118 THE WEST SHORE. February. UNDER THE KNIFE, The critical moment has arrived, so. having undressed myself, I take a last look around and mount the table, where I am at once seized on and arranged for the convenience of carving by the two aids-dc-cainp. Mr. C, who, with his sleeves tucked ui, has been standing such a position as to screen the little what-not and its glittering load from my sight, takes a last look at the wound, evidently determining in his own mind the jiieiiac .spot where he will make the first gash, and then retiring n pace or two, nous to Dr. who has placed himself behind me. The gentleman steps forward and commences to apply the chloroform. The instrument he uses for this purpose appears to me to partake very much of the form of a meerschaum pipe, in the bowl of which is placed a sponge containing the fluid. a cover fitting tightly over the top of tnc nowi. 1 ne long pipe stem termin ates into a cup intended to cover the nose and mouth of the patient. At the upper end of the stem is a valve or stop cock which regulates the amount of vapor to lie inhaled. 1 am told to draw long deep inspirations as steadily and slowly as possible, and for two or three seconds the only elfect I perceive is 0 slight choking sensation which makes me gasp for breath. Then, however, I sec him turn on the stopcock a little fuller, anil immediately I find more and more dilliculty in drawing my breath. The objects in the room become blurred and dance before my eves, my brain begins to throb and whirl in my head, nun I leel a weight like lead on mv heart. And now my blood begins to surge violently through my veins, and heats like a sledge hammer on my tern, pies; every nerve in my body tinirlcs it grows faster and faster, wilder anil wilder; the room rushes round and round, I cannot bear it, Ictmnot breathe; 1 try to struL'L'lc, and leel 1 can lust raise my in in, which, in my state of semi-consciousness, 1 perceive is at once held down hy one ol those abominable students, who is doubtless cniovinir the spectacle amazingly, and gloating over my distress, A roarimr sound fills mv cars, I shall die; I strive to raise mvself to struggle, but 1 cannot move, 1 try lo scream, I try to breathe, I gasp wilcl ly, 1 am suffocating, I 1 A pause, a long sensible pause, at the end of which I feel that I have been asleep; anil then I am gradually awoke by hearing the gentle splash (if water dropping on my pillow. 1 hear it quite distinctly, ami 1 know lit once what it is; hut for a king's ransom 1 could not open my eves, or stir hand or foot. I am conscious, hut motionlesf. I hear the murmur of voices, but cannot dis tinguish what is said. 1'resently there Is another splash, and I somehow know that Ihev are sprinkling my lace; hut though I hear it fall on the pillow, 1 cannot feel it ; and now I hear the voic es once more. This time I can distin guish what is said. It is 1). S speaking, and he says,," He is coming round fast." Another moment and 1 can open my eyes. 1 )r.S is stand ing over me wit h n basin of w ater, from which he is sprinkling my face and bath ing my temples, though oddly enough, 1 cannot feel either bis touch or the wili er. Mr. f is standing with his back to me washing his hands, and one of the pupils is packing up the mahog. nv box, while the other is w atching mc with ii look which seems lo me very much like oneol regret that it is all over, and that there it no more to be seen. The nurse is carrying away the two buckets, and I can even see that the wa ter is very red, 1 see all this at a glance; 1 am cifcclly conscious, and yet I can feel nothing. Not only am I free from pain, but there is a numbness over all mv limbs. 