The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1877, Page 180, Image 8

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(Concluded from page 173.)
arc now taken and placed, one at a
time, on a small table with a cutting
attachment, and with a single stroke of
the lever, the fish is cut into exactly
the proper size to fit into the cans.
Another set of hands take these bits
of fish, place them deftly in the cans,
whence they go to other workmen
whose duty it is, by means of an appa
ratus, to put in eacli can a small amount
of brine, for canned salmon have noth
ing else in it, being cooked an jus.
Now the cans filled with the raw fish
pass to workmen who apply the ltd and
solder it on. Next, the cans arc placed,
hundreds together, in iron rings, or in
some of the canneries, into iron squares,
eat'h form holding about 600 cans, and
by means of cranes all are lowered into
steam boilers, where they are cooked
for an hour. -Now quite a nice opera
tion lakes place, similar to that em
ployed by the champagne wine manu
facturers, which is called venting. A
hole is pricked in the top of the can,
and the air and gases generated are al
lowed to escape, when the little vent
hole is instantly resoldered again. A
second cooking now takes place, when
the culinary portion of the canning is
ended. The cans are again taken from
boilers and are showered with cold
water. If the vacuum is perfect and
the package sound, the top of the can
caves in and assumes a concave form.
If, however, there is the least convexi
ty this condition of " swell-heads," as it
is called, causes the rejection of the
packaget Ir t'11-' salmon would not keep
a week, and manufacturer! know that a
llngle spoiled can wotdd injure the rep
utation ol a thousand packages, It will
not do to even tinker with these "swell
heads," as they would cost too much to
put in order, f they are worked over,
however, they are never shipped as
first-class goods. It is a necessity in
order to insure the excellence of the
canned product, that each day's catch of
lish should he prepared within 2
hours, Should there he any hitch in
the loctory, and all the day's salmon
Cannot he canned, what remains over
is salted anil handed. It is, perhaps,
not out of the way to say that the can
of salmon, before it is completed, witli
handsome label put on it and hosed,
from the catching of the fish until it is
sold as a finished product, goes through
as many as a hundred different opera
tions. Columbia river salmon, as a canned
product has nearly driven out all other
similar preparations of the Rsh, ami the
Eastern establishments are fast passing
nut of existence. Tire European de
mand for the canned salmon product of
the Columbia is steadily increasing, and
the export lot the season of 1S77 will
perhaps reach (3,000,000, Every cm
Francisco. Through the enterprise of
our fellow-townsman, A. G. Walling,
a great deal of the label-printing is now
done at his establishment in this eitv,
and for general beauty of design and
finish his labels surpass the ones done
by the San Francisco printers. The
wooden packing boxes are mostly made
in this city, and shipped down as re
quired. Two establishments Messrs.
Schcurer & Coyne and John Harlow ol
Co. are engaged in it. We paid a
visit a few days ago to Capt. Harlow's
factory, and learned that he expects to
feet, the fish has seven or ten of two to
three feet each to surmount. A spring
of three feet is a small matter to a sal
mon. They jump to the height of ten
feet with ease. It is an experiment
worth trying. Small as the expendi
ture will prove our fisheries will find
that such ladders, placed at all falls and
dams in all the rivers emptying into the
Columbia, would help to save the lives
of thousands of fish annually, .1 matter
well worth looking after. As the arti
ficial propagation of salmon is now re
ceiving general attention, we propose
turn out 260,000 cases for this season.
The price he receives for them is $S
for one hundred. His gang of forty
live men turn out 2,500 boxes per day,
consuming feet of lumber in the
operation. Without any attempt to
overrate it we can safely say that Capt.
Harlow's is the most complete estab
lishment of the kind on the Pacific
coast, u i very Interesting to watch
the labor-saving machinery employed
in making so simple a thing as a salmon-packing
case. The brand of the
factory is not stenciled 011 by hand, as
it formerly was, hut a neat machine,
in a future number of this paper to have
a complete article, with illustrations, on
this subject, showing the different ap
paratus used and the means employed
in producing fish artificially.
very similar to a
punting machine,
pi mis u on the wood, The nailing of
the boxes is done by one of the most
ompllcnted machines we have ever
seen. Even the tiling of the saws is
done by machinery, and it is only bv
the use of all these latest Improvements
that Captain Harlow is enabled to reach
the giand results as enumerated above.
We also give in this number an engrav
ing ol a salmon ladder. These can he
mode ol wood or stone. The latter will
Our correspondent from Damascus,
in Clackamas county, says : " The
farmers arc jubilant over their pros
pects. Never since the settlement of
this section have crops looked better.
