July. THB AMERICAN SHORT HORN RECORD. A correspondent of the Rural Pm writes to that paper as follows: A short time ago we re ecived the (tth volume of the above-named work, containing about W)0 pages. The paper and the printing are all that could be desired, which, added to the strong binding, make it the best got-np herddiook we overbad the pleasure of handling either English or American. So far as we have had time to examine the work, we find it comparatively but not entirely free from errors; but as the present volume contains an errata for errors discovered in former vol umes, so may we expect the errors of the pres. ent volume to be corrected by the same plan hereafter. We have to tind one or two fault with tliL Work OtM being iu the rather extraor dinary large ml-lnuh, which contains the ped igrees of no less than 185 bulla, a lair propor- Muuu, tucm, UUWSVOT. DUng ancestors 01 00 Wl entered further on in the work. Probably there is no one in this Suite who makes more use of the Herd-bonk than we do ourselves, and in tracing out pedigrees in this work we have often overlooked pedigrees (afterwards diacov end to be in the atttlrnda), by expecting to tind all the bulls alphabetically arranged, and thus be able to tind a pedigree without the trouble of referring to the index. One of the beat rules governing this work is that all pedigrees must trace to imported stock, in all their lines. Another is, that no female can be recorded till she has produced a living calf, excepting as produce under her dam, fol lowing the rules of the English Herd-book in this respect; and very properly, we think, as in the produce under dam ib given date when calved, color, Bire of calf and breeder's name. We are sorry to see that the last rule is not trictly adhered to, for we tind no less than M COWl without auy produce recorded under them, the real produce being explained away by such notes as "Regular breeder." "Has hud calves'' in One case, "Has had six calves." "Produce dead." "Calf died," and so on. Now wo con tend that such pedigrees do no good in a herd hook, any further than to Hay who bred and who owns Biich and such a cow. If they are Im ported cows their pedigrees, with produce, will in due time appear in the English Herd-liook, and if they are cows that have been bred in this country, their produce, even if dead, should be put in the usual form under the dam the real object of which is to show what calves a cow has had and when, for future reference. Our object, however, in writing this, is not to find fault, but rather to help to make the work better known to those of our California breed ers who may not have seen or appreciated the work in its true light. The idea of getting up such a work first origi nated, we believe, with the late . A. Alexan der, but the undertaking not being oerried out in his day, was afterwards put into shape by his brother! the present proprietor of the Wood hum estates, assisted by H. Brans, who still continues its able and careful editor. From the preface of the first volume we make the fol lowing extracts, which explain the object of starting such a work. " Hai'W long felt the (.Tint (rant u the snort Horn breeder! of America, ..f wnue inicr record, or limi t k, wherein lbs pedigrees of ill puredwed Bbort Bonn. nufht Oe recorded for preeerraUon, which m the mm Him bouMftrc, taiwf.au the known pedigree of eudi ani mal catered in it, I have undertaken t mnotjr thin want. siiuuid. however, another rolamt or the work he uil.listiod and other breeder! wisli ui rcifiaitT the pnlij;rwn i( their herds, I shall In elail In have their eo-ocniliiu, under rules, miiiifittt to make Uu work oomplete within itself." "Complete within itself." Herein lies the great value of such a work to American breed ers, in enabling them to trace out the pedigree of each animal to its very foundation, so far as is I'uown, from all sources whatever. Now, in order to give some slight idea of the labor of such an undertaking nnd the work involved in tracing out a pedigree to its foun dation to those who are unitiated in such work --we will take, for example, the well known bull, M Belvedere (1,706), who is recorded as au ancestor, of course, in the tirst volume of the work, and in whose pedigree there are 1 1 sires, all of whose pedigrees are entered in full in the same work. Now these 1 1 sin's' pedigrees contain .r0 other sires, all of whose pedigrees must 13 examined and recorded, with all their sires, grandsires and so on to the Bttd of the chapter, as one might say, before the work can be called 'com plete within itself," Of course, many of the mills in the Baine pedigree trace to the same foundation, as in the case of " Belvedere," who bad the noted hull, " Waterloo, 1 for his hire and "Young Wynyard " for his graudaire. -Now the dam of the last-named hull was " Princess," from whom also was descended the two former bulls