1 cannot feel my ow n touch, 1 iiav e no sensation whatever. In this slate 1 am lifted into bed ami placed in a comfortable position, not even the movement causing any sensation, tirml nally, however, a slight tingling conies on, somewhat similar to that which takes place when hand or foot has operation itself. It docs not, however, last very long, and within half an hour it has entirely ceased. The Singer Manfg Company, S. W. cor. First & Yamhill Sts., Portland Oregon. Sewing Machine Sales for 1875. Tke Singer Manfg. Co. sold 249.6S2 Uichmes, WhPPliTdt WIU011 ..HiWuctlirl!iKCo....irrt7lfl " llfmlnirton Hewing Mnelilnn (Vi . 2lUi " Hnwc Mhi'IiIw ('.it. (I'Mlimaied) it,lW " Wi'etf RewlriK Machine :i JM.ttKI " lKjmeHl!! Hfwlnu Mm-hlm: Co 2I.4-.J " (JruviT A linker H. M. Co, (eitUjiittlciJ)... Jf.,0ti0 " Wllrox A OibtMiH. M.Co H,iZl " American It. If. Ac. H. M. Co UOi " (fold Mcdiil H.-w1riK Miu-hlllO Co HJI2 ' WIIboii HcwiOK MturhliieCo M " Vk-lorH'-whiK MiiHiIno Co ti,IU3 " Florence Scwitii Mfichlne Co " H. K. ilraiiiimioiiT & Co, (A-lina) l.Uli " Machines sold on note and monthly installment plan and liberal discount made for cash. Send for Circulars and Price List before purchasing elsewhere. Address ntl communications to The Singer Manfg. Co., S. W. cor. First & Yamhill Sts., Portland. Box 854. Now I the time to Subscribe for THE WEST SHORE, A handsome Illustrated Paper, Published at Portland, Oregon; 2(0 page choice reading matter, with over 150 Engravings of Oregon, Washington Territory $ British Columbia Scenes For KM.fiO per Annum. Postage Paldi Specimen Copy, 20 Cent. IT IS A MOST EXCELLENT FAMILY JOURNAL, And Just the kind of Paper to send to friends abroad. The January Niimbtr of enrti yrnr in n 44pir raper, per copy, mil i sent free ot charge to ul I Yearly HubAcrlhcrs. Kf mil by regimured letter, or pout ultlce money order, to old at 50 C.u Publisher West Siiom, PORTLAND, OREGON. McLERAN BEOS , Manufacturers of Flour, Shorts, Bran, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, Split Peas, Feed, &c. also, ' Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Graham Flour, and Buckwheat Flour, Fresh around and constantly on band for FAMILY UHE. Highest Medal Award at Centennial for OAT MEAL. G. H. MEUSSDORFFER, 111. Front St., Portland, Oregon. BS-NEW STYLES -a Received by each Steamer A FULL STOCK or all kind, of Seeds Bulbs hachenetIstemme's, for. Kiwi and Taylor HU,, Portland. A. II. .JOIINHON, Ntork Hroktr, wholeMl Butcher and The Colby Washer. t follawlngi Cheanest.t $7.00 Warranted to Last Three Years, AND GIVE ''3 ENTIRE SATlSFAf- TM, W. P. RKATTox-Pear Sir' Without the least examr ration, I can trulr Hav rnurSttuL upplle. wore penally II,. need we In the kitchen luuTso lotia rehTui 5oJ"whm 1 na""n bcforeeen. Our Knmdcli Id, but lour you old, turu. It u. Vuu atockinirs talii tlri ILY.I together to form aloii.Mtrnir. ad urn hi? tlmm huniair J";.1.1!1 "..'Jr?"' Mrs. U. 0. C1IANDLEH ,6v" Qene'ral Agent, urexon CKt. WHEELER & WILSON. what it eomnuinlvcallcd, gone lo sleep. This is succeeded by I In- smarting pain I the scat of the wound, which increas es in intensity until, after some minutes, il becomes very severe. Sensation has relumed lo my body, and wilh it comes the after pain of the operation. This of course is all the more severe because I have been spared the torture of the A CARD. TX7E BEG TO INFORM THE 1 Public that Mr. CHAS. V. WIL KINS has this day resigned the I monno'r.mpn, nf nnr A fTni a. tuts Fresh and Cured Meats, Bacon, point, and in his stead is appointed name ana iMia. i Mr. F. W. GODDARD. Hpeclel Attention given to supplying Shin.. I hm.