The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1877, Page 204, Image 16

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    204 THE WEST SHOBE. Jiy
In It wi.rth Uk that we Jfwtle bn.ther,
Iteuinic his l'o on the ruuirh road of life ?
la It worth while that we Jeer at each other
In the lilacknuHHof heart? that wu war to the knife?
I jilty us all in our pitiful -tr if-
God pity u all a we Joatle each other;
DM pWltoa un all for the triumph we feel
When a fellow j(oei down 'neath hla load on that heather,
1'iercwl to the heart; wordn are keener than steel,
And iiiljrlitiur far for woe or for weal.
Were It not well, in thla brief little Journey
(In over the Istlimua, down Into the tide,
Wu (rive Mm a fish inilead of a iWpMt,
Kre folding the hands lo lie and abide
Furever and aye in the dunt by bin aide?
k at the nates Minting ran:h other;
)ok at the herds all at pSBCl on the plain
Man ami man only nrike war on tils brother.
And laughs in bin heart at hi i ril and in;
hhaincd by the lieaats thai go down on the plain.
la It worth while that wu battle to bumble
Home i fallow aohlier down into the duat 1
(lod iiily uh all! Time eft DM will tumble
All of uh togfUkU Hkv halves In a iruat,
lluiubled indeed down Into the duat.
I have a dainty OIU of jrlaaa;
It Is not (f raven liy a line;
lla beauty ih ita frau'ileuexa;
A Uhy a band might email It fine.
I pive a man to drink from it,
One day, a draft of water oold.
He took It like a woman' hand,
In reverent, lovitiK, llutforlriK bold.
Ho hehl it up in It Mil Might,
(layjul on Ita texture ram and fine
"fttlOh kIuhh as thla," he nkpturoiw aaid,
"Dives wnler all the jrraco of wine."
Another day, another DMA
Hat laUflfi drinking at my board;
Into thu dainty pMrttM idas,
A H-rluM wine for him I pourvd.
He drank it at a -wallow down
Witti MNthand wrath I nll-algh bunt ,
Nor wine nor kLi-w waa uiiifht to him,
So that he qUtaohfd hla l.rinh thirat.
"Al if I aaid, "to him that hath,
All thluiia on eailh tlielr tribute bring;
Kr him that hath not, i-urlli takes hack,
And Hm him boggWW) though a king."
. It. in Berikntr.
(Mary Mountain in I'ai'llk Itural I'reas.
Wu nil lil.'- I Ulk about self occasionally,
uint I WM greatly interested when an unknown
friend wlutt hud become of inc.
Could I mssihly respond in tituu for next
week's paper? Yes, yes, it imiat Iki dime; and
the subject, ho fresh and original, wu also In
'I'lrni,; Ullll doubtless Iliudo itself felt 111 tin
household ways, wbioh ,woru jtttl tliuu blocked
witli an unusual amount of work to bu done.
City vacations went tit bittd and tliu latch
string must ' hung out,
No longer a simple leather Miring shiqicd liy
thu owiltM jack-knife, hut a rontnlloattd ooU,
ami mwmj .in. 'iii among iu t.,i:.-i. , iiuw is n
woman to give eooount of herself !
Ami tho in. uncut pen hi. i ptPH (HUM to
gether I knew how fatally tamo my answer
miiitt bo exactly the MUM NtpOOM that would
0011M from Ill.lKM busy women all ovlt the laud
who perform dmbU duty " mistress .in. I ninid,
witli nu i' tcrnal MWH of failure, because there
ih tint tunc enough to do every tiling well and
enjoy life Iteaiilen, Also, tin re in no exactly
well defined leisure for that pleasant duty of
writing for t)m papers!