through her grandaughter, " Angelina," who was the dam of " Waterloo and the granddam of " ltelvedere," so that Mow " Princess," or the bottom of the pedigree, as it it called, is the same in all the ancestors. In consequence of the very large number of ancestors to Ik- recorded, we find that nntof the 638 hulls In the lirst volume, less than SO were bred in America, and all the cows in With the nrat and second volumes were either bred or owned in Kentucky, whilst amongst the 1 ul s of the Utter volume there are comparatively few original entries, the greater part being the jed igrees of ancestors, taken from the American or Knglish herd-books most from the latter ork This leing the case, the cost of recording in the first few volumes was rather expensive to those who made use of the work. The charge for each edigree was 91; ancestors, not already the honk, 50 cents each. In the fourth volume, if werememVr rightly, the charge for ancestors was reduces! to twenty hve cent each, and for the tifth volume it was wnouncwl that only ancestors then living would 'hargedfor, and with the circular giving notice i; r the issuance of the sixth volume comes the nnal announcement of -pedigrees one dollar h, ancestors free. It will be seen that it is now no more expensive to record in this book than in the American Herd Book, for those ho hsve cattle eligible for entry therein, the inexorable rule being that pedigrees must trace ;n all their lines to imparted dams. THE WEST SHORE. e have already said that the tirst and second volumes contained original entries only of the pedigrees of animals bred or owned in Kentucky. In the third volume, however, we tind herds owned m several other States represented in the -. owt,c IIUt Wmg oeniuu nana in ,V1 lllC)D artJ 8t.v,iru, nBrua iron, the Baden farm bard, whose owner, we presume, ju J u 1 " appertaining to Miort Horns and their pedigrees. In the fourth volume we tind entries from the herds of Messrs. . UKa8, 11 K'nersmi, Chat, Clark and the estate of I boa, S. Page, and we hope hereafter to see the work patronized by others of our State who have Short Horns eligible for entry accord ing to the rules governing the work, hoping that it will prove to all other MDtoriben interest ing and instructive in pedigree matters, as it has ever ban to a California breeder I SUCCESS IN HOUSE BRKEMNli. I The following remarks are extracted from paper by Hark Comitook, watch appeared in WaUac' Monthly, Many breeders have plana to start with, but either forget them at the crit ieal moment, or change them so often that their selections point to no clearly defined method. This is nearly always the experience of the nov ice. He is educated onlv bv rminn gains his knowledge only by the misUkea he 1111111 uas mane M the start. Hence we find mmm mtii tew onmne snunaiaand a large number of ordinary ones that it would lie uesiranie to dispose ot could a purchaser le found, but which are generally held because the owners dislike to face the necessary sacrifice. The tirst loss is generally the beat in such cases, and the fact is coming to be generally under stood with the present depression in the selling value of even choice nnimals. Where the lack of means dictates selections, it would not ap pear so strange that animals wanting in some es sential qualities for breeding should lie chanced in the hope that the dclieionoy may Iw counter balanced by other superior featured, ami over come in a proper cross; but with ample means ot command, many young breeders make their purchases at random, completely squandering their advantages. Sooner or later most of them better their condition by selling out entirely, or weeding out their stock ami re-purehasing. The writer has noticed, in au extended observation of some years past, that frequently the poorest beginners have afterwards become breeders of excellent judgment Experience is an expensive but very effectual teacher, pro vided the recipient of the lesson is capable of learning. But there is now and then a clear bttsinOM mind that takes up this subject of breeding nnd makes a study of it before vent uring to put its deductions into practice. Such men determine what thev want before thev Imv at all, ami then keep their aims clearly in mind while selecting. They go straight by their chart at tirst, and usually accomplish some thing to show for it. They do not all follow the same path nor do they all aim to accomplish precisely the aame object; but flaring thought far enough to create nn idea which they hope to imitate, it generally poOseeOM luffloient merit to be of value when approximated! nnd hence they succeed as breeders. It is frequently asserted that there is no definable way of breeding that will bring suc cess, and the whole intern is one ofenanoe, great results coming when least expected, and disappointment following the moat logically con ceived plans. There is a