Aui 12 'gust. THE WEST SHORE. POSITION IN SLEEPING. It is better to lay on the right aide, fur then the stomach is very much in the position of a bottle turned upside down, and the contents of it are aided in passing out by gravitation. If one goes to sleep on the left side, the opera lion of emptying the stomach of its contents is more like drawing water from a well. After going to sleep, let the body take its own position. If you deep on your back especially soon af ter a hearty meal the weight of the digestive organs, and that of the food, resting on the great vein of the body, near the back bone, compresses it, and arrests the flow of 1)1 ood more or less. If the arrest is partial, the sleep ib dis turbed, and there arc unpleasant dreams. If the meal has been recent and hearty, the arrest is more decided; and the va rious sensations such as falling over a precipice, of the pursuit of a wild beast, or other impending danger, and the des perate effort to get rid of it arouses us, and sends on the stagnated blood, and we wake in a fright, or trembling, or prespiration, or feeling exhaustion, according to the degree of stagnation, and the length and strength of the ef fort made to escape the danger. Itut when we arc not able to escape the dan gerwhen w e fall over the precipice When the tumbling building crushes us what then? That ih Death! That is the death of those of whom it is said, when found lifeless in the morning: "That they were as well as they ever were the day before;" and often it it added: "and ate heartier than com mon!" This last, as a frequent cause of death to those who have gone to bed to wake no more, we give merely as a private opinion. The possibility of its truth is enough to deter any rational man from a late and hearty meal. This we do know, with certainty, that wak ing up in the night with painful diar rluea, cholera, or bilious cholic, ending in death in a very short time, is prop erly traceable to a late large meal. The truly wise will take the safe side. For persons who cat three times a day, it is a in nl v flullicient to innko thi lnt moul of cold bread and butter and a cup of some warm tinnk. Wo one can starve on it; while a perseverence in the habit soon begets a vigorous appetite for breakfast, so promising of a day of comfort, SUMMEB COOPS, JATKNT IMPOTATIONN OF Fashionable Summer Goods, Can be hrt at IOT Third Nl.. from JOHN HIIAOX. Iuimui Micuut, Kknmbtn M.n.B.t, h inland. Vim (Vinhitt. U IWiNiuKiitu St., Hau Krani'ltro. CORBITT MAOLEAY, IS t l6r'niiilHi.,nittl It) A lit, KlrslHl,, Portland, a. WIIOl.KNALK UIMM-KKM, Nalpplntf aad ('amniUaloa Mert-httnta, Impmtrra of TEA, TOBACCOS A LIQUORS. KiHirttreaf W Flunr, and all alads at On. t.Hwml Ciwli Advunrvann t'oualiminrnts. JAMES LA ID LAW CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ?, First Niroet, Portland. HiU.K AUK NTH KOK WANT POWhKR, I IVrrlu's Worrvslrrslitre Kance ; A gi'ii U lor Dundee Ontln ling MumilWiiirers, Ami Kx porter of UUAIN, WOOt, anil M AI.MoiN, ami oilier OlN KduN PIIOUI'l'K. a: J. MoCRAKEN ft CO, luBiMrlvra, IIIPPINU COMMIMMION MKRCHANTS, MUMwm Num. mwi at, rununa .i.., L ami iIUmIi.c: M.-Murray ami W. K. Lewis lliiiOM; tiroa Oo-'aand Kluer) Hoi' Can ulta; Ha I rut Ijm Co. ' Willi lttd. Also, for lbs nlluwhi Flouring Mills: Mug. DollN.HumUnl, lbuiou. AilUtavUlta Ukuluu. N. H. Rperlal m tout Ion paid to Ship's tumlrimu ami urrtiwhi .'mtvtm of W heal ami Fl.ur. T.A.lunf,fca, ' " (, - Farllaad. Oragaa, IMrOKTKM AMD WHOI.WA1..W OF DRUC8, PAINTS, 0:LS, QLABS AM DRUOOIBTBBUKDRIKB, Hole Akfiiia ft,r Ilia AVERIU CHEMICAL PAINT. Dosl M Ton Ujiij ill of.Ui Coubj." MiMHlini f Glue, Curled Hiir and Neat." Foot Oil. u hi Mpr') ana VMklMiwTVnt- twt tiki rw)K rrfeaa Oraw juMf A Uai rNtawa, on. W. JACKSON CO Importer, Wholesale .nd retail dealer! In Hint quality CROCKEKY, ULAHHWARE, FRENCH CHINA, PLATED WARE, BETH THOMAS' CLOCKS, Ana a general aMOrtawnt ef House Furnishing Goods. 