1 T 182 THE WEST SHOKE. June. Amur kissing, Without doubt) society young ladies arc adepts in the ;irt of kissing. When they meet they at once fly into each other's arms and kiss any number of times. Their ardor is Increased rather than lessened by the presence of men, especially if there is ground for the supposition that said men would like to do a little killing on their own ac count. I low much love lies at the bottom of tin's kissing it is Impossible to say. It is said that it is a mistake to estimate it according to quantity of kisses which are given and taken. This may he an unjustifiable calumny upon the army ofkissers, hut it is true that a grand kissing performance is often the precursor of a brilliant display of backbiting. We have known sweet little creatures in pink to say very bit. ler things of sweet little creatures in blue, whom they had been enthusiast!' cally kissing, and we hflve known the sweet little creatures in blue warmly re ciprocate i he smart things which have been stated of them by the sweet little creatures in pink. The fact is, it is the fashion for women In kiss each Other on meeting or parting ; the only diff erence in them being that some arc such adepts at humbug thai they kiss more heartily than others. Lovers, husbands, and brothers have come to regi rd the kissing performances of their female relations with callousness. The delays w hich the kissing performances occasion may he aggravating1, but they are borne with comparative calmness, which is sufficient proof that man is not the tyrannical being which he i ometimcs represented. ADVICE TO KUMMBK TOURISTS. It possible, lake with you ;i well filled purite, as you do not know what emergencies may arise during your ab sence ; at all events, lake one-fourth more money than your actual estimated expenses. Have a good supply of small change, and have no bill or piece higher than leu dollars, that you may not take counterfeit change. Lei your luggage be as compact as possible ; better lake one large trunk than two small ones. Uc very particular in the matter of diet, as your health depends in a great measure upon the food you eat. l)o not commence a day1! travel before breakfast, even if that has to be eaten at daylight. Dinner or supper, or both, Cat! be more healthfully dis pensed with, than a good warm break fast. A sixpenny Sandwich eaten leis urely in the cars is better for you than a dollar dinner bolted at a "station.1 Take with you a month's supply of pa tience, and always think thirteen times before you reply once to any supposed rudeness or insult, or inattention. Da not suppose yourself especially and de signedly neglected, if waiters at hotels do not urlng what you call for in double Quick time ; nothing so distinctly marks the well bred man as a quiel waiting on such occasions- passion proves the puppy. A SCHOOL BOV n CORN'S, Corns are of two kinds -vegetable and animal. Vegetable corn grows in rows animal corn grows on toes. There are several kinds of corn ; there is the unicorn, the capricorn, the corn dodgers, the field com, ami the com, which is the corn you feel the moM. It is mid, I believe, that gophers like corn ; but persons bavin-; corns do not like to " go fur," if they can help it. C'orn have kernels, and some colonels have corns. Vegetable emu grows on ears, hut animal nu n grows on the feet, at the other end of tin- body. Another kind of corn is the acorn ; these kind tfrow on oaks, but there is no hoax bout the com. The acorn i a corn with an indefinite article, indeed, Trj it and se-. Many a man w hen be has a coin wishes it was an acorn. Folks thai have Corns sometimes send for a doctor, and if the doctor himself is eonud, he wont do so well as if he Isni, the doctor snyi corns are pro duced b) tight boots and shoes, which Is probably the reason why, when a nun is Ught, they sa he is coined. If a tat mi l manages well he can gel a pood deal of uun on .m acre ; but 1 know of a fanner that has one corn that nukes the biggest acini on his turni. The btfgei crop of vegetable com .