greater measure of nutli in this claim than even the most ardent enthusiast on the subject can set aside, if the object sought lie profit In the investment, and no other aim in the breeding problem than the lwre question of trotting speed and bottom. The most successful breeders in thin country produce hOO many blanks to their number of prizes to keep thu balance sheet right, unless the blanks possess a value independently of the question of speed; and with the blanks in the ratio in which they amicar on many stud farms, it is a question whether their dismal b note matter of far greater moment in a tiusiieial sense than that of the prizes. It is the common ex perience of breeding on auv considerable scale, that after a few years' trial it is found desirable to reduce the mares in number to the few for which a direct nick has bean found, inddifpOOO of the others, no matter with what care and judg ment they were originally selected. This has bean the experienoo at Thorn dala, stony Ford, and other noted establishments--must coutinue to he so. Therefore every point which tends to produoe a foal aalabli for other purposes than Peed, that can he compassed without sacriticiiig the chances of that most valuable element, should receive due business consideration in se lecting breeding animals, in order that the pro duce may yet bring the breeder out without loss. Vai.i'E of the Eitalypti'h, We learn from the M'trorofoyiatl Nhijuuh that, at the Easter reunion at the Sorltoiine, some information was given by Dr. de Pietra Santra, a delegate from the CI histological Society of Algiers, as to the results of nn investigation made in Algeria to ascertain the inqmrtance and value of the Euriily4u OfootJfjM iii relation to public health. It aiq-cars that rejiorts were received from BO localities where the aggregate In i of blue gum trees is nearly l,UUU,(l()U, and from these rejsirts the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. ItisincoiitesUbly.pnm.il that the eucalyptus possesses sanitary influence; tor 2, wherever it has been On titrated intermittent fever has considerably decreased both m intens ity and in frequency; and 8, marshy and uncul tivated lands bare thni been rendered healthy and quite transformed . Similar results have lieen obtained in Corsica, where it is computed that in the present year there will lie upwards of WXI.000 plants of eucalyptus in full growth. To Remove Rist To extract rust fmm steel, immerse tile article to tie cleaned in a solution of one-half ounce cyanide of potassium to a wine glass full of water until the rust and dirt disapear. Hum clean by meaue of a tooth brush with a paste comtiosed of cyanide of Citassium, castile soap, whitening, and water, sen of this recie must remember that cyanide of potassium is a must virulent poison. THE CLOVER DODDER IN ENGLAND. Our alfalfa growers who find their plants hugged to death by the ursiue dodder parasite, are sometimes at a loss to determine whence comes the grievous pest Our English cousins tind it very destructive to their clover tields, and they have apparently concluded that the seed which they import is pretty freely dod dered. On this subject, Messrs. Carter, seeds men of London, write in their newly ranted catalogue: "We have devoted considerable atteution to this important subject, and last spring conducted the following experiment; Having obtained a quantity of dodder seed mm a dirty sample of foreign broad red clover (and it is only in the foreign plovers that dod der abounds, only to be detected by a keen pro fessional eye wo sowed it afterwards, trans planting the Meshy threads amongst a Utch of machine-cleaned seeds, ami the process of the destruction of the crop was soon completed." It may not le generally known that dodder does not show itself in the tirst stages of growth of the clover crop, ami very many fields, con sidered to be splendid leas in the autumn, are spaadily choked and destroyed the following Bpring. " This detestable post waits for the clover plant to develop into luxuriance, and then winding its web like loaflooi tendrils around the base of the stem (into which it inserts its mots and saps away the very life of the clover), it winds round and round the upper portion of the plant ... c.i.i imwvj in. i uu mm oi uomicr are sometimes conveyed into the land, and either from being biiried too deep to induce germination, or from the fact that the growing crop is not sufficiently congenial to the habit of the dodder, the latter remains dormant only too surely to develop itself when the land is again cropped with clover." It seems all important that alfalfa growers should put in nothing but clean seed. This toot they can determine by examining what they buy with a magnifying glass, after tirst acquainting themselves with the appearanos of the dodder seed. We have no doubt that in most cases it will be found economical to