The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1876, Page 9, Image 9

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A Twelve Page Monthly Illustrated Piper, published st
Poktland, Oregon, by
. I. SAMUEL, Washington-el.
(Including Ponage to soy pert of the United States:)
One copy, oae year, . . ....... 1 jc
Single Number, ...... ao cents,
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Portland business houses.
Printed by Gio. H. Hutu, cor. Front & Washington sts
I smoke. Not having the fear of
jiingjamca before my eyes, I mavsay
I "drink" tobacco: for when he wrote
his "Counterblast" the enjoyment of
me Durntng weca was regarded as po
tation, not fumigation. To be in the
fashion, I smoke a pipe. But not onlv
to be in the fashion. The pipe pleases
me as a work of art, and it gives me
something to care for and become at
tached to. . Your cigar-smoker is an
unhappy, solitary creature, compared
to me. lie enjoys only what he con
sumes, and flings away, into the fire or
into the kennel, that which he has just
pressed delightfully to his lips. But I
always have a cherished companion in
my soothing pleasure. My pipe is with
me. It is not merely so much clay,
tutu wuou, ana amoer. it nas assumed
an individuality, and is a partner of my
musing hour. We have got used to
each other's wavs. and thoroutrhlv un
derstand one another; are tolerant of
eacn other s peculiarities, and accom
modate ourselves to each other's moods.
Sometimes, indeed, my companion
seems coy and reluctant at the most in
teresting moment; but a little attention,
nait compulsory, halt enticing, almost
always puts matters upon their natural
footing again. At other times, I must
confess I am ill treated, and my attend
ant minister, instead of burning incense
before me, will coldly go out, and sul
lenly refuse any response to my most
importunate wooing, just when it ought
to be aglow with warmth and fragrant
with perfume. But I am able to trace
these little, miffs, in almost all cases, to
6ome neglect on my part. I have been
remiss in proper care, or have allowed
other affairs to divert my attention more
than suits the views of my jealous com
panion. Matters, however, very rarely
come to this pass between us; a little
judicious coaxing generally brings about
an understanding, to our great mutual
I have spoken of my pipe: I have
two. That is, two of princinal import
ance. Of these, one is the pipe far
excellence, but the other is a prime fa
vorite; and there are, besides, three or
four that are well enough in their way
when the whim takes me to enjoy them ;
Din tney nave no particular and recog
nized position. l'ipc-smoking is a
Turkish habit. The pipe, that is, the
one which I always mean when I ask
Jenny about mv pipe, is, of course a
meerschaum, ft is of such fine aualitv
and so exquisitely carved that I am the
envy of at least a dozen of my friends,
who have not been able, for love or
money, to compass such a marvel. The
bowl is in the form of a Turk's head,
and is decorated with two dark carbun
cles by way of eyes. The tobacco is,
of course, put through the top of the
turban into the nlace of the skull : and
I derive consequence in the eyes of
some people irom appearing to consume
the brains of one of my fellow-creatures
for my passing pleasure. I have
already the serene joy, only to be ap
preciated by the meerschaum smoker,
of seeing my Turk's full and lightly
fiowing beard turning so gradually a
rich brown under my fumigations. )ut
although I contemplate the present as
pect of his countenance with the great
est satisfaction, I must confess that I
have some misgivings in regard to the
certainly approaching period when the
line of demarkation shall invade the
face proper, and the finely-cut nose of
my i urn snail be divined horizontally
across the bridge into a cream-colored
section and a tawnydirown section.
Then, however, I shall build my hopes
upon the time when this line shal have
risen to the very turban's edge, while
the hue in the lower part has deepened,
so that I shall have my tawny-skinned
Oriental with a dark, chesnut-brown
beard and white turban ; and then I
shall stop smoking this pipe, and lay it
awav in a little cahlnei n ,r.,i
Hut although I worship with all loyal
devotion at my meerschaum shrine, I
confess to a crcat fondness for lini.
brier-wood pipe the second in order
u. inctcucnce among my favorites so
great that, if the meerschaum knew it,
it would. I fear, breed
between us. This brier-wood beauty
13 im iucic uui 01 woou witn a hole in
it, but the daintiest little nine ilv.i ,r
was made. Its chief charm, however,
it. mar. n gives me no trouble whatever,
and always accommodates itself to my
convenience and mv trmnor it
quires no solicitous 'looking after, like
incomer; wnicn, 1 must confess, is ca
pricious and exacting, like all prima do
nas of well-established reputation. I
can enjoy it when I please, anil as I
please taking no thought whether it
is too hot or too cold, or whether it is
in a condition to be handled. Its very
form is at once graceful and convenient.