UUUKVAm AN it insNKiw AND iutf-im,
Willi all that IhOM wordn imply of endless
routine; washing, irnuiii', IWVOytng, making
InhIm, eh-auin' wiudowa and doom atul ahelvea
and all tlu of the houae; cutting and inak
iiij new gtnMMKj lltSfilUJ and athui the
old QDH, llftniillg the itooklOAt, feeding the
phtoklHI) tud laat, hut not leaat, "having com
HMiy," ud dON not the nueh OOUWhsnl for
now olio would like to throw oil' thu
And pflUMM around five for a good time; hut in-
rtotd U noil m bwdtlod on llttlo oloow nd
uarher nud later than uaual. ao that iu botpt
tftllty'i name there may l"' BO failure in that
BllVphtU tnak the UMIOntblt ntund of cooking
ajiil eating.
All tin in wluit Iium btOOOM of me and the
other IU,()()0, of wliom a fair jK-rvontaM would
joyfully MUM over with ihuI and worthy "eor
nOpUMOMO for BOtM eindea;" only, itnUJI to
aay, they rtally eaunot liud tune (or it
Ihtyi and in, lit' too aliott, inontha and yarii
loo wort (of ovm tho bun budi of tin honoi
uioUiur to BMOnpUlh all th' hmI works her
hrniti may idau.
How tiitwi tho very lHt Ihottfhtl and turns
of thought will eonui when we are in the thick
of those taaka thai cannot (toaaihly wait for tho
OJHObiMJJ of truant fuicio; and if you imagine
they may W m oarnly caught and iMtOMd hy
ud liv, you will oorUiulv M dlMUpoiuWd U
loaa your hmtn ohildivn arv more vital and wr
lUwtl than the "couiinoii run."
When the afleriuKin or evening hour for niat
haa come, mind and body Ml tin-l alike and
tho utuioat ell'ort can u mon than outline a
pOOl deail MM of the theme that waa all alive
with force and lUtfklf in tho Hmntlf,
0( 000 FN that i ditOOlllfilUL lor wo know
MMH ttvt MMC muat hato not once, hut all
Uio lime tho Ireaheat hram work; no wartuoil
Offf meaaea or languid tratucuU of a weary
day 010 bolp much M bttQd up the literary rifOC
that mutt i&i "from Mutiiifruu In ituiquor," un
til it ahall him. and hold a nrv iax m all
the btfl boMM of the State,
A frttilld waa telliuj mo rweuilv o( a aonnoit
aho lil n. .it.l bJmmI Martha and Slary. I :,, m
two wiumii. of whom we have audi atiriof In
toncal ijliiiiiwo, have boOl much jii.-t. .( m l
j-n-a. lod lor tho ttliticatioii c4 all claaaea, and
Una otfert waa iu tho aitruvtt aiyl-
uravely reproachful of Martha, weetly proiftt
nl of Mary.
Ho my friend long trained to patience was
ahlu to Hit quietly to thu final amen; but when
the placid preacher came down among the
tnmbled Marthas of hta tlock, ahe turned upon
him in comical wrath and .i-k.:l
If Martha had acted like Mary ?" The blame
and thu praise have been all wrong from the
very beginning ! Don't you Huppoue Martha
would have been junt as glad as anyliody to
have nothing to do but sit still and listen to the
talk ? Of eourxe nho was "cumbered about
much serving," as every poor woman is who
has unexpected company to entertain and all
thu work to do herself.
She asked the Iirtl to bid the lazy sister help
her, so that the work might lm done and both
have time to enjoy the visit. Perhaps she was
a little spunky alwut it, and had a perfect right
to be ; but because she was reproved, and lazy
Mary praiBcd, we all have to bear the taunt;
and yet what would become of this world full of
rtotplOM men and little children if we should all
follow the example of Mary?
I cannot imagine what he would soy, as thu
truth Hashed upon his mind, that the Marthas
of to-day sometimes keep the church itself from
stagnation, and hasten thu steps of reform by
being also "careful and troubled about many
things." But keeping within the domestic in
terests that started thu original text, there
might 1h) a sermon from the Martha point of
view that would lift thu burdeu of reproach
from many a tired sister who toils alone, while
tbe careless and easy-going take their rest.
