July. THE WEST SHORE. 19 Very ninny of .he early settlers of Oregon and Washington Territory plowed up their ground with a wofcden implement shod with iron, seeded the same broadcast, and covered it with a wooden. toothed harrow, or a small oak tree-top, gathered the grain with a hand fickle or reap-hook, threshed it out with a Cayuse threshing machine, which run on four legs, and tinallv made it ready for hread by crushing in a mortar. Now-a-days we do things 4tnerenily Owing to the wonderful improvement in all kinds of agricultural implements, of which the great houe of Knapp, Hurrell & Co. have so large n stock, the pioneer mode of living has departed to a great extent. By strenu ous effort the above firm have built up a trade, second to none, in the line of Farm Machinery, ImplemcntsVagons, etc. They are also agents for all kinds of Milling Goods and Wood Working Machinery, and any one wanting any thing in these lines, will do well to call on them. Oregon Steamship Company, ONLY DIRECT LINE Between San Francisco, Cal. and (Portland), Oregon and Wash ington and Idaho Territories. The Itouuti eagafwl 'in twit mat ins the ew mid Powerful Iron h, ! Olt.l W. I H. "CITY OF III SI l it And "AJAX," Mleanier ii in. s Sun FrnnrlNeo nmt I'orl InndVvcr) live tiny, f'onneellng al Portland with the Oregon nmt Call Torn In and Oregon (.'enlml Railroads for nil l r - In the Willamette, I aMMt Mid Hoiciio Klver YttlleyN ami Nontherii Ore yon. Wltli the Oregon BtMU Navigation pany'H bouts fur al) points on Hie Ipper Co liiinbln River, Knalem Orejcou, mid Waah Inglon unit IiIrIio TerrllorieM, alto, with a regular line of Htonmers to Victoria, V. I., Fort Wraiiffel and Mllkn, Alaska Terr ory. Sailing Days from San Franciseo: Aug. 5, io, 15, 20, 25, and 30, at 10 a. m. Sailing Days from Portland: Aug. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, and 27 at 6 a. m. Tickets to all points on tho 0. A C. It. It, and o. c. ft it. told at rwduoed ntw. To Nnve exneitNe i tlelentloti. pnrtlen should be careful to a I; for tickets hy this route. K. VAN OTERCPDORP, Gi tin-.il nk. HV.O. W. WKim.KH, 210 llatleryst.. Agrnt, Sun Franciseo. Portland, Oregon. KNAPP, BTJRRELL & CO., IMPORTERS OF AGRICVLTVR AL IMPLEMENTS, WOOD-WORKING MACHIN ERY, FRENCH RURRS, 8M t'TTERS, HOLTING CLOTH, BELTING, IV Nos. 17 and 19 Front, 14 and 16 First Sts., Portland, Oregon. STONE The Jeweler, Corner First and Morrison Streets. The largest and best assortment of l ii .li.- nnil ea.llemeiri Jewelry of all de NirlillviiM. Full I.I ne of Ml ver mid Hllverplaled Ware. Engraving done in all its Branches. 11. k. Edward. J, h. Blrra(nrtuuu. EDWARDS BIRMINGHAM, Matiufacluicrsaud Dealers In FINE UPHOLSTERY And Furniture. