I where she had been residing with her brother,
We know that some of our lady readers have
huibsnda who are so engrossed In thoughts o
the care and safety of the tine stivck they
are breeding that they sometimes forget other
niiHrtant thing-. To these our advice is to
read to their husbands the following "very
amusing occurrence," which the Toronto WoAV
says happvued on Ward the Cumin rltuul, on the
occasion of her striking the rock near Bruoe
.Mines; Among the passengers was n farmer,
who had with him his wife and family. In
order to be aide to stock his farm in Ooslicu
With a superior lot of animals, he, before start
ing on his journey, bought a 'lirst class' calf,
for which he paid SlltO. When the steamer
struck the rock, the crash which followed was.
to our farmer's ears, like the 'crash of doom;'
forgetful of her whom he had promised to love
ami protect, and tho 'olive, branches of the
f amity, he thought only ol 'that calf, and grasp
ing two life-preservers, he ran to the pUce
where it WH tied, ami putting one of them
around the calf, he buckled the other round
himself, and prepared to tight tho waves for
the life of himself and his dear calf, totally uu
mindful .d the danger which menaced his 'old
woman' and children. When (the danger was
passed, those who witnessed his anxiety for the
safety of his calf, propose.) presenting him with
a pair of life-preservers for their special service
in case of future mishaps. M
The elephant lew something of a history in
connection with the rude agriculture of "the
Rut He is a great DO WOT and is intelligent
and teachable. The huge animals in the en
graving appear to be walking along as quietly
as mi .ild pair of work horses, and the most en
thUliaitio teamster would delight in the im
mensity of the load which could lie heaped up
'gggggggggga If
the Shanghais did not cost more than $7o a pair.
The Cochin Chinas were a little cheaper, and
bantams could be rated at from ?'-V to $40.
After stocking the place with these rare birds,
Gough, as is said, found that if they were to be
kept up he would " Ikj obliged" to lecture on
Sundays as well as on week days to make a liv
ing. When it costs .l"i to winter a chicken a
man needs a gtmd income. The system w as,
therefore, changed; the fowls were alsilished,
and regular crops were tried with decided suc
cess. As long as lough's rye does not cost
more than per bushel, and other crops are
kept at an eipually reduced rate, his present in
come will enable him to live in a very decent
manner. There is nothing like a farming life
for men who have plenty of money. A. 1.
IstUr to tht llochfxttr Dtmorrot.
Tin Sk.. The sea is the largest of all ceme
teries, and its uumtars sleep without monu
ments. All other graveyards, in other lauds,
bow some distinction between the great and
the small, the rich and the poor, but in the
great ocean cemetery the king and clown, the
prince and peasant, are alike undistinguished.
The same wives roll over all; the same rsqsiSSl
by minstrels of the ocean is sung to their honor.
Over their remains the same storms Wat, and
the same sun shines, and there, unmarked, the
weak and the jiowerful, the plumed and the
anhonored, will sleep on forever.
OhaKOB Hkitteks. I'eel and slice three
oranges and lay them in pOWdsrsd sugar. Mii
to a smooth batter four ounces of Sour, a salt
spoonful of salt, the yolk of a raw egg, and
about a gilt of milk, according to the amount of
gluten in the tlour. When ready to use the
natter, add to it one teaepoonful of olire oil or
melted butter, and the white of an egg be -ten
to a froth. Dip the slice of orange int" the
batter, lift then) out fiat with a fork, and put
them into smoking hot fat to fry light liruWB,
Lay them for a moment on a napkin, to al sorb
all fat; sprinkle them with powdered -ogar,
mi scrre them but
won't you bring me the scissors? 1 think
they're in my writing-desk. I luul them there
to-day cutting a poem out of a iMjier.
The scissors were not in the writing-desk,
nor on the mantel, nor in the top bureau -drawer,
nor in the case of tcrftiuic-lsittles, nor
even in the receiver; so Charley drew on his
"housewife' again. Knnna took the scissors,
snipped the thread, and exclaimed, "There,
darling: And now make haste, ur we shall be
Charley wriggled into the garment, and then
tint up his hands to button the band at the
hack, hut no button was there.
"Why, Km," he cried, "where in thander
did you sew on that button?"
"Oh, Charley, ain't you ashamed! " exclaimed
his wife. " Where are your eyes? "
"If they were in the back of my head,'
answered Charley, "perhaps I could sue that
Kmma raised herself on her tiptoes and looked
at the band.
it off and let me look at it."