The stem is made with ndniihln e,-.i-
turc, which conforms to the position of
my uiuitio ana nngcrs as 1 hold it, and
to that of my chin as I carelessly let it
hang from my mouth. It is mottled
beautifully, and the bowl is lined with
the finest meerschaum, which shows it
self above the edge like the creamy
foam upon rich ale.
But, alasl one evening I discovered
that it had a defect; and I am of such
an exacting disposition that I never tol
erate any faults that can be remedied,
except those in my own character. Mrs.
Maddox has often said that she " never
found hany gentleman as was so 'ard
to please as Mr. Robinson." Mrs. Mad
dox is my landlady. She describes her
self as ' a Henglish lady in rejuiccd cir
cumstances." Hltd is fiuul nf rwn;...,l
reference to her "connection with the
narrystocracy." It is more than sus
pected that the particular form of hnr
rystocracy with which she was con
nected was with a certain Harry, Lord
W , and that the nature of the alli
ance mav be best learned frnin the el.
umns of the London Times, among the
reports 01 trims nciore Mr Cresswell
Cresswell for divorce. Mrs. Maddox
frets at mv exactions: but lennv. whn
is the maid that takes care of my room,
llT. I. - I T. .. J . '
smyo, - a u ue sure nir, KoDinson is a
bit Darticinr: but then then.',,
fort in doing any thing for him, 'cause
J.....,, m-w ,,c auuwg wncnus wen
done." The fact is that Jenny is a very
excellent and intelligent person. I
found out that she understood and ap
preciated me very soon after I took my
present apartments. She has continued
to do so ever since; so that it has come
to be an untlerstood thing in the house,
that if Mr. Robinson wants aiiv thing
done, it will be done if Jenny can doit.
Mrs, Maddox losses her well-oiled
black curls in which I detected a gray
hair the other day and has more than
once insinuated that " the hussy " has
particular reasons for her attention to
Mr. Robinson. But let me tell you
that Jenny is not only prettier and bet
ter behaved than her mistress ever was,
but one who, if she lived in London,
would never become acquainted with
Sir Cresswell Cresswell, unless, indeed,
through the instrumentality of a brute
of a husband. What might be Jenny's
views and feelings, were it not for ccr
tain differences of social position which
must obtain under all forms of govern
ment, I, of course, am not called upon
to say.
But the defect in my brier-wood pie.
It was a scratch on the stem, made ac
cidentally with some tool or other, and
which escaned the nntire nf the m-ilrni.
and also mine when I bought it. Touch
toucn in line organizations alwavs so
much more delicate a sense than sight,
with all men so much more to lie relied
upon as evidence of fact revealed it
to me. I was sittino ttnon the hnlmnv
on one of these glorious autumn eve
nings, smoking with Miss Kate John
stone, That is, Miss Johnstone was
sitting there with me, and I was smok
ing. She is a charming girl ; so sensi
ble, cheerful, and good-nntured, and yet
with a will of her own. She often stts,
or used tn sit nn the h-ili-mit, in th ,..
ning while I smoked, for she did not
U:..n. . I e. r . i ,
the open air. She is a belle wherever
she rnes. And well she mnv he Kiieh
a round, lithe figure, such an archetl
msiep, ana stun wnite dimpled hands
and shoulders, such clear brown eyes,
and such wavinp chesnttt hair are 'not
often the united property of one wo-
much, only thirty-five thousand dollars;
but the whole thirty-five arc there, and
all well invested. Munneigh Bagges,
Esq. she isan orphan, and Mr. Bagges
is her uncle and guardian who had
noticed her ini'linnii,,,, ... .: .1
balcony while I smoked, took me aside
one evening and spoke to me about this
"Mr. Robinson." cuiil h 111 1,.,
been my duty to observe indications on
uui pan ot a tiesirc to address my
s ard and niece, Miss Johnstone."