I'leasu lut thu sermon start from thu 40th
verse nf the 10th chapter of Luke :
"But Martha was cumbered about much
serving, and came to him and said : ' Lord, dost
thou not care that my sister hath left mu to
serve alone? hid her therefore that she help me.'"
The two verses that follow this have made up
herutoforu the fashionable text, and would jus
tify among all Christian women a dislike of those
hoiisuhold tasks that brought upon Martha such
severe and unexpected rebuke.
Is it not much nicer and easier to sit still ami
listen to nil the good talk, and n praised for it T
Wo would thus gather mental food which could
never be taken away from us ; while the roups
and roasts, thu good bread and butter prepared
by toiling Martha, are all "done for " and gone
in a day.
Now, who will preach us this sermon and set
our hearts at rest 7
A man can hardly do it, for he will he sure to
liy tho track and tull us to hire a Chinaman and
thus be forever free to "choose the part that
Mary choae."
A tranquil, complacent "Mary" is hardly
equal to the amount of hard work needed for
such business ; am) a "careful Martha" will
never get time enough to put her thought
through the inkstand mid spread them out to
dry liefore thu public eye.
Wo must wait for tho "coining woman" to
DMM this crookedness straight ami justify those
who must even do thu "cumbering" whether
they like it or not
Meanwhile we can all ciiilorso tho poet who I
has said: " LoVO to lalmr and to wait"
Rugnjjra ani Trims. Scientific societies
are turning their thoughts to war topics. At a
recent meeting uf thu lOnglish Statistical Soci
ety, Mr. Itaveustein read an olalnirate paper on
"The Population of Kussia and Turkey. Tho
former of these empires boa M, 564, 482 inhabi
tants, the latter only 25,086,868, or, including
Kgypt, Tripoli, and Tunis, 4:t,44W,!K)0. The
population of Roojuala is i. v.i 1,1a hi; of Baryta,
1,859,600, Tho population of Kussia increases
at the rate of 1.1 S iier annum, thu increase
amongst tho .lews Ikoiug at least double what it
is amongst the ( 'hristiaiis. With respect to
Turkey, there exists no data for calculating the
increase, though it is most probable that the
dominant race does not increase at all, a fact
accounted for by vicious practices prevailing
amonat the women, and by the sacrifices de
manded from it for the defense of the empire.
Some curious fact were ooinniuiiieatoil with
respect to tho proportions botWOen males and
females. Throughout Asiatic Kussia and iu a
considerable portion of Kunpaau Kussia the
male sex preponderate. The same fact baa
boon noted in Rounania, Iu Qroooa, and in
other parti of RnroM, The author thus
BUmmoil Op tht raiultO of his investigations:
In the Roman empire there are 100 RuatUUU to
every .Ml meniU rs of other nationalities, and
HKM'hrisluuis to every lli Mohammedans and
Pagans. In Turkey, on the other hand, UK)
Turks have OppOtod to them li7 uiciuIkts of
other nations, and UK) Mohammedans to 47
Christians. Tho advantage, in both these re
MOta, is therefore entirely on tho side of Kus
sia. and the position of Turkey must apH-ar iu
a still less favorable light if wu look at the de
tails of the geograpliical distribution of the
dominant race and religion, and boar in mind
the interest existing amongst Slavs and QltOM
on behalf of some of tho races dwelling within
the limita of that empire.