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. SPOKT SMEN'S EMPOBIUMT WILLIAM BECK & SON, Importers and Dealers in Breech Loading Guns and Implements, J. K. GILL & CO., to Firnt St., Portmid, ' mm UOTIl Brass Rifles ORDERS BY HAIL CAREFULLY PILLED. J. A. STROWBRIDGK, IMPdKTKR AN1 ltKALKR IN LEATHEE 141 Front St., Portland i lie largest and best assortment at Meussdorfler's Hat Manufactory, 111 Front sit , , i. PorUm,,!. Straw Hats ADOLPH A. COHN, Agent for Iiulo Sehloes & Co. DMAlrittl l! HIDES, FURS, WOOL AM) TALLOW, Aluo, Aftnl for Funcke & Co., Tanners', San Francisco. Murk AAC Front St, l'urtlnnil. Or. KOSHLAND BROS. Commission Merchants, Duleri Is Wool, Hides al nr. PORTLAJfD, OR. By Sitting a few Seconds as still as this M. SELLER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of Crockery, Glass?. China Ware, OB FnONT ST.. BetWNO stark Bud Osk, PORTLAND, OR The most Complete Stock of PISTOLS ok AI.1, Paper. KlftDS. Remington, Sharp's, Ballard's anil Winchester RIFLES, t. 1'. Clabrough's, W. C. Scott & Son, Parker's, and Remington's Double and Single Breech-Loading Shot Guns. VI SO, A Ot I'l l I I Sit,, It Of I f 1VV LIILI 1 ' ' H.' U 1. AIM t -..it Atal ( . .. . Hicry, ' I eloclpttUt) Boys1 WugoiiB, Boxing Gloves, Foot -Balls, Spectac lbs. Opera, Marine and Field. Glasses, NEW STYLE REVERSIBLE BABY WAGONS, Etc., Comer Front anil Alder 8treeta, Portland, Oregon The only Wholesale Drug House in Oregon liHTA Ill.lNH 111) IN IMBU. T. A. Davis & Co., tmpOllMV nnd Johliersof DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, AM) DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. Our facilities tor business are unequalled, ami no Druggist or Dealer in Ore gon or Washington Territory need buy Goods in San Francisco alter consult ing our Prices. LicktT.iloriii2.oodi, aid (i DoOftld MmIMVi Kemieib MlHTltflfi U'mi Ill -AT- Davidson Brothers You can obtain a dmen ol a good K ran be taken, and at a price wlihln lh reach or Mt i H U.LKIIY-Corner Ft.M and Ymblll MreeU. I'omnM. MMNrVi FISHliU & KOIiKUTS, Corner I lr-i and Aider Nit.. I'orlland. Janiet Iturt(in,.lr., MOTtM M. IpMldlllg. SPAULDING & BURTON, Dealer In PRB8B MRATfl of all kinds, KM Hi- I nnd I'ork, M llucon, I, ml. etc, Ceotral Mirk it. Stalli Hoi. 1 and 2, PORTLAND. You .hi buy an EST BY OKGAX From $70 to $i ,ooo, and an ARIOX PIAXO For $450. Warranted for 5 years. THKY WILL LAHT A LIKK TIMK. Hend for l'rlre Lis! Io C. K. HBPXXEJRO A t ., (SucrNwn Io A. T- eaiith t Co., Ura'l AgvnUi For tbe unrivaled Arlon Pianos and Katey Cot UK tnnn. IeI,-r In Ntoolf, Hprr.U, HUf-t Muile and Musical MrcbiiiidUe, So. IW Front Street. Fortland. iltecoti. tatlilthal iu IbM asKnivmriit CORBITT & MACLEAY, 13 and 15 Front Street, and 10 and u First Street, Portland, Oregon WHOLESALE GROCERS, Shippinfi and Commission Merchants. Importers of TEA, TOBACCOS ami LIQUORS, Exporters of WHEAT, FLOUR, WOOL ami all kinds of Oregon Produce. Liberal Cash Advances on Consignments. I. Kaufman. M. H. Hecht. r s kin KAUFMAN, HECHT & AKIN, in porl era of BOOTS aEH SHOES, Boston Office, 61 Congress Si. PORTLAND, OREGON. The only House Importing Boots and Shoes Ext l.t sivki.v. A. Meier. MEIER & FRANK, WholeaEleuud .Mall IWalfta In E. rr.ink. JK M'ut Siif a a GENERAL MERCHANDISS, 133, 135 & 137 Front St., Cor. Yamhill. Portland, Or