" Indeed, Sir," I began, I haven't
et "
"PlttV don't enl:im nr
The transaction, I have no doubt, would
be a most honorable one. I know ) uur
position anil your reputation. I shall
not make mvsclf directly or indirectly
a party to the affair. But I think it
onlv correct tn suv tn vnn ; ,.:...
of prudential considerations, which, of
u,titnV, uemg n mini 01 sense, you en
tertain, that the amount of the lady's
fortune has been much exaggerated tv
report. She has only thirty thousand
dollars: ami all of that mntt he tti.,.i
upon her at her marriage. 1 should,
tiowcvcr, dc willing to consent to the
investment of ten thousand dollars in a
safe SDCcilll nartnershin fnr the hn,,..tit
of her husband. I may as well add
ui.u s tun empowered ny me will to re
tain the whole property as trustee, and
make only such quarterly payments
over eight hundred dollars a year as I
should deem fltlvtKiihle in rvit,. ulie th..l.l
marry without my consent. I've just
stuu us muiii to nir. Axiefree. liood
cvening, Sir. I have a business en
ho was Axlctrcc? Why the son
of a villairchljIi'Lorufh u lin h,,.l ........l
his way through college, and into the
., tuiu wuu was quite popular in our
llOUSC I always dill hut,. nnnnlur
and who hail made a sort of particu
lar flmil!liiit!in-n .citk Xtl... T..I.....1
.... ..-.,. vv ,,,,,, j millstone
by holllintr her hnrite huril n,,.l .;...
ing her quickly off the saddle one morn-
uik wiicn, just as sue was starting lorn
ride, the animal began to rear and
plunge most violently; after which
time she would sometimes sit and hear
him talk about Dante and Shnkspcarc
when I thought she might much better
he out upon the balcony with me. Dc
this as it may, there Mr. Munneigh
Barrffcs left mt. with th ,iBBr.,A
if I could get Miss Johnstone's consent
s inigiit nave ner, and with her ten
thousand dollars in cash for any safe
concern in which I might desire to be
come a partner. Why it was just the
sum that Grist, of Hopper and Grist,
the rising flour house, mentioned that
they were looking out for with a capa
ble iuninr ns f'n. Mv rriA ....... :..
my hand; and so I smoked upon the
balcony rctrulnrlv. ttlu-nvs iuvit,.,! V,B
lohllStone Ollt With n,r in I,,,,',,.. l...
evening air, and always made myself
us ugiccnoic as possinie.
On this particular evening, as I took
my little pipe from my lips, I felt for
the first time a long scum down the
wavy, well-polished stem. It was the
merest scratch, n scarcely perceptible
indentation of the surface. But still it
was there: and it nltr:irt,,1 at.,...
tion, and finally annoyed me. A hun
dred times ditl my 'finger wander up
and down the pipe-stem, tracing nut the
length and sin me nf Iho hl,,,:.J, n. T
talked lo my fair companion. I could
"'' """nig my eyes irom ncrs to
the nine once nr twin., even u,h;u Gh
was sj.caking; till finally sho stopped
ouuii in nn- iitiiiiiieoi a sentence, and
it was only bv A nrmnnllv r,i,l n,..i:
ment, based upon what she wits saying,
that I prevented her from retiring
Quickly into the nnrlnr where T b....r
Axletrcc was sitting. I finished my
smoke and my chat with her; asked to
be allowed tn attend herm, h..r t-;.l tl...
next nftcrnoon, and we parted lo our
ivspecmc cnamners.
On lonkitif nl mv nitu. T l..,,.l it...
the depth of the scratch was even less
.1 1.I i . ..
uiuii it nan seemeu to ine toucn oi my
restless finger. It really did not mar
the pipe at all, and to most eyes would
need pointing out to lie seen. But
there it was; I hatl discovered if; and
I should know nf id existence if the
Whole World besides Were i,rne,.nl I,
was the spider in my soup, the skeleton
in mv closet. It ann,,.....l ..... nM it
more because of the absolute perfection
of the pipe in all other respects. Why
ehnnld rw,t lhl ih... ...... iJ
.. ........,,, i,,,,! wlu Hu nearly
perfect be made absolutely so? There
nuu itawn, ami i was determined
that it should he maile mtrfw.1 ...l.U .
delay; and that I woultl place it the
uav in ine nanus of a little Hun.
rariaii. with whose llmmv n it nnncii.-
chiefly of three r'a. four V lu-n V
ahd av, somewhat promiscuously di
uioutcti, i snail not irouDlc you, an.:i
who. a meerschaum nW.mnl..r i..
own country, had been reduced fccre;
it out hick oi money to buy stock, to a
mere pipc-mender; for which he ight
consolation by living with a pijx- in his
mouth. Hut I was impatient of delay.