buy the 1est samples of seed which are offered, as it is In low priced bulks that the weeds are most frequently found in quantities seriously inimical to good fanning. Of all the weeds in clover, the clover dodder is the most serious snantv. inasmuch that when mice infested with this est, a more or less destruction of the crop is NOTES FOR METAL WORKERS. From the pages of a recent issue of the A M enn J wrier nwl Sihvrtmitlt we collect the fol lowing hints of practice: Silver alloys No. I. Silver, II ounces, two pennyweights; copper, IN pennyweights. No. 2. Silver, one ounce; copper, one penny weight, 1. grains. No. ;i. Silver, one ounce; copjicr, live penny weights. A solder for the nhove Is . follows: Silver, If) pennyweights; copjier, 12 gHwuwi Miunsi wirec pennyweights, W grains. Surer snider, for enameling Silver, 14 pen nyweights; ooppar, eight pennyweights. Quicksilver solder -Silver, one ounce; pin. brass, II) pennyweights; liar tin, two pennr weights. Common silver, for chains - Silver, six ounces; copper, four ounces. A bright gold tinge may be given to silver by steeping for a suitable length of time in a weak solution ot sulphuric acid water, strongly impregnated with iron rust. rOlluing tortolsesholl nud ivory Putty imiw der (oxide of tin) will put a beautiful pollsU on ivory, and Would possibly do for tortouMebell Apply the putty powder on a piece of ftannal with water or methylated spirits and el DOW grease, and limsh oil' with drv howder. As Uekeifttng is replacing silvering in certain eases, so mere are cases wiiere mckeluing may be itself replaced for many articles of small vnlue. The inauiiiulation is verv hi no. I.. Coarse, rasped, or granulated BUM la boiled for some time in a mixture of three jiarts, by weight, of sal ammoniac and 10 of water, The ) 't II I'-'t ;.II1 M IIT. ) UK i ilii in.- ! The deposit is silvery liriglit, and resists me Obanioa action as well lis a coating of nickel. This process OaO be recommended for goods that are meant for second coating of some other metal, since auy other is easily deposited iikiii A gold lac, remarkable for its great hardne and Is-aiitii'ul color, on Ik-hil' analvzed bv ll R. Kayser, Nuremberg, gave as it constituent picric acid and Ixiraeic scid. Til wee hull a clear slicllac solution was mixed with picric acid and half percent, of crystal I i iced bnnmaaaU. ssuA being previously dissolved in alcohol, ami the leBiiumK MM pVBHBMSJ ail WO aUVSllUgi'S ol til' former one. Reclamation ok Land in China. There is no country in the world where u little money appropriated in reclaiming valuable laud will do so much a in China, Mr. Cnthank think 1 that an outlay of 8I,00,WHJ, in draining the " ' "J me oraixi eanai m i Hlr.w river, would reclaim rice lands to the value of Kill, i si. mm J he Chinese do not dredge their canal, but build the lnks higher as the sedi ment in the bottom raises the Water, and the consequence is the surface of the water is in many places 15 or '.0 feat above the laud on either side. The canal is WHI miles long, and from 7.r to lotl feet wide. The depth, accord ing to .Mr. L'ntliank's measurements, vanes from , Ui "M feet The htrrKRR!irr.-"Vhat will you give me or una uo-iKin, sir "Mv bov." tint loan .!! "vu .t "Yes, sir! Ho very fat ! Indeml he were! If ever dog were fleshy, he were that" "Well then, my son, I'm sorry, for the fur of such fst dogs is valueless." Thereat the boy eielaimod, "Now thst I do ncdJ that dag, b wasn't M blamed fat after all !" Srrttmtr or July. 205 QUESTIONS FOR PACIFIC COAST POT ANISTS. Or. Asa Gray writes to the American Journal t)f Stirnct ami Art a brief communication to descrilve a peculiar structure which ifr.iarrhka CaliforHka exhibits in germination, and to call for observations upon other species, at the time of germination, in the hope of thereby extend ing our present Imperfect knowledge of this enus of big-nmted CiiriiWuViirc.r of our Pacific coast. For the extraordinary peonUaftty in question, lieing one which, in other cases, is Known to exhibit itsel! m certain svics of a genus (as in Attmom and Hrli&iniwi). and not iu others, so it may in the present genua giro aid in distinguishing the live species which have been characterized upon more or less incomplete or seantv materials. uter reriewiui the nofntl in the known his tory of the plant, as recorded by other olieerv ers, Dr. Crav writes as follows: The M. ili. fhrafCd had been raised in the botanio ganlen of narvani nivci'sm manv vears aco, Imt I hail seen the termination: and we were nnvnr able to bring the plant into blossom, as it in- anamy aiea U0WU to the ground scon after making a moderate growth. On gat minuting some fresh seeds early this spring, 1 was some what surprised to tind that they came up in the manner of benna, Instead of remaining hypo gii'ous, as from the great thickness of the coty ledous would have been expected, the body of