I .A mil NiKtca, -lr. rid, an inventive sur
geon of I'aris, noticed that elderly people, w ho
lor a long tune have w orn oye-glaasos supported
on the MM by a spring, are apt to havo this or
gan long and thin. 'Una ho attribute to the
compression which the spring exerts on the
arteries by which tho noso is nourished. The
idea occurred to him that tho hint could M
BUM useful Not long afterward a TOOM lady
of 5 consulted him, to see if he could restore to
Btodoratt diOMMiOM her MM, which was large,
ttenhv and unsightly. Tm trait ho found was
hereditary in her family, as her mother and M
ter were similarly iffkMOd, I'hta was discour
aging, as heretlitary peculiarities are particu
larly oUt mate. Hut the doctor determined to
try Ins inothod. Ho look exact measurement,
and constructed for her a "Urtt pincr-nti"
a spring and pad for cotmreuuug tho artery,
which she wore at night and whenever alio con
veniently ooubl m Uie daytime. In three weeks
a coiis4atory duuinulioit was rvideut and m
three mouths the young lady waaquit aatiatirtl
with tho improvement iu her features.
In a recent number of the Boston Journal, a
correspondent, "Young Farmer," aaya the fol
lowing very truthful and appropriate words
about the agricultural papers : One word now
about the agricultural papers. Some of them
have improved very much, as I look at matters.
Thirty years ago very few actual farmers, whose
hands were familiar with the plow, hoe, or
milk pail, could lie found to write for such a
paper, even upon Buch subjects as they had
made their daily avocations for years. They
were nut used to the pen or familiar with spell
ing book or rules of grammar. They spoke
their minds freely to their neighbors, but cored
not to invite criticism upon points where they
felt that they might fail. The minister, the
schoolmaster, storekeeper, or doctor, who em
ployed the time not devoted to their business in
the cultivation of little plots of land, would
write out their theories and ideas, and from
such men we gained much knowledge. All
honor to them. But among thtir wheat was
much chatf. The had Out always experimented
carefully enough, or oliserved carefully enough
the conditions under which their experiments
were made, to be taken as safe pilots in a chan
nel in which they had only sailed upon abort
pleasure trips, and which abounded in rocks and
shoals which they had not seen. In a word,
their advice waB not always practical, nor appli
cable, as they thought it to be, to all farms and
To-day, farmers are studying and OXPOrunont'
ing, who make "farming for profit" a business,
and who are fitted by study, as well as by prac
tical exjierience, to ux(uriiucnt scieutitically and
to report the result In plain language, if not in
Bowery style. It is the writing of such men
that tills the columns of our leading agricultural
papers ; and the time may come when they w ill
occupy the time at tbe meetings of our agricul
tural societies and boards of agriculture. A few
of them have done so to the satisfaction of their
audience of fanners, and others might. This is
the history of nearly all progressive movements.
Thinking men have started strange theories
bold adventurers hnve tested them, as Columbus
did the theories of those who lielieved in a west
ern world before his day ; and when the discov
eries are made, tin n comeB the practical man to
utilize them.
The fidelity a"l affectionate intimacy of mar
ried bird lite appears most conspicuously in
pairs of the grosheak family and in small par
rots. Hero is perfect harmony of will and deed.
The two sweethearts apcar unwilling to leave
one aiiother'B comiiany for a moment all their
life; they do everything together eating ami
drinking, liathing and dressing of leathers,
sleeping and waking. Various degrees of af
fection and harmony are discernible on close ob
servation. Among thu Binall grosbeaks, pairs
of which sit together, the intimate relation is
never dlatarbeaj even over the feeding eup
there is no quarreling. They stand highest in
this respect among birds. Love tokens' are ex
changed by pressing of beaks together a verit
able kissing, accompanied by loving gestures.
They are also more sociable, and even at nest
ing time more poaooeblo than other birds. In
thu case of other groslieakB, when tho male
bird sits by the female in tho nest there are va
rious d em oust ratio ns of ullection, but also alight
occasional disputes, especially alwut feeding
time. Next in order come the small parrots,
which also appear almost inseparable. The
male bird feeds his companion with seeds from
the crop. This goes on ijuito regularly during
the hatching, and until the young are some
what grown. During alt this time the hen bird,
which broods alone, never leaves the nest but
for a few niiuutes, and the cock shows such af
fectionate care thnt the whole day he seems to
do nothing but take food and give it again.
