The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1876, Page 8, Image 8

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A Twelve Pafe Monthly lltutfrated Paper, puWiibed at
L. SAMUF.L, 5 Waahiniilon-U.
(Including Pottage to any part of the United State:)
One copy, one year, I'Jo
Einlla Number.
PohIhko to furolKn countries, S'i cut. ittJUIllonttl.
H-MttlruTlliUnn mini b liltl In luivsncF, and
All nniMTH Will iolllvH.V li" stopped at Um did
of tlio tltnii tlioy urn paid fur.
IlomlttiiiitfaintnlM'irm'l liy rruMofnd letter,
ril-,lll,!.i ni.m,.y nt r, ur by order on any of Hit!
Portland uusliinsa houses.
Pruned by lieu. 11. lima,, cur. Kiwil ft Wellington rt
Washington Territory is in the north
eastern portion of the United States,
extends through nearly eight degrees
of longitude, covering iibout three hun
dred ami sixty mile of the frontier of
Hritish Columbia, anil has an average
breadth from north to south of nearly
four hundred miles. It has an area of
09,128 square miles. Allowing for
the waters of I'ugct Sounil and the
mountain districts, there are 35,000,
000 acres of timber, prairie and liottom
land open for settlement. Of these
20,000,000 arc covered with timber;
5,000,0m arc rich alluvial bottom, and
10,000,1x10 are prairie and barren land.
The Territory is divided into two di-
ritory to the Spokane River, a distance
of one hundred and fifty miles. The
-t.. h eepti are the
slopes of the mountains, which are cov
ered witn evergreens, inc
is generally high, rolling and irregular,
with occasional plains. North of the
Spokane, the characteristics of the
basaltic formation giving way to the
. . i t, . 1 tUf
slate, quartz anu limestone, aim
surface breaking into hills and valleys,
covered with a good supply of various
kinds of timber. This valley, known
as the Spokane, lies between the 46th
and 47th parallels; it is unfit for culti-
:i I...:.,.. ., Il.rh, Bund. i-h.
vuiimi, tne ouii uvuig '
pable of producing nothing but sage
T 1 1 r i.l rL.nAn-n
orusn aiui 11 lew paicnes ui uuian i...
Th. wii U'll:i vullrv in the south
eastern portion embraces one million
acres ot good araDic lano, capnutc ui
u..nnri;.,.r a Ura nnnillation. Lailll
in this valley commands from $5 to
40 per acre, as 11 is useiut ui tunu
agricultural or grazing purposes.
Grain is raised in large quantities, the
average yield being very high. V'ege-
uidics utiu 11 tin ic 1 iiini in .
and of excellent quality. Beef, wheat,
. . . . , " . i t ur..u..
wool and nines are cxporieu iroiu i ana W....1I I .1 HVinrici-n
tvana ti 1 i.iiiniivi piiii -..ii ,
and its fruits ami vegetables find a ready
market. There is agricultural land
enough in Eastern Washington to sup
port a large population, yet its great
feature is the extensive grazing ranges
The deadliest foe to loTO tl not change nor mis
fortune, nor Jealously, nor anything Uiat o
from pawum, or emanates from lortune-tne dead
liest foe to it is custom. Uulvrr.
Some women appreciate this warn
ing, anil never suffer the enemy to gain
foothold. It is nothing more than care
lessness, apathy and indifference. Other
women marry, accept a home and sct-
tli. down to it as mere fixtures, pieces of
furniture, automatons, with the idea
that possession alone is sufficient to
chain love to its rightful sphere. Mis
taken fancy. A husband seeks to be
entertained fully as well as when he
was a lover; he is equally as worthy of
it. By overlooking this fact a wife
may cast from her a pearl of priceless
value. To retain love you must fas
cinate it, never suffering one little vul
nerable point to escape it. A flower
may be admired for a time, but it is
easily superseded or forgotten. It has
not the subtle soul of charm with which
to engrave its remembrance upon the
mind; it has no voice of music with
which to stir the chords of the heart,
to enchant the ear with sweet melody.
It pleases the sense alone, it does not
aDosetiicin, uiagia, unit tt Droken
heart, for which there is no relief hut
death. She regrets too late, and reali.
.Ua. U m 111 ntL'n lianJ .1... .
zes in, 11 .".- tuat cast
away the jewel without which no life
is rwrfect love. .
... t
Read and Heed This Many
people seem to forget that character
grows; that it is not something to put
on ready-made with womanhood or
manhood ; but, day by day, here a lit.
tic and there a little, grows with the
growth, and strengthens with the
strength, until, good or bad, it become,
almost a coat of mail. Look at a man
of business prompt, reliable, conscien.
tious, yet clear-headed and energetic.