410, PAINTS, OILS. AC, ftC, No. 36 Front Btreet, Portland, (jre n. HAllDWAIlE, 1HON AND NTKUL, ('amberland Coal, Blarkanltk'B Material, Axle. Bolt, RlvrU, Kola, Waahera, Boras, Hon NhoM and Nails Wraasbt and Malleable Iraa. For dale by J. A STROWBRIDGE, IMPORTER AMD DBALBB IS Shoe riniLliis 141 Front St., Portland A. a fllMM. W. B. OILBKKT OIBBS GILBERT, Attorney! and Counselor! at Law, Corbelt BnUdlr, 98 Flrel St., Portland, O. Will prarllre In ell irenrta of Rereta In the State, end Pav paitkular atleutlou Ui UuklurH In (lie U. Cuurta ELLIS a. HUGHES, Attorney at Law, PORTLAND, ORKUON, Ilttom 1, Ankeny'a Building. BARBER & NICK1IN, DENTISTS, HuceeaMira to llntvh A Thompeoll, 1U6 Flnitt,, Portland, Okd. OREGON BAKERY, F. OPITZ, - - . Proprietor First HU, Bfit to ear, of Pine, Portland, Mtinufecturen of all kinds of Crackers, Bread, Cakes AND PAHTRY. PILOT, SHIP AND NAVY BREAD Alwaye auld below Hun FranoiHco prices, tireatt Reilnrtlon In Prlre Ml MtUI.AI at BRO.'H CENTRAL PLANING MILLS, Cor. North Heooml and E RU Piirtlnnd, VJMTICCEII.INO, MOUIJHNG, M,, KIS1W E iiiudH, Itrttckffti, Urni, Tiinka, Ken.M, Ac. tuiiimoii rise uuun, rwuii tutu uiinuM ai san KrHDclacti prk-ett. G. H. MEUSSDORFFER, 111 Front St., l'ortlnnd, Oregon. ftS-NEW STYLES-!! ' Received by each Steamer ESTEY "ORGAN LEADS THE WORLD. Over 1.000 Manufactured Monthly, Nearly 60.000U Actual Uac Hrnd for IllunlmU-U CttU.logue. AgpnlH wanted, A. P. SMITH A C, 109 Pront-iL. Portlrind. Or. REMOVED To Corner of Krouland Morrison 8!., lVirtland. D. W. WTT.TJAMq & CO., Hu.'cwoni to WllllamM A Myrrn, Com m union Merchants, And Dealer in Oroecrtes, Oregon and California Prodnoa. ESTABLISHED IN 1800. All Work ktul (loodi WurrnntiH) at rPitrrnf-nlnl, J. R MILLER. Watchmaker and Jeweler, wrim "...rnriMMr iiuinuiit, liruand,0. I tlMHTAMTLT UM HAND-WATCHKH OK Tut llT n lrhnilrtl maker of KiirH- ktol Amrrlra. PM-rtl 'lllig ituM hi tit-It Hon m i luadtiiIlii bihI irx.lilii(C.,mii ruir naii iira. tAauitMMl rlllUC Cnas. Hirstel & Co., 1MP01TKU A DKAUU IX BOOKS $ STATIONERY, NOTIONS, TOYS, ETC., KTC. SubM,-npiioni rwiml for all Eastern ruWu-ttiom No. 77, Frout 8t, PortJand. Oregon. TIUXK BOOatTlnPK TO OKDKR. "THE UEKMAN PHARMACY7, OF WM. PrCNDER. Ankeny sNew Tlicatcr BIocV, Cor. Tint and Aih Rta., llilaiHl, itrofntt. U T1M tni Wore Wiirre Par Milrla . , , Aa4 Rare CbmlraU At dlpi.Ml. Tka Mmpanndlns of Proaeriptioiu a (vrfU.ijr. AlUtndauca aoaieivi.u A full Hock of Toilet Article ud Perfuuiory, WH PHiafala with chokt HruM aud Miutrml Watvn IU mil opfnuioa. ESTABLISHED 1S51.. If ATI T WOOT) LUMBER Hl'BS MPOHB38 and R1M8, ' Hickory Axlea, Plow Handle and Beanaa, Tar, Pltrb, Oak a a and Oart, Tar'd and Manila CertfL. Anrtiore and t'halna, , . Cut and Wrons-ht Nulla, Rplkea, At. NORTHRUP THOMPSON, 161 from Street, rorctana, urtgvn. OHEGOU CARPET WAHEHOUSE. WALTER BROS. Importers and Dealers in Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, PAPER HANGINGS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, , 92jiridJ)4FirstStrMi Portland,jOrenn ACKERMAN S GRAND CENTRAL ESTABLISHMENT. Fancy Goods, Toys, Baby Carriages, Musio Boxes, Albums, Work Boxet. Crockery, tiliuia and Plated Ware, Lamp, aud lam, Stock, BOHEMIAN AND PARIAN VASES, TOILET SETS, ETC ETC., 4 Pint aad W Front Htrect, Portland, Orcaaa. l'lOISKIin ONK DOLLAR HTOIIE. WMEYER & UTTER, I 31 First Street. The only fashionable Merchant Tail oring Establishment IN PORTLAND. A Full Line of Gentlemen' IFuralshlng 1 uooua aiwuyi on nanu, REAB AND SHOW YOUR NEIGHBOR I A MERICAN WATCHES AT PRICES LOWER V than any other establishment on tho