Every nook ami corner is put into
grain, or is prepared for next fall's
sow ing. A great deal of new land has
been put under cultivation, and quite a
large number of new comers have set
tled here this season."
During the mouth of May there were
tiled in the I'. S. land office at Walla
Walla 1 1 1 pre-emption applications for
13,3:0 acres ; .6 homesteads, for 6,316
acres, and 3S timber culture applica
tions for 5,480 acres a total of 25,116
acres. There is a hundred times as
much more equally as good land left
open for settlement.
About ten years ago there appeared
in New York an actress whom, for a
better name, we will call Miss W ,
She so fascinated one A. T. Stewart, a
nabob of that city, that whatever money
could purchase was placed at her com
mand by the lovesick Stewart. Deter
mined of appearing as "the leading
lady? and not being well enough up
in her profession to procure such a po
sition at any of the theaters, she in
duced Stewart to purchase a certain
church on Broadway then offered for
sale, and converted it into a theater.
It was from this on known as the New
York Theater, with Miss W as
, proprietoress and leading lady. It
was, however, well understood that
Stewart footed all the bills to keep the
place going, which, for four years, was
run at a dead loss until it finally passed
into the hands of the celebrated Wor
rell sisters. The same spirit that led
Stewart to desecrate a house of God in
the above mentioned manner also in
duced him to acquire hotel property at
Saratoga. Here again Miss W
shone forth as the leader of well, eve
rything, and woe to the person who
dared to be bold enough to slight Miss
j W in any manner. Stewart died,
and a cunning trickster, whom we will
call Judge Knave (everybody is a judge
nowadays), became the fascinating suc
cessor of Stewart. One Seligman, a
Jewish banker, had been in the habit
of spending his summers, in company
with his family, at Saratoga, came a few
days ago to take up his residence
there for the season of 1S77, when he
was informed that orders from head
quarters (Judge Knave) were that no
Jews would be allowed to stop there
from this on.
This knave shrewdly foresaw what
effect such an order would have ; it
would be telegraphed all over the
world, published in all the papers, com
mented on, corresponded over, and
every time the name of his hotel would
be mentioned ; he would thereby gain
an amount of advertising for the house
and notoriety for himself which one
million dollars could not purchase, and
knave enough he proved himself by
seizing the opportunity. We are some
what surprised that the telegraph com
panies, otherw ise sharp financiers, and
the different newspapers supposed to
have at their heads far-seeing mana
gers, allowed themselves to fall into
such an easy trap and become the dupes
of this fellow. It yet remains to be
seen, however, whether that class of
nery have their own machinery for the
manufiCtureofttn can., which are made
during the winter season, ami ., salmon
can. small a- it ,.,..
through ibuitccu dlllcie nt hands bef.uc
it Ii ready to receive the Rah, Not
withstanding this a tans oftwantv.iwo
men will turn out 15,000 cans pel day,
During the bus) season every cannery
taployi from 150 to jjo hands, atl
Mures varying from $j.S to -c ,.r i
month. The lalvels, which are usually 1
very handsomely printed in chromol
colors, have always boon done In San
A CllI.I'Ml IA
be found the cheapest in the end,
Such ladders should be placed at the
falls of the Willamette and at the nar
rowi of the Columbia. At both nf
these places thousands of salmon lose
their lives annually by striking on the
ovks in then attempts t,. scale the fall-.
A salmon-ladder is a shoot or trough.
Across this trough at intervals, leaving
a narrow space wide enough for the
11-.'. to pass easily through, are step, i
barriers to break the force of the water,
and serve as a resting place for the ti,h.
Thus, instead of one fall of lay twenty
MV8H SALMON, - Weight 6; lU.-l'huto by lluchtel A Stolu.
Walla Walla cltj is certainly in a
prosperous condition. It is assessed
$63,000 higher than it was bust year.
The total valuation of the city ll $l,
o:i.Vl ; the real estate being v alued at
(7i,Soo, ami the personal property at
55'j735' The tax lew is five milfson
the dollar.
advertising will pay amongst as intel
ligent and liberal a people as the
,lu,t a, the hunter draws a bead on
the graceful wild duck, as it breasts the
rippling green-blue waves, does the
water-fowl invariably observe some
thing beneath the surface that it has
been looking for, many a long day, and
proceeds at once to business.
North of Snake river lies some ot
the very best vacant farming lands of
Washington Territory. It is said to be
equal to the famous Walla Walla val
ley. The soil is not as light and ashy
and produces more abundantly. Fruits,
vegetables and grains of all kinds thrive,
although an erroneous idea existed at
one time that fruits could not be raised
there with any degree of success.