The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1877, Page 206, Image 18

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The roml in Ionic ml niiisli, yon -it,
to atrstehlng o'er the pnurlii
An I if hi- father WMl why. I
Mil"! ta, an) iniml Um QMr)
rVrhinttii iilk-tiir I droiicil
T' MS him BMUnl Hi" 11IK ,
T'if SAMS loWMllHJ MltM
W "iir OSST bay, nr Willy I
A VMh f 'I
Been loiu
! KlMl lilKT Ihl'tl,
so truiiri' n i-1'- t ii'ik In-', ,
v i . 1 1 n .t issrs hu mm I
N.i ntnuiiff. when lie, I'mMIitik thlii.
(1'it nil m v iun fr.elv;
Wll,fir,i uii.l kU-. ilt I....IUV
to Willy', srUSand Willy '
wii it ti, it Kit riii I'rs sot
Awl n I nu imt lovf her :
Not lovehls whs ! Why, tri win of glrii
Miicht Ufi twlr beads eboni hw
Ay, ull thi' .-ill - ktffri Mm M
iii Moo ' ran mm) iii ,
It'll lilMHT tlllll Mil' tll-l I
IrnvJd ba the wlto nf (Till)
Til tat, hit'" mesa Twere eoU, serai
H.'.l I ilti-l JU-t a lilt !' .
A lorar! I.- serif tin)
M . irov.-, tlm ' ton i.Miii.
Vet -lil Folks "lien in ike n...'
in UHnklns fooog folks "ilk.
Ami u' tin: Htf to (lUMltnfl now,
Hlii-'. vlfa of my boy, Willi
th. hi, I- MT Mime other miifht
iii.r lined min ioi.i his tmesst;
Hni i tnu' Mtn inn nwny ., k
I'lilintdoHii fr 'in eoslk rocket
Ami jri f Muted t Um bn
rt iiirm-L in. I -'ill lie
Hut scin
T dm
r Ihr
t Will '
win, iitl im irtri of Willi
III HI' lll'IT.
Id! tin- fin
Ami bit
I xiiiki' fi.
id Will
Boo! W IMj ' lit, And mWi mini'.
Hi iwii ihrlinu ikuuh't'f .
I' tloVn Rath, Hicire I ' l.
Ami MoihI it MOTS iMtl water
Then bold rear i m Um whu
(HltuMorM MDiri
i t'il v. friend, ibn boat of ull
Thi(Mo( ) l-.v. W illi
lit ' bM Hn i Iff. lliu lileKse.l Mil '
My (.reef in hiv.r
Ami Willi him, mw Im um hi dart:
I in i Inn loiv i..
i' a, (tthtr.
The Hlmh i
Hul ith ,i . .1,
Willi Willi'
Tim i ulild- ui tho hoard,
TMktUli bnnh id tan,
Um pad ossMosams up tha mil
Whi'ti-'hiiilm; h-m r humiiiT.,
.1 Hill
till Ii
nil Im;
Hill. Willi'wifi-.,ml Willi
Von' ( fMM, faj OkrUthn t Wtri
Sun stroke in rare mi this coast, although bit
ycur and tiui lev ohm iutvi bora raportod.
Thi IimI ti liftblo h return fur bri intwralj,
ami it would bo well to know how to gaud
IgftUUt I'riutlrati r bo to trvat it If itoonlat,
Tim r Health of New York city Iim Ool-
Ifjotod Nome InfonMkion upon tlut lubjoot, in
lu form of a circular. C,iiirn liuve bcvii
trtntd in Rngllib und Qemuui, wbioh tba Trib
unt HAy nn to be olrouUted through the eitjf
very noon, inHoiii11y aiming tlie lalnrin rliwuen.
The (oUowing b the prinolpel part of the report)
Sim troke b omim by eieeetive beet, ud
eepeotelly II the weether ia "moggy," It ia
more njit to oooar on the teooitd, third ud
f mirth 'Itya "f a lienti'il term than on tln lirt
lian ol aieep, worry, eidtementi oIom ileepuig
room, debility, eboie of itimuttnte, predlepOH
toit. It bmore ept to etUek thoM working
in the ran, mill especially between tin1 hours of
II o'clock in the loreoooQ end four o'clock in
the liternoon. On hoi ibyi 'ir thin olothing,
l(.ivt a coot ilcciimn rooiiM ji.Knltle. Avonl
IomoI ileep end aII nnneoeoMry fetigne. If
working indoore, Ami where there i artificial
heej iMndriee, in tea Uut tho room in well
i MtQated.