coast. We hitve i)eclal orlce lints which we will send to any adilrciw upon application. A full asHortment of Jewelry uiiil Hllver Ware always on nam! at the lowest prices. Jewelry made to order, at the shortest notice, Special attention paid to repair ing wuirnes, anu jeweiry uy expenencen wora men. The only Jewelry Inanufactory In Portland. "Oreaoa Jewelry M anu fact urlng Co." U C. HKNRIL'HHEN t (Jo., PlOpr'l, No. 109 Flnt HI., Portland, Orenon. a mm e 7 8 Thoae utand Air the WHEELER & WILSON Sew Family and Manufactory MACHINES. XoHhuttl. No breaking or thread. Warranted to Rive stu Infliction. orriK3o Third (Street. PORTLAND, ORRflOS. Lower Than Evert TTAyiNO TAKER A L advantage of the lute unsettled condition lfornla Money Uarkek, Purchased for Cul Tbe Largest Stock tt Watches, Jewelry & Silverware. Kver brought to Orfgoi, and am now enabled to former WHOLEHALE PKICE. No plRtd Jewelry of any kind la kept In my, kiiii;ic ia wnrntiiiea H rpprcaented. I aluo have the Agency of tbe tut To those Intending lo send East for Watches,! wouiu y ii uiey win jet me Know, the nami and price of the watch they intend to send for.I By all means give mo a call before going or ending elsewhere. W Front-st, Portland, Oregon. Great Reduction in Prices! J. SIMON CO., Having removed all.thelr Stock to their large N Storo, 41 Front Straat, Are now fully prepared to sell all kinds of Doors, Sash. Blinds AND WINDOW CLASS, At 10 per cent, below Ban Francisco Prices. Also a great Assortment of FINE MOULDINGS To arrive, which will be offered at prices low than ever sold In Oregon. Contractors, Builders, and the Public are InTh vlted to call and examine stock aud prices. Ulatlng done to order at short notice. CORBETTS Livery, Hack and Feed Stables, Fire Proof), Corner Second and Taylor Streets. ramg able Thar for Hire". Partleular Altvutloa paid to Hoarding lloraea. Observe prica In the Hack Department; Rhllnx, at Mpfihmir t'BlliiiB. l no nm tiiir SAorpli sddlttoul hour. Tit txiatB, to pruts pat h ua4H'iu.tir. ViiiMnlt, aiw-r HtM-k. T.i and fnun Rails ami Paillp I 5ft a rmtnlt Ordjrt U-ft at HTARLKur KUHKL A BaHIkAtB, 4roniptlr altrmW t at arir hur. IVuila wttliout' int-ana will be fumt.hfdHwka free of fuiH-relt tor ibf itKii tlitrty da) a. S. A. NEPPACH. I'UARMAl'ItiT, Paaler In Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines. DKUTHCHB AlMTHtKE. Corner First and Oak 8ts.. Portland, Or. Pt.rat. tmvi' Pwscriplhroa prrparrd at all hotfradaroT ntgbt irst Class Stand. irst Class Cigars, irst Class Custom. IRST AND ALDER. OREGON Furniture Manfg. Company, HAVE REMOVED TO hi Hi.;, Center First ail 7ml .tt Ninarutnrtn aad Ian porters, Wbobmle and Retail Dealers la FURNITURE & BEDDING, CARPETS, Matting, Oortalai, WUdow Btudst, Mlrron, 4W Steam Factory, cor. Front andIadisort-stt. THIS IS AN INSTITUTION EMPLOYING A large number of hands, using the OREGON HARD WOODS In the manufacture of their Furniture, and man aged by gentlemen or life-long experience In th Diwlneiw. The goods mode by this catabllhment are far better tlmn those importi'd heretofore jind irv,uinpny nave succeeded In Htapptag laapartaUaaa of Caiirornta and KAmutrn i'at Ma rem M. Rpanldlng, Morion M. Spauldlng. BPAULDINO BROS. ltettlers iu FRESH MEATS of all kinds. Mess Beef and r,ittt. llama. Bacon, Inl, Etc, Onlral Mara.t. stall. , 41 m, P.rUa.d. A. II, Johxhon, iL.?"k"-J. "laal Itatrirrr aad aad doal.r la all klada nl Fresh and Cured Meats, Baoon, Hams and Ijaxd. Klmal Albotloa ... . , n..ii. ""Pi'iyinf nnipt. Stalla M, t aad m, Oalral MarkM. ronland.Orrcon 0 KEG ON TRANSFER CO. Onnci at Dray and Jlaek Stables, SonlhwMt roracr Sraind and Stark atrrrta. All tu.lnna entni.lrd 10 ua will ba urcutad ll car. and dl.palct). Orders for Hacks promptly at tended to, Bay or Night.