The shirt was inspected thoroughly, and the
button was found neatly and deftly sewed on
just beneath the tag of the shirt losoiii, o as to
button to that .ij'i Iag in a most elegant
"Well, by dove," exclaimed Charley, "if I
didn't know any more alsiut sewing on a but Urn
than that, I wouldn't get mar- I'd learn how."
" You were goiug to say you wouldn't have
got married," cried his wife, putting ou her lut
hastily and bursting into tears.
" Where are you going? " demanded Charley
" I'm going home, and I'll get a BSJpstttloa
from you and your old shirts; that's where I'm
going," blubbered Kmma. "I thought you
wanted the button there to fasten to your
It took Charley an hoar to persuade Kmma
that if the went home there wuuld't be straw
berries and cream enough to go around, and
she cuuld get all she wanted at Delmouico's,
and be d pay for it. .V. )". Paytr.
the Duke of Buck big ham and ChamloH, Gov
ernor of Madras, recently delivered an interest
ing and instructive address ou "The Social
Couditiou of Women in Southern India." Shu
said that Indian children were married at eight
yeors of age. Native fathers considered it a
disgrace to have single girls iu thu family and
endeavored to get them married in childhood,
but then they did not always go at once to their
IiusIkuhI'm homes. Although but little money
was led in clothe or education, the mar
riages were very exiicusivu, as there was agreat
deal of feasting, and many families had been for
years impaeruhod by the eipsnsi of marriages.
Infanticide- was not so prevalent as was the ease
a few years agn, and the QoVSVUmSOt had done
a gisd deal to put it down. The marriages
were generally arranged by the old women, WW
went from family to family to liud suitable
matches. The men iu India were to a great ex
tent rulsd by the women, who were very con
servative and had a great objection to any im
provement in their cantons, The lower-class
w omen worked very hard, pulling stone rollers,
cutting grass, ami helping their husWnds iu
bricklaying. The natives treat widows very
badly; their clothes and jewels were taken
from theiu ami they were made as miserable u
jMisBiblc. Nothing was more jtaiuful than the
vacant, hopeless, melancholy face, of the adult
women, aud nothing was more wanted than
lady doctors, who might save ludian women
much suffering. Sir Baler Jung hsd exerted
himself to get a lady doctor, but he had to send
to America for one, who has now a Urge prat
ties among the native women.
Wkatukm urn UMWwnm. Father Beoohi,
writing to a frieud in Belgium, alludes in strik
ing terms to the remarkable connection be
tween the magnetism id the earth and the
changes of the weather. He says that the va
riations shown by the magnetic initniinenU are
themselves sufficient to indicate the sUte of the
sky. Even where there is no great movement
of the barometer, following such magnetic dis
turbances, there are, . sp. iaJl) iu summer,
changes of the wind and sometimes storms.
in the high-w heeled cart w hn h thuyjlraw be
hind them. How puny beside these working
monsters seem the BOOM animals which do most
of our farm laltor. f
following the thought suggested by thu en-'
graving, w e have gone to our Isioks to ascertain
what has been BUM with the elephant fl East
cm agriculture. We read in Martin's Natural
History that the elephant when once tamed he.
comes, partly from his docility, intelligence and
affection for the human race, a most useful ani
mal. In Surly times he was used for war, but
the invention of artillery put an end to his use
fulness iu tfail particular. Thu elephant is po.
SSSSed of urn "Million strength, bearing burdens
of from 8,000 to 1,000 , ,i . t j, ft mistake
to suppose that an elephant Heeds 0Q pounds of
food per day; mi pounds of good, dry, nutritious
fishier is siillicicut. We note this MfJtl in casu
any of our readers ihould think of introducing
the animals.
Dr. Coorgu Schweiufurth, in his late work,
"The Heart of Africa," says that medals which
have come down to ns provu Ituyuml a doubt
that thu A f m an elephant was employed as a.
domestic animal. Thu state of torpor into
which all thu nations of the northern part of
Africa havu fallen since the fall of the I toman
empire, is siifh'ciciit explanation why the worth
of this animal has keen suffered to fall into ob
liviun. A Kuarn. The Hurnl r,r Yorker says
The old gardener who sells plants of the wild
green or cat briar (Assists rotuwtifatui), which
be digs up Shout the old fields in the suburbs of
Jersey City and Hoboken, and then calls Cali
fornia climbing-rosea, is agsiu about town.
We met him yesterday with a good supply iu
his arms.
KllKlMr is a profession which has produced
few among the most illustrious, many among
the most ilespi'blo of the huinau race. As in
our days they are educated and treated, he is
deserving of no slight commendation who risea,
in moral worm, to tlie level of ins owost sub
ject; so manifold aud so greet are the iinped-