If working in the ami, W00I m Ught liAt (not
I'U.'k. A1 it Aluorlnt the heat, l straw, etc., an. I
imt uide of it on the In i.l a wet cloth or A
Urge green boi (Veonontly lift the hot from
the hood end ho that the euth i wot Do not
cheek pMplretion, but ilrmk hat water you
noeq bo ken it np, ah peip(nttoa provonto tM
bod; from bewi OTOrtmWa Have, wbonorer
PWbli i n.MitioiiAl ihede, a a thin um
tin'iu, when woiklng, a oenraj or bmvrd over
when working in the biiu. When much fAtitftlisI
do not go i.. work, onoomlly efter u o'chvk m
the moraini on very hot dayo, if the work b In
the nu if a holing of taoigne, iIImIoom. hood
kebr or eUuitmn mvura, ceAJk- work immcili
.tt. lv l ie down m a ihatu Ami eool puom ao
ply eool elottu to and ponroold water oror Im I
MM nOOt, Ii Any one h OfOTOQW b) the heat
.inl imoaedbtolj fiw thein'ar.-atfr..Hl phymciAn
While wAitim; f..r the nhyeulan giro the peraoo
oooadftanot water, or oold hleoa tea oroold
oooTho, tfahb to iwaUow, itiin- .km hot
IM 'Irv, anm,;e with, or iMiir ooU water over
the body And lunlw, ml .jdy tn the head
pmimle. bo, w IfOMM in A towel or other cloth
I( then- i no bo At hainl kwji a ooU cloth on
tV) llOid tm) (tour oolil WAter on it a on the
Nfcly. If the jHTaon u le, very fint kml
mla fiH'hle, let hint inhele Ammonia for a few
! iirioii(i thooriei have been uttiyentcil ti
furabhakey to the design and motivo which
led to the building of theeholl moundi which
j hid almmtiuit on thU eoAtt Tho latest
rfWro la ilcnurilieil by Mr. I'. Mason KlmiO,
Soorotary of the Ban Kmnoboo Mforooooploa)
I Society, who has given much thought and in
qulry to the mbjeot He writes; A vast ileal
I nf theorising hoi been entered into for ye n ..
I Hwt regarding theee ihell'moundai m to bow
they were built, lor what iurHitie and by whom.
The bet i by common ooneent oonoeded to the
j aboriginal raoei of rod men, uml perhape the
prooem ami porpose can bo made oloor by
oboerfing what b going on today among the
rooniH. Here tliey live year after year, throw- !
ingout of the ooon ami openinga Ur wimlowii
theb refnee in the shaie of fbh-bonoi, itoneo
.... (M1 lio: pni'i i. L-;i(.j, M1,
. Ml- K Ull. ,.,'ull.l. U'l I. I ,
,-". iivn neaji oiii.snn-
hccoiiics m.i rcat that a r.imjiart. n to sjK'ak,
i.t formed about them that beoomes troublesome
to surmount, they level otr a H,..t ami move
their dwelling, tilling up the depression with
the name ili-hri. ami mo p, n, year after year.
When i chief dieo, they bury him in the mound,
wft i at le a mot tent to their ippetites
ami hut Hpnloher, ami migrate to a spot miles
away ami dl t return tor III yearn. When
other memheni of the chief's family (lie, they
n.-.o, -mi,,,-- i, unci witji tnem. 1 In chief
usually lives to
ripe old aye. which accounts
. .... . , ..y,., ,MM(.M .-uenmiTs
lor the fact that the teeth are most always
' l" im- gums, a -k.I.ton
recently nneirtheil from a itiuuml noaratieu
mill it West Berkeley, by Mr. Bchnsebr, was
i he little scene which appears mi thi.- page
will unguent mc'iiiories to many readers. We
remember when WO have mounted the driver'a
seat full of the joy of esoepe from the routine
of dally toil, and full of anticipations of delight
m a week freedom, not only for oureelviA but
for those who were door to us. The many lit
tle incidents of such an experience K tve for a
year's pleasant relation. Incidents which were
hull, roils ami those which Were mildly danger,
oils are alike charming to remember and to dis
course t,. friends, In the engrnv ing the wagon
has h,,n stopped, and the mariman of the
1 arty has alighted to load hia gun for a thot at
lomething which appears in advance of them.
