The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1876, Image 1

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    - - Jl ,lle uf first Cnlnn...
first Colimm
a Wt1'
VOL. 1 No. 12,
To give encouragement to pupils and
others in thcjr efforts to attain literary
excellence, the publisher of The West
Shore offers the sum of
for several articles, as follows:
First Prize Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary, value, $13, ,
or the best composition written by any
boy or girl under the age of eighteen.
Second Prize A Writing Desk,
value, $13,
for the best composition written by any
boy or girl under the age of thirteen.
The foregoing prizes can only be
competed for by resdents of Oregon
and Washington Territory.
Third Prize $15 U. S. Gold Coin,
for the best article upon the resources
of Oregon, written by any resident of
the State.
Fouith Prize $15 U. S. Gold Coin,
for the best article upon the resources
of Washington Territory, written by
any resident of the Territory.
All articles must reach us before the
first clay of October, as the awards will
be publicly announced1 on Friday v Oct.
13 at 3 p. ti. in the Pavilion at the State
Fair Grounds, Salem.
Fifth Prize $25 U. S. Gold Coin,
for the best Christmas Story.
, Competitors for this prize must have
their manuscript delivered to us by the
15th day of November next as the
award will be published in the Decern
bcr number of The West Shore.
For the guidance of all competitors,
we will state that their articles must be
addressed "Editor West Shoke, Box
3, Portland, Oregon." Articles in
tended for competition must be sub
scribed by the writer with his or her
true name, and children, in addition to
their names, must state their ages and
places of residence. No rejected man
uscript will be returned to the writer
unless it is accompanied with sufficient
stamps to pay return postage.
Every accepted article will lie es
teemed our exclusive property, and as
such will be copyrighted and published
in the West Shore.
SIXQUf COt-llo,' acKina
Were we to offer the advice of a
friend, we would say to the sufferers
from heat in all parts of the world, that
if they would go to a country where
summer is a paradise, where its hills are
ever shaded,, and its prairies always
scenting summer breezes with the fr. I
g ranee of flowers; where cool moun
tain streams are coursing through every
valley, and wild berries arc ripening
all summer; where the snows of win
ter rest coolly on the summits of mountains-,
while rich golden grain waves
in the fields below; where beautiful
lakes are numerous in the land, and
fish are caught in abundance, and
where it is much of life to live, we
would say, by all means, go to the Pu
get Sound Basin, at once. Olympit
The door-sillofhomejs the treshold
of heaven.'
...... .j iim-insnnisTiii 11 1' 111 .i"" II
v 1
'See psjjs 4,
If we were called upon to n; me t' e
neatest, snuggest and hi'ntlsomest little
hamlet in the valley, we sheuld with
out any hesitation name Scio. The
village contains about 600 people, with
neat residences, having large roomv
yards, good sidewalks, well-shaded
smooth streets, commodious stores and
shops. The town, or rather city, for it
is incorporated, is pictiiresquelv located
on the Sautiani at its unction with
Thomas Creek, a rapid flowing moun
tain stream, and in the midst of as fine
a farming country as ever laid out of
ooors. It is connected with the out-
With this issue we close our first vol
ume and we feel constrained to return
many thanks for that patronago which
has cm bled us tomake theWssT Shore
what it Is to-day the pride of every
well-wisher of the Pacillc Northwi.
Jfhc promises contained in our Saluta
tory have been more than fulfilled, for
within six months after it reached the
public, the West Shore was increased
from eight lo twelve pages, and with
I our next number the commencement
01 ine second volume our publication
will be enlarged to 16 pages, making if
the largest paper published on the Pa
cific Coast. Our subscription list is now,
with but one exception, hy far the lar
gest of any paper..publishcd north of
San FrancisciyHVe shall be pleased to
have our friends renew their subscrip
tions and induce others to become sub
scribers, for should we, as wc have rea
sons to hope, double our circulation
during the coining year, we can prom
ise The West Siioiik as a weekly
with the commencement of the third
volume. We arc pursuuded that inde
pendent of any pleasure afforded to
our readers, our illustrations and artf-
..I..U ..ruin llu H. ..t r I
ttTi s zafet? Tr'ry h,,vc rrc"
seven miles and a telegraph line to the auc,ltlon "broad, and consequently have
same place. Among the enterprising accomplished much good in behalf of
firms and individuals doiim business this section of the countrv. W C.1
there are Messrs Brown & Johnson, 1 under obligations to the press through
I. IS. Irvine, u. I', Mason, Dr. IS. II ' , ,u . e .1 ,. ,
Davis, ami the amount of trade done !0'" thcou",r' f"r "lany kind no-
yearly in the town, Inking evcrjthing "E west shore has
iiho consideration, is bordering on the ( "ccn tnc auiMcct, and our cllorts will be
marvelous. Two churches and a nmt evprtnl ihiit U mu ..v..? .n; ik.t-
school house are the principal public ' nriliKC
buildings of the citv. A pood hi.i. l 1 '
manes tnc stranger " within its gates "
feel at home; and taken nil together,
Scio is a tfuod nince to live in. i !.,
v. ... lur rvirrauon.
baity Democrat,
6- .. Ar-
- - - J
Salesrooms or the okeoon firkitcee mani facttoi q 00-SMpif.s.
" Do you believe in fortune telling ?"
asks a yaung correspondent. Yes, cer
tainly we do, and practice it too.
Would you like a few trials of our
skill ? Well, then, give attention.
When a boy with black hair and eyes
always tells the truth, he will he believed
and respected as long as he lives, ami
as people would prefer to keep him
alive, he will stand a good chance to
arrive at old age. A girl with brown
hair ami blue eyes, who obeys her pa
rents, ia good tempered and industrious,
will have many admirers, particularly
among sensible men, and iha will
therefore be in the way of getting s
good husband. If a girl with rosy
cheeks and curly hair will avokl late
hours, tight dresses, too many nice
things lo eat, will take plenty of exer
cise in the open air, and keep good
nalured, she will probably be a good
looking and happy lady, and, if she ob
tains a good education, she will be a fit
wife for a Governor or President. Ia
all these cases, the hair and eyes arc of
no great importance, but the other re
quisites must be strictly observed so
have the p&x fortune come out right.
Khingle roofs can be made more du
rable hv giving them a'coatof thinalin-sced-oilbcfore
they getwct J