Yet oven this loving union is marred from time
to time, even during the hatching time, with
quarrels that even come to blows. Again, the
male bird of a pair of challincheB only occasion
ally sits on the eggs or young, but ho watches
tho nest very carefully, singing to his mate the
while, accompanies the hen iu (light and helps
her m feeding the young. OAamoWl Journal,
KnnoraaiUTI ok Auhhtltuhr. A clergy
man once said to me, "Will farming ever bo
considered more respectable than now!" My an
swer was, no. Farming is highly honored,
when we consider that from it llow all the calls
for artisans of every DMM to supply the real or
imaginary wants nf all mankind. Heaven, as a
state, whether it relates to the present or the
hereafter, consists mainly in the beautiful.
Adam was to dress the garden, which meant to
make it look well, ami at tho Bame time it
would be useful. How is it to day? A lieau
tifid garden attracts visitors from all the sur
rounding country. No less does an extensive
farm, made U-autiful by the diligent hand.
Ity the iins-lucta of the fanu man mid beast sur
vive. All other callings are supported by it;
hut to the question. "Is it more respectable than
formerly, or will it bat" 1 answer, it always bus
bid the precedence in resoctability. Ood and
gial men, in former times, looked with pleasure
tuid delight on seedtime and harvest; so in this
age, professional men extol the beaiitic of agri
culture, and esjRvially every one who is looking
for a lucrative oOoo from the people, will shake
a friendly hand with the honest yeoman, as
much as to say. your calling is respectable -tiofrrt
MiuiAli'Jit, in .V. A', hirmtr.
Wh it A Mas OaJUUM I'i'-.taikk In the
course of an article on elevators the Poltftchnic
AVrwif remarks: Few consider that sUir'-climb-btf
uewssitates ui actual lifting 0f the whole
weight through a vertical distance equal to the
bight of the stairs. A man weighing ItiO pounds
in walking up a rtight of II steps, ech with an
eight inch iac corresponding to a 12-foot ceil
ingl, in a time of 20 seeonds has lifted LMjQ
pounds a foot high in that time nearly too
weight. To climb to the tm. of A foUr-storv
building say M feet vertically to the fourtli
Hior in W seeonds represents the lifting of
N,:eW ' pounds a foot high in that time. Ke
duced to minute foot -pounds, this equals 5 ,Vtt
poumis lifted a foot high in a minute, or one
atxth horse-power.
During the visit of George III to the royal
stables, a boy belonging to one of the grooms
took his attention. There is no accounting for
fancies; but there was something about the boy
that won his royal master's favor, and the king
treated him kindly in many ways. But a time
of temptation come, and the poor lad fell into
disgrace; he had stolen some oats from the royal
bins, and, being detected, the head groom dis
charged him. The fact that ho waa noticed by
the king may have aroused the envy and dia.
like of others, and it may be that the occasion
was gladly seized by tho groom to have him
turned away. There Beemed to bo no idea of
speaking to the poor lad about the wickedness
of taking the oats, and abusing the confidence
of his master, but only a determination to treat
him as be deserved. Who knows what a kind
word might have done for on erring boy, n-hn
gave way to wrong-doing iu a luuuieut oi
temptation ? But such was not the case; he
was turned adrift with a Btain upou his charac
ter, to the great grief of bis parents.
Not long afterwards, when tho king again
visited his stables, ho observed the absence of
the boy, and asked one of the grooms what had
become of him. The man, fearing to tell the
truth, yet not liking to tell a falsehood, said he
had left. His majesty was not satiBtied with
the groom's answer, and suBpecting wrong,
called the head groom to him, and made the
inquiry again. "I have discharged the boy,
sire," answered he.
"For what reason V asked the king.
"He was discovered stealing the oats from
one of the bins," was tho reply, "and I sent
him away."