-1 man raises the battfl he likes it ; but the bieest CfOp of animal com be raie the hettet he does not like it. Another kind of corn is the corndodg er. The way it is made is very sim I pie, and it is as follows that is, if you ! want to know : You CO along the street and meet a man you know has a corn, and a rough character ; then you step on the toe that has a corn on it, and see if you don't have occasion to dodge. In that way you will find out what a corn dodger is. Tin; Ska. The sea is the largest of all cemeteries, anil its numbers sleep without monuments. All other grave yards, in other lands, show some dis tinction against the great and the small, the rich and the poor ; but In the great ocean cemetery the king and the clown, the prince and the peasant, are alike undistinguished, The same waves roll over all ; the same sun shines, and there unmarked, the weak and the pow erful the plumed and the unhonored, wll sleep on forever. CHEMEKETA HOTEL, Salem f Oreo on, a. r. MATHEWS), I , . Proprietor. Cuarors Par Dny-fiimi si upward, accord ing to loraii r .,,,, unit sUontlnnoa dwirod. Board mill iMit'iiiK from 5u week upward, Day Doardf $" pw week. Great Reduction to Immigrants. .1 Fri r Otnnibut t" and tnm aft nvnu. Prom long experience m Hotel btulnsss, Mr MailiowM frolijueUflod in expecting a fttlribara ol mi' patronage of iin- Traveling unit id trade. Try the CUEMEKETA one and you win Mm again. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings AND Furniture. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Dollvmd hi ii,.!,,- mill Cum rrt. toad tot Prkw i.M to 0. F. DENNIS, Salem, Oregon, I. K. NTAKIKR, I list. I. II. ut.l,. BOOT MAKmii. Men's Klrst Chtss t nit, Hli ii ml NioKlt ltiHttM Made to Order. , inn Unw' smre, Corai elVl stren, C. W. SHAW & CO., M i iey Brokers AND - REAL ESTATE AGENTS, sl, KM, OBKQON. Salem Foundry and Machine Shop, AI.I-.M. ORKOON, ii. r. iiK.tHi:. . . PfoaritMr. QTKAU KN0INKB,8AW am, atUHT Mil. I l . i''".1".''"' I',"lll'"''"lll kuxl" una lj l,.f inn. rurnlihml nt ibort notlM, Alio.in.nur.o- 'i",','1' "', K??'.K."!'lll"K 1'I.ANKIl .M ATCH. ." ivntno Mill Nil A I'l.us. Siovon, Tinwnre, PUMPS AND PIPE. . II. citAffEOIlD, Commercial Street, Salrm, Oregon. If yen want i get Shaved, BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS NEW STAND. Xr irl) ,,ihii,. nii'mrkcla lloli'l, 8l.m, Or, A. L. STINSON. Bcolc and To"b Ixiiiter. OM Ktnu. ch.rabw, Itolmu. Block, RALRJ., MR mill J.. PrlMllHi RORllj NOWItM, 1 ""i in.uh lkwk.DMH,hHUin. tf m.,A.,,.,,.uii, nM4A r. LEVY, ir. VwmmmM mid sink laitm. DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, In ttrtivrnl. 9 Photographs. Mil in.- riURtaw V i in.- iuh.1 im f.,,i, W V- A. SMITH, Artist, v rVlmrrm mi. al nia.i. i .o.ai t , K Wart lttMH lu hr !Ulr. V PRU I I UK mONARLX. .i. it lal M 1.1 Mini nKM.t X T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Salem, Portland, Albany, Junction City and Walla Walla, Hole AfBIlU for fo lowing flret-clusK Heh!nM, Which we An now receiving for iMMn or 187- J. I CASE'S THRESHING MACHINES, Ilolli End and side Rhakft-T1thWl-j WESTINGHOUSE VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHINES, TlgbH3eared, Emi-sn,.,. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINES, H, 10, 12, IS nnd 18-Horsc Tower TREADWELL Wrought-Iron, Single-Gear HEADER, Manufactured by J. I. Case & Co., with New and Valuable Improvements fnr,, HAINES' ILLINOIS HEADER, Hinifk'-lieiir, W rough l-Iron and Screw-llub Wheels. Adjustable Heel and Truss Fram. Johnston ll'roaait-Iron Harvesters, Also, Wronqht-Tmn Russell's Combined Reapers and Mowers, Wood's Single and Combined Reapers and Mowers. Wood's Single Mowers, three sizes Johnston Mowers, one rAzc, Adams and French Harvester, "Conqueror" Furst A Bradley Sulky Rakes; CENTENNIAL Sulky Hake, Self. Dump, The best ui use NEWTON WAGONH. Tlilmbh-skeln ami Iron-Axle Farm and Freight Wiiiinns, nil sizes NoWtOD l-Spriiii; llnckH. in Hit e . BftSSl 5 lor Ihp Or. -mi Mnrkrt, Newton TheHpring, l'latform-SiriuL', and seroli sprini; Hueks nnd lluet:lin Harden City l'low, Harrows ami Cult i valors; r,;u'di'ii City Sulky anil (iium Plow-- Fur inputs. . (ruin hillU.: Van iinun , liavis" Mi iMIdli, l!ina,., :isl Si r.lrr ami i 'nil i valor- C vi'iT.r nJ Cl-I.TIVA IMltS, CC NIN(;II A M'S lUIriVATiHlS-The best In the world I Leather and Rubber Belling, .Mi.ehlne Kxtias; II A.HIHVAKK, IltoN and STEEL Special Cireulnm, Illustrated with prices, eent to any nddresi free of dame Wo nre If it UfAOTuRHRS' AGENTS, and will skll at bkd-iiock feices. waa T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Front MI., I'KUTLANP; Commercial St., SAI.F.M, nnd Chendle's Block, ALBANY, Os JOHN W. Boots and Shoes, Shoe Findings, HARNESS, SKIRTING, BELTING AND LACE LEATHER, French and American Calf Skins, Upper anil Sole Leather, Morooooi, Unlng., Km, Hlcke.1 Caak i-rici- rm.i ror HMra mi inrv JONES & PATTERSON, Eeal Estate, Insurance GBJiBKAL Salem, improved tartm, ami unimproved land, fur sale on easv term.. Circulars, de scriptive of the Willamette Valley for gratuitous distribution on application. Largest Marble Works in the Pacific Northwest. I I WM. STAIGE1,SAIEM, OltEGON, IHaa the must extensive assortment of Designs in this State lor Monuments.! Obelisks and Headstones, which he executes in Italian and Vermont Marble. 0rl t"'" H l"t of Ureeon, Wuhington and uUho Mlldtod ami prompt!; attendea to. S FAILING HEALTH iX Oat Meal manufactured on Scientific Principles. Afk your Urocer for McLERAN BROS' CENTENNIAL BRAND. ii reostvod iiip PnAnium u la. Otattnntal ExblblUon u PRlladaiptiia, Take no other, and sec that " Mcl.erans' Mills, Portland, Oregon," is stamped mnnn Him u i -..a ;,i ,,,;,. .,,',":. i lt-lb.' Sujor'?!1' QoUBld..'onriotfi AJl1"" .o. 105 First Street - Mannfin-turers of ill klndi of C kMtllRi Ainl Wholesale Dwleni In NUTfl of nil kind. Country Hftrahnuti u KiHiih. N H ill lllHl II In Ih. lr I tO Mil on tU, 5- in our LL.H 11 ROOMS and delicacies are served up ESTABLISHED 1Q51. 1 1 A It IMVA1C B. I HON v n i STEEL, FHMkcrllUiri Tonl, HiHrttoniiih' Wniorlnl. vSlM, li. .lis. RIVOWi ui. WmImn. Borax, IIOfM- MMM It lilt N it I I Wrong lit nmi njttafelt iron. rr Run b NORTHRUP & THOMPSON, .' Front .Street, Portland, the (inn OREGON FURNITURE SALES l or. Tint nml Ymnhin mi.. Steam Factory, '"'" t'roin ami "nil,,, I'llHTI.AMl. u. FUOTITUHE Carpets, Oil Cloths, llaft.tomiiis, Wall Paper, Spring Beds GILBEET, IlEf;oi. AGB3SIT8, Oregon. "in', - v Z .Z ',!'"" ' '"'r more 5r .I't " ,""!' "y "' wetptofTScu., MoLKKAJi linos. . lorllna, Or. Sz hegele, - Between duhr ,i JAwWmh The n. mil I). ni I eieitam es;1i,i (. ),,,,, f the kind i lai'ltl,' I OIlf.1. 1111,1 lllWlkVH shirk. -1 Wllh ll.e la st famlle, f our own nianiifiieture, n " on ii iiiiiiiiiiJiriiirt i lllllKirtcil l puii..h t .... i... . : OYSTER SALOON, all the seasonable in neat style and at all hours. HARDWOOD L.TJMTJX3B. Ill its IPOKn i i mm, n m i, hi Axlw, Viam Mi, i. ,11, n,i ni-nniH, Tnr. IMli-h, nhuni mul Onn. Tnr'il mul nnulla 4'onlftjte. Anckom nmi OMInnj till mi I ,-,MIKhl VnllO, Soikrs. Ar. MANUFACTURING CO. ROOMS.