the seed ill its lit 11 h.m raHe.l well out of the soil upon What seemed to lie a well developed ruuicie, iiKc tnai oi r.rniuocrii.itt.. It the coty ledons had expanded, though remaining ileshy, in the manlier of 'Ausri ., the dill'erenco lo tween this nud KcAiHOcytill, with cotyledons tmly foliaOBOUl in germination, would be much less than had been BUDDCeed. I waited lomrto see if this w ould occur; I also waited in vain for the exjH'eted development of the plumule from between tin- bases of the ileshy cotyledons. After the lapse of about a fortnight, the plum ule in all three of my uenniuatiiiL' lilautlets came aepantaly out of the soil of the pot That It, the plumule came forth from thabaae of what appeared to be an elongated radicle (of iwii or inrec inches in length); mui hlow this the thickening of the root, which acquires enor mous dimensions in old plants, had already commenced. A large amount of the nourishing matter stored in the cotyledons had lieen car ried down to the root and used in its growth as well as that of the plumule. The latter came from a cleft at the very base of the seeming rad icle, which otherwise apin-ared to W solid. Rut on cutting it acrocs toward the bfsMthll was found to Ih tubular; and later, when more spent and beginning to wither, this stalk w as separ- able from above downward into two parts. This, therefore, is a case in which long pet ioles to the cotyledons (of which there is no ap paaraUOe in the seed), connate into one Ixnly , are developed and greatly lengthened in place of the radicle, which is thus simulated. It is the same as in Drlyhinium h ml intuit of Califor nia and some other species; only in that genus the cotyledons expand and become foliaeeoua, Botaniete on the Pacific coast are earnestly requested to examine the germination of nil the BiM-cies of ienuWAAO, and to compare with them the descriptions which are hero given. At least three species should lie met with near San Francisco, and in ncighlmriiig part of Cal ifornia, Aaoordingto the character assigned by Mr. Watson m the "BotfUTt of California," .1. CaUfbmiea should be known by its obovoid seeds, nl less than au inch iu length, w ith a small httnm at the narrow base; .1. Munth, by it numerous seeds Imrinntully imposed in a large fruit (of four inches in length I, each seed roundish nnd depressed, flattened an inch in diameter and nliout half as thick, w ith a prom inent lateral bUum, .1. mttrirnt-i, by it nearly naked fruit only an inch in diameter, contain ingonlytwogbdM.se seeds .if half an inch in diameter. Jf. OrejMRa, which is known to oo cur from the Columbia river to the north of California, aiqw-ars to have seeds renciuhliug those of M, aVorOA, but rather smaller; huttlmy are not well known. The remaining one, M. OmdaUiimuU, of Guadalupe island, oirbiwer California, is much out of ordinary reach, unless it should Ik- found in the southern art of thu State. Mature fruits and seeds of all-5uso-cies are much desired. CoNVEIlTINU CoTTon INTo Wool, AN1 I.INRN. The system of parcbmeiitnig juipcr is now ap plied to cotton, and according to the Ayr mat promises a very imjxirtaut result. I. Parch man tad cotton a a sulwtitute for wool. The raw cotton, well cleaned, is left for 24 hours in a solution of one part concentrated sul phuric acid, one part of xulpbate of glycerine, and three parte water, at a temperature of lio' F. It is then wrung lietween glass rollers until the test neper gone no longer red. After dry ing the blu rs will ! found to have acquired most of the qualities of sheep's wool, and for using this cotton for spuming, weaving, or dye ing, it ha only to U wrapjied (Ix-aUili into?) ill felt. When Inline are made exclusively with the transformed material, and linally have Iwen ainiualied iu the usual way by milk, amiuouia, oil, and bine, the fabric cannot be distinguished from genuine WOoUu gsls, except by the smell given off in burning them, sines the Unified cotton smells just like the natural one. The sii-r prOpertioB airqiiired by the OOttOU thniiigh this pr.K-esi justify the exNM:tatiou that it will supersede all the ingredieiiU hitherto used for producing hslf woolen good. CotUui arcn meatad as a subtitut for linen. Cotton yarns w hich have len steeped for 24 hours in a mix ture of two parts concentrated sulphuric acid, and three part water at gjU 1 f, , then pressed and lined ss aUve, and will not only have ac quired every protwrty of m.. yra, but it is also stronger and 1. - corruptible than the lat ter. 'Hie difference in once, esjcially in line nuuds rs such as used lor cambrics, being very considerable, the prcess would also prove com mercially successful iu this branch of industry. It is reported that grow ing crojisin Kunjdo not promise as well as a short time ago. Iu the Kaat the Turk haa turnel the Russian advanoa i i Asia, and meu the Russian ouset in Kurups with considerable vigor. s