The king felt Borry for the poor boy who had
disgraced himself thus, hut determined not to
give him up, and urdercd him to be sent for
immediately. The order was obeyed, and with
out loss of time the boy waB brought to the
king. What a scene was that faco to face
with the king of England stood tho boy, a con
victed thief !
"Well, my boy," said his majesty, when the
poor lad, trembling and looking very pale, stood
before him, not knowing what awaited him; "is
this true that I hear of you !"
The lad could not look up into the king's
face, but with his head bent down, his only
aiiBwer to the kind Inquiry was a flood of tears.
He had not a word to Bay for himself; bis
mouth was stopped, for ho knew he was guilty;
he had not a word of excuse. The king, seeing
the poor hoy was sorry on account of Jits sin,
spoke to him of the evil how he had not only
taken what was not Iub own, but abused the
confidence reputed iu him. "Well, my lad,"
laid his majesty, nutting Iub hand kindly upon
the boy1! head, "I forgive you." Then, turn
ing to the bead groom, said, "Let tho boy have
Iub former place, and let him be cared for."
What a thrill of joy did tho lad's heart feel
as the king uttered those three words, "I for
give you.' instead of being ordered off to
prison and punished and disgraced, he was re
stored to favor, and restored to tho place be
had lost. What gladness this gave the boy's
heart! It seemed almost too good to be true.
But who could dispute it? The king himself
had forgiven lum, and then the highest judge
in the land had not a word to say against it; he
was a guilty one, but now was forgiven, and
that by the king himself. Will our young
readers learn the beaotifu lesson contained in
tins story ? Christian Guardian.
DrvTJia, The fun of a good dive is fun in
deed. I have often "fetched bottom" at 15
feet, and brought up a big stone to prove to my
comrades that I had been "clean down." But
once, in water like crystal, in the Upper Lalua,
where the pebbles could be seen at tho bottom,
1 came rushing up with my head cracking, and
saw an old fellow grinning at me. I hung
breathless to a w harf-pile, and be casually in
formed me that the water was 26 feet deep,
"tbor or tharalsmts." Jumping from a bight is
a doubtful job, Recollect that in everything
connected with swimming you are top-heavy,
and that water is incompressible. If you get
off your balance while dropping, and fall on your
side, either you will DO drowned or your mother
will need, next day, all the cold cream iu the
DOuAborhood. 1 have painful recollections on
that subject. Two days in bed and a maternal
lecture of the same length were too much to pay
lor that one dizzy, sidewise niBh through the
air. If 1 hail taken my leoden bead for a
Plummet, I should l,flVe lieen spared the blis
ters on my body. I ought to have dived. A'f.
Xiclioltitfor Julti.
PtJSUp Syi-AkiA -lf money enough can be
.revided to do the work thoroughly well from
its very foundation, then, of course, nothing
more is needed than that its direction lie placed
in accomplished hands; but, unless this is fully
assured, if, as is nearly always the case, econ
omy is the tirst thing to Ik! considered, then the
rule of action is fully stated in two words, sim
plicity and thoro ugliness. Avoid ail fantastic
ornamentation and all decoration of every sort,
that would bo appropriate only to work of a
more complete and substantial character. Let
wbati ver is done lie done in the most thorough
way. If the ability is only euuugh to secure
good grass, then do everything that is necessary
to fiiruiBh tbe boat conditions for the growth of
gras; make suitable provision for its care and
attempt nothing further. Good lawn-like grass
surfaces, crossed only by foot-worn pathwajl
orer the turf, will bo more beautiful and more
Utttfaoton than will poor grass, and cheaply
made and ill-kept walks.--Cot. Wariny, in
A rAt'KTiot-a physician, an old bachelor, said
lately to a single lady: "How can you with a
fttastf conscience answer St. Peter what yon
shall reach heaven's gate, for your heartleae
new in refusing so many marriage offers?" The
lady archly replied, "I ahall tell the apostle
that Dr. did not ask me."'