Our cut repivsetits a "iioncer" returning
home at night, and who has taken a ehort cut
home instead of going by tho regular trail. HU
male, from natural instinct, itviuoco bis luvrai
edge of the proximity of tho grizly by laying
hack his ears and looking an if he did not like
it. 1 he hear m seated in trout of his den upn
a point of rocks overlnokiug the placid river,
which -listens m the moonlight, and seems to
'"' enjoying himself. The rider will, however,
get away safely, for nothing will frighten s
mule more and make him ran footer than the
smell or growl of a bear.
tribe of Imlitnt in the Northwestern country
and Along Paget sound
I ll.lW JIV.'II till' lllllt.T 1llltl. .11... ..
whenever OMCfttnity h:w ,-tmi bavs
Mosto jn.iiinea n-gAnlm the hointoui the ex
isting aborigine, ftm nliabh- Kirttcs
iwjpwnwwii uowwy oiMhoHi
i Mr. Kdwenl Miller, a gentleman who is a
taM olwerver of tiAture. I lent that it it the
(itch their wbjwooso, boill in tho ihapa oil
.... -",. l tlH., tll
length And inortiotiAtelv wide. i..rnie. ,,f
hk.-s am .UIM ,.. I ' A ... . .
Willi l. I all. nit ... LAk Lj , ..
aplu out of tree atnught Ami elAn
"."7 ", " --'t -nvre wn llliil a Iks
o( the til I .!.! .,ll..-r 1 o ....
timet aa many aj HSl.vupuiU lue m a tiugle
wigwam, which u divnle.1 into ttlli or ttuall
t Near sin irTRDjtw raou Bttoy. The result
j trials made at llreslau, Vienna, Lucerne, St.
t-etershurg and other points would seem to in
dicate that near-sightedness is imt congenital
as has been usually supped, but is caused by,
ami increases steadily under the pressure of
ItUdV. lucent exjiiiiinnti. o In A, ITnlSid
State would seem to point to the snme result, or
. at bast coincide closely with European investi
gation to this end. A careful examination of
the eyes of the freshman classes nt Harvard,
Amherst. Brooklyn Polytechnio and New York
colleges show the percentage of near-sighted-
nes to lH- the same lor each, or 29. B Other ex
aminations by experts are said to show the
evesot yoHtigchil.lrcn to be natural, but between
the ages t m ailll S the iKn-eiitngc rapidly in
creases. From thi Dr. Home, of Buffalo,
txaches the conclusion that the tendency is in
ceased by study, and that ulie popfl out of
fTery four who is a graduate at a high school is
tnadu uear-sightcd for life
, " " o inc one lAKi li irom
tue in niiid near r d lnoi-e tr...-i ... ... .i. . "U iv At sihai t i .f...i i f n.-k
uffloi 111 s" Krancisc. !hi;i"J!lrt" of ltar '' Victoria aniounted
Hie siipiMsition that these mouml w ere , 1 't",, ' hich is over 4A per cent less
raiMd for .u, n-bgious rites or imruiteH seems 1 tll.a11 ,h rrep,,nding jierimf last jTsr,
hanlly tenable, rvawniing from the fact of the Whm tW ,,,Ul ITS.;;!? ounce The gov
Imm lucssot the primera man. and the er,,ll;,lt hw dispatched pctsraeetixis torlies to
tbmwy that the shells w . n- brought fm. a i Vnous Irt. of the country to einlcsvor to , lb
meat UetMos to when- Me now tmdthemonnds ?rt BiW "riforoao rcthV-nd the Melbrotrae
nm-eeeaiy to ocotmt f..r their inland fr',U4 ,Uu,t bt rt rt hsve ln rtceived
Z T S KZtP 11 WwUd toelaim "T tI"'': but, judging frcm the
ht the round Liuldcrs ami ,.,lm,uUrs (U.. tiAtun- of the mformetim, nllorded, It doea not
pomts ot lakes w.,1 .Keans which have' long irr wh good has vet been AttAinrd
a ncr sought other levels In.m the upheAvals of ",l " lIr ebo poblishw Slbich
hei Uk aw cATtc, to their present ..,1. " ml.r .'list last, there wee it. the
icaI iition by aome 1 ,tn,c nation of the post. '""J'f'.OlO miners, of when. 98, SM worked
u alluvu ly aad u,4 Bfl Mu.rtr nnnrra. The deef
.1, ii . . . . l ",'t',, tto-al over s i,v.w lett. Ai,it tlie appn'i"
the Uo t.ronde by V S. troops. j miUiJmv. n'Uii l,,w,t I,farl twB
JtWrttW w ith large aa .bosM and teeth worn