When do you suppose he developed all
these admirable qualities? When he
was a boy ? Let us see the way in
which a boy of ten years gets up In the
morning, works, plays, studies, and we
will tell you just what kind of a man
he will make." The boy that is late at
breakfast, and late at school, stands i
poor chance to be a prompt man. The
boy who neglects his studies, be they
ever so small, and then excuses himself
by saying, " I forgot, I didn't thinkl"
will never be a reliable man. And the
visions naturally by the LVctdc Moun
tains, which run north and south par
allel with the Pacific Coast, in 45 degs.
west longitude. ThesediviMoiiH,which
are of unequal proportions, ilitll-r in
soil, climate unit toMigraphy. The por
tion lying east of the L'ascmles, em
bracing 50,2 10 square miles, is known
as Eastern Washington. The greai
natural features of this sei-timi, is the
Columbia River, which enters the
Territory in a northern line at 41 degs.
west longitude, anil pursues a westerly
ami southerly course fur 41XJ miles, un
til it reaches the 461I1 degree uf north
latitude, when it detlectt sharply to the
west, forming for about 300 miles the
boundary lictwcen I he State of Oregon
and Washington Territory. This no
ble river has great commercial advan
tages, hue scenery and can be made
useful in irrigating some of the barren
plains adjacent to it, thus causing them
to produce in abundance grains and
gitir. 11 receives in its course sev
eral rivers which traverse this aretiim.
the principal ones of which art Snake,
Walla Walla, Winachee, Okanagan,
Spokane. Klickitat, and others of Iru
iiiqxirtaiKC. Its principal tributary,
the Snake River, receives the waters
of the Palouse, Clearwater, Tucanan
and many minor streams. These rivers
have an aggregate length within the
Territory ot eight hundred miles. The
whole of Eastern Washington may tie
denominated one vast, unbroken prairie
from the (outturn oountiary 01 the 1 er-
which exist in the Walla Walla, I'al-
ouse, KI1ck1t.1t ami 1 akima valleys.
These ranges are crowded with profit-
ni'ii in milieu glass, wiiKii retains us
nutritious qualities through the winter.
upon which the cattle thrive the year
roiinif. in severe winters, aoout one ,
vear in every eight or ten, stock must
lie fed ami sheltered.
The principal industries of Eastern
Washington is stock raisiny;, a market
being had in British Columbia, West
ern Washington, and Oregon. Large
quantities ot wheat, Hour and wool are
annually shinticd to California, the
Sandwich Islands, and Europe.
Though the country is not heavily tim
bered, yet it has a good supply of cot-
timwniil. al.ti. iiIom nii.l u.hli-l.
" ' , "" v..., n. ...... .
irn.iar nib.n tt, mnr.rin. nt" I '
upon agricultural lands. The climate
of this section is very mild for its lati
tude. In Walla Walla valley the aver
age temperature for spring is 52 deg.;
summer, 51 deg.; in winter, 34 deg.
The average rain fall is 18 inches. In
Colville valley, further north, the win.
I ter is several degrees colder, approach
ing uiai 01 noriiiern imuana ur unio.
The Stmtt JiirAts Dtmoerot. nub.
fished at Alliany, has entered its 12th
vulume. It is one of the sniciest and
newsiest papers in Oregon. Tt could
hardly he otherwise with Gen'l Mart
V. Brown as "Chief" and our old
friend Norton as local.
reach the spiritual essence. If men do
not find companionship at home they
will seek it elsewhere. The presence
of the domestic hcartltone must not
allow one link of the golden fetters
wound about his heart to break. An-
pcarances arc by no means to be slight
ed. There is much in the wearing of
favorite colors, in taking advantage of
women's especial privilege, which is to
look as captivating as possible, hut
there is more in the cunning diplomacy
of her chief aid, weapon and defense
the tongue if its power is used with
discretion. The fascination of intellect
is more potent than that of beauty it
is long-lived. When man seeks com
panionship abroad, the chief tenure
that bonnd him is snauned vou have
depreciated in his eyes although he
may at nrsi ne loin to own it to him
self. He may find that in comnanion
ship ugly contrasts come stealing into
nis mind, and tiy-and-by the early love
regrets her marriage and shudders to
find herself a deserted wife. What If
temptation stand at the door then.flinn-
ing Bowers at her feet whose fatal per
fume bew ilders tltc soul and intoxicates
the discerning sense of virtue? Alal
it is too often the story of ruin, self-
boy who finds pleasure in tho suffering
of weaker things will never be a noble,
generous, kindly man a gentleman.
We present to our readers, on this
page, a view which will readily oc
cnirnizcd as thorouc-hlv Oreeonian bj
anv one who has visited the interior 01
the country within the last two weeks.
It is a busy scene. The immense scpe
rator and the engine to drive its hungrf
iaws. the rnttlins beaters and shelving
screens, the ever-widening circle ot u
headers and header wagons, the horns
dragging away the quickly accumulst
ing straw ; the owner in his buggy f'
the overseer on horseback supervising
the small army of men required to d
the work, the bright sunlight flooding
the scene, all these are characteristics,
of Oregon's peerless harvest.
There is a lady who keeps a hotrf
along the line of the Central RlrP"
who understands catering better th
she docs the meaning of words. I
otner day ncr son came running -v
ing there was a load of Immigrant
the depot. The old lady said ; " WJ
quick; take this basket and get a p
of 'em. We want some fresh vegeta
bles awful bad."