Why not do such n trifling and simple
piece of work myself? I hod the inv
nlemctlts by me. vhv tint n th,.,d t
determined to do so, and in a minute-
was rubbing away at my pipe-stem
with the finest sand-paper. The sur
lace was soon Kinontlu'il! hut nhist I
saw, when too late to stay my hand,
that I had rubbed off color' as well as
surface. My pipe was a light kind of
bricr-wood which hud hei 'II
darker to give it the usual and the cov
eted coior. i ncrc was but one remedy
to sand-paper it all over, and stain it
all anew again. So at it I went, ami
rubbed until the first part of the opera
tion wits completed, and I postponed
the rest until the morrow.
When I awoke in the nioiuii.v. my.
eye first sought my pipe where I fctt ir
upon my toilet table. Yon simbt- be-
eiiiiue it vi-,ie n ui.u. ll,-,f 1 l.u.t,I -A..-.
I- " - " " I"!"" 1 .lltl-l ;
just as you smiled when you found that
mat Kcpi-cappcti noy, who is the de
light and the torment pf your life, ttxik
the Inv crii with llm rn..l I....L l...
.... .... ,.. inoiwir. iii.i, von
denied yourself to buy for him to bed
tne nrst tew nights alter the acquisition
of the longed-for treasure. But you,
when that handsome bay who does his
mile so easily within j..i"o first took his
rjhtce in vottr stable, tliil vim tmi nvt
morning, come to the breakfast-table
with the otlcr of his stall about you ?
When that pretty little yacht first took
you up the river to your country-placc.
uui noi yuur wile delect you standing
at your bedroom window at an un
wonted matiiml hour, in a very scanty
garment, feasting your eyes upon her
the yacht, alasl not the wife as she sat
iikc u uttcK upon me waierr wnen
that rare, early edition of your favorite
poet came, rich with the decorating skill
of Havdav. didn't vnttmiile in n iwmi..
scious sort of way carry it up stairs with-i
you when you went to bed, and take -last
look nt it "ns it was un there" iC
tcr VOtt Were limlreseeil nn.l n i'li-ul r..L
at it in the morning before you. ware -,l,..un
'.. t t'i A' -i r i
.mow i iwi nuuvr you lull. -fArcu
what difference docs it make whtitlwrv
it is a horse, n' limit, n hnnlr itr .f,.r
gun or a pipe? I looked thco. Att my .
hobby as you looked at yonss, :
seemed whiter in the daylight tiiatnun
tier the gas-burner; and 1 tMtitlfat.l
had done a foolish thing. 0,oi:,im'
brought me wisdom as wallLis roat, I
should have done no more titan consign
the mm. In 11,.. I......I. ,.e i:..t.. r..:.... i
i"' . 11.1111111111 m j mile ii lenii
of the consonantal designation. But 1
thought that was hardly srrtith while,
and that us I had hegiin'l might as well
go on, The truth was that I secretly
shrunk from asking his iiaitratioiis,
tnougn 1 did not acknowledged to my
self, for fear he should nrnnounca mv
pipe not genuine.
1 niiinlcrcd a young druggist among
my acquaintances, andcaHing upon him
oil mv wav homeward eurlv lluit iilii-r.
noon, I was provided with various dyes,
inciiiiiiiig logwood and copperas, and a
tincture which be ihiuurht w,,,1.1 .
ducc exactly the tint required. On
renchintr the limine T mri.u.L Vf;..
Johnstone, radiant, upon the from steps,.
mm, entering, uigeiiier, we nad a mo
ment's talk about mir mili,.fi,ili.,1
ure, for which the afternoon promised 1
finely. But 1 found that a full hour
IllllSt DOSS before We shnulll miiiint m.r
horses, anil I determined to improve a
part of this by finishing my pirc. it
woultl lake but a little while, initl jiut
leave me time to leisurly don my riding
gear. I took off my coat, turned up
my cuffs, and opplied the tincture with
a camel's hair brush. Hut to my sur-
Drisc and distrust the flui,! ti,l,;.-U
shaken in a bottle seemed to have just
mv leuuisii-urown nuc that 1 so much
desired to produce, when spread over
the wood dried of hriohi -
color, besides looking as palpaply
rm """ scnccks.andmak-
llltf the stem as slri.L..,t . iun.n ..-t.
by the aid of which Jacob so eflictually
"did " his father-in-law in that little op
eration in sheep and neat cattle. This
cxirencncc cost me some minutes of my
hour, but it taught me nothintr; for 1
went on with my job as if liesotted. I
summoned the ever-willing jenny, anil
me a Vcdgcwood
asked her tn eel me
mortar, in which I had seen the waiter
i :