-'i : mil m.ii. . t w, uir.i ji.rk.1. ' 1 ,x wul continued as i'onind,oreon Iormcr'y. ln " name ot "The HjcmiYTsfmryr Wilson Manufac,uring Comer First and Taylor. Portland. Ornrnn. ' . " 9u.r P'ure here to attest to ' the ffltthfiilntfia ahiltfir arA e.nn.. ..?"!""? '.'" . which have characterfzed the n,..! flUBf UL.ASS (jKOCKKIES. !..em.n.nf,u;;ii:.. ..Tj"T. tKici mc cause nit neaitn) which una icu iu ins rcsignaiion. In returning our thanks to the? people of Oregon, Washington and Idaho for their liberal patronage in the past, we bespeak for our new manager, Mr. tjoddard, a continu ance of the same. Bnslct!i Directory of Snohomlah City, f,I, JLDKIIMIE HOB8E, Lawyer. 171 '. rKHJINO, li, ehundlHe. N ORTIIKRM NT R ,..... n. IV UHt)ir Illlh a ha. L'l.l.l.l' xl.. W 00 per Biimim. Prcdao. Etc, Etc Ptltl itrvrk nHmtMnilv nn hnnH UihnIm ilfillvervtl In unv imrt nf (h n. w. nf i.hsirarH " ' ' Call and examine mir Mock. QREG VOX TRAXXPER CO. J)rii( I'mut at and Jlnrk SUibttn, Noiilhweiit corner Hmind and Hlark street.. All hiialiiemi eiilniHleil lo u. Will be .stviittHl With ear. and dlnnateii. Orders for Ifavks promptly ai tendtd to, Day or Xi'lit. CORBETrS " Livery, Hack and Feed Stables, Klr Prom), Corner Rerond and Taylor Rt recta. RmmriiI fkntf fcr Hli. Partlmlar otMerr prion in the Hack DepatimDnti fc-ltni, 1 NiKikmr r.lin.n h.rur tWr-avrtt MUkkM kmr. To iMla, H rrtiii rarh nsMtrltMr. lAitw tula, ljirr Hark To tuxl rrwtn (LbIIsi lit! PmrttM il II. u...i h-ft l XT .4 H LI air VUlill.1 AV Inaslln , tttlrnslrvl ! t anj 1. shit. 1"PJ WHEELER SWILSON, MANFG CO., W. T.FONDA, Gen. Agent. WM. McKIBBEN, Supervisor. msms jootal, iV Imiy Prlwas ri niattaitne.orahUh Popular rharaoliT, Of voted U, nrral literature and all malton ol taate aiVd ouimre. MONTHLY 1I.I.1NTRATKD MlM'EL. Of ttaiUUlKr IIItTHllirrt K.na, riU prr Nnmbfr; IXVO per Annum! imniniy nouncnoiu I)A4 KAK JA HHOIV.. pritl MirliHii(llHp, rjl f. nABHN,.Cuuniy Treasurer, ONOIIOniNII KXt llAXJ-A omeH KJ Hotel, kept hylBiuicCiilhenrt. ..Wr,u npneil w Kit tin heat nf Rpfm KJ menu. T. V. Marks, Prop'r, upper lowi. McNAUGHT & LEARY, Attorneys at Law, "wigandia; -eaiaerlord'. PrrparMtoa 1 MOUNTAIN BALM, and l.miKH. ti n, ... ,.r iw , WEATHKHPnnn a m.. m nmerc a HL.frr S S S 11 MS Ta itM WarklM rtf hitsMh all tliaw mtltt obii4u raitsla) ntirarikal)M,sr iwr bit nat m- I butM ttM Mi VUkW. rru trf rllk.t mi mt mi fr- N rili t t pr Blnc ami a tkrepwknj mm hi 4rtUM ItxHt mhf Um la live Wia fata aa4 Bl,h nn BMilt a a. awa. Tbat all lva J Ikta MitM asar lanal lltrir asMraaa, atial taal 1W Htataa-Mi -. -..h-u. Wkra e,: T. .kkrh a. ar Ml Tell aaiuar4 -ill trwl 4 liar a.T mt tka IrWW wniiaf fMU aartkara iu,plr, a.rrl .fciij, la faaafm mk atv aaj a ri af H.tM aiU rlnnJi aUa a.k.aMrrta, r,Z ksTfMS ItniDLtilna annarinr HfliiAR i. .u. . . rtjl novel, and .bprl .tone.; frw liailn. w ler. In Kurope and America lln ,o;.""lEp"r' smsphlcnllr dewrlp. ptlclZ ln,1""'". recreation., and plciumqu. rtorpnhM-Wteu'wDB','',, lopli;" "" holu'nl ud social e.PlorJ.'m.'" '"" U ""'."""Mart, and lflnelud..p.pers npon lndutrial and lelen snltiT " " '""""' d "SIS- IU pl.n. In brief. Include, sll branch. ot III- lletn, Fu Salt k; ill IhIkIIxi uf Ittslakn, D.APPLETONCO, Publl.ber., M, and at Broadway, N. Y. PNideri "it; L'"1""' iDUIIIreht T. A IMITH, AETIST. 'omiHereUI si-m. . puirM. TkKAI.KK IN HTRRS'iuuvinva btprr ..- in., uii or wawr Color. J. H. BURKHART, AI.BAISY, OBEUOM. Special attention alren to lurnlihlnf r imn h imniifranu and mow noiue Collectlun. alu.nile.1 to and pmninilv n,B.ia All letter, of Inquiry promptly answered Jl''riJr.loO. P. ROWKI.LCO.,!e iZ " atnphlel of loo pare., conlalnlal adverti.lng ' "dlnisles ahowuis F'ft a , between Pine and. Oak, '